BATTLETECH 3025: Background Info and House Rules

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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BATTLETECH 3025: Background Info and House Rules

#1 Post by max_vale »

Okay, so I thought I'd throw out a quick basic 'Here's what the Battletech Universe as of 3025 (and with my own personal slant on it :) ) looks like; and what the basic rules (Board Game part) are going to be in a mechanical sense....


It is the 31st century and mankind has spread out among the stars and colonized approximately 2,000 planets. No other intelligent life has been found and mankind travels the stars by means of Jumpships. These ships are able to travel up to 30 lightyears away in 1 'jump' by means of the 'Jump Drive'; established in the 22nd century by a pair of Engineers named Kearny and Fuchida. Collapsible solar panels known as 'sails' are stretched out behind the Jumpship; collecting energy from a Star over a period of about a week and that then gives the 'Jump Drive' enough power to make a Hyperspace Jump up to 30 light years away in an instant. The ship then deploys the 'sail' to recharge and Dropships detach from the Jumpship to travel to and from the planets in the Star System.

From the 22nd century on; mankind began to spread out among the stars in this fashion; using the Jumpships and Dropships; and before long powerful factions began to emerge among groups of planets colonized by Earth. A new form of Feudalism emerged as those that controlled the Jumpships and Dropships and/or the resources on any given Colony World allied and jockied for control. Eventually, 6 major nation-states would come to control some 1,900 or so of the colonized worlds in the so called 'Inner Sphere' of known space; while numeorus minor factions controlled approximately 100 worlds on the far edges of known space; an area called 'The Periphery'.

The 6 nation states were the Terran Hegemony; the Lyran Commonwealth, the Free Worlds League, the Draconis Combine, the Federated Suns and the Capellan Confederation.

The Terran Hegemony was centered on Earth and was led by House Cameron. It was the smallest in size, but the most powerful due to its superior technology; especially Battlemechs (10 meter high robots controlled by a highly-trained pilot) and the Hyper-Pulse Generator (the only known way of sending communications faster than light). The Terran Hegemony, ruled by House Cameron, eventually forced all of the other 5 States to the Negotiating table by force or diplomacy in 2571 to form the Star League; a coalition of all Inner Sphere States which enjoyed a 'Golden Age' of peace, prosperity and technological achievement. House Cameron; the rules of the Terran Hegemony; were also the heads of the Star League; a position known as 'First Lord'. The Star League came to an end in 2784 with the collapse of the Hegemony due to the outbreak of the Succession Wars and the subsequent Dark Age which has befallen mankind.

The remaining 5 States are known as the 'Successor States' as all of them claimed the position of 'First Lord' of the Star League and soon, they had all conquered parts of the now-defunct Terran Hegemony.

The Successor States:

The Lyran Commonwealth is a powerful State of approximately 400 worlds whose capital is the cold, mountanious world of Tharkad and whose ruling family is House Steiner. The Lyran Commonwealth is the richest of the 5 Successor States and its people enjoy the highest quality of life on average in the Inner Sphere and its economy is undoubtedly the strongest of the 5 nations. The Lyran Commonwealth also has many of the largest, still operating Battlemech factories and has a powerful military that can boast approximately 75 Mech Regiments in its arsenal. The Commonwealth is broken down into 3 major regions: the Federation of Skye, the Tamar Pact and the Protectorate of Donnegal. The largest cultural/ethnic groups in the Commonwealth are those of Germanic; Polish, Scottish, Portuguese and West African backgrounds; though of course people of just about every cultural and/or ethnic origin can be found in the Commonwealth.

The Lyran Commonwealth is bordered by Houses Kurita and Marik and it has long been at odds with both. It has enjoyed a large amount of success along the border with Marik and in contrast, has frequently been on the losing end of conflicts along the Kurita border. It has mostly ignroed the other two Houses (Davion and Liao) over the centuries; though recent events are likely to change that.

The head of the Lyran Commonwealth is known as the Archon (and also the Duke of Tharkad); and the current Archon is Katrina Steiner; 49 years old and a former Mechwarrior of note; who took the throne in 3007 after her Uncles Alessandro was forced to abdicate in a bloodless coup due to numerous costly military failures. She was married to Arthur Luvon (Steiner tradition has female children NOT taking thier father's surnames) until his death of cancer in 3010. Thier only child was a daughter, born in 3007; named Melissa. Katrina is known to be a strong, smart and well-liked ruler. She sent out a Peace Proposal in 3020 to the other 4 Successor State Lords in which she renounced any claim on being 'First Lord' of any future Star Leagues and announced her willingness to talk Peace with every other House. Houses Marik and Kurita; long Steiner enemies; dismissed the Proposal as some kind of trick; while House Liao attempted to twist the Proposal to one of alliance whereby Steiner would recogonize Liao's claim to the 'First Lord' title; an offer which Katrian did not bother to respond too. House Davion though took her up on the Proposal and Hanse Davion, Prince of the Federated Suns; met with Katrina on neutral Terra (Earth) in 3020 to discuss things personally.

This led to the unprecedented signing of a Treaty on Terra in 3022; which includes a secret clause that will have Hanse Davion; current leader of the Federated Suns, marry Melissa Steiner; the current heir-to-the-throne of the Lyran Commonwealth in 3028. It also allied the two nations and numerous trade, military and intelligence alliances were soon made and put into working order. This also would lead to the other three Houses signing a Treaty of thier own in 3024.

The Free Worlds League is a State made up of dozens of different regions; some as small as a single world; covering a grand total of approximately 350 planets. Far and away the most diverse of the 5 major Successor States; the League is most noted for its very large number of remaining Jumpships; including the largest mercantile fleet of commerical Jumpships in the entire Inner Sphere. The League is also known for its seemingly never-ending internal feuding and squabbling.

The League has dozens of smaller regions; but the most powerful include the Duchy of Andurien, the Principality of Regulus, the Grand Duchy of Oriente, the Marik Commonwealth, the Regulan Free State, the Theocracy of Gibson and an alliance of numerous planets known as 'The Silver Hawks'. The complex government is run by a Parliament and by a 'Captain-General' who commands the largest military force in the League and is always a member of the Marik family. The Mariks are also the Dukes of Atreus (Capital planet of the League) and frequently marry into many powerful political families throughout the League.

The Free Worlds League has a powerful military comprised of some 60 Battlemech regiments; but it is frequently difficult to summon a lot of units to any one place in the League due to various internal issues which tend to tie up many units on either putting down revolts or making 'shows of force' in various provinces.

The Free Worlds League has people of pretty much every ethnic and cultural background within its territories; but especially noted are those from Central and Eastern Europe; Eastern Africa; Austrailia; India and South West Asia.

The current Captain-General of the Free Worlds League if Janos Marik; 65 years old and a somewhat tired and quick-tempered man who has seen several members of his own family rise up against him; including his own brother Anton and two of his sons in a failed Civil War in 3014-3015. He has been married twice; his first wife Hilda having died in a mountain climbing accident some 28 years ago and his current wife Ana Stewart; whom he married 24 years ago. He has a total of 9 children among the 2 wives (6 from Hilda, 3 from Ana); though 3 of them (2 sons and 1 daughter) have passed away. (2 sons in the Civil war of 3014-3015; and a daughter to a childhood illness). He has not publicly named a Successor; but in secret he has designated his son Thomas (currently a member of Comstar) as his heir.

Traditionally, House Marik has been at war with Houses Steiner and Liao; while largely ignoring Houses Davion and Kurita. Janos Marik personally has grudges against ALL of the other Successor States save for Takashi Kurtia; as he dislikes Katrina Steiner for frequently getting the better of his forces; Maximilian Liao for agreeing to support his brother Anton 10 years ago in his failed Civil War and Hanse Davion for covertly supporting various rebel factions within the League in efforts to keep the Free Worlds League from mustering its full strength. However, seeing the danger an alliance between Steiner and Davion posed to his own relam, he agreed to meet with Takashi Kurita and Max Liao on the world of Kapteyn; within the League; in 3024 to set up an Alliance of thier own. He would end up signing the Concord of Kapteyn along with both of the other Houses and agree to cease fighting with Liao and better work with Liao and Kurita on combatting Steiner and Davion....

The Draconis Combine

more to come....
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: BATTLETECH 3025: Background Info and House Rules

#2 Post by max_vale »

More to come....but here's a quick look at the changes I made for the Mech Weapons in terms of Boardgame rules:

-No Machineguns (Any Mech that has them, just replace with Small Lasers and the Ammo with an extra Heat Sink)


Light: (a.k.a. AC/2) Same weight, amount of critical slots, range, heat and ammo as written; Damage: 1d6
Medium: (a.k.a. AC/5) Same weight, amount of critical slots, range, heat and ammo as written; Damage: 2d6
Heavy: (a.k.a. AC/10) Same weight, amount of critical slots, range, heat and ammo as written; Damage: 3d6
Ultra: (a.k.a. AC/20) Same weight, amount of critical slots, range, heat and ammo as written; Damage: 4d6

Note: Light and Medium Autocannons (a.k.a. AC 2s and AC 5s) don't have as much of a penalty shooting at Fast moving targets like VTOLs and Aeorspace Fighters as other weapons. Also, both Light and Medium Autocannons have a minimum range; targets MAY be fired at that are within the minimum range; but the Difficulty is 30 to hit them and inflict damage.

Energy Weapons:

-Lasers & PPCs: All Lasers and PPCs will do less damage at further ranges.

Small Laser: Same weight, amount of critical slots, range, heat and ammo as written; Damage: 1d3 at Short Range; 1d2 at Medium range; 1 at Long Range; Small Lasers are more effective against Infantry (see special rules about Infantry and firing at them)

Medium Laser: Same weight, amount of critical slots, range, heat and ammo as written; Damage: 1d6+2 at Short Range; 1d6+1 at Medium range; 1d6 at Long Range

Large Laser: Same weight, amount of critical slots, range, heat and ammo as written; Damage: 2d6+2 at Short Range; 2d6+1 at Medium range; 2d6 at Long Range

Notes: ALL Laser weapons can also be used to provide ranging info for Artillery Pieces (and LRM launchers on other Mechs) that do not have LOS (line of sight) or LRM equipped Mechs for indirect fire attacks. The Pilot of the Mech cannot use that Laser in the normal way that Turn and must be in range (no range penalty applies); and cannot fire at ANY TARGET that turn while 'lasing' the target. The pilot MAY move the Mech anyway he likes as long as the Target is never out of LOS that turn. This provides a bonus on the Artillery skill 'to hit' roll by the Artillery piece(s) and/or LRM equipped Mechs firing at the target.

PPC (Particle Projection Cannon): Same weight, amount of critical slots, range, heat and ammo as written; Damage: 3d6+2 at Short Range; 3d6+1 at Medium range; 3d6 at Long Range. PPCs have a minimum range; targets MAY be fired at that are within the minimum range; but the Difficulty is 30 to hit them and inflict damage.

Flamers: Flamers have the range, heat, weight and critical slots as written; but the Damage and effect are different. No fuel is needed for these weapons as they are powered directly from the Mech's engine; and on any shot that hits another Mech or Vehicle; they inflict 1 point of damage and 1d6 points of Heat are added to the Mech's current Heat level IMMEDIATELY and the amount rolled will last for 3 Turns at the same amount each turn. (I.e. a Firestarter Mech fires two Flamers at a Hunchback Mech and hits with both. 2 points of damage are inflicted and 2d6 is rolled to determine the Heat number the Hunchback will have to deal with for the next 3 Turns. The dice come up 2 and 5; so a total of 7 points of Heat are Immediately added to the Hunchback's heat level (in this example; it was at a 2 and is now raised to 9) and for each of the next 3 Turns; in addition to any Heat generated by the Hunchback's pilots chosen actions; he will have to add 7 points of Heat each turn. Flamers are also VERY good at turning Woods hexes into Fires and are very effective weapons in dealing with Infantry.


Missiles come in two types; Short-Range Missiles (or SRMs) and Long-Range Missiles (or LRMs). Missiles in the 31st century are really more like minimally guided rockets with a very short range and SRMs are larger and inflict more damage (2 points each) than LRMs (1 point each); although LRM launchers typically can fire more missiles at a time.

SRMs are fired via launchers (or racks) that can fire either 2; 4 or 6 missiles in a volley at a time. Weight, ammo, heat, critical slots are all as listed in the books.

Notes: SRM-2 racks (and ONLY SRM-2 racks) can fire 3 different types of munitions....'Standard' SRMs; 'Inferno' SRMs; or 'Smoke' SRMs.

-Standard SRMs are as listed above.

-'Inferno' SRMs have the same range as regular SRMs and generate the same HEAT when fired; but instead of inflicting damage; they explode just short of the target and cut loose and ignite a napalm spray that raises the heat level of the Target Mech/Vehicle 1d3 Heat Points just like Flamers do. (See rules above) (The SRMs still have to hit the taret; on a miss; consider the missiles to be duds.) Remember; this is 1d3 Heat Points PER MISSILE THAT HITS. The 'catch' is that if a Critical Hit sets off the SRM-2 ammo that is carrying Infernos; in addition to the massive damage the Mech takes; it ALSO immediately has its Heat Level raised by 4d6 points. Inferno SRMs are also excellent as an Anti-Infantry Weapon and in igniting Woods hexes.

-'Smoke' SRMs inflict no damage and instead, coats a target Hex (if a miss is rolled; use a scatter diagram to determine where the missile ends up) in thick Smoke that is also filled with thousands of tiny bits of sensor-reflecting metal foil and the end result is that anything shooting into or thru that Smoke filled hex has to add 10 to the Difficulty number to hit their Target. The smoke lasts for 3 Turns.

Two types of ammo can be carried at the same time if desired (but not 3); and in this case; the shots vary from 1 time to the other with each shot. (i.e. 'Smoke' and 'Standard' are chosen; the 1 ton of ammo holds 50 shots so 25 shots are Smoke and 25 are Standard. It is the Mech pilots choice as to whether the first shot is 'Smoke' or 'Standard'...but if 'Standard' is chosen, then the second, fourth, sixth, etc. shots will all be 'Smoke' rounds).

GM note: I made these changes to give SRM-2s a real otherwise....they really don't make much sense as a choice as the maximum damage is less than a Medium Laser and while they do 1 less Heat Point per firing than a Medium Laser; they have the same range...have an ammo limitation....require a second ton for the ammo....which is a substantial threat if a Critical Hit on the ammo location is scored.

-LRMs are pretty much as written; they come in 5, 10, 15 and 20 racks and the 10, 15 and 20 racks are the ONLY weapons that do damage in multiple locations in a single volley (as LRMs inflict damage in clusters of up to 5 at any per the rules) and ALL LRMs can be fired in either Direct-fire mode (Mechs/Vehicles have LOS to their target) or 'Indirect' fire mode (they do NOT have LOS to their target); in which case the Artillery skill is used to try and score a hit (vice the Gunnery skill which is used for Direct fire mode); and misses scatter per rules for Arty. Other Mechs/Vehicles can 'spot' for LRM equipped Mechs/Vehicles using Laser weapons as mentioned above; and this greatly increases the chances for a hit.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: BATTLETECH 3025: Background Info and House Rules

#3 Post by max_vale »

Standard Mercenary Mech Unit Ranking and Unit Deployment System

So most Mercenary Mech units in 3025 have come to use the following, simplified (in regards to the various States' military ranking systems) rank system and unit organizational breakdown.



1. Mechwarrior Apprentice (MWA): Usually a rank for young, still-learning-but-able-to-pilot-a-Mech trainees; this is a rank that typically only applies to really large and/or old Mercenary units that have been around long enough to have a significant number of unit-affiliated family members that travel with the unit and from whom the desire to serve in the mercenary unit arises.

2. Mechwarrior (MW): The rank held by three quarters of mercenary Mech pilots throughout the Inner Sphere; this is the standard rank/position of most Mechjocks and can apply to ultra-green recruits to the most elite, bad-ass, veterans of a hundred battles. It is ROUGHLY equivalent to a Corporal in most State military units.

3. Sergeant (SGT): This rank is (usually) held by veteran Mech pilots who have been around a little and seen a lot of action and in whom most Mechwarriors feel little or no angst in following if an Officer should be unavailable or unable to take charge. Usually given to the second in command of a Mech Lance and a rank that is roughly the equivalent of any rank of SGT in State military services.


1. Lieutenant (LT): the first and most junior of the Officer ranks; a Lieutenant is in charge of a 4 Mech Lance. Depending on his/her seniority; a mercenary LT can be considered the equivalent of most State military's O1-O3 ranks.

2. Captain (CAPT): the second of the Officer ranks; a Captain is in charge of a 12 Mech Company. Typically, a CAPT is the equivalent of a State military's O3 or O4 ranks.

3. Major (MAJ): the third of the Officer ranks; a Major is in charge of a 40 Mech Battalion (3 Companies each with 12 Mechs and a Headquarters/Command Lance of 4 Mechs led directly by the Major). This is a very senior rank and is usually only obtained by very veteran, very savvy Mech commanders who have seen a lot of action and who are well liked and/or respected by their fellow Mech Jocks. A Mercenary Major is roughly the equivalent of a State Military's O4 or O5 grade officer.

4. Colonel (COL): the fourth and most senior of the Officer ranks; a Colonel is in command of a 124 Mech Regiment (3 Battalions and a Command/HQ Lance of 4 Mechs led directly by the Colonel); or sometimes even larger units (Wolf's Dragoons for example has 5 Regiments; each led by a Colonel, the most senior of which; Colonel Jaime Wolf is still a Colonel). Almost without exception; a Colonel is an Elite Mech Commander with decades of front line experience and is tremendously well thought of by the most of those following him/her. A Colonel is the equivalent of an O6-O8 officer grade in most State military's.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: BATTLETECH 3025: Background Info and House Rules

#4 Post by max_vale »


So, to get started; when there's combat on the Tactical map sheets; here's what will happen. Each Turn has a number of steps; VERY similiar to the Battletech boardgame rules.


I'll make rolls to figure out what order people get to take actions. The rolls will be made using the 'Alertness' Skill under PERCEPTION; and MAY have special modifiers depending on circumstances. (If caught by surprise, for example there may NOT be a roll or there would be a penalty to it). Those with higher scores have the option of going before those with lower scores or waiting


First thing to declare is movement....there are 4 Options: STANDING STILL; WALKING; RUNNING; or JUMPING.

-STANDING STILL: If chosen, the Mech doesn't move in any direction and generates No Heat Points (for moving). The Mech may still engage in Combat or Fall Prone (an action that does not cost any Movement Points nor generate Heat Points; but getting up from the Prone Position DOES require 2 Movement Points (2 MPs), generates 1 Heat Point and requires a Difficulty 10 Piloting skill roll as well as declaring WALKING to succeed). It is easier to Hit and be Hit by enemy fire if STANDING STILL or shooting at a target that is STANDING STILL. (You get to add +2 on any Hit Rolls against Mechs STANDING STILL and any opponents get a +2 bonus to hit you if you are STANDING STILL)

-WALKING: This option gives the Mech up to its Walking Rate in Movement Points (MP) and generates 1 Heat Point. Note: If you don't move any hexes but change Facing (1 MP per Hex Side Facing Change); you still need to declare WALKING or RUNNING to do so. You do NOT have to use all the MPs when choosing Walking (or Running or Jumping for that matter). While no Piloting roll is requird to keep a Mech upright and balanced when WALKING is chosen; it IS considered an Action for puroses of determining how many dice to roll for actions in a round. I.e. if Player X chooses to WALK a Mech and Fire in the same round; that is 2 actions; so if his Piloting skill is 4D and his Gunnery Skill is 5D he will roll 4D for his Gunnery Skill roll as 2 actions = -1D for all actions rolled in the round.

-RUNNING: This option gives the Mech up to its Running Rate in MPs and generates 2 Heat Points when chosen. Note: RUNNING is considered an Action and DOES require a Piloting roll to keep the Mech upright (a VERY EASY Difficulty roll of 5). If this roll is failed; the Mech falls and takes damage per the Falling rules. The following Round it starts the round off Prone and must get up (unless the Pilot wishes to stay Prone) per the rules outlined above...i.e. WALKING and spending 2 MPs and making a Piloting roll to Stand up successfully. Also note that RUNNING makes a Mech harder to hit by a factor of +1 added to the Difficulty number for each hex moved....note NOT total Running number if MPs were used for Facing changes or certain Terrain types, etc....i.e. if a Locust Mech uses its 12 MPs to run thru 8 Clear Terrain Hexes; then Change Facing 2 Hexsides and uses its last 2 MPs to enter a Light Woods Terrain Hex; this means anyone firing at the Locust that turn would have +9 (total number of hexes) added to the Difficulty number to hit it. Also NOTE: when Running; if you fire at any targets you will be at -2 for each Gunnery or Artillery roll made due to the added Difficulty of hitting other Targets while moving quickly.

-JUMPING: Only Mechs with Jump Jets may use this option; and if so they may move up to a maximum number of Hexes as they're Jump Rate (i.e. a Wasp Mech has a Jump Rate of 6; it can Jump 1 Hex or up to 6 Hexes). Jumping IGNORES all Terrain types in terms of MPs to enter (i.e. Light Woods, Heavy Woods, Rough, Water) with the notable exception of Elevation changes. It STILL requires 1 MP (or Jump Point) for each Elevation a Mech jumping from an Elevation 0 Clear hex to an adjacent Elevation 2 Lightly Wooded Hex requires 2 Jump Points. Jump Jets may NOT be used in Depth 2 Water at all and may only be used in Depth 1 Water if the Jets are NOT in the legs. If the Mech has Jump Jets in the Torso and Legs and is in Depth 1 Water; it may ONLY use the Jump Jets in the Torso to Jump. Any Mech that Jumps generates 1 point of Heat for each Hex Jumped OR 3 points of Heat; whichever is greater. (i.e. Jumping ALWAYS generates a minimum of 3 Heat Points). Targets Jumping are tougher to hit and had a +10 added to the Difficulty numer of any Mech firing at them.....however, it is ALSO harder for Pilots to hit targets while Jumping so any Gunnery or Artillery rolls made by the Jumping Mech are made with a -5 to the roll(s). Jumping ALWAYS counts as an Action and Always requires a Piloting roll to land successfully (Difficulty 10). If the roll is failed; the Mech falls and takes damage per the Falling rules. As with failing a RUNNNING roll, this means the following round the Mech starts off prone and must get up as per above.

FINAL NOTE: Regardless of MPs; a Mech may ALWAYS move 1 Hex.


In this phase of the round, weapons and/or Physical attacks are made. Every (functioning) Weapon on a Mech may fire once (assuming it has ammo) and all attacks against 1 Target are considered 1 action. If multiple targets are Fired upon; the number of targets constitues the number of actions. (I.e. if the Pilot of a Wasp fires his Medium Laser and his SRM-2 at 1 Target...that is 1 Action; if he fires his Medium Laser at 1 Target and his SRM-2 at a Second target; that is 2 actions and therefore his Gunnery Skill is reduced by -1D for both attack rolls). Each Weapon Fired generates Heat per the Weapon table listed below and varioius factors including Movement modifiers (by both the Firing mech and/or the Target); Terrain modifiers, etc. are calculated to come up with a final Difficulty Numer. The Gunnery (or Artillery if firing LRM 10, 15 or 20 at a target out of Line of Sight) skill roll is then made and if the roll total is equal to or greater than the Difficulty number; a Hit is scored. The location of the Hit is determined and then Damage is inflicted per standard Battletech Boardgame rules. Note: if the 'to-hit' roll is 10 or more greater than the Difficulty Number a Critical Hit is automatically scored. (i.e. if the Pilot of the Wasp Mech is shooting at an Enemy Stinger Mech and the final Difficulty number is determined to be an 11 and the Gunnery skill roll is a 22; then a Critical Hit is automatically scored).

The Default Difficulty Number for Ranges are as follows:

-10 for Short Range or Physical attacks
-15 for Medium Range attacks
-20 for Long Range attacks


In this phase; the total number of Heat Points generated during the Turn due to Movement, Weapons Fire, etc. is totalled up for each Mech and then compared to the number of functioning Heat Sinks. The number of Heat Sinks reduces the Total and if there is any left over; this is compared to the Heat Scale per the Battletech Board game rules. As this number rises; various negative effects begain to happen or are rolled to see if they happen; including reduced Movement Points; Penalties applied to Weapon Attack rolls; possible Mech Shutdowns and worst of all; a possible Ammunition explosion which could easily destroy or seriously damage a Mech.


-Clear Hex: Open meadows, fields, arid hard-rock desert, etc. These hexes represent NO issues for Mechs to travel through and cost 1 MP to move through 1 Hex. They have NO EFFECT on weapons fire into or through them.

-Light Woods Hex; (represented by grass and scattered tree tops on the maps) These represent Light copses of trees; wide-open woodlands, etc. and they do not Block Line of Sight for Mechs/Vehicles unless they are in groups of at least 3 in a line. They cost 2 MPs to move into and give any Mech or vehicle in a Light Woods hex to have a +1 to thier Difficulty Number for anyone firing at them. They do NOT impact the Mech inside of the Hex firing out of it.

-Heavy Woods Hex: (represented by green grass and numerous tree top canopies on the maps) These represent thick, heavy Woods or Jungles and they block Line of Sight for any Mechs/Vehicles if there are 2 or more of them in between enemy Mechs/Vehicles. They cost 3 MPs to move into and give any Mech inside of it a +2 to the Difficulty number of any Mech/Vehicle firing at them; though they also give a -2 penalty to any Mech in the Hex firing OUT of it as well.

-Rough Hex: (represented by multiple rocks/boulders on the maps) These reprsent heavily broken up ground; usually quite rocky; and while Mechs may move through them; they do so at 2 MPs per hex. They do NOT provide any cover for Mechs unless the Mech is Prone; in which case they give the Mech a +2 bonus to the Difficulty Number to Hit (on TOP of the standard +2 to the Difficulty number bonus the Mech gets for being Prone for a total of +4 to the Difficulty Number). Rough Hexes are tough for most vehicles to move through.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: BATTLETECH 3025: Background Info and House Rules

#5 Post by max_vale »


Energy Weapons;

-SMALL LASER: Short Range = 1 Hex; Medium Range = 2 Hexes; Long Range = 3 Hexes; Damage: 1d3 (Short Range), 1d2 (Medium Range), 1 (Long Range); Generates 1 Heat Point per shot; 1 Critical Slot; Weight = .5 Tons; Has greater chance to Suppress or Eliminate Infantry units

-MEDIUM LASER: Short Range = 1-3 Hexes; Medium Range = 4-6 Hexes; Long Range = 7-9 Hexes; Damage: 1d6+2 (Short Range); 1d6+1 (Medium Range); 1d6 (Long Range); Generates 3 Heat Points per shot; 1 Critical Slot; Weight = 1 Ton

-LARGE LASER: Short Range = 1-5 Hexes; Medium Range = 6-10 Hexes; Long Range = 11-15 Hexes; Damage: 2d6+2 (Short Range); 2d6+1 (Medium Range); 2d6 (Long Range); Generates 8 Heat Points per shot; 2 Critical Slots; Weight = 5 Tons

-PPC (PARTICLE PROJECTOR CANNON): Minimum Range = 3 Hexes; Short Range = 4-6 Hexes; Medium Range = 7-12 Hexes; Long Range = 13-18 Hexes; Damage: 3d6+2 (Short Range); 3d6+1 (Medium Range); 3d6 (Long Range); Generates 10 Heat Points per shot; 3 Critical Slots; Weight = 7 Tons

-FLAMER: Short Range = 1 Hex; Medium Range = 2 Hexes; Long Range = 3 Hexes; Damage: 1 Point at all Ranges AND the Hit Mech will generate the result of a 1d6 roll in Heat Points for EACH of the next 3 Turns; Generates 3 Heat Points for the Firing Mech; 1 Critical Slot; Weight = 1 Ton; Flamers have the ability to set Woods hexes ablaze AND are a very capable weapon against Infantry targets


-LIGHT AUTOCANNON: Minimum Range = 4 Hexes; Short Range = 5-8 Hexes; Medium Range = 9-16 Hexes; Long Range = 17-24 Hexes; Damage: 1d6 at all ranges; Generates 1 Heat Point per burst; 1 Critical Slot; Weight = 6 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 45 Bursts; Light Autocannon have no penalty when fired at VTOLs or Aerospace Fighters

-MEDIUM AUTOCANNON: Minimum Range = 3 Hexes; Short Range = 4-6 Hexes; Medium Range = 7-12 Hexes; Long Range = 13-18 Hexes; Damage: 2d6 at all ranges; Generates 1 Heat Point per burst; 4 Critical Slots; Weight = 8 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 20 Bursts; Medium Autocannon have no penalty when fired at VTOLs or Aerospace Fighters

-HEAVY AUTOCANNON: Short Range = 1-5 Hexes; Medium Range = 6-10 Hexes; Long Range = 11-15 Hexes; Damage: 3d6 at all ranges; Generates 4 Heat Points per burst; 7 Critical Slots; Weight = 12 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 10 Bursts

-ULTRA AUTOCANNON: Short Range = 1-3 Hexes; Medium Range = 4-6 Hexes; Long Range = 7-9 Hexes; Damage: 4d6 at all ranges; Generates 7 Heat Points per burst; 10 Critical Slots; Weight = 14 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 5 Bursts

Long Range Missiles:

-LRM 5 PACK: Minimum Range = 6 Hexes; Short Range = 7 Hexes; Medium Range = 8-14 Hexes; Long Rane = 15-21 Hexes; Damage: 1 point per Missile that hits; Generates 2 Points of Heat; 1 Critical Slot; Weight = 2 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 24 Packs of Missiles; LRMs may be used for non Line-of-Sight 'Artillery' fire

-LRM 10 PACK: Minimum Range = 6 Hexes; Short Range = 7 Hexes; Medium Range = 8-14 Hexes; Long Rane = 15-21 Hexes; Damage: 1 point per Missile that hits; Generates 4 Points of Heat; 2 Critical Slots; Weight = 5 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 12 Packs of Missiles; LRMs may be used for non Line-of-Sight 'Artillery' fire

-LRM 15 PACK: Minimum Range = 6 Hexes; Short Range = 7 Hexes; Medium Range = 8-14 Hexes; Long Rane = 15-21 Hexes; Damage: 1 point per Missile that hits; Generates 5 Points of Heat; 3 Critical Slots; Weight = 7 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 8 Packs of Missiles; LRMs may be used for non Line-of-Sight 'Artillery' fire

-LRM 20 PACK: Minimum Range = 6 Hexes; Short Range = 7 Hexes; Medium Range = 8-14 Hexes; Long Rane = 15-21 Hexes; Damage: 1 point per Missile that hits; Generates 6 Points of Heat; 5 Critical Slots; Weight = 10 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 6 Packs of Missiles; LRMs may be used for non Line-of-Sight 'Artillery' fire

Short Range Missiles:

-SRM-2 PACK: Short Range = 1-3 Hexes; Medium Range = 4-6 Hexes; Long Range = 7-9 Hexes; Damage: 2 points per Missile that hits; Generates 2 Points of Heat; 1 Critical Slot; Weight = 1 Ton; 1 Ton of Ammo = 50 Packs of Missiles; SRM-2s can be loaded with 'Standard', 'Smoke' or 'Inferno' Missiles

-SRM-4 PACK: Short Range = 1-3 Hexes; Medium Range = 4-6 Hexes; Long Range = 7-9 Hexes; Damage: 2 points per Missile that hits; Generates 3 Points of Heat; 1 Critical Slot; Weight = 2 Tons; 1 Ton of Ammo = 25 Packs of Missiles

-SRM-6 PACK: Short Range = 1-3 Hexes; Medium Range = 4-6 Hexes; Long Range = 7-9 Hexes; Damage: 2 points per Missile that hits; Generates 4 Points of Heat; 2 Critical Slots; Weight = 3 Ton; 1 Ton of Ammo = 15 Packs of Missiles
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