The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

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The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#1 Post by Recklessfireball »

For threads taking place in the steaming heart of this trackless wilderness...
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#2 Post by Recklessfireball »

The shuttle ride from G-9 to the Base Camp, was relatively uneventful. There was some mild turbulence, due to low level ionization in the atmosphere, but your hopper pilot, a surly, unwelcoming man by the name of Grimes, proves competent- if not overly talkative.

An hour later, you touch down at a landing field, in a jungle clearing, a few hundred meters from the camps outskirts. The shuttle doors hiss open, and the landing ramp extends. You step out into fragrant, sultry air that envelops you like a blanket. While the heat is oppressive, the high oxygen content of the air leaves you with a feeling of giddy euphoria. The noise of the shuttles engines whine to a halt, but it doesn't get any quieter. With the background noise of the shuttle gone, you become acutely aware of the cacophony of hoots, screams and other bellowing calls, emanating from the surrounding jungle.

You see a man emerge from the undergrowth at the edge of the landing field. He walks toward you, a smoldering cigar clenched between his teeth, and a grin on his face. He's shirtless, though he has an auto-pistol in shoulder rig, strapped over his bare, sweating chest. Camo trousers and combat boots complete the ensemble.

As he approaches you, his features resolve into an equally sweaty, unshaven face with short, sandy- blonde hair, buzzed flat in a military cut. He holds out his hand to you, and says in a thick, rural drawl,“Red Tucker, Chief of Security, Base Camp Alpha. Reckon you must be the guest's we've been expectin'. Good ta meetchya.”

After exchanging the customary pleasantries, he wipes sweat from his forhead, and declares,“Hells bells- it never gets any damn cooler out here, does it?” He chuckles ruefully, and says,“Come on- lemme give you a tour of the Hotel Hotbox.”

He leads you on a winding trail through the jungle for a few dozen meters, until you arrive at a large, chain link barricade, topped with razor wire. A guard posted at a gate lets you through, at a nod from Red, and you pass into a large enclosure that abuts a river bank. Within the enclosure are ten or so, large, striped quadrupeds, with long, serpentine necks and hairy flanks. The massive beasts mill about, turning to look calmly at you, munching placidly at foliage plucked from the ground or the trees overhead.

Red nods at them, grinning. “That'll be yer transportation, when you head out from camp. Sturdy critters, and even tempered as you can get- but you wouldn't believe the piles o' crap those things can make. Whoo...wee!” He laughs loudly at his own joke, then adds, “They take some getting' used to, but our Shank handler, ol' Ghazzik, is first rate. He'll teach you everything you need ta know. Say, there he is now...”

Tucker points at the largest, most intimidating looking Yazirian any of you have ever seen, who appears to be striding purposefully in your direction. Most Yazirians are fairly lanky, in proportion to their height, but this fellow is bulging with muscle and probably weighs in at at least 100 kilos. As he gets closer, you notice some other things; his face sports several livid scars, and his simian features are contorted into a snarl of anger. Even more dramatically, he doesn't appear to have the usual skin flaps peculiar to other members of his race!

Red starts to greet him, but the Yaz angrily interrupts. “Tucker, I told you to instruct your men not to let the Shanks graze close to the riverbank, at this time of day! When the water grows hot and sluggish from the sun, the local fauna swim closer to the banks to shelter under the canopy. A Shank foraging nearby would make a tempting meal for such creatures. I will not be held responsible for any accidents! If your men can't handle the responsibility, I'll contact G-9 for some more competent assistants!”

Tuckers face reddens. “Simmer down, Ghazzik- no need to get all riled up! I'll have a talk with the boys and...”

Suddenly, there's an explosion of activity at the riverbank, as a gigantic fish, with fangs like sabers, bursts out of the water and latches onto the flank of one of the Shanks that's grazing near the water. The creature bleats pitifully, as the massive jaws lock down and drag it towards a watery doom. The other beasts, panicked by the savage attack, bellow and stampede in all directions.

You have just enough time to hear Red mutter, “Oh shit...”under his breath, as you realize one of the huge creatures his galloping directly at your position!
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#3 Post by rremedio »

Akai is not paying much attention to the conversation and instead he observes, marveled, the new ecosystem. His attention is turned to the giant beasts when havoc breaks and Akai screams "Lets move!"
how far are we from the barricade? Akai will try to take cover, "Jurassic Park style", if there's anything large enough and close enough to do so
OCC: There is a large, wide-boled tree directly to your right. You can make a RS check to take cover behind the trunk, before it gets to you. If you fail that, you can still attempt a DEX check to avoid being trampled by dodging out of the way.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#4 Post by NJWilliam »

Alex glances at Tucker and moves in the direction he sees Tucker headed.
If Tucker is not moving, Alex will leap, dive, and roll in the direction of Tucker to get close to him which Alex figures is the most safe.

OOC: Tucker instinctively dodges to the left. He makes it (just barely), tumbling into the dust. Since Alex follows, make a DEX check to see if you can dodge, as well.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#5 Post by Recklessfireball »

OOC: Heh- just realized I posted my response as two edits. No idea why I did that. Sorry- hope I didn't throw anyone off. :P
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#6 Post by NJWilliam »

Stern Dex Check (59): [1d100] = 80

Shouldn't have bothered with watching the Yazirian!
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#7 Post by Bhart »

Upon entering the fenced area Bishop addresses his robot who he has named Hal. "Wait here by the gate Hal. I'm not sure how these Yazarian donkeys will react to you."

When the stampede starts Bishop runs for the cover of the tree.

Reaction Speed Check (50)
[1d100] = 57

Dex Check (50)
[1d100] = 68
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#9 Post by rremedio »

Recklessfireball wrote:OOC: Heh- just realized I posted my response as two edits. No idea why I did that. Sorry- hope I didn't throw anyone off. :P
OOC: I have to say that I liked that.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#10 Post by Bhart »

Recklessfireball wrote:OOC: Heh- just realized I posted my response as two edits. No idea why I did that. Sorry- hope I didn't throw anyone off. :P
It might work and be less confusing if you just changed the label from "OOC:" to "GM:"
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#11 Post by Recklessfireball »

It might work and be less confusing if you just changed the label from "OOC:" to "GM:"
Alrighty. I kind of like it, as it would make threads a little less lengthy and the players would have the information, right there in the relevant post. I'll label them GM, from now on, to make them easily recongnizable. If I have multiple results to resolve, I'll go ahead and make a new post and lump all of those together (as I likely will when generating damage from being trampled by the ground shank).

In accordance with my 24hr turnover policy, I'll give everyone until 1:08 this afternoon to post, then I'll make rolls for those that haven't caught up yet, so we can move the action along.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#12 Post by Recklessfireball »

OOC: Alright, I'll go ahead and make a DEX check for Stan, as he tries to dodge out of the way:Generic Rolls [1d100] = 7 (makes it with flying colors)

And here's the trample damage for everyone that failed DEX/RS checks (that would be Bishop, Ceere and Stern): Shank Trample [3d10] = 9 Wow- if you had to take damage, that was a fortunate roll. :D

The Ground Shank, it's eyes rolling with terror, thunders over your position. Tucker manages to dodge out of the way to the left. Steelsmith is quick to follow, and also escapes unharmed. The rest of you are not quite quick enough to fully escape, and the huge creature brushes against you when it runs past, knocking you to either side and into the dust. Fortunately, no one was completely trampled, so your injuries are no more than superficial cuts and bruises.

Near the riverbank, the monstrous fish drags the screaming shank below the surface. The water froths and boils and a cauldron of blood wells to the surface, as the creature struggles to escape it's doom. After a minute or two, the water grows calm, and it becomes clear that the beast is lost for good.

Tucker picks himself up cursing, while Ghazz tries to calm the remaining Shanks. Brushing the dust from his pants, he looks around and says, "Damn- that was close! Everybody okay?"

OOC: Current STAMINA- Akai (49), Alvin (41), Alex (40), Stan (59)
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#13 Post by rremedio »

Akai tries not to appear much frightened: "I'm ok, Mr. Ghazz, just a scratch. Last time I'm caught unprepared".
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#14 Post by NJWilliam »

Alex takes a hard look at one of the scratches on his hand and concentrates on it, trying to heal it with his mental powers like he saw some others do before. After a long moment of such concentration, he scowls a bit, and says, "Not much the worse for wear here."

"Those things stampede often?"
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#15 Post by Bhart »

Bishop groans as pulls himself to a sitting position. He spits a clump of dirt out and wipes the blood from his nose. "Owww" he groans with the action as he discovers it hurts to move his arm.

"I hate animals, especially big ones. We should have a nice explorer or hover bikes or robotic mounts, they never freak out and trample people!"he complains to himself. Bishop stands trying to shake off some Shank poo stuck to his coveralls "Nor do they smell or leave giant piles of dung laying around! ARRGGHHH!"
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#16 Post by Recklessfireball »

Eyes blazing, the Yazirian glances at Stern, and replies shortly, "When mounted by properly trained riders with an electro-prod, they are obedient and reliable creatures. It is only when attacked, while grazing in a herd, that they become skittish." With this, Ghazzik rounds angrily on the security chief, baring his fangs in outrage. "I asked you to request corporate to hire two competent, assistant Shank handlers- but you insisted your men could handle the responsibility. I gave them clear instructions, Tucker! Instructions they obviously failed to heed. As a result, we nearly suffered half a dozen casualties- in addition to the Shank we lost!"

Tucker turns as red as his name, but holds up his hands in a placating gesture. "Ok, Ghazzik. You're right- I admit it. Caufield was pitchin' a gripe about having to pull poop shovelin' duty, so I gave em' double shifts just to make a point. He was lazy and got careless. I shoulda seen it coming. I'll submit an official request to get you a couple of trained assistants, when I file my report tonight."

Ghazzik spits and makes a disgusted sound. "Make sure you ask them to deduct the cost to replace the Shank from YOUR wages! I'm going to go see if I can clean up your mess." So saying, the yazirian turns his back on you all, and angrily stomps away.

Tucker grimaces. "That Yaz has got one hell of a temper." He turns and looks apologetically at the rest of you. "Sorry about that, fellas. I run a pretty tight ship around here; this kind of things never happened before. I guess it must look pretty bad." He sighs, then says, "Well, come on. I'll give you that tour I promised."

Over the next half hour, the security chief shows you around the camp- which consists of four, three story structures, built high in the trees, connected by plank walkways suspended by steel cables. One structure contains command and communications, a sick bay, and Tuckers personal quarters. Another two contain guard barracks, a mess hall, rec hall, and supplies. The fourth contains guest quarters for any visiting scientists or S.E.T. operatives. Tucker sees that you're all fed and quartered, then takes you to the supply depot. Pointing at the considerable stacks of crates and boxes, he says, "Got a months supply worth of vita-salt tablets, water packs and food rations laid up here for your expedition. They even sent you a poly-vox. Damned if I know what that'll be good for; far as I know, there's no intelligent species here in the jungle. Guess they just want you to be prepared. Ghazzik will school you in how to saddle and ride the shanks. You can collect your gear and leave whenever you're ready. Just check in with me, before you do- that way I can log and report your official departure time."

Nodding at you, he says, "Well, if you need anything else, just let me know. Enjoy your stay, gents. I've got to get back to C&C."
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#17 Post by NJWilliam »

Before Tucker heads off, Alex asks, "Chief, there any of those electro-prods around that Ghazzik said you need to keep the shanks in line?"

Once Tucker does head out, Alex will take a look around the quarters, especially for anything the scientists they are to find may have left behind. He will then double check the supplies, with a slight hope that Sgt. McTaggert may have put something else of use in with the polyvox and rations.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#18 Post by Recklessfireball »

Tucker looks back and says, "Ghazz is in charge of that stuff. He can fix you up with whatever you need."

After he leaves, you rummage around the supply shed and find four inflatable shelters, four machetes. four cans of insect repellent, and two holoflares, in addition to the rations.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#19 Post by rremedio »

Akai talks to the others: "I think I'm going to talk to Ghazzik to know when the training starts and ask around anything they can tell us about the missing scientists. Is someone coming? Unless you guys want to discuss our mission now, of course".
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#20 Post by Recklessfireball »

OOC: If nobody follows up rremedios post by the time I wake up tomorrow, I'll go ahead and move us along. ;)
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