A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#21 Post by Grognardsw »

The guards pull the horses up in a semi-circle around the adventurers. The guard captain speaks:
"We were dispatched to find and bring you back to Inverness to stand trial for murder. There were four murders last night. One body's spirit yielded its secrets to our cleric in mystic commune." He points to Sereniti. "The woman stands accused, and others suspected. Place your weapons on the ground and surrender!"
The guards shift in their saddle.
The cleric clutches a holy symbol in one hand.
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#22 Post by Grognardsw »

Tension is in the air. Explanations flow. Sulle points about dramatically for Rodiar...

-- The guards look distracted --

...while whispering words under his breath for a sleep enchantment...

-- The cleric's lips start moving --

...Hoping his sly luck holds, Sulle grabs a pinch of sand (the spell material component) from his pocket...

-- the captain's eyes widen in suspicion --

...as Sulle turns back to the guards and...

-- "Shoot him!" yells the captain --

...flicks the sand in their direction...

Sulle gets his sorcerous somnolence cast first. Three of the archers and one sword guard slump asleep in their saddles.

The one remaining archer fires his arrow at Sulle, hitting the mage in the shoulder (3 HP damage.) The sorcerer, previously wounded by a Norker and not healed, winces in pain at this new wound.

Suddenly silence envelopes the area around the adventurers.

The captain and two remaining guards spur horses forward to attack.

- Sulle won initiative.
- Sleep effect four guards
- Sulle is at 3 HP
- Please see my rolls in Dice Roller. Too tedious to cut/paste on phone
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#23 Post by Grognardsw »

A Countryside Scuffle

Upon horseback the Invernese gain first strike. Knowing the dangers of magic, and wanting to bring the suspects back preferably alive, the Captain spurs forward and strikes down at Sulle with the flat of his blade. The mage falls back unconscious.

The bow guardsman fires at Markus, who seems the most formidable with bronzed plate mail and bastard sword. The warrior of Chaos sees the guard take aim, dodges to the right, and the arrow thuds into the ground.

Markus' dodge throws his sword attack against the Captain's horse off mark and he misses. Then Markus suddenly feels a slight stiffening of his body, but calling upon his dark god finds the will to overcome what must be a magic spell.

The sword guardsman strikes down at Kondro and misses quite widely, as if he misjudged Kondro's location by a few feet.

Kondro follows through on his bow attack on the cleric, who has backed his horse up about 10' and is casting a spell. The arrow misses its mark. The cleric intones a prayer while waving a small, straight piece of iron. The cleric directs his enchantment at Markus, Haraldr and Cosmo (rolled randomly.) Haraldr and Cosmo suddenly feel their bodies stiffen up and are held frozen.

"By Clangeddin's wrath!" swears Mjolnir of the Twin Axes.
He hurls one of his namesake axes at the Guard Captain. The blade batters the captain (8 HP damage) who just barely manages to stay in his saddle.

The bow guardsman's second arrow fires at Markus. The unholy warrior's plate mail deflects the shot.

Kondro's second arrow fires and squarely hits the Inverness cleric (4 HP, doubled for critical hit.)

Finding the magic silence preventing her invocation, Sereniti backs up, talking along the way, expecting with distance to soon hear her voice. 10', 15', 20' she backs up, but still the silence. It seems to be following her.

Penuttler's sling is in the hand of a now-sleeping guard on horseback. The mage snatches it and backs away from the battle. He is now behind the sleeping guards and the fighting. As such, he is not noticed by those in battle.

Actions for round two!
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#24 Post by Grognardsw »

A Scuffle in the Countryside - Round Two

Haraldr and Cosmo struggle against the mystical bonds that hold them fast.

Marcus swings at the captain on horseback, who nimbly parries the blade then returns a strike on the anti-paladin. Markus blocks the blow as sparks fly between the two swords.

Mjolnir the duergar hurls his other axe at the captain, but his aim is wide as the flying death misses.

Kondro stays focused on the cleric and lets loose another arrow. It misses the mark and the half-orc quickly nocks another arrow while dodging the sword guardsman’s swing.

Penuttler the magic-user, forgotten behind the sleeping horsemen, spies the cleric intoning another spell. The conjurer smiles gleefully as he summons forth arcane bolts of energy. “Aarrgghh!!” cries the priest as the missiles streak into his back, wounding him heavily and interrupting his holy spell.

The bow guardsman, seeing the duergar injure his captain, fires his arrows at Mjolnir. The deep dwarf is a veritable tank in his armor, as the first arrow ricochets off and hits the captain’s horse (fumble) and the second goes wide.

Kondro’s second arrow thuds into the cleric’s thigh. Between Kondro’s arrows and the magic missiles, the cleric falls off his horse. He is alive but heavily wounded.
Serenity curses amid silence 20’ away from the fight. Rodiar the guide runs behind a tree and watches the battle with a nervous face. Sulle remains unconscious on the ground.

Actions for round three!


A Scuffle in the Countryside - Round Three

"Gods damn these adventurers," swears the Captain. He looks about grimly as his odds turn against him. The horse affords a high position, but prevents him from his full swordplay. He leaps off. His sword, though sharp, is only one blade. He draws dagger in his left hand. To hold back and take prisoners now risks his own life.

"Time to die dogs!" he yells, swinging sword and dagger at Marcus. Calmly the unholy warrior parries both blades. He ripostes only to be blocked by the Captain's sword. The two warriors seem evenly matched, or the Gods of luck are frowning on both.

The bow guard takes aim at Mjolnir again and lets fly. The first arrow grazes the dwarf's armor. In frustration with his fifth missed shot, the guard pulls too hard on the bow for his second arrow and the string breaks (fumble!)

Like a bull, Mjolner charges the Captain's horse head first with his magical Helm of Bludgeoning. The Captain leapt from his steed and sent it off at an angle, causing the dwarf to miss.

The sword guard attacks Kondro again. The warrior-assassin rolls right, avoiding the sword, and brings his bow up. With trained discipline Kondro takes aim for the fallen cleric again, but the aim was too quick and the shot misses the cleric only to hit his horse.

The fallen cleric stays on the ground, intoning a prayer and moving his fingers about a tiny hand mirror. He points it out toward the battle.

Kondro nocks his second arrow and aims at the sword guard attacking him. At almost point-blank range the arrow thuds into him.

Penuttler turns his occult attentions to the archer guard. Reflecting his murderous glee, the madgician's magic missiles shine blood red as they streak into the archer. "Ugghh!" he doubles over in pain, falls from his horse, and lies still.

Haraldr and Cosmo remain held by the holy power of the Gods of Law. Sulle lies unconscious dreaming of Granbretan. Sereniti, watching the battle from behind a tree about 20' away, considers how to get the magical silence away from her. Was it cast on an object in her possession? Should she throw a dagger to help her brother?

Actions for round four?
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#25 Post by Grognardsw »

A Scuffle in the Countryside - Round Four

"No prisoners!" yells the Captain. Against dwindling odds the Inverness guards attack.

Determined more than skilled, the wounded sword guard slashes again at Kondro the half-orc. Pained by Kondro's arrow sticking from his side, the guard's sword is easily parried. Kondro hews back with sword and dagger at him. The guard gains a second wind and parries both sword and dagger, actually disarming the dagger from Kondro's grasp (fumble.)

The archer guard felled from his horse by Penuttler's magic missiles staggers to hit feet. He draws his sword and swings unsteadily at Mjolnir. The blow makes little contact, clanging off the duergar's plate mail.

The cleric, seriously injured, foregoes healing himself and moves to check one of the sorcerously sleeping guards. He starts shaking the four of them awake.

With a menacing cluck Penuttler lets loose a sling shot at the cleric. The stone flies too high and whizzes above the heads of everyone.

The Captain and Marcus exchange clangs of steel. The guard leader goes to strike a blow, but at that instant his eye is drawn for a second by the charging Mjolnir. The Captain's blade slides down Marcus' blade to the hilt, and thebwarrior twists and disarms the Captain! (A fumble on his part :roll:)

Marcus smiles and curses the Captain, taking advantage of his disarmed state. "Aarrgghh!" gasps the Captain, as the unholy warrior strikes a devastating blow on him, drawing a gash from shoulder to hip.

Cursing horse and dismounted rider, Mjolnir the duergar charges the Captain for a head butt. The guard leader staggeringly dodges the deep dwarf, one hand steering Mjolnir's head aside.

Haradlr and Cosmo bristle in anger at being Held. Sulle remains out. With the sleeping guards soon to be awake, Sereniti realizes she  may need to take action.


A Countryside Scuffle - Round Five

The adventurers gain first strike. Kondro swings sword and, bereft of dagger, draws and stabs with an arrow. Perhaps the fresh air of the countryside is disagreeable to the half-orc, for his blows miss again. The sword guard ripostes on Kondro but he parries successfully.

Penuttler lunges at the archer guard, now on the ground in the thick of the melee. The madgician's unnatural rage upsets his aim and his sling dagger misses. The guard realizes Penuttler is upon him and lashes out with his blade. Penuttler jumps back, his robe getting a small tear from the tip of the blade.

Marcus follows up his successful hit with another thrust, but the Captain recovers enough to parry. He now faces both Marcus and Mjolnir. The duergar recovers an axe, considers attacking the cleric, but keeps instead to the now-wounded Captain. The guard leader blocks the axe blow with his sword.

For a moment the Captain looks uncertain. He sees the cleric shaking awake the four sleeping guards. "I'm not done yet cur!" He swings at Marcus with sword and dagger. The unholy warrior grins as he parries both and flicks away the dagger (yet another fumble from the Captain.)

Sereniti the dark mistress of magic moves away from her staff. At 15' she can hear her own voice. The cleric just shook awake the last guard, but they are groggily and slowly recovering. Sereniti rushes to the closest horse, pulls the fazed man to the ground with a hard thud, and slits his throat.

The cleric sees with alarm what Sereniti is doing. "By the power and glory of Light and Law, let the mercy and will of their divine power command you. The power of Law compels you: Surrender!" (Sereniti please Save vs. Magic.)

The three remaining awakened guards draw swords readying for attack.
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#26 Post by Grognardsw »

A Scuffle in the Countryside - Round Six

Adventurers and guards clash simultaneously. Kondro duals against the wounded guard. Swords clang, but then the half-orc's arrow-cum-dagger slips through into the guard's thigh. He finally slumps to the ground dead.

The cleric, having roused the guards, begins a prayer and laying of hands upon himself. Sereniti invokes a blast of Eldritch Energy at the him. The black blasts from her fingers. The cleric's eyes widen in shock as he rolls to the ground avoiding the infernal magic. But his healing spell upon himself was interrupted! 

One of the roused guards sees the threat of the wanton warlock. He boldly thrusts his long blade between Sereniti's heaving breasts. She denies him, leaping back from his swinging sword.

The veteran Captain parries another blow from Marcus, then finally breaks through the unholy warrior's defenses with a slash to the hip below the chest plate (5 HP damage.)

Mjolnir swings his axe again and again at the captain, but the experienced veteran fends off the blows. One of the awakened guards slashes at the duergar, who ducks under the blade.

Penuttler the howling mage plunges the dagger handle of his sling into the shoulder of another guard. Combined with the wizard's previous magic missile damage, it kills the guard.

Crazed Penuttler pauses to lick the blood off his dagger. He glares about for his next victim. And indeed rushing upon him is an awakened guard. He hacks at the magic-user. In a rare display of martial prowess, Penuttler squarely blocks the sword with his magic metal sling.

Actions for Round Seven!


A Scuffle in the Countryside - Round Seven

Sereniti summons forth another burst of Eldritch energy against the priest of Law. But the guard menacing her upsets her aim and she misses the cleric. A poor horse takes the infernal blast and whinnies in pain. Sereniti would laugh if the situation weren't so deadly.

The guard hacks at the comely conjurer, who again eludes his advances. Kondro shoots his bow at the guard threatening Sereniti. The first arrow thuds into his left rib cage, heavily wounding him. He staggers and moans. The second arrow misses, almost hitting Sereniti in the process.

The cleric, perhaps empty of divine magics, turns to his trusty mace. "For Law and Light!" He runs and swings at the red-haired demoness who keeps blasting infernal blackness at him. The mace comes within an inch of Sereniti's face. Asmodeus is smiling upon her.

Marcus and Mjolnir continue their dance of steel against the Captain. The warrior and the duergar's blows are both parried. The guard leader finesses through on Marcus, gashing his thigh deeply (11 HP damage.) The Captain slashes imperfectly at Mjolnir but his chain mail holds up. Another guard tries again at skewering the deep dwarf but meets his axe block instead.

Penuttler stabs through a red haze at his guard, who blocks the blade by grabbing the madgician's forearm and shoving him back. The guard tries to bring up his sword but the mage screams and wrestles him and the blade down. 

Haraldr and Cosmo struggle against the magic holding them. Sulle lies unconscious.

Actions for round eight!
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#27 Post by Grognardsw »

A Death in the Countryside - Round Eight

Wounded heavily, Markus relentlessly attacks the Captain. The anti-paladin's frustration gets the better of him as he is again parried by the skilled guard leader.

Mjolnir turns his anger against the Captain into deadly focus. His axe slashes, hacks, and hits! The first blow crunches through kneecap and severs the leg. The Captain stumbles down. The second axe strike impales his back.  The Captain collapses dead (17 HP damage total, including critical.)

Sereniti, intent on killing the priest, ignores the guard before her and fires another infernal blast at the cleric. The guard obstructs her aim; she hits another horse. Kondro the fighter/assassin takes aim again at the cleric with his bow, careful not to hit the nearby Sereniti. The first arrow grazes the cleric (1 HP); the second arrow misses and unfortunately hits the winsome warlock in the shoulder (5 HP*.

Penuttler wrestles his guard and slips his sling-dagger between ribs into the heart. The guard gurgles blood and dies. The madgician is elated; he almost passes seed such is his excitement. He has a sudden desire to pluck the guard's eyes out with his talons hands, but resists.

Seeing the Captain die, the two wounded guards and cleric lose heart. They dash to their horses in an attempt to escape. (Per DMG p. 70, retreating gives opponents a free attack at +2.)

Actions for free attack!


Escape from the Countryside?  Round 8.5

As the two guards and cleric make a break for the horses, the adventurers strike.

Mjolner hurls his axe at the cleric and it thuds into the back of his skull. At the same time, Markus rushes over to the cleric, swinging down his great sword. It sinks between the priest's shoulders; the crunch of spinal cord is heard. The cleric is quite dead.

Sereniti, terror of equines, unleashes another infernal blast of eldritch energy. It misses the cleric only to hit another horse (her third.)

Kondro continues his rain of arrows, one piercing the back of a guard who falls down dead.

Penuttler slings a stone at the other retreating guard but only hits a tree. That guard scrambles onto his horse and begins to gallop away.

The magically held Haraldr and Cosmo begin to feel some subtle body movement possible. An eyebrow raises, a sphincter clenches, a pinkie wiggles. They struggle to be free.

The clearing is littered with seven dead bodies. Blood soaks the ground. Four uninjured horses remain. 

Actions, including from Cosmo and Heraldr!


Kondro moves quickly with his bow, firing two arrows at the retreating guard on horseback. At 100' one arrow slices his shoulder; the second arrow hits a tree.  Penuttler's magic sling propels a stone almost as fast as the arrow, and it slams into the back of the guard's head.  He cries out, slumps down, is jolted about on the horse and falls to the ground. He lies there unmoving.

Haraldr urinates on the cleric. Mjolnir berates the unconscious Sulle. Cosmo is looting the soldiers. The Wearlogas siblings console each other. The scuffle is concluded.

Rodiar the guide peeks out from behind a tree. His face is white as he looks about at all the dead bodies. "I...I don't believe this. Why did this happen. What are you doing?" His voice is nervous and rising in octaves as he speaks. "They know me. Others knew I left with you. What am I going to do!?  What did you do??"
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#28 Post by Grognardsw »

Rodiar looks about nervously as Mjolnir and Haraldr explain what happened. He appears unconvinced.

"We must clear your names!" the guide says. "They will think me complicit! We must return! The Palace isn't going anywhere!"

The half-elf is working himself into a tizzy. "Many of you are bleeding! Is there a cleric among you? Is that Kender stealing the soldiers belongings?!"

Cosmo has made a pile of the loot: About 120 gold pieces, assorted long swords, daggers, four bows and quivers of arrows, mace, chainmail sets, a more detailed map of the region, two vials of clear liquid in the cleric's satchel, the Captain's bastard sword and plate armor, five uninjured horses, rations.


Mother finds Sulle the Red very worthy (8 HP healed.) Haraldr's divinely demonic energy flows into the unconscious mage, healing muscle, flesh, skin. His eyes snap open, his breathing is stronger, his energy level comparatively robust.

Rodiar calms down and agrees to do his job. His confidence does not inspire you. "Well, we're a few days away from the Palace."
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#29 Post by Grognardsw »

The Journey Ahead

It is 2:00 pm. The bodies are dragged into the underbrush. Sulle, Sereniti and Markus are healed. Cosmo pockets the coins, cleric vials, extra rations, and a few daggers. It all seems to fit in one sack. Rodiar mounts a horse and leads the way. "We can ride until we get to the rocky hills."

The afternoon travel is uneventful. You catch a fleeting glimpse of a dryad among the trees. Later, you make haste away from a large flock of stirges that luckily do not notice you.
At one point your trail crosses a road, upon which an ornate three-tiered slave wagon guarded by a troop of Gor warriors crosses your path. A fat slaver merchant leads, carried in a luxurious transport box atop a great lizard. The women are strikingly beautiful, the guards' spears dangerous looking. Seeing the latter, the adventurers decide not to molest the wanton pleasure servants.
You make camp that night in the rocky hills near a stream. Rodiar has not been as talkative as he was before, though he answers questions posed to him. It has been a long day. Some of the Fellowship of Chaos are still injured. They rebind their wounds, keeping in mind their Elixirs of Health and the presence of the moody demoniac cleric.
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#30 Post by Grognardsw »

A Chase in the Night

The first watch goes quietly. The adventurers contemplate the day's events and each others words. Ten minutes before Sulle is to wake Haraldr, the sorcerer realizes Rodiar the guide has slipped away silently. Sulle glares about, lighting a torch from the dying fire. He glimpses the half-elf moving through underbrush about 15' away!


“Damn him!” Sulle whispers under his breath. Sulle moves to the closest sleeping party member, while trying to follow Rodiar with the torchlight, and kicks them. Trying not to shout he says, “Wake up damn you! The Guide is getting away,” without looking to see who it is. He makes a feeble attempt to use Charm Person on the guide, knowing full well that Rodiar, being a half-elf, will lower the chances significantly.

Once the spell is complete he shouts into the brush, “Rodiar, you are among friends here, please come back to the camp. I must speak with you. You are my friend and I am in need of your immediate assistance.”


In the darkness of night the adventurers give chase to Rodiar. Footing is unsteady in the rocky hills. Underbrush and occasional tree branches slice into you. Sulle calls out for the half-elf to stop this foolishness. The guide is too scared, or wise, to stop now.

He is fleet-footed, this one. Two, five, ten minutes go by. Breathing is heavy, a few ankles are almost twisted. The infravision of Kondro the half-orc and Mjolnir the duergar keep the fleeing Rodiar in sight. He attempts to hide in the shadows, but realizes almost too late that such a ploy won't work with the demi-humans. That misstep puts him in range of the pursuers' missile weapons. Kondro's arrows miss as the night and tree-obscured Rodiar resumes running. Mjolnir, Sulle and Kondro are hot on his trail.

Though the result is inevitable, the chase continues another 15 minutes. Kondro fires more arrows. One hits, slowing Rodiar down. Sulle reaches him first; the slippery half-elf almost whacks the mage with a big branch. He scrambles up a tree as Mjolnir and Kondro arrive.


Flames lick the higher branches where Rodiar balances unsteadily. His shoulder hurts from Kondro's arrow. He is sweating from the heat of the fire below. Regret, anger, sadness mix inside the half-elf. They seemed like the usual band of adventurers. Maybe their story was true, maybe not, but their bickerings revealed the truth. Rodiar would not survive as a witness to it all. The unlucky guide took fate into his own hands.

Rodiar jumps, lands awkwardly, winces in pain, rolls and staggers up. Desperate like a cornered rat he slashes at Kondro. The blow misses by a few feet and Rodiar seems shocked.


Rodiar's head flies from his body. Blood pumps like a fountain from the neck. The body slowly slumps to the ground. The head stares for several seconds from the ground, then the eyes close.


At camp, Haraldr feels a shiver. Mother's dream was true.
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#31 Post by Grognardsw »

Kondro finds that Rodiar has a short sword, dagger, leather armor, 25 gp, an iron spoon with unknown runes, and a pocket journal written in elven.

Penuttler makes headway on the map. After the Rodiar episode, the party manages to get back to sleep for another three hours.


And so the sun of a new day rises. A morning chill seeps into your bones. The Fellowship of Chaos eats breakfast then breaks camp.

With Rodiar the guide dead, the party studies the detailed map taken from the guard captain. While it may take longer to reach without a guide, and perhaps be more dangerous, the group will certainly find the Palace of the Silver Princess.

Along the way each adventurer contemplates at some point the reward for bringing back the Runestaff. Riches beyond any dungeon treasure, a harem of pleasure slaves, a court position, chambers in the Emperor's Palace, fame in military and aristocratic circles. It is a heady proposition, and well worth the risk.

The morning passes by pleasantly enough. The party seems civil to each other. Cosmo is quiet for a Kender. Penuttler has developed an intermittent facial tick. In the next few days the Fellowship of Chaos passes through hill, vale, woods, stream, then into the Valley of Haven.

As the sun is beginning to set, you round a bend and finally spy the ruined glory of The Palace of the Silver Princess:


Here ends A Glimpse Into the Evil That Men Do. When next we encounter our anti-heroes, they will face The Fellowship of Law (the good players in War is Hell: Palace of the Silver Princess campaign) in a battle of wits, weapons and magic as they pursue the Runestaff.

Lurkers are welcome in the private forum of The Evil That Men Do; please PM me for access.

The Fellowship of Chaos...
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#32 Post by Grognardsw »

I know, I changed my mind on further Glimpses, but this encounter arc was too fun to keep private. Knowledge of this will not effect the Fellowship of Law's course of action.
The Fellowship of Chaos moves ahead and into the immense chamber.

In the middle of the floor is a swirling red vortex about 6’ wide. Its glow is the cause of light. Obvious magic energies are swirling around in it. The sorcerers among the party suspect it to be a gateway to Chaos. In the vast prison you see many inmates – they seem drawn from different places, judging from dress. Some are awake, some asleep, unconscious or perhaps even dead, it is hard to tell without entering the cell. Many stare blankly, others are mumbling in unknown languages, some scream gibberish, others seem tense and aware and watch you from behind the bars. There are numbers above the cell doors. At the end of each row are numbered levers most likely corresponding to the cell. From one of the cells there is singing, the same that Kondro and Derwin heard earlier. The adventurers cautiously look in to see some of the detainees.

The strangely dressed man is singing:

"Asylums with doors open wide,
Where people had paid to see inside,
For entertainment they watch his body twist,
Behind his eyes he says, 'I still exist.'

This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside...

In arenas he kills for a prize,
Wins a minute to add to his life.
But the sickness is drowned by cries for more,
Pray to God, make it quick, watch him fall.

This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside...

You'll see the horrors of a faraway place,
Meet the architects of Chaos face to face.
See mass murder on a scale you've never seen,
And all the ones who try hard to succeed.

This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside...

And I picked on the whims of a thousand or more,
Still pursuing the path that's been buried for years,
Can't replace or relate, can't release or repair,
Take my hand and I'll show you what was and will be."

The singer sees you look in and holds his hand out to you.
Other cells...

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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#33 Post by Grognardsw »

"I am Severin, guilty of mercy," says the strangely masked singer to Sunshine's question. "A trait  not ideal for torturers. Did you escape?"

Derwin converses with the prisoner in cell #10. "I am Soloman Kane. I was in deepest Africa before here. I do not know why I am here, or what this is besides a prison. Perhaps the man-apes killed me and we are in limbo.  For three nights I have dreamt of scales of balance. And I am not hungry."

Sulle interrogates the Melnibonean in cell #5. On closer inspection he appears weak but proud. He grasps a massive black sword as if it is a supporting post. "I am Elric of Melnibone, human. Who are you? I would be in your debt if you would free me."

There is a garrulous yelling from cell #9. "You Russian sons-of-bitches, let me out right now! Do you know who I am!? I'll fucking nuke you commie bastards!"

The prisoner in cell #1 grunts, roars and tries bending the bars, to no effect.

The adventurers discuss the pros and cons of releasing prisoners. Kondro, with his relentless focus, advises they all be left alone.

The vortex swirls menacingly.
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#34 Post by Grognardsw »

Prison of Lost Heroes?

Haraldr the dark cleric supports freeing them and calls for a party vote, though his request is not warmly received as the others explore and question further. Sereniti the warlock suggests questioning the prisoners for useful information in return for alleged release.

The demoniac priest bellows out to the prisoners: “Who are you and how came you to this place? Why should we free you?” A cacophony of voices, screams, pleas and curses erupt from the three levels of cells. It is hard to understand any of them. Haraldr realizes a more systematic approach may be more effective.

Kondro the half-orc looks for another exit from the room other than the one they came in. While he finds various stairwells up, it seems the only way in and out is how they came in.* Sunshine the elf ascends stairs to the next level of cells which also seem full of prisoners of differing nationalities, dress and even races. A few of the more curious:

Cell #31
Cell #40
The arcanists Penuttler and Sulle look into many cells and find it strange and inexplicable to have so many prisoners here, under a ruined palace that has lain desolate for 200 years. Certainly monsters wander in and a dungeon ecology develops, they surmise, but this is entirely different. With the demon activity here, they guess it may have something to do with the increasing influence of Chaos.

Mjolnir the duergar examines the stonework and determines the place looks 200 or more years old. The stone around the vortex is cracked, leading him to believe the vortex appeared more recently and disturbed the floor stone.

Penuttler asks the prisoner Severin what this place is. The singer answers: “I like the others was pulled from our worlds into the prison. Some dreamt of confinement and awoke here… or perhaps they still sleep. Or we are the dreams of Chaos Lords? I am not sure anymore. But creatures of Chaos have come through that yonder vortex. They find entertainment in us – be it duels, conversations, eating us, or fulfilling hideous dark desires. It is a cruel prison and arena from which there seems no escape. Will you free me?”
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#35 Post by Grognardsw »

The Fellowship of Chaos further discusses whether to release prisoners or not. The consensus is to leave them.

Sunshine the wood elf wonders if the vortex and Heart of Xiombarg are one in the same. The adventurers recall the legend that the Heart was a great jewel or crystal. Though perhaps it caused the vortex? It is a theory. Certainly legend tells that corruption and ruin befell the Palace and Valley of Haven after Lady Myshella opened the jewel case. This vortex appeared in the floor, and the strange faces erupted from beneath back in the hallway. Whatever the cause, the influence of Chaos is strong here.

Penuttler continues talking with Severin the torturer. “I am in a strange world, for it is not 1426 but rather 273 in the cycle of the conciliator. I have not heard of the Heart of Xiombarg.”

There is a voice from the cell containing Elric of Melnibone: “Who speaks of Xiombarg, that Lord of Chaos?”

Sulle the sorcerer looks in at the albino with the big black sword. "Have you heard of the Runestaff? Do you know you are in the Palace of the Silver Princess?"

To which Elric replies: “I have had strange dreams of the Runestaff, in which I am other people questing for the staff. It has something to do with the Cosmic Balance. I know not of any Silver Princess. If you would give me food and release, if would help sharpen my mind.”
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#36 Post by Grognardsw »

The Fellowship of Law hears intriguing information. The conversation continues.

Elric responds to Derwin the elf and Sulle the sorcerer: “Thank you for the bread. My dreams are unsettled, hard to remember, but I feel familiar souls in different bodies living to maintain the Balance. There is a great black warrior; a tortured looking man with a jewel in his skull; a graceful being not unlike my race who bears a jeweled eye and unnatural hand.”

“As for Xiombarg, on my world she is a demon lord, brother to Arioch, and is not be trifled with. I have heard she may manifest on an earthly world, and in such form her heart is a source of anarchical chaos should it be separated from her body. If it was indeed unleashed here, it would bring slow change - spiritual and physical chaos to the palace, eventually transforming or rupturing it into who knows what.”

To Penuttler the albino says: “My goal is to find my way back home. If the Runestaff can do that, I would desire its capture as well. I personally would have no cause to hinder the plans of those who free me. Do so and let us leave this place before some demon-thing comes back.”

Meanwhile, Sunshine partakes of dead Cosmo’s Elixir of Healing, held in Kondro’s bag. He then searches the upper levels for secret doors or compartments. He finds closets containing chains, manacles, whips, torture equipment, rope and cleaning supplies. As the wood elf passes by cells, he gets pleas for freedom. Hands reach out to him. Promises of riches, carnal pleasures, everlasting life are made to him if only he would open these damn prison doors.

Markus and Sereniti whisper of bargaining chips, though are reluctant to free any who could not obviously help them. Haraldr the dark cleric broods in silence, ignoring Sunshine's wounds. Thoughts of reversing a cure spell and putting the wood elf out of his misery cross his mind. Mjolnir paces about impatiently, almost sorry he didn't go with Kondro.
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#37 Post by Grognardsw »

The sorcerers strategize… Derwin gives warning to Penuttler and Sulle about Elric’s magic sword. The three hesitate releasing the Melnibonean upon hearing that news. Penuttler grasps his enchanted sling with a strange look of concentration.

Sulle has misgivings and moves to inspect cell #7. The fiery haired warrior looks suspiciously at Sulle. “What want you?” she asks.

Haraldr the dark cleric is doubtful, though the albino’s knowledge seems promising. After a prayer of guidance to his mother, he looks into cell #4 and asks, “Who are you? How came you to this place?”

The knight in shining armor responds: “I am Arthur Pendragon, king of Camelot. In dark dreams I was battling a laughing dragon. As I slew it, it transformed into an evil but alluring woman. I awoke here.”
Arthur peers out the small 4”x4” window and glares at Sereniti. “You! I thought it may be your sorcerous evils Morgan Le Fay! You shall not succeed!”

Sunshine explores the closets, collects rope and offers chain and manacles to Markus and Sereniti. The elf is apprehensive about releasing prisonsers. He moves off in pursuit of Kondro.
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#38 Post by Grognardsw »

Sulle the Red takes an unhealthy interest in the warrior with the red tresses. To his odd question, she answers: “I am Sonya, daughter of Rogatino, of Hyrkania, known by some as Red Sonya. Let me free and I’ll whisper more than my favorite color in your ear.”

Haraldr the dark cleric informs Arthur that Sereniti is not Morgana Le Fay. The knight looks skeptical, but promises to free the prisoners when the Fellowship leaves the area, should he be released.

Derwin watches Penuttler as he holds his sling with eyes closed. He’s not sure what to make of it.

Sereniti ignores the allegations of King Arthur and advises the group to stop wasting time. Haraldr agrees with the warlock. “Free the Melnibonean, he and his kin could be a valuable allies.”

Derwin pulls the lever and Elric of Melnibone walks out of the cell. The adventurers see him close up. It is the color of a bleached skull, his flesh; and the long hair which flows below his shoulders is milk-white. From the tapering, beautiful head stare two slanting eyes, crimson and moody, and from the loose sleeves of his tattered jerkin emerge two slender hands, also the color of bone.*


The black blade stirs, a rumbling sound that reminds the adventurers of the demons they've encountered earlier.
* The first two sentences of the novel Elric of Melnibone, with a minor modification.

"I am weak and would first have sustenance," says Elric, fingering the hilt of his sword. "Preferably food. Have you any? Then I suppose we could look for this Runestaff, though a way home is preferable. Perhaps they are one in the same."

As he talks Elric paces past some cells, looking in. "Quis potest intelligis!" he yells out to the chamber in what you presume to be Melnibonean.


Elric pauses to eat the food given to him by Derwin the elf. The albino seems ravenous. He looks at Derwin and says: "Your physical features are not unlike Melniboneans. From where do you hail?"

To Sulle's question about the vortex, Elric answers: "A gate to a Chaos plane, judging from what has emerged from it before."

Elric shoots Sereniti a look when he hears her comment about trust. "I could say the same of you."
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#39 Post by Grognardsw »

A bubbling sound is heard from the swirling vortex.

The anti-heroes look over at the hole. Putrid bubbles arise, a nauseous stench emits, oozing obscenities slither.
Just then Kondro runs back into the room. "I am chased by a gelatinous cube!"
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Re: A Glimpse Into The Evil That Men Do...

#40 Post by Grognardsw »

The Thing From the Vortex - Round One

The Fellowship of Chaos moves back toward the door. Though they know a dreaded cube of gelatinous death is approaching, the spewing frothing tentacled thing now erupting from the vortex is the more immediate danger. It is rising, swirling up 20-30-40' like a snake and widening 30-40-50' into an amorphous mass of bubbly eyes, mouths, pseudo-limbs and satellite chaos rodents. It spreads on the floor moving close underfoot. Its form assaults sanity.


Derwin throws a volley darts at the thing; it is like tossing pebbles in a pond. Sulle lobs a flaming oil flask that catches a section of the creature on fire. The thing folds in and overlaps itself in an effort to snuff out the fire.

Markus the unholy warrior hacks. The amorphous flesh collapses around the hit, effectively causing the blade to not cut.

Warlock Sereniti blasts forth a wave of infernal energy. Her footing is uncertain on the suddenly slippery floor and her aim is off. The blast hits a cell door and frees a well-muscled man dressed in a cowled grey and black tight outfit with a bat symbol on his chest.

Mjolnir the duergar swings his mighty twin axes. One misses, the other lops off a pseudo-pincer limb. Haraldr falls back, thinking of healing the injured to aid their battle.

The black blade of Elric of Melnibone screams demonically. The albino's face has an evil, hungry glare. He rushes the chaos thing and sinks the sword hilt-deep into a thick section of pseudo-flesh. The blade seems to pulse; the creature screams in a horrific yodel. Elric holds the blade, laughing, seeming to gain strength with each passing moment.


Kondro focuses on the approaching gelatinous cube. He fires two arrows into it, each sinking in halfway down the shaft. The bizarre monster plods steadily closer.

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