The Next Step

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The Next Step

#1 Post by Antman9 »

Percy and Co-Pilot need to stabilize the ship (take it out of the tailspin) by removing the Complication 2: Shuttle Tailspin d6 (See Raising the Stakes below). If it can’t be removed, this task will roll into Beat 2

The GM set the stakes at: 11
  • Difficulty Die: Challenging d8
  • Trait Die: Ambush d8
  • Complication 1: Starboard Ion Drive Malfunction d6
  • Complication 2: Shuttle Tailspin d6
Difficulty [1d8] = 5, Trait [1d8] = 2, Complication 1 [1d6] = 6, Complication 2 [1d6] = 3
Stakes: 5 + 6 = 11

The Starboard Ion Drive Malfunction complication can’t be addressed until the Shuttle Tailspin complication has been fixed. To do this the pilot, using the shuttle stats (I created an example Service Shuttle below based on the pic (LINK) I provided previously). Considering the assets (both assumed and obvious) a co-pilot should be able to lend a die for the stabilizing process (removing the Shuttle Tailspin complication).

Raising the Stakes
i.e. Making a Recovery Roll (see below) for the Shuttle Tailspin complication.
Using the Landing Your Boat scenario from pg 45 (see below), as this was the closest scenario I could find, we get the following Dice Pool:
  • Engines d10
  • Fly skill (Percy) d10
  • Protect Friends (Percy) specialty d6 (Focus specialty)
  • Ship’s Captain (Percy) d8
  • Proudhon signature asset (Percy) d8
  • Fly d8 (Bosco or Milly) co-pilot assist d8
Percy (nor anyone else) has a Ship’s Pilot Distinction. So I substituted Percy’s Ship’s Captain distinction because it was the closest to a Pilot distinction he has and it accounts for the sudden emergency that kicks his captain/leadership skills into gear. Then, because he “Protects the crew” as the captain and will feel pressure to perform, I added in his Focus specialty Protect Friends, giving him extra focus to perform. Then I felt having a co-pilot, as the ship I chose has two pilot seats, would be extremely valuable in assisting the pilot gain control. I think the rest are obvious.

So what does everyone else do?
That’s a good question, I’m glad you asked…
  • Gideon (Lawyer)
    Edmund (Bounty Hunter)
    Bosco (Mechanic)
    Milly (Investigator)
    Jesse (er…Special)
    Percy (Captain)
1) Pilot & Co-Pilot
Anyone with a Fly of d6 or more, I would think, would be able to lend a die to Percy and the Co-Pilot, such as advice, support, readout from system information, stuff to assist the pilots in making adjustments. Other players would just role play out whatever they think would be helpful. Be careful though, you don’t want to trigger a flashback or bad memory for the pilots, they might loose concentration and crash.

Simply add the d# roll in your post for that Beat, in this case Beat 1, spelling out how your roll helps the pilots, along with the normal role playing stuff.

2) Gideon & Edmund
They might not have much else they can do except hold on for dear life, and curse. However, if those players come up with something, then by all means give'er a try. I’m all for creativity. Just make sure you’re creative, spell’er out good and pretty.

3) Milly & Jesse
Being intelligent, investigative types, they might try to ascertain the source of that stray flash of light, using ship sensors and whatnot. This is where Jesse could track where the flash of light comes from, as long as sensors are on line (haven’t been taken out by a complication). Milly and/or Jesse might notice something distinct about the flash, it’s direction, size, color, etc.

The GM set the stakes at: 14
  • Difficulty Die: Challenging d8
  • Trait Die: World’s a’spinnin’ d10
  • Complication 2: Shuttle Tailspin d6
Difficulty [1d8] = 4, Trait [1d10] = 10, Complication [1d6] = 1

Raising the Stakes
Using the Landing Your Boat scenario from pg 45 (see below), as this was the closest scenario I could find, we get the following Dice Pool:

  • Mental d10
  • Operate d8 (Jesse)
  • Veteran of the Unification War d8 (Alliance Navy, Special Forces, he’s seen one or two firefights, not likely to miss something like a laser being fired at him)
  • Mental d8
  • Notice d10
  • Not Your average Detective d8 (she has an eye for noticing things others might miss)
4) Bosco
He’s likely to be pretty pissed if something happened to his shuttle. But in this case he’s busy relivin’ his past. But he could create a “I don't want to burn!” complication using his trigger and receive a PP. I read this as his choice. And the GM could call for a Flashback (as the book states), which I did:

Call for Flashback: Bosco Farwell – on account of the ship being hit and going down, possibly in a fiery ball that explodes on impact with the surface, certain as he’s strapped in, he’s relivin’ that day from his past today.

A flashback is a special Asset that relates to a mini-scene from a Crewmember’s past. The Gamemaster can call for a flashback scene any time a Crewmember creates an Asset by spending a Plot Point—especially when the Asset represents previous experiences or points out resources that might’ve had a powerful impact on the Crewmember. The Gamemaster can only call for one flashback scene per character per Episode.

When you create a flashback Asset, pick at least one other Crewmember to be involved in the flashback miniscene. Working with the other Crewmember, play out what happened in your past. The Episode’s main plot will pause to give your fellow players the chance to see what really happened. Once the flashback is over, step up the Asset you created by one die type. If the mini-scene is really interesting, the Gamemaster can opt to give you back your Plot Point, so pour your heart into it!
Although a Flashback is called for when a crewmember creates and asset, I will be calling for them on occasion when a crewmember experiences an event or situation that might trigger the same memories and feelings as an asset. I also felt, as a GM, that I could call for a flashback (especially since we are all new this rule set and learning together) and allow Bosco to choose if he wants to take the complication.

So the question is, what asset would Bosco get? I was having difficulty coming up with one. I need to poke around in the book some and see if I can find a similar example.

Additionally: I like the Flashback idea, and feel it would work well in other situations that don’t involve an asset. I am willing to not do this if some folks don’t want to. I’m happy to stick to the rules as they are.

Success & Failure (PG 266)
  • Ties go to those who Set the Stakes
  • An Extraordinary Success happens when a crewmember raises the stakes by 5 or more. The GM gives them a Big Damn Hero Die equal to the highest rolling die in the crewmember’s dice pool for that roll.
The Turn (PG 240)
  • GM Sets the Stakes by rolling the opposition’s dice pool and adding the two highest dice.
  • Crewmembers Raise the Stakes by rolling their dice pool and adding the two highest dice.
  • If the Crewmember exceeds the GM, the player Raised the Stakes and the Action succeeds.
  • If the result is a tie or lower than the GM the Action fails.
Complications (PG 238)
Complications tell the Bad Luck part of your crewmember’s story. Complications add an extra die to your opponents dice pool. They typically come into play when you roll a Jinx (a 1 on one of your dice). A roll of all 1’s is called a Botch. During a Botch the GM can add Complications without spending Plot Points. There is no limit to the number of Complications that can be added and used at one time.

When a Jinx is rolled by a crewmember the GM can spend a plot point to add a complications to that crewmember or ship. Complications can be scenario or crewmember specific and disappear when something causes the complication to disappear. Complications can also be removed by using an Opportunity. An Opportunity is when the GM rolls a 1. Spend a Plot Point and step back one of your Complications. You can also reduce or remove a complication by making a Recovery roll (see below).

Plot Points (PG 239)
Plot Points give a crewmember more control over their story, in effect to change the outcome of the story.

Use Plot Points To
  • Keep an additional die from your pool and add it to your total after you roll
  • Activate a Distinction trigger that requires a Plot Point
  • Create an Asset at a d6 that lasts until the end of the scene
  • Make an existing Asset last until the end of the Episode
  • Roll a Big Damn Hero Die and add it to your total after you roll
  • Stay in the fight when a high stakes roll results in you being Taken Out
Gain More Plot Points When You
  • You activate a Distinction trigger that gives you a Plot Point. For example, rolling a Distinction as a d4 instead of a d8
  • The GM buys a Complication after you’ve rolled a jinx.
  • The GM decides you deserve one for great play, a snappy one-liner, or a scene description that impresses your Crew.
Coming Up Short (PG 240)
Sometimes an Action roll comes up short. When this happens you can:
  • Add a Big Damn Hero Die
  • Activate a relevant Distinction trigger
  • Spend Plot Points to keep extra dice in your roll
Distinction Triggers
You can use as many Distinction triggers as you like, as long as you’re willing to pay the price. Each trigger lists its price, read them carefully. Triggers allow you to step up, double, keep extra dice, create assets, help crewmembers, etc. Most triggers require you to spend Plot Points.

Lending a Skill Die (PG 242)
Any crewmember can lend another crewmember Skill dice if they can describe how their Skill will help accomplish a certain task. Keep in mind the lending crewmember may also put themselves at risk, suffering the same or similar consequences, as the primary acting crewmember. In this scenario the GM may create multiple complications, without spending additional Plot Points, as a result of a single roll.

Big Damn Hero Dice (PG 238)
When taking an Action, and the total rolled is 5 more than your opponent, it’s called an Extraordinary Success. When this happens you get ot bank one die for a future roll called a Big Damn Hero Die. The Big Damn Hero Die is equal to the highest die type of your opponents dice pool (d6, d8, etc). Add the die to your character sheet.

To use a Big Damn Hero Die, spend one Plot Point for each die banked, roll the die after your normal Action roll, and add it to the total.

Using Big Damn Hero Dice (PG 242)
Big Damn Hero Dice allow a crewmember to do something heroic. When a roll comes up short, or the stakes are high, a player can spend a Plot Point and add one of their Big Damn Hero dice. In some cases a crewmember might even earn an additional Big Damn Hero Die as a result of an extraordinary success. There is no limit to the number of Big Damn Hero Dice you use during a roll, so long as you have the Plot Points to spend.

Losing Big Damn Hero Dice (pg 243)
Big Damn Hero Dice are normally kept until used or an Episode ends. If the GM’s roll total exceeds a crewmembers total by 5 or more, that crewmember will loose one Big Damn Hero Die equal to or smaller than the highest rolling die in the GM’s dice pool. Normally, if one of the Dice Pool dice comes up on a 1, a Jinx has been rolled. However, if a 1 is rolled on a Bid Damn Hero Die, the crewmember can revoke the Big Damn Hero Die adn regain the spent Plot Point.

Assets in Action (PG 244)
Normally assets a crewmember creates stay at a d6 rating unless there are Distinctions or Signature Asset triggers that say otherwise. A crewmember can spend as many Plot Points as they like and use as many Assets as they need to accomplish some goal during a single roll.

Any time a crewmember creates an Asset, and that Asset has a specific experiential tie to the crewmember’s past, the GM may call for a flashback scene. Only one Flashback scene can be called per character, per Episode. The specific experience is played out in a miniscene by the characters previously involved. The Asset is stepped up by one die type, and if the miniscene is re-visited by the crewmember in vivid detail, the GM may give that crewmember a Plot Point.

The Jinx (pg 245)
When a 1 comes up in a crewmember’s dice pool the GM can give the crewmember a Plot Point to create a Complication to reflect the Crewmember’s bad luck. Complication die start out at d6 and increase by one die type for every Jinx in that die pool. A Jinx roll also does not count toward the dice pool total, can’t be added to additional rolls, and cannot be used for Triggers. Jinx die are effectively Dead! Complications can also be incurred by Distinction triggers or by staying in a fight after having been taken out.

Big, Fat Nothing (pg 245)
When every Dice Pool die comes up as a 1, you’ve rolled a Botch, and the effective die pool score is 0. The GM gives the player a free complication and 0 Plot Points. The die starts at a d6 and steps up once for each 1 rolled in the dice pool.

Taking Opportunities (pg 246)
Opportunities can be taken by crewmembers when the GM rolls a 1 in their dice pool (GM Jinx). For every 1 rolled by the GM, a crewmember can spend a Plot Point and step back their Complication die by as many steps as needed, provided there are sufficient 1’s in the GM’s dice pool. When the Complication die steps below d6 the Complications is removed. Opportunities can be used on any Complication in play, not just those involving crewmembers. The crewmember that rolls against the GM gets to use the GM’s Jinx’s first.

Making A Recovery Roll (pg 247)
Crewmembers can attempt to remove a Complication by making a Recovery roll once per scene, provided there are sufficient resources to warrant the roll. The crewmember builds a dice pool with the appropriate Attribute, Skill, etc and rolls against the Difficulty dice pool which includes the Complication die total and a Difficulty die. If the crewmember’s roll is successful the Complication is removed, if it fails the crewmembers Complication die is stepped back once. A Jinx during a Recovery roll can further complicate a Complication.
DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
DM - Ying Huo Chóng – The Way of Things (Cortex Plus - Firefly)
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Re: The Next Step

#2 Post by Antman9 »

BEAT 1 (Revised)
Percy sees a bright flash in his right peripheral vision, just before he loses all starboard thrust, leaving only attitude control. Warning lights flash red, sirens blast the ship’s intercoms. The shuttle turns hard to starboard and straight toward the surface, diving fast. She begins a slow spiral toward the starboard as she descends, and the starboard thrust vector plate seems sluggish/unresponsive. Indicators show a malfunctioning starboard thrust vector plate and ion drive thruster.

STEP 1: Set the Stakes
  • Difficulty Die: Challenging d8
  • Trait Die: Ambush d8
  • Complication 1: Starboard Ion Drive Malfunction d6
  • Complication 2: Shuttle Tailspin d6
Difficulty [1d8] = 5, Trait [1d8] = 2, Complication 1 [1d6] = 6, Complication 2 [1d6] = 3
Stakes: 5 + 6 = 11

STEP 2: Raise the Stakes
Pilot (Percy) and Co-Pilot (Milly or Edmund) need to stabilize the ship (take it out of the tailspin) by removing the Complication 2: Shuttle Tailspin d6 utilizing support from the other crewmembers as needed. The more crewmembers that help the better the chances of success.
  • A successful roll (12 or more) removes the complication.
    A roll of 11 or less is a failure (unsuccessful roll) and the complication die is rolled back one die. In this case from a d6 to a d4 and so the Complication is also removed/eliminated; the ship has been stabilized.
  • Engines d10
  • Fly skill (Percy) d10
  • Co-Pilot Fly d8 (Milly or Edmund)
  • Protect Friends (Percy) specialty d6 (Focus specialty)
  • Ship’s Captain (Percy) d8
  • Proudhon signature asset (Percy) d8
  • Operate d8 (Edmund– if not flying co-pilot) and/or Operate d10 (Bosco) and/or Operate d8 (Jesse)
The Dice Pool
The highest two dice are kept and tallied for the die pool (this includes the individual dice lent from other crewmembers). Once all the dice rolls are posted, the Captain can then decide if he needs to keep extra dice or not, which he can do with a second post. If a Jinx (1) is rolled or you simply wish to keep an extra die, you can spend a PP(s) to keep one or more of the dice. Each crewmember gets 1 PP to start. The Captain can use his PP to keep an extra die, since he is the one rolling to remove the complication and his dice pool will be the only one with multiple dice, unless another crewmember comes up with a valid argument for lending multiple dice.

Your post should be in the standard PBP format:
  • First line should be your crewmember’s name and title (i.e. Zhào Percy – Ship Captain)
  • Follow this with your crewmember’s action and any dialog you feel is appropriate.
  • Next should be any dice rolls
For the action and dialog section you will want to describe, in as much detail as you can, what your crewmember is doing. You don’t need to write a book, but you do want to provide enough information that the GM and other players know exactly what you are doing/implying/trying to get across. If you post a short one liner, it may get misinterpreted by the GM or other players and lead to confusion. Try to portray, through words, how your crewmember reacts to the situation through actions, dialog, posture, etc.

Pilot & Co-Pilot
The Pilot and Co-Pilot will describe how they are trying to stabilize the shuttle. As a player you might describe the steps you take (this is all made up so just wing it). They might even shout orders to other crewmembers, such as “Divert power to starboard thrusters” etc. For those who plan to lend a die, add the die roll to your post.

Percy will have the biggest die roll:
  • Engines d10
  • Fly skill (Percy) d10
  • Protect Friends (Percy) specialty d6 (Focus specialty)
  • Ship’s Captain (Percy) d8
  • Proudhon signature asset (Percy) d8
The Co-Pilot will simply have their Lend Fly [1d8] roll. (they will roll it in their own post, as apposed to having Jack roll it)
  • i.e. Lend Fly [1d8]
Die Lenders
For those providing assistance, they might state they are diverting power, or whatever they can think up, and may shout those actions back to the pilot and co-pilot. They should describe how they are helping the pilots compensate for the Complication.

These folks will also have roll for the die they are lending (they will roll it in their own post, as apposed to having Jack roll it):
  • i.e. Lend Operate [1d8]
Everyone Else
Everyone else should hold on for dear life!!! They should describe how their character reacts to the situation, possibly even shout stuff out…”We’re all gonna DIE!!!,” “You got this captain!” etc.

I will keep track of complications, for vehicles, GMC’s, and Crewmembers at the bottom of the GM Summary Post, which come after the crewmembers have made their Raising the Stakes posts. Once the Summary Post has been made I will make a post in The Next Step thread.
DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
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Re: The Next Step

#3 Post by Antman9 »

Beat 1 (Supplement)
Here are the actions taken thus far for Beat 1:
  • Percy – rolled to stabilize the shuttle (14 to the GM’s 11 – That’s 3 more than the GM)
  • Gideon (Lawyer) – Held on for dear life
  • Milly (Private Eye/Co-Pilot) – Attempted to assist the Pilot
Suggestions for those that haven’t posted yet:
  • Edmund (Bounty Hunter) – Possibly assist with Lend Operate [1d8]
  • Bosco (Mechanic) – Possibly assist Pilot with Lend Operate [1d10]
  • Jesse (Reader/Special Forces) – Possibly assist Pilot with Lend Operate [1d8]
Those who wish to help the pilot and Co-Pilot with a Lend Operate die will describe how they are assisting to stabilize the shuttle. You might describe how you are diverting power to the thrusters, or some other made of schtuff. Be creative, I like it when folks get creative. Any who don’t want to assist, and just hold on for dear life, should simply describe how their characters react to the situation using actions, dialog, and interactions with the other crewmembers. Be as specific as you can so as to add color and excitement. Zhym did a fine job of doing nothing, succinctly I might add (yes I’m jealous), so you might react to his inquiry.

Note: If someone rolls a 9 or two people roll 8's Percy will get a Big Damn Hero die, which might come in mighty handy later on, if the crew gets themselves into a pickle.

Your post should be in the standard PBP format:
  • First line should be your crewmember’s name and title (i.e. Zhào Percy – Ship Captain)
  • Follow this with your crewmember’s action and any dialog you feel is appropriate.
  • Next should be any dice rolls
For the action and dialog section you will want to describe, in as much detail as you can, what your crewmember is doing. You don’t need to write a book, but you do want to provide enough information that the GM and other players know exactly what you are doing/implying/trying to get across. If you post a short one liner, it may get misinterpreted by the GM or other players and lead to confusion. Try to portray, through words, how your crewmember reacts to the situation through actions, dialog, posture, etc.

Sample format for the Dice Roller
  • Lend Operate [1d8]
DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
DM - Ying Huo Chóng – The Way of Things (Cortex Plus - Firefly)
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Re: The Next Step

#4 Post by Antman9 »

Beat 1b Options

In Beat 1a the crew was able to stabilize the shuttle and remove the Shuttle Tailspin d6 complication with an excess of 6 points giving Captain Percy a Big Damn Hero die and achieving an extraordinary success. The crew found a shortcut, due to some fast thinking and even faster action, and managed to keep themselves in Beat 1.

In Beat 1b the GM rolled a 1 when Setting the stakes. This can become an Opportunity for Bosco if he spends a PP.


Code: Select all

When the GM rolls a 1, spend a Plot Point and step back one of your complications
Crewmember Options
  • Land the shuttle before it crashes
  • Discover the source of the flash that may or may not have caused the engine failure
  • Flashback scene for Bosco and/or Cdr. Jesse
What Should You Post
With the Shuttle somewhat stable, yet still plummeting toward the surface, the captain needs to land her quickly, hopefully with a little help. The GM rolled an Opportunity, so that will help if Bosco decides to use his PP to step the complication back. In this case, Complication: Starboard Ion Drive Malfunction d6, I would think Bosco would have to use the Opportunity and spend his PP to jumpstart the Ion Drive (wording it however you like). Otherwise Percy will have to Raise the stakes and beat an 8 set by the GM.

For now, considering we are sticking to RP’ing, everyone should RP what their crewmember would do while diving speedily toward the moon’s surface: help the captain, discover the locale of the flash using shuttle computer systems and sensors, etc., or conduct a flashback. The crew has been given a free Beat, so you have time/options. I gave you 6 Beats before the shuttle hits the surface of the moon, and you are still in Beat 1.

If you want to discuss the options in the Episode OOC, go ahead, otherwise make your Crewmember’s post based on what you think they might do (considering their pathology).

Possibilities based on skills/job title:
  • Edmund Longabaugh (Bounty Hunter): Co-Pilot, Something else?
    Cdr. Jesse Clay (Battle Strategist): Assist Boscoe with Flashback, search for source of flash
    Boscoe Farwell (The Janitor): Flashback, use Oportunity
    Millicent Archer (Private Eye): Co-Pilot, Search for source of flash
    Gideon Wainwright (Attorney at Law): Assist in some way?
    Zhào Percy (Ship’s Captain): Land the ship (Raise the Stakes roll)
While the actions are being posted, I will add comments in the Episode OOC as to who should roll what, when, and how for those who need help in that area. Some actions won't require rolling dice, such as using ship computers and sensors to determine the source of the flash, or doing a Flashback. Percy landing the ship will require a Raise the Stakes roll. I will make a post later with what that dice pool might look like (though Jack is welcome to go ahead determine it for himself if he feels comfortable doing so).

My last Episode OOC post stated the following:
  • Keep each Beat simple for now, until everyone is comfortable with the rules and dice rolling.
  • Players focus on the Role-Playing aspect for each beat.
  • Players post what they feel their crewmember would do in the scenario/situation, stating any specific skills/assets/etc. they might be using.
  • Shift dice rolling to the end of the Beat, and for the time being, until everyone is more comfortable with the system and used to coordinating efforts, the GM makes the rolls (or) asks one player to roll a dice pool.
  • Crewmember interactions (dialog) should be a natural part of a player's post (rather than mechanics).
A Note on Role-Playing & Posting
I always try to get my players to state their intent, rather than rolling the dice then state what their character does based on that roll, or posting based on another/other character’s post. My reasoning is, the DM is adjudicating the outcome of an entire scene, one moment in time, based on multiple factors (environmental, crewmember actions, etc). The player should be making their post based on what came before that moment and/or what their character will do in that moment. Does that make sense?

Each player should ask themselves before they post
  • What would my character do, based on their pathology?
  • What outcome do I hope to accomplish?
  • What are my intentions?
  • What approach will bring my character or the party closer to achieving those intentions (goals)?
  • Is the approach possible (based on pathology and environment)?
Now describe, in as much detail as needed, your character’s actions. Sometimes more is better, but not always. You want to make sure the GM and the rest of the party understand your intentions. If an approach is even remotely possible, if beating the door senseless for five rounds will open it, then the approach is possible and there is no need to make a roll. Simply state your intention: “I/we beat the door senseless until it opens”. The GM will adjudicate accordingly. The GM’s description of the environment should let you know whether or not you can beat the door into submission.

Behavior or action based upon the physical and mental attributes of your crewmember formed as a result of historical interactions with external factors (physical & mental interactions; environment; experience).
DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
DM - Ying Huo Chóng – The Way of Things (Cortex Plus - Firefly)

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