Escape into the Mountain

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Escape into the Mountain

#1 Post by Rhourk »

The great roar of the sky chariot circling above vibrates through the ground. The group moves quickly through the tunnels left by the great beats that ambushed them above. Lycia guides them with eyes immune to darkest depths of the mountain. The tunnel gives way to natural rock caves and small chutes. No sooner then the party makes the transition, great concussions shake the mountain, and the tunnels from which they just emerged begin to collapse. The stone channels lead deeper into the mountain and eventually they find a cavern large enough to spread out and dare to rest. Zildjin launches his drift globe into the air.

Pebbles fall from above as the bombardment continues above. The old man, Chin-Chio moves freely now, mobility restored to his petrified form. He settles back into his seated stance. The dust and calcified deposits of the ages shake from his skin a it flutters almost imperceptibly. Color returns to his skin, a deep tan hue common to the eastern people, spreading across his body. His eyes glow cobalt blue in the dim light.

Daizan will shield us from whatever that is above. I have many questions, and I see from your faces that you have many for me as well.

A long conversation commences...


He has no idea why these beasts or their masters would be after him. Unless they can sense his aversion to their corruption to the land, really the world, really the universe, pretty much just everything.

He feels the change ripping through the balance. He recognizes the wrongness of it. And he can sense it's heart. And it must be stopped.

He has been meditating for 10,000 years, seriously. He knows nothing of any Mind Flayers, Hell or anthing else that has not happened in the far reaches of the Astral Plane for the last 10,000 years. He is able to stop time for his body, existing without nourishment or change for...well he doesn't know how long, but at least 10,000 years.

Yes he has seen the Star Mother's presence in the Astral plane, seen her cosmic ocean and marveled in that space's intersection with the prime material for an unknown but probably long time. He compares Lycia to a sprout that has found its way to the Sun. And would venture that the Star Mother in her infinite vastness is more akin to a living energy construct and any sentience interacted with by Lycia is more likely to be Lycia's own spirit putting form to that which she strives to understand, which seems familiar.

He has sat under the boughs of Yggdrasil for time not measurable to mortal minds. He does not have anymore information for you than the Morningstar already gave you.

The Morningstar sounds amazing to him, but he sees the universe differently than you.
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Re: Escape into the Mountain

#2 Post by Agnati »

Using her Leomund's Tiny Hut ritual, Lycia encloses the group in a pitch black, flat (not glossy), dome of force (from the outside. Illuminated with dim light inside, where we can see through the done from within) where they can talk privately & rest as soon as they get to the cavern mentioned above.
She takes what Chin-Chio says about herself and the Star Mother to heart, praying thanks to Her for watching over Chin-Chio over the past centuries and over her comrades even now. Henceforth, she'll refer to "The Great Mother" as the Star Mother instead.

"Chin-Chio, are you aware of how you keep this.... sickness... at bay and from affecting you? We've heard you being referred to as "The Beacon". We wish to learn how to protect ourselves from the encroaching darkness so that we can take the fight to the ones responsible for this disease of our reality.
Would you be willing to accompany us in search of the source of this corruption? I feel your ancient wisdom may be needed... that your role in this is just beginning. It's clear that you are learned in at least some of the monastic traditions and meditations similar to what Monks of this day and age use. Would you join us? We can guarantee your protection if you need.
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Re: Escape into the Mountain

#3 Post by Rhourk »

Lycia said : "Chin-Chio, are you aware of how you keep this.... sickness... at bay and from affecting you? We've heard you being referred to as "The Beacon". We wish to learn how to protect ourselves from the encroaching darkness so that we can take the fight to the ones responsible for this disease of our reality.
Would you be willing to accompany us in search of the source of this corruption? I feel your ancient wisdom may be needed... that your role in this is just beginning. It's clear that you are learned in at least some of the monastic traditions and meditations similar to what Monks of this day and age use. Would you join us? We can guarantee your protection if you need."

Yes, my teachings have filtered down through the ages, and in some ways have become diluted. I have been communed with by he masters of the three remaining traditions, The Open Hand, The Shadows and the Four Elements. There were others, but they did not survive the last age. Maybe one day I will find students to take up those pursuits once again.

Disease and poison hold no sway over the pure body, such as taught in all of my traditions. I could teach you, but it would take some years, and I fear we will not be allowed such time.

I will accompany you, and I will accept your kind offer of protection, but as for your guarantee of said protection, one should never accept that which cannot be given.
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