Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#1 Post by Paladin »

(Continued from the Tavern thread...)

Kazak works the crowd with a keen eye, seeking an opponent for the hulking barbarian woman. He turns away several potential candidates for one reason or another before finally settling on a burly Easterner with a shaved head and eagle-claw tattooed on his right cheek.

The man is deep-chested and heavy, an inch or two shy of Jasmine's height but more thickly-built. His flesh is scarred and he sports several missing teeth when he grins and nods his eager acceptance to the bout.

He works the crowd by pumping his fist and thumping his chest. "Chin! Chin! Chin!" they roar in answer. Obviously, he has done this before and is a known winner.

Kazak turns a narrow-eyed gaze upon Jasmine. "It isn't too late to back out, if you fear for your safety," he says loudly enough for the crowd to hear. Many voices roar their disapproval at the suggestion and Kazak plays along with a shrug. "I must offer," he says with a deep sigh. "You bloodthirsty scoundrels."

Chin growls under his breath and makes a knife motion across his throat. He points at Jasmine before stepping deliberately into the arena to await her coming. He raises his arms to bask in the cheers of the crowd.

A short, rat-faced man of sallow complexion and gaunt visage raises his arm and shouts to be heard. "Listen! Heed me, knaves...we open betting at 2-1 odds. Chin is the favorite. Place your bets!" He quickly scribbles names and amounts on a small parchment as they are shouted, whispered, or passed to him upon scraps of parchment or hide.

Kazak sends Jasmine a pointed look. "Your crowd awaits, woman. Show them who you are," he says quietly enough that only she may hear, then winks and moves back to the common room to handle a flood of newcomers. "I will be watching you," he calls over his shoulder.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#2 Post by Leitz »

Barlow will be watching too. He's okay with a fair fight, but won't let Jasmine get killed or taken advantage of if she somehow happens to let the other guy win.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#3 Post by NJWilliam »


Seeing the next pair of arena combatants, Heath makes his way to the table where he saw Jasmine come from.

Calling to the rat-faced man taking bets, he shouts, ”50 gold on the large . . . lady.”, and tosses a tied coin purse to him.

Turning to Jasmine’s companions, he says, “Might I pull up a seat while we see how our bets fare?”

Heath stretches his hand toward a tray of mugs, and one of the mugs appears in his hand.
Casting Present cantrip
taking a gulp from the tankard, he says “This won’t do at all. Far too warm.”
Casts Chill cantrip
Placing his mug next to others on the table, he waves a hand over them, and the condensation on the outside of the mugs hardens to a light frost.

Picking his back up, he takes a gulp and smiles. “I am Heath. What is her name?” He gestures toward Jasmine and the arena where he leaves his gaze to watch the fight.
Armand, Heath’s pseudo-dragon familiar is curled on his shoulder under folds of Heath’s robe and cloak. Armand is 80% undetectable due to chameleon nature. Not sure if anyone will notice him.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#4 Post by tarlyn »


"Back out??? Bwa-hahahaahahah you not only big man, but funny! I no back out. I show that me mean to win, not lose!"

Gritting her teeth and growling, she punches her fists together, moving toward the center of the arena, stamping her feet, turning to face Chin.

She puts her hand out as she faces him , palm up and grins wickedly, growling. turning her fingers up she beckons Chin with her fingers.

"Come meet your better!" is all she says as she braces herself, feet firmly planted. Arms in front of her protectively but ready to punch, kick or

whatever she needs to do to win.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#5 Post by Grognardsw »

Gil, barbarian skald

Gil nods to the crowd and gathers up the silver coins. He rejoins his companions at the table and orders yet another drink.

When Heath appears and demonstrates his sleight of hand, Gil leans backward in his chair. The hair on the back of his neck rises. "What manner of magic be this?" he growls. "What of Jasmine?"

When the match begins, Gil staggers over to watch Jasmine.

"Kick his balls if you need to," he whispers to Jasmine.

Gil places 5 gp down on his barbarian comrade.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#6 Post by Paladin »

The rat-faced man's cohort, a big northern brute with an eye-patch, laughs heartily at Jasmine's display of bravado.

"I like your spirit. Now...we fight fairly. No hair-pulling, eye-gouging, biting, scratching, sand in the eyes, spitting, groin shots. Just clean strikes and holds. No armor or weapons. Understood?"

Once both fighters acknowledge the rules and rid themselves of any gear, he will hold out his right hand. "When my fist drops, begin!"

He holds his fist high for a long moment, allowing the tension to build until the air crackles with electricity. Suddenly, his arm knifes down and he backs hurriedly away. "Fight!"

The crowd roars and Chin grins wickedly. "I break last man I meet in arena. Now I break you." He falls into a crouch and advances cautiously, bobbing lightly side to side.

"Come on...I give you first shot, pretty face. Maybe you have chance to win that way."
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#7 Post by tarlyn »


Grunting, Jasmine reaches back with her left arm , apparently attempting to punch the man, then her right hand sneaks out and lands a solid blow

to his nose!

Punch to the face, Break Nose attempt [1d20+1] = 15+1 = 16

Damage [1d2+1] = 1+1 = 2 Called Shot [1d6] = 4

Then she attempts to send him to the floor with an uppercut to Chin's chin, but her fist glances of his cheek, barely touching him as he deflects it.

Uppercut to the chin on Chin lol [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4

Jasmine attempts to punch Chin in the face again but trips on her self, stumbling backwards.

Punch to the face [1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2

:shock: :lol:

Yay a fumbleaya! Dice gods are not always nice he hehehe.....
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#8 Post by Paladin »

Chin laughs uproariously as you wind up to throw the first punch, but when your other hand snakes out to jab him squarely on the nose, his eyes cross for a moment and he staggers back. The crowd roars and you hear Kazak's cavernous laughter.

The powerfully-built Easterner wipes his nose, checking for blood. He sees a tiny drop and grins wickedly, licking it off before falling back into a defensive stance.

He's taking you seriously now, deflecting blows with an efficient grace that is unusual for a man of his bulk. "Flower has thorns!" he says, sounding pleased. "Now we have good fight!"

Pressing the offensive, Chin launches a hard kick that you'd swear leaves a footprint on your gut. (7 damage - recall that we're using a d6 damage die + STR Mod for arena fights). The onlookers gasp and hiss their concern.

He follows it with a stunning slap to the ear that sets bells chiming in your head. (4 damage) Those who bet on Chin smile and nod expectantly.

Grinning like a wolf, he moves in to clinch you and drag you to the ground, but fails to work his broad arms around your muscled waist before you break violently away and trip over your own feet, sprawling flat in the dust--much to the delight of the blood-hungry crowd, who hoot with laughter and hurl insults in a multitude of tongues.

Once you push yourself upright, you stand facing each other like wounded animals, each panting and eyeing your opponent warily. "Come, Pretty Flower," he grunts, and beckons you to the attack.

Jasmine - 44/55
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#9 Post by Paladin »

The rat-man takes your bets and scribbles furiously, marking your faces lest he need to find you come time to pay out or collect your winnings.

"Is she your woman?" A sun-browned man in a silken headscarf asks Gil with a nod at Jasmine. "I will pay you handsomely for her, if she is. I am Darius, a fight promoter and procurer of talented specimens." He produces a tooled leather pouch bursting with coin and shakes it twice. The dull clink of thick, heavy gold coins is unmistakable.

"I pay with good coin, too. Not the new coins. They are thin and brittle, debased and cheap. My gold is old and solid. Pure and valuable. Especially in these times." He pats the pouch and puts it away, taking a quick look around to make sure he hadn't attracted too much attention with his little display.

Meanwhile, a few patrons in the tavern have taken notice of the newcomer. His robes are not unusual, but his free and casual use of magical power is--wizards rarely mingle with commoners or even the nobility in Nuz Edrak. They remain cloistered in their high towers, all their mental acumen bent toward the singular goal of curing the plague.

Some mutter and point, though none approach Heath directly.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#10 Post by NJWilliam »


Sensing some unrest among the crowd, and knowing he was a bit ostentatious with his cantrips, Heath reaches into his thigh pouch and streaks the right side of his face with chalk, lampblack, and vermillion before quietly intoning the Friends spell.
Friends charisma bonus: [_2d4] = (1+2)=3 boosts Heath’s charisma to 18 for 3 rounds
He then loudly cheers on Jasmine, and boos Chin, hoping to get a cheering section in favor of their bets.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#11 Post by tarlyn »


The huge lady Barbarian grins and nods at Chin "You worthy opponent, sorry have to knock you down....."

1st punch/move on Chin [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18

Damage [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3

2nd attack [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18

2nd dmg [1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2

3rd move on Chin [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19

3rd damage [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3

Jasmine redoubles her efforts and lands a lucky punch to Chin's face yet again! Gaining in confidence she lands another one again and

lastly she kicks him in the gut!
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#12 Post by Grognardsw »

Gil, barbarian skald
"Is she your woman?" A sun-browned man in a silken headscarf asks Gil with a nod at Jasmine. "I will pay you handsomely for her, if she is. I am Darius, a fight promoter and procurer of talented specimens." He produces a tooled leather pouch bursting with coin and shakes it twice. The dull clink of thick, heavy gold coins is unmistakable.
"Aye, she is my woman and a pain in the arse she is, but a hell-bitch fighter," answers the drunken Gil, snatching the gold pouch from Darius. "You can have her."

Gil turns away and goes to the rat face bookie. "I bet this pouch of gold on Jasmine the barbarian wild woman."
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#14 Post by Paladin »

(The dice-roller is hot today! I got an 18, a 19, and a 7!)

A flurry of stiff shots land all over Chin's bulging frame. The last one doubles him over. He coughs spasmodically and his face reddens. When he straightens to face you again, all mirth bleeds away from the big man's eyes and he grinds his teeth together. The muscles in his jaw flex tight and he springs forward, silent and intent on mayhem.

A hard right cross buffets your chin (A Chin to the chin for 6 damage, as it were :roll: :x ) and for a moment you see stars exploding all around you. The noise of the crowd fades away and you sway on your feet.

(I need a save vs. Paralyzation, please. If you make it, attack at -2 next round. If you fail, Jasmine hits the dust.)

He doesn't wait for you to regain your footing, though. Chin roars with the crowd and leaps into the air, lashing out with a vicious kick to the chest. (6 damage)

He lunges for another grapple, scenting victory and hoping to end it all here, but amid the sweat and grime and your half-conscious swaying, his hand slips and he loses his grip.

The crowd seethes with disappointment. They want blood. Outside the arena, Darius motions to a pair of silken-masked swordsmen, tall and clad in dark robes like their master, to approach the arena and speak with the rat-man. "Tell him of my purchase," he says. "We will collect her after the battle. With his witness, it is done."

The rat-faced one looks confused at the instruction from two perfect strangers, but when Gil presents the gold for his new bet, the squint-eyed man looks from Gil to the swordsmen, then to Jasmine before shrugging and accepting the gold. "It is the law," he says bluntly. "I do not like this buying and selling of persons, but I cannot stop it. The king has spoken on this matter and we must obey. That is 100 gold pieces for the wild woman at 2 to 1 odds."

"If she was your woman, she is now his." He gestures to Darius and turns back to his work.

Heath, for his part, manages to coax several in the crowd to cheer for Jasmine. They stomp their feet and scream wildly as she is rocked by blow after blow, urging her to fight harder (Take +2 on your paralyzation save thanks to the crowd urging you on.)

Poor Barlow is confronted by a wild scene. What have his companions dragged him into?
Last edited by Paladin on Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#15 Post by Leitz »

Barlow likes to laugh, and he usually doesn't mind the humor in his barbarian companion's joy of life. However, he hates stupid and has no value for drunks.

"You've been lied to and robbed," he said to Darius, in front of the rat faced man. "You have bought nothing because that drunken lout has nothing to sell. I suggest you get your money back before it is lost."
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#16 Post by tarlyn »


Paralysation Save [1d20+2] = 6+2 = 8

*sigh* I should have rolled worst for hits and better for saves lol! Her save is 9 oh well

Jasmine crumples to the ground, unconscious...
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#17 Post by Leitz »

Barlow quickly moved to Jasmine's side. While the fighters had given up their weapons, he still had his mace, though it was in the belt loop. He was angry, though, and it showed. Gil could take his lumps from Darius' guards; if the stupid oaf lived afterwards then they could discuss the sin of betraying a friend.

He looked at Chin. "You fought well and I lost money. Next time I'm betting on you."

He rolled Jasmine's unconscious form up and over his shoulders, like any other two hundred pound sack of limp flour. She'd fit on the mule, though one of them might stink more after the ride.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#18 Post by Paladin »

For a brief moment, it looks like the roars of approval from the crowd will bring you back from the brink of oblivion, but even as you slip Chin's grapple, your feet seek the ground and do not find it. You wonder why the wind caresses your face--until your cheek slams down on the sand and the arena erupts in mingled cheering and boos from your new supporters. Chin stands over you and makes a gedtuee of respect, thumping one fist to his chest in a warrior's salute before pumping his arms skyward. "Chin! Chin! Chin!" The crowd echoes his chant.

Even as you fall, the flesh-merchant Darius and his cohorts are rounding on Gil. The man eyes Barlow with a suspicious gaze. "What?! I have been tricked?!" His cheeks flame crimson and his dark eyes flash hot with rage. "No one makes a fool of Darius in Nuz Edrak and lives to tell of it!" He turns to his guards and opens his mouth, but the rat-man steps in.

"Here now, mate. Kazak does not tolerate fighting outside of his arena. He'll have the king's guard on you in a minute. Surely we can find some sort of...alternative solution, yeah? One which involves gold rather than bloodshed?"

He motions for his associates to begin paying out on the bets. At that, Darius stabs an accusing finger at Gil. "He took my gold under false pretenses and lost it with his gambling! I will have his head for this! No amount of gold will satisfy my anger!"

Kazak knifes through the crowd like a shark tasting blood in the water. His enormous presence seems to take the wind from the merchant's sails and the enraged man settles for a low growl. "I will have my satisfaction, however it is obtained!" He hisses to the rat-man as Kazak enters the arena to check Jasmine for signs of life. The huge man sends Jasmine and Barlow both a sympathetic glance.

"It was a good fight!" He bellows heartily. "She has a bright future here, should she choose to fight again. Chin is an old campaigner, crafty and tough. I am surprised she lasted as long as she did," he admits with a grin. "But as I am a man of my word, her food and drink are on the house and there is always a room for Jasmine at The Vulgar Unicorn."

Obviously, he has not caught wind of the conflict brewing nearby.
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#19 Post by Leitz »

Barlow stood carefully under the heavy load. Priests of his order sometimes carried each other up the mountains just like this. It wasn't Barlow's favorite penance, but he could still do it.

"If you have any questions for me," Barlow said to the Rat Faced man and Kazak, "find me tomorrow at the chapel of The Creator. Darius spoke true, what I heard of it."

He grinned. "And I'm sure Snoring Beauty here will be back."
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Re: Blood and Sand (IC - The Vulgar Unicorn Arena)

#20 Post by Grognardsw »

Gil, barbarian skald

Gil watches the brawl intently, his head weaving and arms slightly moving as if he himself were in the ring.

"Pound him Jasmine!" he roars.

Hi shoulders slump as Jasmine is knocked out. He shakes his head and laughs and wonders how much gold was in the fool slaver's pouch that he handed over.

When the upset Darius confronts him, Gil looms over him and gives him a hard stare
laughs in his face, and roars back: "Your money is right there you slaver worm!" nodding over to Rat Face. "If you're fool enough to ask a stranger if they own someone, you're fool enough to be parted with your gold! Take the joke like a man and stop whining!" He shoves Darius back. "Or get in the ring and let's settle it like men!"
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