Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#421 Post by Marullus »

Guhnk the goblin emerges from under the wagon, brushing the road dust from his clothes as he apparently hid for the entire conflict. He eyes the ogres, listening to their plaintive wailing. He turns to Carchannoi and offers, "You killed Grummsh and Hella. They were hungry and you have food. Helga and Helvetta want to return the bodies to their... body place. I tell them you are nice and kind, they understand this. You are stronger and the food is yours. They fear your fierce magics. They will leave to starve now, without Grummsh-father."

Nobody seems to understand hobgoblin or orcish.
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#422 Post by Zhym »

"Stupid ogres were hungry and went for the beer," says Fingers. "Everyone knows you don't chug on an empty stomach."

"Carch, you ain't gonna just let 'em go after attacking us, are you? They could be good in a fight, even if they are women ogres. We should at least get their loot."
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#423 Post by onlyme »

Markd remains quiet, hoping he doesnt spook the orgres. He mentally prepares for grabbing his sword, in case he needs it.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL


Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#424 Post by sirravd »

Carchannoi whispers something to Guhnk, then says: "I told them to leave. The goblin will lead them someplace safe, and we can return to town without them in tow. I'm afraid I cannot command them to give up their arms. It is...dishonorable to rob a charmed creature. One of the elves' taboos."
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#425 Post by KingOfCowards »

Corbin nods to Carchannoi, glad that he brought the elf and his powerful magics with him.
"The sooner they are away the better."
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#426 Post by Zhym »

"You didn't even make them give us their gold?" says Fingers incredulously. "Or is there something dishonorable about taking money from someone that tried to kill you and your dog? Bunch of wusses we are. Attack us! It's fine! We'll send you on your way with a kind word and a bag lunch! Hmph!"

"Throwing away a useful weapon, too. You think they'd do the same for you? And how do you know they won't come back with a bunch of their menfolk to kill us?"

"Ask 'em how much gold they got on 'em," he says. "Then we can take that much out of your share of the loot when we get to town if you're so big on not robbing people you've charmed. I didn't sign on to your stupid rule. Don't see why I need to lose money because of it."
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#427 Post by onlyme »

Markd pipes in,

"We need to rest for the night. I'd have rather them stay charmed and in sight than off. they may have helped protect us from another group of raiders. We may need to push on, then away from here a bit before attempting another camp site"
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#428 Post by KingOfCowards »

Zhym wrote:"You didn't even make them give us their gold?" says Fingers incredulously. "Or is there something dishonorable about taking money from someone that tried to kill you and your dog? Bunch of wusses we are. Attack us! It's fine! We'll send you on your way with a kind word and a bag lunch! Hmph!"

"Throwing away a useful weapon, too. You think they'd do the same for you? And how do you know they won't come back with a bunch of their menfolk to kill us?"

"Ask 'em how much gold they got on 'em," he says. "Then we can take that much out of your share of the loot when we get to town if you're so big on not robbing people you've charmed. I didn't sign on to your stupid rule. Don't see why I need to lose money because of it."
"I'd be careful messing with wizards if I was you, sonny. His magic makes the ogres his friends, and not yours. You should thank your lucky stars he used his magic to keep us alive. How much is your life worth? He could take that value out of your share for saving it if you want to start counting coppers."
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#429 Post by Marullus »

The group is reticent, holding back from looting the corpses for coin while the other ogres are present. Carchannoi tells the group of elvish taboos and then speaks with Guhnk who translates to the ogres. The ogres, still weeping over the bodies, genuflect to show Carchannoi their gratitude at his generosity. They gather up the bodies of their slain family members in their arms and depart into the night, Guhnk going along with them.

It takes the group a bit to wind down after the tense, life-threatening encounter. They settle back into sleep about 1:00am and rest until about 9:00am to allow the spellcasters to fully recover. Nothing further disturbs your sleep through the night.

Rising and packing the camp, the group feasts on meat and cheese from the cart rather than depleting their own stores. (No ration deduction on your sheets.) The group sets out again, muscles sore but again pushing for time to get back to town as soon as possible. Carchannoi's horse provides all the labor and pulls the cart with all the goods, which rolls much more easily on the road and greatly increases the group's speed. A cloudy night gives way to a sunny day, the weather warming to 60 degrees as you push a forced march to reach town. The wind shifts to the southeast, a cold storm front approaching from the mountains on your heels. You reach the town at about 3:00pm, just as the rain showers begin. You're glad to see the merchant camp, and tavern beyond, awaiting you as the cold rain begins to saturate your cloaks.

The group draws a lot of attention as the lumber into the Merchant Camp outside the south gate with the reclaimed wagon loaded with goods. It is a heroic welcome, with merchants bartering for the reclaimed goods of their now-deceased comrades.
(I'll list the offered prices from the Merchants with the items below. You can accept their rates and divide the coin, or retain the goods if anyone wants to try to sell elsewhere in town.)

Date: 05 May 2021
Time: 3:00pm
Temp: 60 F
Wind: 9-11 mph SSE
Light source: Sun

Expedition summary:

6 PCs: Corbin, Fingers, Silent, Markd, Baxtaw, and Carchannoi

Encounter - two giant bats
Encounter - six goblins arrive at wagon site
Encounter - 12 goblins charge the ridge
Encounter - Scared off 14 goblins from hilltop
Encounter - Goblins in the night
Encounter - First goblin hole
Encounter - Grummsh's Ogre Family
Exploration - 1 new hex
Exploration - five days

Group Total: 707 character xp / 646 item XP for each PC. I will mark this, and any individual awards, on PC sheets in private forums.

79 ep
One Cleric scroll
3 barrels of stout beer (100lbs each) - 30 gp offered
Hard cheese and dried sausages (70 man-days for sale) (70 lbs) - 28 gp offered
6 barrels of dried, salted fish. (60 lbs) - 192 gp offered
2 sacks (50 lbs each) of plaster - 16 sp offered
2 crates of wrought iron goods. (100lbs) - 16 gp offered

For clarity - I did not make note anyone taking:
  • 6 shoddy spears
  • 4 pots of "oil" - somewhere between goopy lamp oil and watery tar
  • 5 goblin-made spears
  • 5 human-made shortbows
  • 5 quivers containing 42 human-made arrows
  • 5 human-made daggers

Bows and arrows were taken to replentish individual character sheet inventories, which you retain. The rest of these items were left behind. If that's incorrect and any of this was brought, please note and we'll include it now for division.

Note: I also added 18 ep to the total above, taken off the goblin bodies and the sleep hole, which I did not include for you at the time. They also had four more shoddy spears.

Next Steps:
  • Post any last RP as you travel and arrive in town, anything said or discussed at the camp or before town arrival.
  • Handle the disbursement of treasure shares IC on this thread.
  • If you keep any items for resale elsewhere in town, mark here that you're keeping the item, then start it as a new action in the appropriate town threads.
  • Go and RP in the tavern. You arrive at timestamp 3:00pm 05 May 2016. You need two days rest minimum, and may depart with new expeditions on the morning of 08 May 2016. Please at least post in the tavern (or other appropriate town thread) about where you're getting and deducting food and lodging at normal costs.
  • Roll up a second character. If you'd like, and think you can keep up with two expeditions at a time, you can now make a second character because your first has successfully returned from an expedition. We can discuss any questions in your private forums.
  • Memorialize the tale of your expedition in the tavern and . Follow the rules for Tributes to Expeditions and gain extra XP. Your tales will go here.
  • If that gold is too heavy in your pack, you can spend 100gp to make a Tribute to a Living Adventurer rules and also get more XP. Your memorials will end up here.
  • Use your private forum to assign Item XP to an item you carried on this expedition. Remember: item XP not assigned before your next expedition begins are lost.
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#430 Post by Zhym »

If we want to bring some of hte weapons back with us, is that something we can just say we did or do we have to show where we said we'd do it back when we had the opportunity?

Fingers would have wanted to bring the goblin spears, shortbows, arrows, and daggers if they didn't add too much weight.
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#431 Post by Marullus »

I'm allowing it retroactively. You can do it now. I need someone to go through and parse out what was already taken and put on individual sheets, though (i.e. bows and arrows claimed vs. in the pool). All the weapons can be sold in town at 50% of book value. You can sell/keep and include them here.
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#432 Post by onlyme »

Markd would have wanted to take a bow/arrow as well, though he didnt have one to "replenish". :oops: Much cheaper than buying one to replace his worthless* sling.

Markd indicates his thoughts to the others in the party.
I'd say we take the gold here. I dont have much success in negotiating, so unless any of you are any better. Gold in hand is worth more in head.

*Is good for controlling canines, but nothing else.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#433 Post by Zhym »

Fingers looks longingly at the beer. "Yeah, I guess."

"Hey, do you think Hyde would give us more for that beer? Maybe let us drink it with a big discount for selling it to him?"

I'm assuming the quoted price is to a "merchant," not Hyde. If that's the price Hyde offered, scratch the part about getting more from him and keep the part about wanting a discount to drink it. :)

And I'll try to go back in the forum and count arrows and weapons...at some point.
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#434 Post by Marullus »

Zhym wrote:I'm assuming the quoted price is to a "merchant," not Hyde. If that's the price Hyde offered, scratch the part about getting more from him and keep the part about wanting a discount to drink it. :)
Correct. There are Merchant camp prices. Skipping them and selling it in town (to Hyde or otherwise) will require additional RP and Charisma checks, thus be on another thread.
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#435 Post by Zhym »

Charisma check? Fingers is doomed. :)
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#436 Post by KingOfCowards »

Not wildly successful, but better than I expected considering lack of traditional treasure. Nice expedition folks.

Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#437 Post by sirravd »

As Carchannoi enters town, the other party members, once or twice, notice it smiling distantly, or silently laughing to itself...
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#438 Post by Marullus »


You guys need to disburse your treasure and move on. If you opt to take the easiest route (dump it all to the merchants and split it evenly):

Selling all your remaining trade goods leaves you:
  • 267.6 gold pieces (44 gold, 6 silver each)
  • 79 electrum pieces (13 electrum each, 1 extra)
  • One clerical scroll from Sdubok
Selling the pilfered gear:
  • Merchants don't want 10 goblin-made spears or wierd oil
  • Five shortbows at 12.5gp each is 62.5gp
  • Five quivers with 42 arrows is 10.5gp
  • Five daggers is 7.5gp
80.5gp total

All together 57gp, 10 silver, 13 electrum each.
  • Buy back the claimed shortbows, arrows, and daggers as part of your share.
  • Buy back any trade goods that you want to barter a better price for as part of your share.
  • Someone gets the scroll.
Everyone gets to move to the tavern.

Each of you post if you accept this, or argue for unequal shares. Note if you argue for the scroll or unsold items (spears and oil).
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#439 Post by Zhym »

Man. Pushy DM. :p

Lemme RP Fingers trying to sell the beer to Hyde before we decide on the split. Or maybe Fingers just keeps the beer as part of his share. ;)
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Re: Expedition - Corbin/Caravan Site- 01 May 2021

#440 Post by Marullus »

Zhym wrote:Man. Pushy DM. :p
Okay, fine. :oops: I guess it was only 28 hours. I just am excited to see what you all do with your aftermath and next expeditions. :D

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