Starship Profiles

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Starship Profiles

#1 Post by Keehnelf »

This thread will include information on the various classes of starships that are on record or have been encountered by the group during the campaign for easy reference. Technically this is part of the Setting, but given that it is a giant class of specific data I'm making a new thread so you don't need to go searching around for it all. Since I've only received one request for access to the wiki, I'm going to assume folks aren't excited about using it when it's not required (which I never would do).

List of Starships:
Ensign-Class Scout (100t)
Wave-Class Transport (200t)
Marauder Kamoor Smuggler (200t)
Tarmish Kamoor Frigate (200t)
Emperor-Class Transport (400t)
Marvel-Class Cruiser (400t)
Majestic-Class Liner (600t)
Firestorm-Class Troop Transport (800t)
Andromeda-Class Capital (1400t)
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Re: Starship Profiles

#2 Post by Keehnelf »

Wave-Class 200-ton Free Trader

Streamlined Hull with Atmospheric Fuel Scoop

Maneuvering Drive:
Class A, 1-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class A, Jump-1 Capability

30 tons fuel capacity (1 jump)
82 tons cargo area
6 crew quarters
7 passenger staterooms
10 cryo-tubes ("low berths")
2 hardpoints

Deck Plan:
Nameless Ship Deck Plan.jpg
Nameless Ship Deck Plan.jpg (151.55 KiB) Viewed 1113 times
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Re: Starship Profiles

#3 Post by Keehnelf »

Ensign-Class 100-Ton Exploratory Society Scout

Streamlined Hull with Atmospheric Fuel Scoop

Maneuvering Drive:
Class A, 2-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class A, Jump-2 Capability

40 tons fuel capacity (1 jump)
3 tons cargo capacity
2 crew quarters
4 passenger staterooms
1 double-turret
1 hangar with air/raft

This class of ship is primarily reserved for exploring unknown sectors of space or for transmitting high-priority communication over long distances quickly. The Exploratory Society maintains a fleet of roughly two dozen of these ships in the Knife's Edge subsector.
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Re: Starship Profiles

#4 Post by Keehnelf »

Emperor-Class 400-Ton Merchant Transport

Streamlined Hull with Atmospheric Fuel Scoop

Maneuvering Drive:
Class C, 1-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class C, Jump-1 Capability

50 tons fuel capacity (1 jump)
200 tons cargo capacity
8 crew quarters
13 passenger staterooms
9 cryo-tubes ("low berths")
2 hardpoints
1 hangar with 20-ton launch craft

This class of ship is used by well-established trading companies, especially the Charter Trading Company, for high-volume traffic between major systems. It is generally less favored than the Wave-class trader due to its larger profile, making it a juicier target for raiders along its route. Those independent traders who do employ the Emperor invariably swap out the manufacturer's launch craft for a boat with offensive capabilities to help repel attackers.
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Re: Starship Profiles

#5 Post by Keehnelf »

Majestic-Class 600-Ton Passenger Liner

Maneuvering Drive:
Class C, 1-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class J, Jump-3 Capability

210 tons fuel capacity (1 jump)
129 tons cargo capacity
12 crew quarters
30 passenger staterooms
20 cryo-tubes ("low berths")
3 hardpoints
1 hangar with 20-ton launch

Only a handful of these ships ply the spacelanes in The Knife's Edge, given the comparatively low demand on most worlds. The majority run tourists on chartered cruises along the southern route between Marenau and Verge or to the north between Marenau and Flens. In this subsector, the liners are always heavily armed and have a small contingent of marines aboard.
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Re: Starship Profiles

#6 Post by Keehnelf »

Marvel-Class 400-Ton Republic Navy Cruiser

Streamlined Hull with Atmospheric Fuel Scoop

Maneuvering Drive:
Class H, 4-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class F, Jump-3 Capability

120 tons fuel capacity (1 jump)
50 tons cargo capacity
20 crew quarters
12 passenger staterooms
4 cryo-tubes ("low berths")
4 triple-turrets
1 hangar with air/raft

The Marvel is the key to the Republic's military dominance of the subsector, though on most worlds it is hardly needed. It is faster, tougher, and hits harder than any other standard model ship in the region, and the Republic has them strategically placed along jump paths to allow maximum control of all transport and communications routes. The exact number deployed in the region is undisclosed, but smugglers in The Knife's Edge estimate the number of distinct designations seen in operation there between 15 and 20. The shipyards on Marenau, controlled by the Charter Trading Company, are known to be capable of producing a finished Marvel-class cruiser in approximately twelve months, and three have been produced there since the CTC established the facility.
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Re: Starship Profiles

#7 Post by Keehnelf »

Firestorm-Class 800-ton Troop Ship

Streamlined Hull

Maneuvering Drive:
Class M, 3-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class M, Jump-3 Capability

300 tons fuel capacity (1 jump-3)
80 tons cargo capacity
14 crew quarters
20 passenger staterooms
280 cryo-tubes ("low berths")
4 turrets
1 hangar with 2 20-ton armed launches

The Firestorm troop transport is very rarely seen in The Knife's Edge, but its history is feared. A handful of these massive vessels landed in the major cities of Ancre a hundred years ago and the divisions of well-trained Republic Army troops they unleashed on the native population brought the world to heel in a matter of days. Designed for quick drops through the atmosphere under the cover of their pulse laser turrets and armed launches, the threat of the Firestorm's return is what keeps the Savari on Ancre II from open revolt and what encourages the leaders of Verge to engage more covertly in their unsanctioned activities.
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Re: Starship Profiles

#8 Post by Keehnelf »

Tarmish 200-Ton Kamoor Frigate

Maneuvering Drive:
Class B, 2-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class B, Jump-2 Capability

140 tons fuel capacity (3 jump-2)
10 tons cargo capacity
4 crew quarters
4 cryo-tubes ("low berths")
2 double-turrets

The Tarmish is the Kamoor's standard spacefaring combat ship. It usually operates from orbital or deep-space installations run by the group as it is unsuitable for atmospheric travel. Indeed, due to its heavy fuel payload it is sometimes called "the fireball" or "the matchlighter" by Republic gunners who find that a few well placed missiles are able to set the entire thing into a spiral of incendiary destruction. The small Kamoor ships, however, make up for this with their small profiles and extreme mobility, allowing their small crew to operate independently for long stretches without refueling. The Tarmish's double turrets almost exclusively sport beam lasers, the materials necessary for missile turrets deemed by the Kamoor military leadership to compound the obvious problems with the design. The Tarmish, comparatively cheap to produce, has provided the cartel with at least a modicum of regional strength.
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Re: Starship Profiles

#9 Post by Keehnelf »

Marauder 200-Ton Kamoor Smuggler

Streamlined Hull with Atmospheric Fuel Scoop

Maneuvering Drive:
Class A, 1-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class B, Jump-2 Capability

60 tons fuel capacity (1 jump-2)
88 tons cargo capacity
3 crew quarters
2 passenger staterooms
2 cryo-tubes ("low berths")
2 turrets

The Marauder-style Kamoor smuggling ship is based loosely on the Wave transport design, replacing the passenger and crew space with additional fuel and cargo storage while upgrading the jump drive to make travel to out-of-the-way denner harvesting locations more convenient. The typical armament for a smuggler ship is a sandcaster and a pulse laser turret for use at close range. The Kamoor have a reputation as scrappy fighters at close range and prefer the pulse lasers and the lure of a boarding action even with their small numbers.
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Re: Starship Profiles

#10 Post by Keehnelf »

Andromeda-Class 1400-Ton Republic Capital Ship

Maneuvering Drive:
Class J, 1-G Acceleration

Jump Drive:
Class J, Jump-1 Capability

570 tons fuel capacity (4 jump-1)
200 tons cargo capacity
18 crew quarters
20 passenger staterooms
150 cryo-tubes ("low berths")
14 emergency cryo-chambers (56 capacity)
14 double-turrets
Hangar with 16 Fighters, 2 Transport Launches, 2 Combat Support Ship's Boats

The Andromeda is the pinnacle of the Republic's interstellar might, a massive weapons platform that can carry a platoon of ground troops and a full four squadrons of fighters to a battlefield. Only a handful of these behemoths have taken to the skies and they are seldom deployed except where extreme force is necessary. The only Adromeda-class ship to have been sighted in The Knife's Edge was the CWS Heironymous, which made a brief appearance in Marenau space four years ago, visible from the surface of that world for one week before it headed back into space for a jump presumably toward the core worlds.
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