Thurgrum > Epilogue

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Rider of Rohan
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Thurgrum > Epilogue

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Thurgrum knows he's dreaming's the same dream he's been having since the battle of the Keepers. He and his companions are standing around the stone archway and the trees are all blackened and dead. There are ranks of undead soldiers with tentacles for arms and legs staggering out of the gleaming portal...coming to kill them.
And as usual, Thurgrum meets the undead head on, smashing into them with ferocious glee, scattering their pieces all around his feet. His hammer, covered in gore, rises and falls, and his arm never tires as he cries out to Moradin, the All-Father to bless his fight.
But then...his dream takes a different twist...for in the leering glares of the undead, Thurgrum sees the face of his father and his mother, his brothers and other family members. He backs away in horror, not wanting to kill them...again...even though his mind is telling him they are not real. Thunder rolls overhead and something spatters him in the the squid-like tentacles reach for him and pull him into his family's deadly embrace...

Thurgrum suddenly sits up and blinks his eyes rapidly. He then promptly hikes a leg and releases such thunderous flatulence as to startle Brutus and Derby...more than 20 feet away!
"That makes me feel better!" the dwarf declares, rolling to his feet.

Lysander, who is just a few feet away, shakes his head and rises too, as real thunder rolls overhead and it begins to rain. Grumbling about the "damnable weather," Thurgrum stretches and looks for someplace to relieve himself.

Since leaving the Owl Clan, the two warriors have been traveling northward, hoping to cross the Mirar before the snow melt and spring rains swell it to beyond passable condition. Even though it was hard to leave their new friends, Thurgrum knows it was for the best.

Darkstar and the princess Min had already left, saying they were going to find Greystone, while Purvan and Leesa had decided to head back to Neverwinter before making the trek to Longsaddle to be with her family when the baby arrives.
Dalivere was long gone back to Neverwinter too...or so they heard.

Returning to camp, Thurgrum says, "Better hit the trail! The Mirar ain't gonna take to all this rain, not with the snow melt what's sure to already be swelling her banks!"

Lysander grunts an affirmation and the two warriors quickly gather their gear, get the mounts ready to travel, and head north, straight for the river. Thurgrum's thoughts turn back to his dream as they ride and he shudders, not because of the cold rain. He can still feel the tentacles of his dead family wrapped around his throat...
Winter is coming...
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