Encumbrance in Traveller

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Encumbrance in Traveller

#1 Post by atpollard »

I don't generally like Encumbrance rules (too much fussy book keeping for too little game benefit) ... but I want to avoid people carrying around a metric tonne of equipment with no adverse impacts.

The OFFICIAL CLASSIC TRAVELLER RULES are STR in kg for unencumbered or 2xSTR for encumbered.

Checking that against reality ... that places a 7 kg unencumbered/ 14 kg maximum limit on the average person and a 12 kg unencumbered / 24 kg maximum limit on the top 3% of the population. I can carry more than 14 kg in a backpack (maximum encumbrance) and I am an old fart. Soldiers loads are close to 50 kg and recommended Camping backpacks are 20 kg loads (10 kg for a light day hiking pack).

Does anyone have any alternatives that they use to offer?

I was thinking maybe STR + END rather than just STR to place the GAME closer to REALITY ... for Joe Average 777777):
  • 14 kg maximum unencumbered
  • 28 kg maximum encumbered
  • 42 kg maximum military load
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Re: Encumbrance in Traveller

#2 Post by Rex »

I just use the eyeball test. The DM/GM/whatever you want to call them looks over each PCs equipment list and decides if they are encumbered. No recording weights or encumbrance values or anything else. The only thing I assign encumbrance for is armor and large objects that will encumber automatically if someone takes them.
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Re: Encumbrance in Traveller

#3 Post by Tiglath »

If this is any help Striker offers this:

Rule 42: Encumbrance
Infantry are limited in the amount of weight they can carry. A soldier can function normally while carrying a total weight of 10 kg. He can carry up to 30 kg, but
will be encumbered; an encumbered soldier walks 2.5 cm and runs 6 cm. A soldier's
armor is ignored for purposes of calculating weight carried.
/ A soldier in battle dress may carry up to 100 kg without being encumbered, and
may carry up to 200 kg while encumbered.
(Ref: Bk 2 pg 13)

NB as per Striker rules:

Distance: One millimeter equals one meter; one centimeter equals ten meters.

Time: One turn equals 30 seconds of real time.
(Ref: Bk 1 pg 4)

FWIW in my own Merc Campaign (based here on US) these are guidelines and not an issue. As things scale up beyond section/squad level the more modern gaming approach of conceptual "units of supply" (see newer merc books) seems a better logistical mechanic (for me). Again for myself sub units being in or out of supplies are a function of their environment in game. So this is abstracted into a game/scenario situational issue rather than one of bookkeeping.

Hope this helps.
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
Gun Cbt 3 (Rifle 2, Pistol 1), Melee Cbt 1 (Axe), Pilot 1,
Gunnery 1, Vacc Suit 1, Zero G 1, Streetwise 1, Recon 1,
Electronics 0, Grav Vehicle 0
Enemy: Imperial Navy (Lunion) Ine Givar(?)
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