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Re: Riverveins

#121 Post by Computer +1 »

Lets fucking go Yarl harshly whispers, almost afraid to be too loud.
He takes the rear position in case the zombies break through before they get out.
He is already thinking if that door is locked, can they make it through the windows...
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Re: Riverveins

#122 Post by hedgeknight »

Rats on the Run!

The door is locked...but with a turn of the deadbolt, the door opens out into a small narrow garden. A gate in the garden leads out into an alley, and through it hurries Cookie, Oak, and Yarl bringing up the rear. Once out into the alley, the shadows and fog close in on the trio, but the greenish lights on the outer wall beckon to them and they turn right and head in that direction. Within a few feet, they come to the back corner of the hospital. Ahead is the wall; to the left the street between the wall and the buildings of the Lower City are dotted with trees; to the right, Cliff Gate is no more than 30' away.

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Re: Riverveins

#123 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl starts moving towards Cliff Gate. He is cautious as they move afraid for both zombies and the Faithless.
He has no desire to enter Tumbledown but they may be out of choices...
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Re: Riverveins

#124 Post by dmw71 »

Oak, still gripping Cookie's hand, silently follows Yarl.
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Re: Riverveins

#125 Post by hedgeknight »

Leaving the hospital behind them, Yarl, Oak, and Cookie cautiously move toward Cliff Gate. None make a sound for fear of alerting someone to their presence. As the trio nears the gate, they can see a guard leaning against one of the doors...which are open for some strange reason. Being as quiet as a mouse...rat, they approach the gate guard, and in the greenish light of the fog lamps they realize the man is impaled to the gate! His toes drag the ground and his head hangs down, chin toward his chest. A large wooden spike is driven through his upper chest and into the wood of the gate, pinning him there. Blood has pooled at his toes...there is no sign of another guard.
In the shadow of Duskhawk Hill lies the gloomy community of Tumbledown. Fog floats along the ground and around the sparse buildings...and moving through the fog, seemingly milling about, are walking skeletons.
Skeleton.jpg (91.74 KiB) Viewed 825 times
One spies Yarl and Oak and clatters toward them, bringing others in its wake.
"Not again!" Cookie's shrill voice cuts through the fog...and then she gasps as other figures appear out of the fog and attack the skeletons!
Yells of "Torm!" announce their arrival as at least a dozen men and women descend upon the skeletons, bashing and beating them into the dirt. One of their rescuers wields a glowing mace and smashes the skeletons with a grim smile on her face. Once there are no more threats, the group approaches Yarl and Oak.

Leone Wen.jpg
Leone Wen.jpg (81.43 KiB) Viewed 825 times
The woman who leads them points her mace at Yarl and asks, "Tell me true, what are you doing in Tumbledown?"
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Re: Riverveins

#126 Post by Computer +1 »

It may be due to the multiple near death experiences, it may be due to being rescued, it may be due to the fury in which the rescuers destroyed the skeletons but, for whatever reason, Yarl's heart is a flutter at the woman warrior now threatening them. The truth is we are trying to save our asses. The fuc... errrrm, hospital is full of zombies. The Fist and the Faithless are killin' anything on the street. Its fucked, errrr, bad. Yarl looks at his companions. Me and mine here was in the hospital when it all started. A few of us tried to hold the dead back but some dark cloaked fucker came out leading them. I pegged him with me dagger and the fucker laughed it off... They turned the doctor and the priest and we got the fuck outta there.
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Re: Riverveins

#127 Post by hedgeknight »

The knight of Torm listens as Yarl relates what is going on. Every time he curses, a muscle under her right eye twitches and she shifts her feet. "...They turned the doctor and the priest and we got the fuck outta there."
She looks at Oak, then to Cookie. "Tell me child, are these honorable men? Have they hurt you?"
Her hand tightens around the handle of her mace, expecting the worst...and then Cookie says, "No, these are my friends. Yarl is our new kingpin, and Oak...well, Oak takes care of me."
The urchin's words seem to soothe the knight for the time being. "Yarl. Oak." the knight repeats, looking at each when pronouncing their names.
"And I'm Cookie! What's your name, erm, my lady?"

The knight is about to reply, when one of her companions comes running through the fog. "Lady Wen! Lady Wen!"
"What is it, Benjamin?" she asks, her gaze still on Yarl and Oak.
"A pack of ghouls are trying to tear into the apothecary! Zena is down, paralyzed, and they are about to overwhelm us!"

Lady Wen gives the Rats another look and then points in the direction of the river. "A boat is tied up down by the rocks. Take it and go. And if I see you in Tumbledown again, you better be looking for the mortician and a grave slot."
She takes a step away, then turns and looks at the Rats one more time. "Or you can help us with the ghouls. Earn yourselves a bowl of hot soup with bread and butter."
She winks at Cookie and then turns and disappears into the fog.

"I am kinda hungry," Cookie says, squeezing Oak's hand.
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Re: Riverveins

#128 Post by Computer +1 »

Edited, I changed my mind
The knights take off and Yarl nods his head in appreciation of the warrior woman, Lady Wen. The thought of fighting a ghoul does not seem like the smart choice, it time to get home.

Lets take the boat and get the fuck back to Rivington. Oak can we crash at your place for a bit? Might not be able to head to the Den right away.
. Yarl starts moving to the boat.
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Re: Riverveins

#129 Post by hedgeknight »

The trail to the boat is a bit treacherous in the thick fog, but the trio of Rats makes it without too much effort. Once aboard, Yarl puts his strong back to the oars, paddling upstream and across to the other side of the river.
"Oak can we crash at your place for a bit? Might not be able to head to the Den right away," Yarl asks, but Oak offers no reply. Cookie keeps looking back at the opposite shore and the Riverveins where they entered the tunnels only a few hours ago. Shuddering with memories, the young urchin turns back to watch Yarl strain against the flow of the river, while bringing them closer and closer to the Den.
And you can't miss the Den...because it is on fire!

burning building.jpg
burning building.jpg (73.89 KiB) Viewed 803 times
Figures are running around hollering and even fighting others, backlit by the flames. Some have a bucket brigade going from the river, but it is doing little good as the building is almost engulfed at this point. The clashing sounds of steel on steel can be heard through the din...but who are the Rats fighting?
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Re: Riverveins

#130 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl docks the boat as quietly as he can. I gotta help the Rats. You two can come or get to hiding out someplace Yarl says before moving in a crouch towards the sounds of fighting. He has his short sword and his club at the ready. Its time to save his people.
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Re: Riverveins

#131 Post by dmw71 »

"You know your way around here," Oak addresses Cookie, breaking his silence. "Make yourself safe and I'll find you later."

With that, Oak hurries to catch up with Yarl, then slows his pace and begins to match Yarl's efforts at moving silently. "What in fuck is happening?" he whispers ahead, half-rhetorically. While moving, he instinctively checks to make sure his bow is still slung across his back and, upon discovering that it is, unslings it. He uncaps his quiver and slides a handful (half dozen) arrows out before capping the quiver closed again.

"What's the plan?" he asks. "Kill anyone we don't recognize?"
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Re: Riverveins

#132 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl doesn't say it but he is glad Oak has his back. You got it. Fucking Faithless cunts.
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Re: Riverveins

#133 Post by hedgeknight »

Back to the Yarl in Charge thread: viewtopic.php?f=1048&t=10966&p=596014#p596014
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