Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

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Sailing for the Sprice Tridents: Day 11-12 @ noon

#161 Post by Argennian »

~ Dinner eventually comes to an end with a filling enough meal and the varied consumption of some of Jovak's fine ale and Billing's eastern spirits. Despite the dwarven brew and foreign liquor's heady, soothing effects, worried contemplations and introspective assaults are being waged all around the table. Any further conversation and pressing matters seem pointless. Realizing the gravity of what has happened in the last few days, and seeing that people's spirits and morale are low, Ziller stands and address you again before everyone departs for the evening. "I know these last few days... all of this other shit... it must be excruciating or near impossible to endure. It must seem that lady fate herself is pitted against us in all this and that there is no hope..."

The door to Billing's cabin opens. Jovak's massive form fills the doorway. He stands there for the briefest of moments before starting to move towards the table. He wears a stunning green silk shirt with gold and red edging. There is a golden symbol with two crossed axes emblazoned in the center. He no longer wears his head bandages and holds his head high as he approaches. You can all see for the first time very close up just how badly he was burned by the demon. Other than the loss of all his head and facial hair, his skin is burned and has a barely-perceivable green tinge. His eyelids are almost nonexistent and his eyes, almost pure white with cloudy pupils that cannot see. He comes to stand beside Ulrich and nods to Ziller before looking about blindly. "You have been forced into a situation that none of you asked for. Nor do you deserve to be made to pay for it. For this, I humbly apologize, friends. If mighty Clanggedin or Moradin himself would let me take back time and avoid what happened back there on that trail, I would do so. But, sadly, I cannot and it is done, all the same. We lost the greatest champion of the people in Lord Garavin and our wisest and most powerful ally in Lathalamas. We lost some damn fine men, too. All of them brave and faithful men and survivors of the worst that war can offer. They were heroes in their own right, and laid down their lives that we may live. Just as important and as painful, they were our friends and our brothers in arms. In my present state, I cannot even cry for them! But as I live and breathe here and now, I will not see their lives be sacrificed for naught. The commander here," he explains, indicating the halfling to his right with a jerky motion of knotted and flexing muscles, "speaks of hope. Tis a fragile and fleeting thing at times. It may seem folly to reach for and cling to so. Some of you may have and hold hatred and revenge in your hearts. If that is all that you can muster now, so be it. But regardless of what we have in our hearts and minds at this moment, we must not let slip our hope. We have all of us endured pain and suffering. We must take this precious opportunity that our friends and loved ones have paid for with their lives and bestowed upon us. We must survive and we will! We will live to be free and to see those that are pitted against us be destroyed!" the dwarven general declares as he pounds his massive fist on the table, making everything on it and everyone about it jump. He shakes with both anger and grief, and his veins stand on end in his forehead, neck and huge arms as he turns flush and shakes.

Ziller steps over and and places his hand on the general's massive forearm. Jovak jumps at the halfling's touch, and pulls his arm away, flexing his hulking muscles, gritting his teeth and looking as if he's ready to tear the very ship itself asunder. The halfling quickly grabs the dwarf's forearm again and his upper arm. "And we will, sir!" he reassures exultingly as he strains against the powerful cleric/fighter lord. "And we will... my old friend. We will..."
Jovak's visage changes from one of anger and resolve to one abashed and surprised at his own outburst. A greenish tinge suddenly wells up in his cloudy white eyes and a tiny tear streaks down his left cheek. He grits his teeth as if straining against some invisible, omnipotent force.
Ziller strains to keep his hold and nods to Ulrich and Zimba. The dwarven adept stands up and the southerner man-at-arms come over. "I'll take it from here, sir. I'll be in shortly for a status update. Sergeant Zimba and Ulrich will go with you," the halfling commander explains, matter-of-factly as he looks at the dwarven general with obvious concern.
Jovak relaxes his ready stance and stands down. Ziller and Zimba both let out held breaths as they look at one other.
"Milord," Ulrich offers respectfully as he steps over, gesturing to the captain's cabin though it's obvious that he cannot see it.
Jovak pulls himself up in an effort to forgo the whole episode as well, and nods to Ziller before heading back toward his quarters. "Very well then, commander. I will await your report."
"Very good, sir," Ziller snaps out cleanly and soldierly with an all-good nod and encouraging departure gestures to both Zimba and Ulrich. They follow the dwarven general back into the captain's cabin and the southerner takes his normal station at the door.

Ziller lets out a long, deep and hidden held breath. He looks tired as he makes to begin pouring himself a small glass of the captain's spirits. He takes a long look around the table, the look of both sadness and resolve in his visage. His own eyes become watery and he slams down the glass in a single gulp. He clears his throat and looks over at Billings. The captain nods quietly and heads over to join Jovak and Ulrich in his own cabin.
Ziller collects himself and looks at his empty cup. "It's been a long day, friends. Sleep as well as you're able and I'll see you in the morning. Tomorrow is a new day," he offers with cryptic hope, looking both old and tired. He claps his hand and Tamber enters the banquet room, having obviously been just outside the door and waiting. He moves in and picks up Lauranna effortlessly but gently. With a wordless goodnight, Ziller follows Shanny's man and the High elf downstairs to her bunk in the ship's infirmary.

Cutler and his boys soon arrive to make sure all are done and good and begin cleaning up. Zimba explains that the night watch is covered and that everyone in the party can retire to their sleeping quarters when they're ready. He bids you good evening as you eventually retire. The powerful consumables and the gentle waves conspire to abduct and carry you away into the realm of slumber not long after your head hits the pillow. The whole damn thing seems like a dream, or better yet a living nightmare.


The dawn of Day 12 makes a successful sneak attack upon the Seahawk and surprises the crew bright and early. It is indeed a new day. You open your eyes and swear you must have just fell asleep but when you arise, you feel well rested. It is indeed light outside and already mid-morning. The morning sea air is cool and reinvigorating and there's not a cloud in the sky. The day is bright as mighty Hazara closes in on her midday position and subsequent declaration of her omnipotent existence. Her golden rays of hope and forgiveness bathe you warmly as the other crew of the Seahawk bend to they're duties and the ship sails ahead on the Sea of Ghosts. Blic is back up above on lookout and reporting all clear. Gramps belts put an old sailor's tune with his infectious smile and wink while Billings and his officers go over their routines and stations. Zimba and a few others are on guard and when Gentleman Billy sees you he invites you in the stern castle for a late brunch.

You make your way into the banquet room to find Ziller waiting with the gnome couple, the lady Tamara and Shanny. She has more of her homebrew curatives at the table and at the ready. Cutler and his two boys arrive with perfect timing and deliver the last of the fresh fruit and juice, a wonderful maple and cinnamon porridge and egg and seafood omelets with fresh biscuits and tea.

Billy joins you and you all take a seat. Each of you are offered one of Shanny's healing brews, if needed*. She will continue brewing throughout the day and will have more later tonight. Ziller inquires of Emm and Ulrich if they have prayed for and can cast any cure light wounds spells. He wants to get everyone as close to fully healed as possible. "Good morning and new day to you all, friends," he offers happily. It appears as if he got some sleep himself. "I have the good news of reporting that we got a good bearing on our position last night and are sailing back on course to the southwest. We've already sighted some land-based sea birds this morning, so we must be getting closer to our island destination. With any luck, it will be late tonight or by early morning when we arrive. Take your time and enjoy your breakfasts and drink. When you're finished, please report to Zimba for watch duty, if you are willing and able. If you have need of anything in addition, or have any questions, please let me know."


* ~ Anyone taking a healing brew, please roll a 1d8+1 and adjust your hit points accordingly

*** If Emm and Ulrich are willing to offer any CLW spells, please roll them with your next post and we'll see they get assigned to those most in need! ***

OOC1: Ok all, before we move things forward past noon of day 12, let's have all healing rolls made and Hit Points adjusted accordingly. Please check to see if you have received enough EXP from the last two encounters to get to the next level. Some of you have and have already rolled, so please go ahead and add that to your HP total. For those of you that have leveled but haven't yet rolled, go ahead and do so in the OOC/Questions? thread and apply them to your HP total.
Edit: I have also added 1 more hit point to everyone's total for another night of rest.

I still need to get out individual PM updates to confirm where everyone's at, XP & status-wise. Once everyone has responded and made their corresponding rolls, we'll get that sorted and make sure everyone is good to go. start new action thread.

OOC2: please feel free to correspond with Ziller or any of the others present, otherwise we'll move forward with your character either taking a watch shift or resting/recovering in the infirmary (or ??). If you have any additional equipment requests, please post them or send me a pm.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarifications!

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 24/25 ; Emm 10/10 ; Griffo* 9/24 ; Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 9**/9 ; Thalion* 3/12 (*-stabilized but unconscious, **-conscious but incapacitated)
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/longsword ; Caelvanna – short bow/short sword ; Emm – scimitar/SC ; Griffo – none (dropped short bow; fired 5 arrows) ; Ulrich – mace/SC ; Lauranna – none (weapons sheathed) ; Thalion – none (dropped) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location At brunch: Bogdan , Ulrich , Caelvanna ; Emm , Lauranna** ; Below Deck: Griffo* , Thalion* (*-wounded/unconscious but stabilized, **-wounded/conscious but incapacitated)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#162 Post by Alethan »

Bog takes one more healing potion from Shanny.

He sort of mumbles a bit of prayer as he holds the vial containing the potion up to the light.

As he tilts his head back and pours the potion down his throat, he suddenly realizes he was praying to the Dwarven god of battle...

Bog drinks a healing potion [1d8+1] = 5+1 = 6

He smiles as healing warmth spreads through his body...

OOC: Bog is up to full strength again.
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Re: Sailing for the Sprice Tridents TOD: @ noon on Day 12

#163 Post by dmw71 »

Argennian wrote:Take your time and enjoy your breakfasts and drink. When you're finished, please report to Zimba for watch duty, if you are willing and able.
News of reaching land soon puts Caelvanna in an uncharacteristic good mood. She enjoys a quick meal, passing on Shanny's healing brew as she is dealing more with an annoyance than actual wounds, and seeks out Zimba, making herself available for whichever watch she might be needed for.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#164 Post by Alethan »

Oh, right... sorry...

Bog then reports to Zimba and indicates he is able to work wherever help is needed.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#165 Post by tkrexx »

Emm will seek out Ulrich to learn which of the crew (and the party proper) need healing, then set herself to the chore.

Cure Light Wounds x3
[1d8] = 2 Awful.
[1d8] = 5 Doable.
[1d8] = 7 That's what I'm talkin' about!

3 mistletoe adjusted.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#166 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna, grateful for the help. goes back below decks. She takes another shot of healing before laying down. After an hours rest she seeks out her mentor, planning on continuing her training..

[1d8+1] = 4+1 = 5 shot of healing.

Lauranna is also at full strength, though walking ex-dead.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#167 Post by SocraticLawyer »

tkrexx wrote:Emm will seek out Ulrich to learn which of the crew (and the party proper) need healing, then set herself to the chore.

Cure Light Wounds x3
[1d8] = 2 Awful.
[1d8] = 5 Doable.
[1d8] = 7 That's what I'm talkin' about!

3 mistletoe adjusted.
Ulrich does the same, happy to have the help of the Druidess. When he's not healing, Ulrich will tend to Jovak.

Cure light wounds [1d8] = 7 Where was that for my HP roll?!
Cure light wounds [1d8] = 2 D'oh!
Cure light wounds [1d8] = 7 That'll do!
Cure light wounds [1d8] = 7 I need to hit up the casino with all these 7s!
How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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Sailing for the Sprice Tridents TOD: evening of Day 12

#168 Post by Argennian »

~ Shanny's healing brews are once again consumed to the wholesale benefit of the imbibers. Both Emm and Ulrich offer their memorized cure light wounds spells to further supplement the healing curatives. Full strength is once again restored to many that were still suffering from physical damages inflicted by the mermen during their sneaky and harrowing ambush. Morale and spirits appear to be lifted as well, some by Shanny's home-brewed curative, some by the fact that word of the crew's hopeful arrival at their island destination soon, many by both.

Bogdan, Caelvanna, Emm and Ulrich report for guard and watch duties and take up positions alongside other members of the crew. Lauranna is helped back below to the infirmary and returned to her bunk alongside Griffo and Thalion. The young halfling and Wood elf are both conscious and glad to be so but are still incapacitated from their dire injuries for the most part. Also conscious and now just barely strong enough to move about under his own power is the venerable Ziffiris. A combination of the assassin's magicaly-poisoned bolt and an episode of pneumonia almost did the old nobleman in. Lady Tamara's husband, the elder half-elf Jarrel, was luckier than Ziffiris but is still disturbingly weak and remains under the close scrutiny of his protective wife, as well as Shanny, Jennynia and Najania. They all maintain a constant vigil over those in the infirmary and the benefits of their ministrations are enjoyed and appreciated by those wounded still present. The young prince Aramis is now also awake but despite the urgings of his caregivers, remains in his bunk and refuses to acknowledge those around him.

Other than a few more visuals of some long-ranging sea birds, a great blue whale and some dolphins playing in the Seahawk's wake, the remains of the day are thankfully uneventful. The incredible sunset display put on by mighty Hazara again impresses and recharges the soul as night approaches. The wind is light but cool and the seas remains calm. Dinner is had without incident or any new, dire updates. After everyone has had their fill, the party makes it to their bunks for the evening and find sleep and relaxation much easier to arrive to than the last few evenings. Hope is again available as a bedfellow to any that will take her and the ship sails on through the night, bathed gently in the soft white light of the moon Mosara.


OOC: Ok all, CLW spells and Shanny's home-brewed curatives have been assimilated and everyone's hit points have been updated to current. XP figures should also be calculated and current.

We'll close this chapter and begin a new Action Thread 4: The Sprice Tridents!

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 ; Griffo** 22/24 ; Ulrich 16/16 ; Lauranna 9**/9 ; Thalion** 12/12 (**-conscious but incapacitated)
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/longsword ; Caelvanna – short bow/short sword ; Emm – scimitar/SC ; Griffo – none ; Ulrich – mace/SC ; Lauranna – none ; Thalion – none (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location In their bunks: Bogdan , Ulrich , Caelvanna ; Emm , Lauranna** ; Griffo** , Thalion** (**-wounded/conscious but incapacitated)

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