The Ledger of Dr. David Clarke

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The Ledger of Dr. David Clarke

#1 Post by Grognardsw »

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Re: The Ledger of Dr. David Clarke

#2 Post by DadsAngry »

Sept. 16, 1925
New York, New York

I, Dr. David Abraham Clarke professor of Archeology at the Miskatonic University in Arkham Massachusetts, am of sound mind and body. The following narrative I have written into this journal is that of truth, no matter how alien the statements appear. The events of the past year has changed my view of reality as I know. It is my hope that this journal of truth will aid me in understanding the world as I see it now. Perhaps this understanding of truths will help others who dare to view upon that which should not be.

The truth began for me one summer morning in Massachusetts when the news of a discovery by natives in Turkey was brought to my attention by my good friend and colleague Dr. Raymond Randolph professor of Archeology at the Miskatonic University in Arkham Massachusetts. The discovery was that of a set of caves found on the side of Mount Latmos, speculated to be the possible resting place for the hermit-shelter of dream-oracles of Selene the moon goddess and her sleeping lover Endymion. Quickly an expedition was organized headed by yours truly. Dr. Raymond Randolph, Dr. Francis Morgan, Professor Ferdinand C. Ashley, and the lovely Dr. Edith Walton comprised the rest of the intellectual in the expedition.

In the beginning stages of planning financial backing was very difficult. Our university department was unable to cover the cost needed. It seemed that the expedition might not happen at all, until Raymond was able to receive sponsorship from a Jim Ford. Mr Ford was an industrialist and member of the Explorer's club in New York, New York. His funding was not solely based upon the need for knowledge but on one condition. It seemed that Mr. Ford daughter has defied her father and run off to Paris. It was pressed upon us to retrieve her and see that she be brought home. Having little option as time was of the essence and the race for a great discovery was on, I foolishly approved the action.

Now unbeknownst to me the same day in which I learned about the caves at Mount Latmos, a series of theft had been perpetrated. One of which accrued in the Peabody Museum at Harvard University where a set of masks of different cultures were stolen. Though I was informed of the thefts at the time, I though nothing of it. Other than just another private collector or black-market profiteer out to acquire antiquities for their collection or profit. Little did I understand that the events would unfold and link together.

The group prepared to depart. Extensive research was done on the myth and of the region in which were to travel to. Everything was going to plan. Seeing possible double ahead Dr. Randolph hired an old friend of his, a Mr. Finnegan McClain. Mr. McClain was to be the groups protection from foreign element of the unsavory kind. He was a good strong man and did his best to protect the rest of us when needed. It is a shame of what became of him, but that story will come in time.

I must regretfully put down my pen for the night. Tomorrow Dr. Morgan and I have a busy day ahead of us and I will have to leave the event of past for another night.
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Re: The Ledger of Dr. David Clarke

#3 Post by DadsAngry »


Konstantin Chertovski: - Killed by Sam Archer
Retired man in his early 50s
Philosopher and supporter of the arts
Occupation is listed as export/import and he seems to have made his money in Russia before the coming to America after the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Trades in stolen artifacts, for occult purposes.
Connected to Dr. Ubaid Hazrabad, Carcosa, and James Ford.

Wife Emilie, died of an unstated illness, March 23, 1919, Buried at Russian Orthodox church.
Has a son, Anton and daughter, Natalia.
Anton operates a funeral home at 716 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, NY has been in business for 20 years.

House on 16 Shady Lane, Brooklyn, NY, is a large rambling Victorian, being made larger still by additions off the left, right and rear sides. Unusually shaped windows, second and third-floor doors opening into air, hallways going nowhere, doors opening into a wall, and other eccentric features.
Several dormer windows added to the attic, doors installed on the second floor that open outside into air, additional oddly shaped windows.
Det. Malone talked with an Irish electrician who did work there, and said there was enough lines running into the basement that there must be generators of some sort down there.

Current owner of The "Shunned House"
Keeps a basement apartment at 300 Parker Street an area known as Park Place.

Frequents a Russian Orthodox church graveyard most every afternoon.
Holds lectures on occult philosophy, including medieval persecutions and religious freedoms in early New England at a converted church.

"The 'Shunned House'
16 Shady Lane
Name originate from the colonial days.
Built by the Colwens
Burnt down, was rebuilt, and passed hands many times over the years.
House has been renovated over the years.
Has a history of bad luck.

Former residents:
The Colwens, original colonial settlers, followed some unorthodox religion that didn't sit well with folks.
The Sherman family, who lived there for four years with there three children all claimed to hear noises in the walls. Relocated to Connecticut.
Then sold to the Boswith family. The wife complained of mysterious cold drafts upstairs, and noises from the attic. After her husband suffered a heart attack while working in the basement.
Next sold to a family from Romania. They lived for more than 10 years in the house, not complaining of any strange occurrences. The father and head of the household was arrested for an unnamed crime and the family returned to Romania. Subsequent records for the next 50 years are absent.
In 1895 a couple bought it back and were found murdered in their bed, all cut up.
It was suspected a crazed thief broke into the house and killed the husband and wife. A large hole in the wall was found. It was attributed to a weak ceiling from roof leaks.
Konstantin Chertovski purchased it in 1900 six month after the murder.
Uses it as a social center, art gallery and meeting place.

Russian Orthodox church
Ру́сская правосла́вная це́рковь (Russian Orthodox Church)
1 Richard St., the corner of Richard and Verona Streets.
Chertovski frequents the church graveyard most every afternoon.
Grave marker for Emilie Chertovski
A Kindred Spirit and Loving Wife
Born April 6, 1879
Died March 23, 1919

Red Hook Community Center
250 Walcott St.
Old church-turned-dancehall near the train station
Was a Dutch Reform church until 20 years ago when the deacon died of a heart attack and no replacement was forthcoming.
Currently used for multiple purposes as a community meeting hall, dance hall, and for smaller functions in the lower level.
Immigrants can learn English, U.S. history, cooking and self-help classes, and other topics.
The current owner is Ford Real Estate Holdings, New York City.
Flyer posted in the basement for Chertovski lecture on occult philosophy, including medieval persecutions and religious freedoms in early New England.
The jazz band Hepcats of Ulthar performed at the center several weeks ago.

Mr. James Ford
President of the Explorer's Club
Majority interest holdings in entertainment businesses.
Finance the expedition to Turkey for the Miskatonic University
In a communication to Carcosa.
Personal chauffeur is - Leonard Eisenstein. Soft spot for Claire Ford.
His residence is 432 Park Avenue in Manhattan, and his private office is 150 Front St.
Office in London & New Orleans

Claire Ford
Rebellious daughter of James Ford.
Was staying in Paris, France before Dr. Clarke & Randolph retrieved her for Ford.
She is pregnant. (While in Paris)
Nursemaid to Raymond Randolph
"I was placed in the social services agency through my father and assigned to Raymond to gather information on what had happened to him - the machine in the cave, the crystal, the aging."
Has learned a little about the crystal and Turkey expedition from Raymond
Father has dragged her into his evil plans against her will.

Stolen museum artifacts:
They include ancient swords, daggers, ceremonial bowls, stone tablets with writing, and books that look like they may be 15th or 16th century.
Religious ceremonies involving sacrifices
The green mask, in particular, was depicted in the Mt. Latmos picture.
One museum and item mentioned in Carcosa letter is that has not been a victim yet.
Harvard's Peabody Museum in Cambridge, Massachusetts
fragment of the Codex Beltran-Escavy
Mr. Archer is currently perusing that lead.

Ambrose Carcosa:
Corresponded with an astronomy professor at Columbia University Mr. Harlow Shapley.
"astronomer, Columbia University: Ancient star patterns and their change over thousands of years; positions particularly around the solstice of this year, 1925."

Dark Pharaoh Freak Show & Circus:
Algier Joassaint, manager
Performed in New York recently

Club Zothique:
Owned by Carcosa

Voodoo Harry's in New Orleans:

Cactus Club in Phoenix:

Hepcats of Ulthar:
part of the cult
Zydeca Acerant - singer
discussed with Carcosa the band's tour schedule and the addresses are various hotels in different cities
Sept. 11-12: Narbeth, PA, outside Philadelphia
Sept. 18-19: Aberdeen, near Baltimore
Sept. 25-26: Reston, VA, outside of Washington DC
Performed at Red Hook Community Center recently
Performed at Club Zothique

Church of Starry Wisdom
121 Chapel Hill Road, London England
References opening a church in New Orleans and Phoenix.

Harlow Shapley - Cleared
Astrology teacher
Columbia University, New York City
Discussed Star patterns, movement of stars in the sky with Carcosa in the letter.
Ancient star patterns and their change over thousands of years
positions particularly around the solstice of this year, 1925
Did research for Carcosa but is not involved with his cult.

Ubaid Hazrabad
Discussed with Carcosa various archeology sites in Turkey

Glenda Heinreich
Traveled with Ubaid Hazrabad on the White Ship to France
Discussed in Carcosa letter of decadent sex parties in which unprecedented levels of "orgone" accumulation were reached.

Eduardo Himenez
Surrealist Artist
Traveled with Ubaid Hazrabad on the White Ship to France

Horace and Henrietta Whateley
London and Luxembourg.
Traveled with Ubaid Hazrabad on the White Ship to France
Horace last seen at Mt Latmos
Discussed in Carcosa letter distribution of "goods" to fellow supporters in time to prepare for the "celebration" and "Will follow MU party to secure the stone."

Two book dealers
one in New York City - Cultist member
one in Cambridge, MA

H.P. Lovecraft
Providence, RI

Ms. Asenath Waite
- Found dead in her dormitory room. Dr. David Clarke is suspected of murder.
Cousin of Konstantin Chertovski
A former student of mine at the Miskatonic University
Was visiting Konstantin Chertovski at the time of our raid.

Boston to investigate this Codex Beltran-Escavy
Last edited by DadsAngry on Fri Apr 26, 2019 4:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: The Ledger of Dr. David Clarke

#4 Post by DadsAngry »

Sept. 17, 1925
New York, New York

Today I received news that I wish I did not receive. My friend and colleague Dr. Raymond Randolph has passed away from the his actions that took place at Mt. Latmos. I will try my best to recall those event tonight as his memory is so strong in my mind. Once again I reiterate that the following tale is true no matter insane and obtuse it may sound. But first I shall pen todays events since they are the freshest in my mind.

The day started early with a rapping at my door. It was Dr. Morgan and he looked quite disheveled. The previous day we had moved the valet holding the crystal that we found at Mount Latmos into the hotel safe. The news that Dr. Morgan, Frank can come to tell that morning was that he had retrieved the valet early yesterday afternoon. Such news would have not been so excitable if it was not for the claim that Frank shared no memory of retrieving it and placing it under his bed. The event was quite puzzling indeed. The clerk at the front desk remember the incident quite well so the event did take place. The true troubling aspect of this event is that the time in which the valet was retrieved was the same time that Frank and I were at Historical Society doing research. It would have been impossible for the event to have happened. I took the account as odd but chalked it up to loss of time by Dr. Morgan. Surely the event occurred when we came back from the our research and the added stress of on Dr. Morgan is the cause of his loss of time. Dr. Morgan left to clean himself up and met me and the other in the dining hall for breakfast.

When we got down to the breakfast hall Mr. Wilkins was already enjoying his first meal of the day. We joined him and he shared with us a passage he had translated the night before. I don't recall the passage at the moment other than it was just as cryptic as the language it was original scripted in. I must make note to ask Reginald for the translation again so I can scribe it into my notes. We were soon joined by Mr. Albertoni, Mr. Bartlett and Agent Mulder. After breakfast we all went our separate ways. Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Bartlett left to visit Aleister McDowley the owner of a local bookshop of rare books. Agent Mulder when to pay a visit to James Ford financier of the Miskatonic's expedition and possible cultist. The latter was revealed in the previous nights meeting where a letter was brought to my attention connecting Mr. Ford to Carcossa,the man we are currently hunting, That left Frank, myself, and Mr. Albertoni, Marius to continue our research into the shunned house and Mr. Chertovski. My notes on the finding of our day can be found on the previous page of this ledger.

I would say that our day out researching was quite uneventful if not for an unsettling event at the Pratt Library in Brooklyn. When we entered the library and made an inquire to the librarian, she greeted Dr. Morgan with familiarity. She claimed that Dr. Morgan had been previously there that day researching the same exact things as our inquires. Not to alarm Mr. Albertoni of the event I quickly moved the conversation and avoided any questions of the incident. Though the event was most troubling indeed. It was in the same fashion as Frank had described this morning. I know Frank had not been to the library on his own for he was with us the whole time. It would seem that there was an impostor or some how Frank was in two places at once. A concept that I would have given any thought to previously but now with all that I have come to learn might be true. We hurried our research, collecting vast amount of information. While we poured into old new articles and stories I found Frank peering into his valet every so often. As if the object inside was beaconing him to. I spoke with Frank and urged him to resist the crystals wants and calls and he did his best. The rest of the day went without incident. We returned to the hotel and I compiled my notes and presented it to the Agent Mulder, Dr. Morgan and Mr. Albertoni. After some feedback I revised my presentation and booked the dining hall for a presentation for the whole group after dinner.

Soon Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Bartlett returned from their adventure. To my shock Mr. Bartlett has been shot. From the story Mr. Bartlett and Mr. Wilkins tell the man the went to see, Aleister McDowley owner of a book store of rare books, was a cultist in Carcossa's circle. A scuffle ensued and a gun discharged wounding Mr. Bartlett. Luckily no one was injured any further. The police arrived and arrested all. Agent Mulder was called down to the station and retrieved Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Bartlett. Both of which will have to go to court in the morning with Agent Mulder.

When able I quickly grabbed Mr. Wilkins and Dr. Morgan and whisked them away to have a private meeting. Unfortunately I may have raised suspicions with Mr. Bartlett. Needless to say it was important that I speak with the two. I informed Reginald of the strange occurrences with Frank and his doppelganger. Reginald pledged to consult his tome on matter concerning the crystal. Mr. Wilkins spoke of gates and the visions Frank had spoke of and connected to another occurrence of a former employee of his, a Timothy. He also asked Frank about the words spoken to him by the crystal, foreign words which Frank was unable to recall. Then Mr. Wilkins asked if we knew the name Nyarlothotep. Never encountering the name I automatically assumed it was tied to ancient Egypt in which I was correct. The name means loosely "there is no peace at the gate". Reginald continued on to say that Nyarlothotep role is messenger to the Outer Gods. Nyarlothotep is the gateway between planes, between the world of the Outer Gods and our world. Some equate the Egyptian god Thoth with Nyarlothotep. It seems that he and Reginald enacted such a gate with the use of the crystal back in Providence. They wish to try again if they encounter another mural. But this time take the crystal into the gate with them. I'm not sure what to make of this. On one hand I know of such things that can not be but yet I have seen thing that should not be. At least Reginald has a strong head on his shoulder. He understand the dangers involved. Frank on the other hand is not. I'm afraid that the crystal is warping his mind. Controlling him at times.

Our meeting was cut short by a phone call from the front desk. It seem the we acquired another investigator, a Father Claude Vaughan. News of the cult murders has caught the attention of the Vatican and they have sent an emissary to investigate on their behalf. He is an exorcist and expert in devil cults. I wonder if he can help with Frank? But to do so I must break my oath to Frank to keep his attachment to the crystal a secret. I shall wait until Reginald is finished researching the crystal before I break my promise.

That is all to report for the day other than when I spoke with Edith. She relayed a very interesting bit of information that some how eluded me. When she was at Raymond funeral today she took note that Claire Ford was present. She was Raymond social worker nurse. It is still undetermined as what level of involvement in this affair. I have asked Edith to look into Claire involvement. I hope that wasn't a mistake.

Now it's time to delve back into my mind and pull the memories that I have suppressed for so long, Mount Latmos. I will pen the trip that brought us to Constantinople another night. Tonight is the night to remember Raymond and the last time I saw the man I knew.

June 27, 1925
Final arrived at the Kapıkırı village. Raymond made arrangement for porters and guides. A Mr. Emre a local took charge of the natives for us. He had been to the cave and lead the way. We left early the next morning without Mr. Archer. It was assumed that he would join us later. The trip to the cave was a half a day and quite treacherous. But moral was very high and we made good time with no injuries. I must take a moment to commend Edith. The climb was challenging and no other women in the world could have tackled such a treacherous climb.

When we reached the entrance it was worth the all the hard work and adversity we had faced. The large stone opening feature architecture that I had never seen before. Just beyond was a large natural cavern that did show signs of man's intervention. Circular shapes covered the domed ceiling. There are several groups of toppled stones, each ten feet from each other, forming three corners of a triangle. North of this is a 2' raised rough stone platform of sorts. The cavern wall were adorned with cave paintings scattered through out. Two passage broke off from the main cavern. We decided to explore further with out stopping to assess what we had already discovered.

We headed down a passage to the left. Along the way we encountered fossilized bones of unusually size and genus. I instructed Edith to photograph them as we continued on. The cave painting continued on as we continued or trek. Soon we came to another chamber with writing all over the walls. . In it we found remnants of occupation of some kind. About a half-dozen dilapidated wooden cots laided before us. We also took note of an area with a smoothed 2' circular concave impression on the floor. The impression was smooth and man made but no tool mark could be found. Edith continued to snap pictures as Mr. Emre men to start taking measurements of the room. Another passage just lay ahead and we continued onward. Once again we found ourselves in another chamber. In the middle of the chamber we discovered a crude covered stone sarcophagus. To the left and right on the ground laid stone covers for what look like graves inset in the floor. The walls were covered in writing of an unknown tongue. There was other no exit from the chamber. We had come as far as we could. We left the sarcophagus untouched and an head back to see what was down the other passage off the main entrance chamber.

Down the right corridor this time. We came quickly to a large cavern which would seal the doom for so many. The cavern narrowed as it approaches its 60' peak, where there is a shaft going up. The writings and pictograms on the walls are a mix of languages, Greek, Egyptian and others unknown. A contraption was at the center on the floor. Around it a circle of metal on the floor, about 6' in diameter, discolored by time but not rusted, connected at three concentric points to a large metal box in the center. The box has buttons, knobs and dark glass. There is writing on the box in an unknown language. Atop the box was trapezohedron shaped crystal that Dr. Morgan now possesses. I immediately order Edith to photograph everything but she didn't need my injunction. Raymond and I proceeded closer to the contraptions. It looked out of place and time. It was about three feet wide and deep and four feet tall. From its base on each side runs on the floor metal strips that connect with the metal circle surrounding the box and us. It seemed to be the opening mechanism to the vast shaft that ran up the cavern wall. Mr. Emre the Turkish foreman spoke up asking what the various holes in the wall that pocket its facade, as one of the worker secured a grappling hook to one. I immediately left Raymond with the device to scold the worker. His carelessness could have chipped away some of the markings. I then order a scaffolding to be built so we could examine the holes without damaging them. While I was orchestrating the work force Raymond took it upon himself to examine the contraption with the crystal. I instructed Dr. Morgan to help Raymond as he had the best knowledge of geology of the expedition. The workers busied themselves setting up and taking rubbings of the strange writings on the wall. A worker erected a ladder and Edith with much curiosity climb up to view what was inside one of the pockets in the wall. As she climbed I held on to the ladder to steady it on the uneven surface. As she peers in she lets out a horrifying scream, loosing her grip and tumbles to the floor below. With great haste I try to catch her but stumble on some rubble and she crashes to the floor injuring her arm, possible fracturing it. With my attention on Edith I was unaware of Frank's and Raymond's actions. It is not until I hear Frank cry out it terror that I turn my attention to the two. In that instant I saw my good dear friend and colleague Dr. Raymond Randolph with his hand on the crystal fade into nothingness. It was surreal and unimaginable, ghost like. It was then when we first noticed the buzzing noise from above and another horrifying scream from my love. The Turkish worker started muttering and backing away, some making signs of the cross and undoubtedly praying. The trapezohedron crystal was glowing a sickly purple and there is an acrid smell now. From above unearthly a creature of indescribable construction descended upon us. It was a large, pinkish, fungoid, crustacean-like entity the size of a man; where a head would be, is a convoluted ellipsoid of pyramided, fleshy rings covered in antennae. The creature swoops down and snatched up one of the workers. It sliced and pulled the man's head off with its many claws. Blood splatters on everywhere and onto us as gushes of blood from the neck flowed like a fountain. The nightmare with wings emits an alien buzz. I screamed in terror. Frank desperately pulled at the lever of the contraption in a vain attempt to the hopes it would vanquish the creature. I quickly gathered Edith and helped her out of the cavern hoping the others would do the same. Gallant Mr. McClain stood his ground firing at the beast as they descended as did Mr. Erne. I wasn't until we were outside and partial way down that I was able to ascertain who had made it out alive. Dr. Morgan, Edith, Mr. Erne and myself were the only ones that I know made it out. It's possible some of the other worker made it out, though they did not follow the same path as us. Professor Ferdinand C. Ashley of the ancient history department and Mr. Finnegan McClain never made it out of that cursed cavern. The survivors descend to meet Mr. Archer who was engaged in his own dilemma. But I will speak of our escape another night. Raymond I'm sorry it was all my fault.
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Re: The Ledger of Dr. David Clarke

#5 Post by DadsAngry »

Sept. 18, 1925
New York, New York

For once I would like to sit down to my chair and desk and scribe into this ledger of mundane daily events. But today like so many other days before it is far from normal. Today our group of sleuths investigated the home of Konstantin Chertovski along with Agent Mulder's band of B.O.I officers.

We had a special surprise that morning, as well as more than one could handle later, we were joined by Sam Archer, private investigator. It had been several months since we went out on different paths after returning from our encounter together in Turkey. I continued with the administration of a failed expedition and research into poor Raymond while he continued his investigation into the stolen artifact in which he was original hire to find. Upon our reuniting I was astonishing caught off guard by the loss of Mr. Archer's left hand and it's replacement with a prosthesis. I produced mine to greet as custom before I had noticed. I shameful stopped midway and became lost in speech as I was greeting the man. The tough and rugged Archer smirked and simply brushed off the missing companion as a "temporary misunderstanding with the BOI resulted in permanent consequences". So cold and emotionless he had become. But I knew deep down the fiery man from the White Ship was still inside him.

The group didn't depart until later that morning. Agent Mulder had to accompany Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Barret to a court hearing about the event the previous day. Business was made short and the charges brought upon the two men we dropped. As they should have been. It was clearly self defense against a now know cultist. In no time the group was on it's way to Konstantin Chertovski home, The Shunned House on Shady Lane.

When we pulled up to the house it was a very odd house indeed. It was a large house taking up the whole city block with a low stone wall surrounding the grounds topped with an iron work which extend it to 7 feet in height. The house was set in the middle of the property and partial obscured by trees. An iron gate with a long drive sat in front of this Victorian style home. Though one could call the architecture Victorian a large number of additions and extension were clearly added and still being added by workers on scaffolding. Agent Mulder has some of his men circle to the rear of the estate as there was some activity earlier at the establishment. Chertovski had guests and there business was known to us. Instead of rushing right in we all sat quietly observing the home and for any occupants leaving. We engaged in light conversation while we wait for several hours. The topic of firearms was brought up and it seemed everyone was well armed. I myself chose not to brandish a firearm as I thought the armament carried by Agent Mulder and his men would be more than sufficient.

After two hours of observation we decided to proceed with search and approach the house. Mr. Albertoni had eyed a circle of stone in the front garden and he made it his first priority to examine while the rest of us proceeded to the front door. We were greeted by Mr. Chertovski man servant and cordially invite inside. He lead us to Mr. Chertovski who was currently entertaining guests in his study. Along the way I could not help but notice the decor. The hallway was covered with framed pictures of unusual subjects. Many of them looked to be occult in nature. Biblical prints, various Egyptiana, tribal masks, satanic imagery and the likes. The group then continued on to Mr. Chertovski study.

The study was filled with two couches, chairs, a desk, several filled bookcases, a large fireplace, and decorated with similar decor as the hallway. A large bay window sat behind the desk gave view of the garden with the standing stones. When we arrived at the study. Mr. Chertovski was engaged in conversation with a young women on the sofa. He stood and greeted Agent Mulder. I was surprised to recognize the young women whom he was conversing with. A Ms. Asenath Waite, a former student of mine at the Miskatonic University. There also was another gentleman in the room a Mr. John Maskelyne who spoke with a british accent. Agent Mulder engaged with Mr. Chertovski and issued forth the search warrant while my eye were drawn away to the scene outside through the bay window.

Looking through the window I could clearly make out the standing circle of stones and Mr. Albertoni among them. But what caught me off guard was Frank, Dr. Morgan standing next to him. I turned to look at my side and saw that Frank was standing next to me. I quickly change my position thinking that it must be just a refection in the window. To my horror the image did not disappear. It was the double. I was shocked and could only mange to muster a single word for several moments as I stood unbelieving at the site. I became completely oblivious to the events surrounding me. I grabbed the jacket of Dr. Morgan and lead him and myself quietly out of the room. Outside the room we were joined by Mr. Barret. Still unable to compound a viable sentence I desperate tried to speak. Even though the word were short it was clearly understood by the others for they too were quite aware of the situation. As we speculated out in the hall Mr. Albertoni finished with his investigation joins us with the same amount of surprise as he comes to realize the situation himself. He spoke of his conversation with the other Frank and concluded that he was not looking for information from us but almost leading us. With my sense returning we conversed for a few minutes more. The subject changed to the situation in the study, Ms. Waite and her possible connection to the gruesome murder that Marcus discovered in the wood near the old mill.

We headed back to the study when we encounter Chertovski mansevent once more. He lead us back to the study but as we did we passed an open door way that lead down, presumably to the basement. We inquire and Mr. Chertovski manservant who confirmed it was such. He advised us not to proceed down as they were experiencing a gas leak and it was unsafe. The door was ajar to allow the flow of fresh air. Marcus and Isaiah don't buy the story and along with another B.O.I. investigate while Frank and I return to the study.

When we return Mr. Archer is engaged in a much heated conversation with Chertovski, a not unlike tactic I've seen him use before. Father Vaughan is seated on the sofa next to Ms. Waite with the valet tucked between his legs. Reginald is busy rummaging through the artifacts and books upon the shelves. Under Mr. Archer foot I spy a old tome of sort in which he is clear defacing. I implore to Mr. Archer to cease immediately with this his barbaric antics. Destroying precious relics is an unnecessary. Gratefully Mr. Archer see the logic in my argument and attributes his behavior to the medication he undertakes for the lost appendage. It is then that Reginald exclaims and produces proof in the form of a hieroglyphic scroll of Chertovski guilt in the crimes he is accused of. I try myself to read the script but am unable to decipher the text as Reginald has. That is when Ms. Waite excuses her self from the room to powder her nose. I sternly implore her to return in a swift manner as I would do to my student at a lecture. The tension between Mr. Archer and Chertovski escalates and Mr. Archer produces a firearm in good hand. Agent Mulder attempt to calm the situation but Archer doesn't budge. With the noise and confusion Agent Mulder and Reginald set out of the room to discuss the incriminating evidence.

Not more than a few steps out a series of loud bang erupt from Mr. Archer's gun. Several bullet rip through Chertovski as the man falls to the ground motionless. I as well drop to the floor and quickly make my way to safer surroundings. Now outside the room more sound of conflict and broken glass. Panic stricken I retreat to the standing cars that brought us here and waited for the others to follow. Several minutes follow and I once again regain my composer. The house stands silent and there is not more reason to hide. I approach the house alone slowly and carefully. I decide to deviate from front door and approach the standing stones first.

The stone are etched in deed with similar markings as those found in Turkey. The archeologist in me take over and I find my self compelled to investigate and record my findings. Having nothing to record upon I venture back into the house but this time I enter through the now broken bay window. On the floor lies the broken body of Chertovski. Agent Mulder is back in the room and there is no sign of Archer. Agent Mulder furious at the situation quickly ascertains the location of everybody. I inform him of Mr. Barret and Mr. Albertoni location as the basement. I rummage through the desk of Chertovski looking for a piece of lead and paper in which to make a rubbing of the stone outside.

Mr. Albertoni bursts into the room telling a tale of horror of his own. Pentagrams, banshees, alters, rivers, bones, cavern, a glowing awful woman, hebrew inscriptions, and the hooting of an owl. When asked about Isaiah and the agent that accompanied him he spoke of an physical engagement. Shots fired and the demises of Agent Smith. Of Isaiah where about or condition he did not know. To add on the already outrageous events it's brought to my attention that Ms. Waite was sexual assaulted by one of the agents. Presumably while he was absent using the water closet. I'm not sure of the details of the assault but it was said that the agent was not in control of himself at the time. Agent Mulder takes control of the situation. He order the agent to be detained until the local authorize could arrive. He then questions Mr. Maskelyne while Father Vaughan looks after Ms. Waite. Reginald, Frank and I retire to the garden with the standing stone and all examine it closer. Finally procuring pencil and paper I take a rubbing of the inscriptions for later study. After some discussion we return to the interior and along with the other agents investigate the basement.

The basement is dark and there are several flashlights available. As look around Marcus points out the north wall in which the hebrew runes were inscribed. Upon my examination I find nothing unusual. The basement is what one would normally expect. The foundation appeared to be alter as fitting for the history of this home and it's many incarnations. We found not cavern, rivers, piles of bones or the like. Reginald suggests that perhaps that the trio stepped through a portal and attempt to recreate it. It's only been a few day since I first met Mr. Wilkins and though there are things in this world that I have been unable to explain the chanting and gestures displayed by Reginald seem preposterous. If only he could see himself he might think he was mad as well. Needless to say that Mr. Wilkins chanting and odd gesturing did not bring forth a gate into another world. We continued searching finding living quarters and nothing incriminating. Though it was brought to my attention by Frank of the chillness in the air. The air was much more chillier than a basement should be. The group continued on throughout the basement in search of Isaiah and the source of the coldness. We located the source of the chill air. A room setup as a medical operating theater. A large machinery were humming away generating cool air. Various medical instruments and jars of internal organs flooded in jars. A large walk in freezer held several human corpses. Two males, a woman in her thirties and a teenage girl. Upon closer inspection of one of the males, his head had been severed from it's neck with surgical precision. A ghastly sight that I hope will one day I will forget. The search continued and though we found other various rooms we found no sign of out lost comrade.

We adjourned to the main floor and search the main levels of the house. The house contained the most bizarre arrangement. Stairs that lead no where, door opening into open air or a wall, hallway that narrow to the point in one could not pass. Room after room a cacophony of jumbled architecture with little rhyme or reason. All though each part of the house was suspicion no further incriminating evidence was found. A letter with a familiar name and some undeveloped film was found. I did discover a telescope pointed at the sky. With the past evidence of interest in the celestial sky by Carcosa I diagramed the position of the telescope the sky above. Perhaps it's angle and position could bring about some meaning.

We finished up our search of the house. Reginald stopped and took one more look at the standing stones and instructed Agent Mulder to seise them for later study. Back at the hotel we ate and discussed today finding and made plans for the future. We'll tie up local angles before traveling to New Orleans. Reginald will study the Xaqloui writing and confer with a Professor Angell in Providence. Apparently Reginald recognized the name from a letter that was discovered in the house. Marius will accompany him. The undeveloped film is to be sent out for enlargements. Dr. Morgan, Father Vaughan and I are to visit with professor Shapley again at Columbia University before departing for Arkham to look into Ms. Waite personal records at the Miskatonic University. In five days time we shall all meet again to head to New Orleans to further investigate the leads there.

It will be good to see Edith once again. I hope she is still safe. I long for my own bed and the quite study of academics. Hopefully this adventure is coming to a close and I can return to my lecture halls. My eyes grow weary and the days events have taken up most of my time. I will write about Mr. Archer and out escape from the Mt. Latmos. another night. Tonight I want to forget about the events that surround the man.
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