Player Characters

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Player Characters

#1 Post by thirdkingdom »

This topic is for the main player characters. Each player should have one post in this thread. Each player will have an additional thread they can use to track henchmen.

Here's the character sheet we're going to use:

To use the formatting, quote this post and copy the formatted text, then paste it to your own character sheet.

== Name ==
XP 0/0
Alignment Note that we are using three alignments: Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic. I would prefer PCS to be either Lawful or Neutral. Choosing Lawful or Chaotic is to align oneself with the cosmic struggle between Law and Chaos. The vast majority of people in the world are Neutral.

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==


No more than 100 words, please.


I will list available languages in the subforum.



== Combat ==
AC AC is ascending, added to 10.
HP x/x
Movement Rate
Initiative Modifier
*Primary Melee Attack:
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack:

*Petrification & Paralysis
*Poison & Death
*Staves & Wands

== Equipment ==

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Re: Player Characters

#2 Post by VonAlric »

Level 7
XP 73,441/120,000 (+10% XP adjustment)

== Attributes ==
STR 16 (+2)
INT 9 (+0)
WIS 4 (-2)
DEX 15 (+1)
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 15 (+1)

Gardo wasn't less intelligent than his 3 older siblings but was definitely slower to put his smarts to use. His father realized early on that the boy was tough and had a knack for fighting. He taught Gardo everything he could, even hiring him out as muscle for a local gambling ring. Gardo has since moved on to taking on other jobs and adventuring, making his own way in the world.


Toughness (d10 for HP)
Lucky (The character can reroll any attack, damage, or saving throw they make twice per day.)
Self-Improvement, Primary (+2 to STR)

Athletics (Skilled, 10+)
Riding (Proficient, 15+)
Gambling (Proficient, CHA, 15+)

== Combat ==
AC : 21/17 (no shield)
HP 47/47
Movement Rate : 90'
Initiative Modifier : +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (+8 hit, 1d8+5 dmg.)
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Short Bow (+7 hit, 1d6+2 dmg.)

Fighting Style - Sword and shield (gain +1 bonus to AC)
- Ranged (+1 to missile attacks, no penalty to fire into melee)
Combat Maneuvers:
- Stun (STR, Proficient,15+, 13+ if using fighting style)
- Knock-out (DEX, Skilled, 10+, 8+ if using fighting style)

*Poison or Death - 8
*Wands - 9
*Petrify or Paralyze - 10
*Breath Attack - 10
*Rod/Staves/Spells - 12

== Equipment ==
*Money: 8,604 gp - 5,233 gp on hand/3,371 gp in holding
Sword +1
Shield +2
Plate Armor
lier - black bladed long knife
Small pouch - contains a wishstone, can be used to cast limited wish 1d2+ times, or wish but once.

*Packed in Backpack
Rope, 50'
Torches x10
1 wks Iron Rations
2 waterskins
2 large sacks

Horse w/ Saddle & Saddle bags
*Packed in Saddle bags
1 wks Iron Rations
Short Bow
Quiver with 20 arrows
Glamourbox - lantern thing from Isendan - record and project an illusion, needs battery
Key to something in Isendan - flat orange rectangle
Map/Deed - 217.111 ... 80#p455751

Hireling - Mariusz - 0-level
Horse w/ Saddle & Saddle bags - for Mariusz
Torches x10
2 wks Iron Rations
2 waterskins
2 large sacks
Quiver with 20 arrows
Last edited by VonAlric on Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:56 pm, edited 43 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#3 Post by shaidar »

== Newton "Drakebane" Longville ==
XP 67757/120000
Alignment: Neutral

== Attributes ==
STR 16 (+2)
INT 11
WIS 11
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 13 (+1)
CHA 10

+5% to XP earned

Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3


Newton comes from a long line of scouts and wilderness guides. The family fortunes wax and wane with the times of law or chaos, but they have survived for many generations, being wise enough to store their good fortune during Law to ride out the lean times of Chaos.




Nature's Ally (Druid spells 2x1st)
Self Improvement, Primary (+1 STR, +1 CON)
Alertness (+1 init, only surprised 1 in 6 or 1 in 8 in the wilderness)

Riding (proficient)
Knowledge - wilderness creatures (proficient)
Athletics [narrowed] - jumping [STR +2], swimming [STR +2], endurance [CON +1] (skilled)
Language: Bestial

== Class Abilities ==
BAB: +5
Minimum weapon damage: d8
Naturalist (skilled)
Tracking (expert)
Wilderness Survival (skilled)
Climb +3
Hear Noise +3
Sneak +6 (additional +2 when wearing wood-drake armour in the wilderness)
Less chance of being lost in wilderness (roll twice, take best)
If leading a party trying to evade an encounter they can roll twice, taking the better result.
If the scout slays a target they may make an immediate additional attack against another target within 5’. They may do this a maximum number of times equal to their hit dice, provided each attack kills the opponent.

== Combat ==
AC 14 (wood-drake masterwork leather, dex, ring of prot +1)
HP 33/33
Movement Rate 90'
Initiative Modifier +2 (+1 for agility and +1 for Alertness)

Newton normally dual-wields his +1 magical axes for +9 attack and d8+4 damage (roll dmg twice, take best result).
*Primary Melee Attack: [magical] Axe +1/+1 (+8 att, d8+3 dmg) - dual wield
*Secondary Melee Attack: [magical] Axe +1/+1 (+8 att, d8+3 dmg) - dual wield
*Primary Ranged Attack: long bow (+7 att, d8+2 dmg)

Ranged fighting style (+1, can fire into melee)
dual-wield fighting style
Combat Manoeuvre: grapple (skilled)

Apply a +1 to all saving throw rolls due to his Ring of Protection
*Petrification & Paralysis 10
*Poison & Death 8
*Breath 10
*Staves & Wands 9
*Spells 12

Druid Spells: 2
Animal Friendship
Speak with Animals

(cast as 2nd level)

1st level: Animal Friendship (OSE AF p6), Detect Danger (OSE AF p6), Detect Magic (LL AEC p43), Detect Snares and Pits (LL AEC p43), Entangle (OSE AF p6), Faerie Fire (OSE AF p7), Invisibility to Animals (OSE AF p7) , Locate Plant or Animal (OSE AF p7), Pass without Trace (LL AEC p46), Predict Weather (OSE AF p7), Purify Water (LL AEC p46), Shillelagh (LL AEC p47), Speak with Animals (OSE AF p7)

2nd level: Barkskin (OSE AF p8), Charm Person or Mammal (LL AEC p41), Create Water (OSE AF p8), Cure Light Wounds [1d6+1] (OSE AF p8), Feign Death (LL AEC p43), Fire Trap (LL AEC p44), Heat Metal (OSE AF p8), Obscuring Mist (OSE AF p9), Produce Flame (OSE AF p9), Slow Poison (OSE AF p9), Stumble (LL AEC p47), Warp Wood (OSE AF p9)

== Equipment ==
coinpurse: 11gp, 13sp
saddlebags: 1469gp, 500sp, 250ep

6132 gp stashed


ring of protection +1

Axe +1 (magical)
Axe +1 (magical)
Wood Drake masterwork leather armour (+2 to sneak in the wilderness)
Long Bow
Quiver and 20 arrows
Potion vs Poison

*Packed (in backpack)
2 potions of vigour (1d4 hp)
1 potions vs poison (additional save)
tinderbox (flint & steel)
winter blanket
iron rations, 3 days
Silk Rope 50’
Torches (6)
spare bowstring
small steel mirror
oil, flask x6

"Mable", riding horse:

Saddle & bridle
Saddle Bags
oil, flask x9
silk rope, 50’
iron rations, 7 days
Silk Rope 50’
arrows x 40
tanned Hydra hide
leather armour

Brown book, unknown language
A journal, detailing an exploration
A treatise on Isendan
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Last edited by shaidar on Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:44 pm, edited 128 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#4 Post by The_Wanderer »

== Feargus Fireseed ==
XP 70,550/120,000
Alignment Neutral

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 17 (+2)
INT 8 (-1)
WIS 9 (0)
DEX 11 (0)
CON 16 (+2) (+2 gained from Self Improvement Knack)
CHA 15 (+1)

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==


Feargus grew up on a farm but abandoned the pastoral life as soon as he could. He has spent recent years finding new ways to put his rugged and powerful frame to good use. As much to his surprise as anybody else, he has displayed a talent for music in recent years, often using it as a side hustle to stay afloat during lean times. He is alternatively called either "The Fearsome" or "No-Neck" depending on who is talking and what kind of a response they want to get.


Lucky The character can reroll any attack, damage, or saving throw they make once per day. They may reroll two results per day at 7th level and three per day at 14th. This may only be selected once.
Weapon Specialization: Mace +1 bonus to hit and damage when using this weapon
Self Improvement (Primary): +2 bonus to Constitution

Riding - Proficient
Performance-Singing and Rhythm (Cha) - Skilled
Wilderness Survival (Wis) - Proficient
Athletics-Climbing (Str)/Endurance (Con)/Running (Con) - Skilled
Trickery-Gambling (Cha) - Proficient

===Fighting Style===
Mace and Shield One ally adjacent to, and up to two allies immediately behind, the fighter gain a +1 bonus to their armor class.

===Combat Manoeuvres===
Stun (Str) (Skilled)
Grapple (Str) (Proficient)
Defensive Stance (Int) (Proficient)

== Combat ==
AC 19 (18 w/o shield)
HP 46 / 46
Movement Rate 90'
Initiative Modifier +0
*Primary Melee Attack: Magic Sword +10 (1d8+6)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger +8 (1d4+4) (Not Readied)
*Primary Ranged Attack: Light Crossbow +6 (1d6; 80'/160'/240') (Not Readied)
*Mounted Attack: Lance +8 (1d6+4; doubled on charge)

*Poison & Death 8
*Staves & Wands 9
*Petrification & Paralysis 10
*Breath 10
*Spells 12

== Class Abilities ==
*At 1st level they can fight with any weapons and use any armor. They deal an extra +1 point of damage with any physical attack they make. This damage increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level, and +4 at 13th level.

*If the fighter slays a target they may make an immediate additional attack against another target within 5’. They may do this a maximum number of times equal to their hit dice, provided each attack kills the opponent

*Once per day a fighter can automatically negate a single physical attack that would otherwise successfully hit them. Any effect that is contingent upon the hit – such as paralysis or poison – is also negated.

== Equipment ==
*Money: (Stashed)
11,676 GP

*Readied (8 items):
Magic Sword +2
Plate Armor +2 w/ a starburst insignia over the left breast (counts as 5 readied items)
Black Wooden Shield w/ chipped paint along the edges

*Packed (Backpack) (12 items):
Coinpurse (50 GP, 50 SP)
Mirror, small steel
Rope, hemp (50 ft.)
Torches (6 of 6)
Potion of fire resistance, Potion of levitation

*Riding Horse named Lefty
Saddle and bridle
Saddle bags
Iron Rations (7 of 7 days)
Oil Flask (3 of 3 flasks)
Large Sack
Light Crossbow
Light Quarrel of Bolts (10 of 10 Bolts)
The plate from a giant turtle shell...soon to be turned into a shield
Crowbar x2
Iron Spikes (12 of 12)
Small Hammer
Holy Water Flask (2 of 3 flasks)

*Riding Horse named Gus
Saddle and bridle
Saddle bags

-A young bard in training named Mardan Cy who joined the party after a moving performance by Feargus in one of the inns.
Last edited by The_Wanderer on Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:39 pm, edited 26 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#5 Post by Rex »

== Shmara ==
XP 60,000/100,000

== Attributes ==
STR 13 (+1)
INT 6 (-1)
WIS 16 (+2)
DEX 16 (+2)
CON 13 (+1)
CHA 14 (+1)

== Languages ==
Common & Lawful

== Knacks ==
Toughness (1d8 HD)
Self Improvement Primary (Wis & Dex +1 each)

== Skills ==
Animal Handling (Wis)
Athletics-Endurance (Con)
Healing (Wis)
Performance-Dance (Cha)

== Spells ==
1st CLWx2
2nd Hold Person, Resist Fire
3rd Dispel Magic
4th CSW

== Dervish ==
Turn Undead as a Cleric
+1 to Initiative (None or Leather armor only)
+Wis bonus to AC (None or Leather armor only)
Holy Trance (Bless) 3/day
Fighting Style, Two-Handed Weapon (regular Initiative -1)

Shmara is a 5th child, 2nd daughter. She was given to the temple to become a Dervish at a young age where she excelled. She went out into the world and has made a name for herself as a deadly and devote warrior.

== Combat ==
AC 16 (Leather + Wis & Dex bonus)
HP 53/53
Movement Rate
Initiative Modifier +3 w/ scimitar or dagger and +2 with spear +3
*Primary Melee Attack: Spear +3, +7 to hit, 1d6+4 damage
*Secondary Melee Attack: Scimitar, +4 to hit, 1d8+1 damage
Dagger, +4 to hit, 1d4+1 damage

*Petrification & Paralysis 10
*Poison & Death 7
*Breath 12
*Staves & Wands 8
*Spells 10

== Equipment ==
*Money: 20,000gp
Spear +3
Ring of Controlling Humans
Leather Armor

In pouch, potion of Invulnerability, Scroll of 3 spells, Scroll of Protection from Elementals
In backpack, Map (IV), potion of Heroism
On horse, Shield +2
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Re: Player Characters

#6 Post by kalstone »

== Svenn ==
Race/Class/Level Thief 7
XP 60,000/100,000
Alignment Neutral

== Attributes ==
STR 10
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 12
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 14 (+1)

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==


Svenn grew up an orphan on the city streets. He quickly learned to make his living by trading (and stealing). He is currently scraping a living by trading among the towns of the Scarlet Principality, supplementing his income with occasional smuggling and other black market activities.




Merchant Prince
Self Improvement Secondary (Chr +2)


Bargain (Expert)
Alchemy (Skilled)
Magical Engineering (Proficient)
Knowledge: Law (Proficient)

== Combat ==
AC 13
HP 34/34
Movement Rate 90'
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword +1 (+4 attack, 1d8+1 damage)
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Long Bow (+4 attack, 1d6 damage)

*Petrification & Paralysis 10
*Poison & Death 11
*Breath 13
*Staves & Wands 12
*Spells 12

== Equipment ==
Coinpurse: 50 gp, 50 sp
Stashed: 5,907 gp

Ring of invisibility

*Readied (5 items):
Leather Armor
Sword +1, locate object
Dodgy-looking scabbard
Quiver, 20 arrows

*Stowed in backpack (9 items):
Flasks of oil, 3
Torches x12 (2 items)
Long bow (2 items)
Rope 50'
Thieves' tools
Elemental summoning device, earth
Rations, Iron x6

Riding horse with saddle and saddlebags
*Packed in saddlebags (19/30 items capacity)
Rations, Iron x7
Rope 50'
Sack, large x5
Sack, small x5
Stakes and Mallet
Waterskin x2
Scroll of 2 spells
Scroll treasure map
Axe +2
Chain armor +2 (3 items)
Potion of Poison
400 gp
100 sp

*Stashed in Draea
Wagon, small with cover and secret compartment
Draft horse x2

Last edited by kalstone on Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
R.R. Brando
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Re: Player Characters

#7 Post by R.R. Brando »

Horatio Castelart
XP: 60,000/92,000

== Attributes ==
STR: 9
INT: 14 (+1)
WIS: 6 (-1)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 13 (+1)
CHA: 16 (+2)

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==


The son of the beloved steward of a great lord, Horatio was gifted the opportunity to study at the Great University. He found himself fascinated by ancient tales and began to write ballads honoring the heroes of old. He now travels the world in hopes of discovering lost tales as material for his songs and the great history that he plans to pen.


Neutral, Common, Fairy


Arcane Performance, Silver Tongue


Performance - Song (Skilled), Knowledge - History (Skilled), Profession - Cartographer, Riding, Navigation, Performance - Acting

== Combat ==

AC: 15 (Chain Mail, Dex.)
HP 31/31
Movement Rate 60
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Spear (1d6, Brace, Melee, Missile (5’–20’ / 21’–40’ / 41’–60’)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Club (1d4, Blunt, Melee)
*Primary Ranged Attack: Short bow (1d6, 5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’)

*Petrification & Paralysis: 11
*Poison & Death: 11
*Breath: 14
*Staves & Wands: 12
*Spells: 12

== Equipment ==
*Money: 8,000 gp

Chain Mail
Short Bow
Quiver of 15 Regular Arrows and 9 +1 Arrows
Boots of Traveling and Leaping

* Backpack:
Bone Scroll Case (Scrolls of Protection vs. Elementals and Protection vs. Undead)
Bone Map Case (Song and map notes)
Small Wooden Box (charcoal for drawing, stoppered vial of ink, quills)
2 Torches
2 Days Rations

* Saddle Bags, packed on horse:
4 Torches
5 Days Rations
50' Rope
Grappling Hook
Small Steel Mirror
Quiver of 24 regular arrows

* Locked Away at the Base:
Plate +2
Shield +2

* Spellbook:
1st level: auditory illusion, sleep, charm person, dancing lights.
2nd level: invisibility, locate object, mirror image, obscuring mist
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Re: Player Characters

#8 Post by Atlictoatl »

== Whifflespice Tangleblossom ==
Champion of Ignominous Surrender
Eladrin Godborn L6
XP: 55,000/80,000

== Attributes ==
STR 13 (+1)
INT 16 (+2)
WIS 09
DEX 12
CON 13 (+1)
CHA 09

== Background ==
While a noble of Prince Nacknosh's court by right of birth, Tangleblossom is currently experiencing some disfavor after losing a duel of charm against the scion of a rival Fae Lord. Stripped of his former titles, he's been granted a new one, as reminder to all of his failings.

== Languages ==
Faery, Common, Goblin, +1

== Knacks ==
*Fighter - uses the attack matrix, cleaves, and minimum damage as a Fighter
*Additional Boon - chooses an additional boon at each level they become available

== Skills (6 skill points) ==
*Knowledge/Etiquette (Int): 5+ Expert (free)
*Knowledge/History, Folklore (Int): 10+ Skilled
*Riding: 10+ Skilled
*Athletics/Acrobatics (Dex), Swimming (Str): 10+ Skilled
*Deception/Escape Artist (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis): 5+ Expert

== Class Features ==
Godborn Features:
*one eye of solid emerald, the other of solid violet
*naturally four-fingered right hand and six-fingered left hand

Ineffable yet Offensive: +1 reaction modifier with Neutral creatures, -1 reaction penalty with Lawful/Chaotic creatures

Intervention of the Fae: 1/day, as an instant action, may change one d20 roll made within 30' to either a '1' or a '20'. To regain use, must roll level or higher on 1d20 at the beginning of every subsequent day

30' infravision

Heritage Boons (1/day each, CL as class level)
*Cast charm person
*Cast entangle
*Cast heat metal
*Cast quasimorph

== Combat ==
AC 15
HP: 39
Movement Rate: 90'
Initiative Modifier: +0

*lance - +5 to hit, 1d8+1 damage (or charge on horseback x2 damage)
*chillybreath, a sword - +6 to hit (+8 vs undead), 1d8+2 (1d8+4 vs undead) damage
*greenglimmer, a longbow - +5 to hit, 1d8+1 damage, range 70/140/210

*Petrification & Paralysis: 12
*Poison & Death: 09
*Breath: 14
*Staves & Wands: 10
*Spells: 12

== Equipment ==
Money: 9 gp

Readied: 6/6
*ring of regeneration (regain 1 HP/round and gain regenerate severed limbs, does not heal fire/acid damage)
*ornamental chain mail
*chillybreath, a sword +1/+3 vs undead
*shortleaf coinpurse
- potion of heroism (gain +2 levels for 1d6+6 turns)
- 9 gold coins
*longleaf backpack

Stowed: 12/13
*greenglimmer, a +1 longbow
*quiver of 20 arrows
*longleaf backpack
-wand of metal detection
-bedroll of moss
-water mirror
-iron rations, 5 days
-ball of twine
-empty vial
-silver dagger

Driftfruit, a fey horse with hair of gold (in mortal lands, appears normal except at dusk and dawn)
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