Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

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Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#1 Post by Bluehorse »

The Piano Bar, Downtown.
August 24, 2018 6pm
Hot but nice steady breeze

Coming from here: viewtopic.php?f=628&t=8749&start=180#p493521

Jason stands out front of the Piano Bar. The old building has been heavily renovated and practically the entire front has been lit up with colorful neon. The windows reveal a very nice upscale restaurant and bar inside and there is music pouring out from cleverly hidden speakers onto the sidewalk of the piano player's performance inside. There are also advertisements for sushi and oysters. Overall the place seems immaculately clean both inside and out.
MojosPianoBar.jpg (35.72 KiB) Viewed 896 times
Soon he is able to spot Gabby walking across the street from the West where Town Hall is located. She smiles and waves as she nears, dressed, as always, in a smart women's business suit. Hey Jason! I hope you didn't wait long. It took a little longer today to get things closed out for the weekend.

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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#2 Post by Taaz »

Jason kills some time on his phone scrolling through Screecher TGIF! Bout to wind this wild week down with some Piano bar, Shushi and Saki here I come! <Ghostbusters emoji> 8-)

He absentmindedly scrolls thought until he sees Gabby, No problem, just saying how glad I am to have a break from this week, how about you I know it has to be tough with what happened to Mr Maily. I met him briefly. Seems like a real shame. You holding up ok? He asks, opening the front door and motioning for 2 Two please. he tells the waitress with a smile.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#3 Post by Bluehorse »

Gabby waits until they are shown to a table. Holding up fine actually. I mean, it is a shame and I hate to see what happened. I worked indirectly with Mr. Maily, but didn't know home all that well, but he was always nice to me. He was nice to everybody! He certainly doesn't deserve to be spoken of like that... that... ŋʊ! Father Belmont.
I wish they would stop playing that over and over.

When a waitress comes by she smiles to them both. Hello guys! Happy Friday. What can I get you?
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#4 Post by Taaz »

Jason nods listening, Yeah, that guy is ..something else, he glances at her to make sure she wasn't reading too much into his words. Its a shame making yourself feel big on account of others pain. He shakes his head as the waitress comes up. Bourbon, neat please.

After Gabby orders and the waitress walks away. So do they know what happened? I just caught the end of the news so I wasn't sure.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#5 Post by Bluehorse »

Gabby listens to Jason as he replies...

Is Gabby's Lawyer Sensed Tingling? (20) [10d6] = 30

Jason is sure she caught some inflection he didn't quite manage to hide. He can see the click in her eyes when she catches that.

She then looks around carefully and leans in. Switching to Vietnamese We'll talk about that in a minute.
But Mr. Maily committed suicide. Used a gun. It's just hard to believe. But he had been bothered since coming into work Monday.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#6 Post by Taaz »

Jason notices her change, Sorry, Switching to his passable Vietnamese I understand He leans back and thinks for a moment. I just worry because theres a lot going on and I just want to make sure everyone is safe, 'specially you. But I am technically off duty so lets leave all that. The important question is how many oysters and sushi rolls I can eat and not shock and terrify you. He laughs and smiles
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#8 Post by Taaz »

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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#10 Post by Taaz »

I am not sure honestly, mostly trying to slyly get info about Bill, not like...maliciously just looking for leads without concerning her. I also wanted to see if she would go to the Caddo meeting with me. Other than that I am fine with the GM description or hand waving honestly. I know there's a lot going on so trying to make it easier for you to manage. Also while I got a RP girlfriend (NEAT) I don't really know how to RP dating stuff. Or do it well IRL if you believe some of the ladies I have dated. Lol But Jason is stoked to date her so, yeah. Sorry to make it complicated.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#11 Post by Bluehorse »

LOL! Yeah, no worries. I just wanted a clear idea of goals so I know what you wanted and how to work the scene. :)

Go ahead and roll a mod cool and we will see if you can slick talk her into more info.

Another for talking her into attending the Cado Meeting. Unless you want to do one of those organically.

Gabby sips her drink and a pair of plates with oysters and sushi arrive. She takes an oyster right away and downs it like a champ. She then laughs a little covering her mouth.
Okay, your turn! Show me what you've got!

mod moves :twisted:
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#12 Post by Taaz »

Can I use charm on the first two? Or straight cool.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#14 Post by Taaz »

Jason does his most to be sincerer. Sorry about ealrier, theres just some stuff... I cant get too into it becasue just knowing it existis is dangerous...but I know its my know I know about this stuff, I gotta do what I can to keep everyone safe. If I overstepped it was just cuz when I heard something happen to someone at city hall all I thought about was youMaybe I can do this sweet talking thing after all lol.
Oh,! Jason's expression changes as he remembers, Also I hope you dont mind if I cant stay late, theres a meeting with Thomas and Caddo at 8 and I just dont trust certian, Snidely Whiplash types, He mimics brushing his mustache like he had seen the mayor do, to not piss off an ancient spirit for a buck. If you'd like you can come with me, I just didn't know how much like overtime it would actually be.
With that Jason carefully downs an oyster, "Dont make a mess, eat like a human and not an animal, you got this"
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#15 Post by Bluehorse »

Gabby listens and then puts down a piece of sushi. I can tell you that most people cannot accept that he did what he did. It just doesn't seem like him. He was upset ever since he was on that stupid show is all I know. Up until then he was talking about how close he was to retirement and the trip he was planning for the holidays with his family. Why would someone that was so happy suddenly do that? I don't know if this has to do with whatever you are researching about lately, but if it does, I hope you get it before it causes more harm.

She then listens to the idea of heading to the Cado Meeting. She raises an eyebrow. Wow... You really know how to treat a girl.
What will we do after that? Head over to Home Depot for a paint drying demonstration?
When Jason looks embarrassed enough she chuckles. Just kidding! I'll go. I figure if you want to go to this thing it must be important. I know there has been a lot of tension between them and the Mayor's Reality Businesses.

Jason downs that oyster like a champ. It is good! Just the right amount of light seasoning and the hot sauce hits the spot.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#16 Post by Taaz »

After cracking up at Gabbys teasing and downing a particularly tasty oyster Jason strokes his beard thinking carefully, This is tough, I dont like the concept of not telling someonehe uses his finders for quotes to "protect them." Normally the way to protect someone is to inform them. Knowledge is power....but some beings, entities they feed on energy that comes from being worshiped or even just known. He looks at her plaintively, I'm not even trying to dance around anything, just even saying the name can add power, or worse get it to take an interest in you particular. He gets a thousand-yard-stare for a moment, I've been noticed by one otherworldly power already since moving to town, I'm not trying to get on anyone elses radar.

He eats another oyster and unknown to himself slips right back into the cool, detached speech of someone who had read far too much on the subject, I have even read rumors of freelance occultist who engage in what they call Oblivion wars, designed to root out knowledge on beings so they are forgotten from history fading away and losing their power. If its true its fascinating about the state of observation and the real world implications of psychology manifesting....on...and I am not at work or a lecture. He looks a ashamed, Sorry, but there is a....theme that centers on guilt now, and after seeing the little bit I did. Well even you said he was acting strange lately.

And with Ông ria mépMister Mustache Man, yeah I sort of expected that. I am definitely not interested in telling A'ya'hi'ya theres gonna be a Olive Garden on its sacred site. Jason shakes his head, Im sorry its tonight, but you gotta protect people, Sort of curse of the job. That said Thomas Ten Chiefs is the absolute best. I think you will entertained if you come. Also you might get to film a fistfight for Screecher. he munches on a sushi roll, You'd be surprised how many of these petty function meetings end in two out of shape stubborn men trying to fight each other. He starts laughing as he remembers a hilarious zoning board meeting where a octogenarian beat the snot out a jerk half his age. You come after the historical society you come correct.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#17 Post by Bluehorse »

As Jason speaks about Kindel in not too specific terms. And rest assured I did go over that with a fine-toothed comb to see if I could work anything out of it. Good job :) She nods a little and seems to accept that answer for now. My dad told us stories not too different than that about spirits and demons back in Vietnam. Funny... he talks about them like we left all that kind of thing far behind us. I suppose they are literally everywhere though.

As far as who you are calling Mustache... I can guess that one. I haven't looked too deep into many of his personal dealings, but you might as well know he really does own most of the city in one way or another. He even owns most of your own company. You basically work for him, so be careful. The last thing you want is to find yourself on his bad side.

But for now,
she said finishing off her last oyster. Let's go check out your Council Meeting friends. She stands up and grins.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#18 Post by Taaz »

Jason sips his bourbon listening to her, Well no one really knows where PKE manifests from, its an energy we can manipulate in Ghostbusting(tm) but we don't have a lot of definitive proofs other that it has to follow some pretty universal laws. The whole worshiped, or revered, it makes sense to me that could but out almost an electromagnetic field pulling in ambient PKE. But not everyone a fan of that theory. He takes another sip and chuckles, My favorite part of that is you can also poison intent, one...uhh, collaborator...I worked with during some field research at the academy believed it was possible to change the way a being might be remembered. His particular example was Tiamat was, once upon a time an actual threat but thanks to some cartoons and kids games now has all the power of a College Mascot. he stops, Huh, wonder if thats why all the children's fairy tales are about monsters or something. he pulls out his phone and taps in. Where brothers grimm occultists? Research later. to his notes app.

Yeah, I'm not squirrelin for a fight or anything, just want to make sure hes not being short sighted. He hired us for a reason, I feel like we can do our job and keep him happy. Just might need Lionel to help schmooze him.

Agreed Jason pulls out the money to cover leaving a very generous tip. "Make sure no one thinks I'm cheap" and starts tapping to get a ride to the meeting.
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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#19 Post by Bluehorse »

The Caddo Meeting
Caddo Meeting Hall: The Old Oak Lodge Church
August 24, 2018 7pm
Cooling off with a nice steady breeze

It takes some searching around, and some google mapping, but eventually you are able to find the Caddo Meeting is happening at the Old Oak Lodge Church on Crossroads Road in the Skullyville area just outside Spiro, OK, not all that far from Thomas Ten-Chief's place.
OldOakLodgeChurch.jpg (115.33 KiB) Viewed 718 times
The parking lot is full of cars and trucks, but there is plenty of room outside the very small church, however, once the two of you are inside, it is standing room only. You both receive some looks varying from curious to hostile, until an old, and I mean old, familiar voice chimes in.

Jason! Jason! It is Ten-Chiefs himself, and people part like the Red Sea (No pun intended) as he walks up to you with open arms and gives you a hug that only an old man can get away with. He looks from you to Gabby with a twinkle in his eye and winks. Looking at your expectantly.

Brownie Point Spending:
4 to rolls.

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Re: Jason & Gabby: The Piano Bar

#20 Post by Taaz »

Jason hears Thomas call for him and beams, Thomas! He goes to the old man and gives him a firm friendly handshake. Its good to see you Tejas, is Jean here? He looks around briefly. He will continue to be friendly and genuinely curious, but will ask What's going on? I just saw there was a meeting and wanted to make sure to be here.

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