Deities & Patrons

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Ranger Knight
Ranger Knight
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Deities & Patrons

#1 Post by AQuebman »

This thread is a list of Deities/Patrons of known existence in my campaign world. This list is likely to grow over time.
In my game I consider Deities and Patrons interchangeable just their interaction with particular characters is very different. In the case of a wizard or elf it's an agreement of power for favors whereas clerics gain their abilities through pure worship. Otherwise I am very open as far as what deities or patrons players wish to pursue as long as it's explained through actions in character.

Klazath - The Crimson Banner, Lawful God of War and Subjugation
Supports tyranny, glory through war, and the elimination or subjugation of the weak (lest they consume resources the strong deserve). Peace is considered a force of stagnation and weakness to be despised. He is depicted as a warrior clad in blood-splattered black plate, with a horned helm and mighty great axe. His symbol is a black, double-bitted axe stained with blood, and his priests smear their armour with their own blood prior to battle. He is a dire enemy of Gorhan and Justicia.

Shul, god of the moon

Ulesh, god of peace

Choranus, the Seer Father, lord of creation
Supports the creation of all things no matter their intentions as long as they exist for a purpose. Creation for the purposes of pure destruction or chaos is the greatest sin against the Seer Father. The Seer-Father favors the bold and the strong. Inventors, Scientists, Druids and other such open minded folk whose lives are surrounded by creation are the closest to Choranus and worship him daily. He is depicted in various forms across cultures the only consistencies are that in every form he wears a light blue robe, his body is ever growing and branching like that of a tree and creatures from miles around are drawn to him. His symbol is a giant white tree on a green background. He shares a bond with Ildavir the nature goddess and Pelagia the Sea Goddess for they embody creation but their Neutral view is what separates them from Choranus. He is a dire enemy of Ahriman and Nimlurun as they embody destruction.
Choranus Tree Symbol.png
Choranus Tree Symbol.png (79.26 KiB) Viewed 1294 times
Daenthar, the Mountain Lord, greater god of earth and industry

Gorhan, the Helmed Vengeance, god of valor and chivalry dire enemy of Klazath and close friends with Justicia

Justicia, goddess of justice and mercy dire enemy of Klazath and close friends with Gorhan

Aristemis, the Insightful One, demigoddess of true seeing and strategy

Amun Tor, god of mysteries and riddles

Ildavir, goddess of nature

Pelagia, goddess of the sea

Cthulhu, priest of the Old Ones

Ahriman, god of death and disease

Hidden Lord, god of secrets

Azi Dahaka, demon prince of storms and waste
Azi Dahaka.png
Azi Dahaka.png (239.31 KiB) Viewed 1318 times
He is the blasting sandstorm, the deadly asp, and the desiccated corpse in scorching sun. He appears as an infernal hydra
and expects his followers to bring ruin wherever they go. Eventually the world shall be a desert
over which he will rule. His ceremony must be conducted in a desert at high noon where the caster has
imbibed no liquid for one day and one night before. He demands much of his followers, causing them to
be dehydrated and experience heat-induced visions where he gives them minor quests related to spreading

Bobugbubilz, demon lord of evil amphibians
Bobugbubilz.png (538.96 KiB) Viewed 1318 times
Bobugbubilz demands that his servants protect frogs, toads, and salamanders; spread chaos; and revere the dark swamplands. To form a bond with Bobugbubilz, a putrid week-long ceremony must be completed in the slimy lair of the Toadfiend. After any major assistance, Bobugbubilz demands minor acts of fealty, usually related to slaying the
snakes and other creatures that so often eat his amphibious thralls

Cadixtat, chaos titan

Nimlurun, the unclean one, lord of filth and pollution

Malotoch, the carrion crow god
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