ACKS - House Rules

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ACKS - House Rules

#1 Post by SpankyTaz »

ACKS - House Rules

Stats: 4d6 for each stat drop the lowest roll. You can trade stat points on a 2 for 1 basis. You may arrange stats in any order.

Hit Points: All characters that have the Adventuring proficiency get maximum hit points for the Hit Die they receive at 1st level (1d4=4, 1d6=6, 1d8=8). Note that 0th level is not 1st level. All non-maxed Hit Die are re-rolled each level, but you can never have less HP than you did previously. There is no 'hand of God' roll allowed.

Encumbrance: Add your STR or CON bonus (whichever is LOWEST) to your 40', 30', & 20' encumbrance limits.

Starting Gold: The table below is used to determine a character’s starting gold, replacing the rule on p.16 of the ACKS rules.
Charisma Score Starting Gold Dice Roll
3..........................1d3 x 10
4-5.......................1d6 x 10
6-8.......................2d6 x 10
9-12......................3d6 x 10
13-15....................4d6 x 10
16-17....................5d6 x 10
18.........................6d6 x 10
The amount generated on the table is then modified by the character’s XP bonus (or penalty) percentage.

Missile Attacks: Your DEX modifier applies to damage rolls with missile and thrown weapons (no, not holy water, naptha, or similar “weapons”).

Anyone without the Precise Shooting proficiency firing into combat is taking chances. If the missile fire misses and the target is adjacent to one or more other beings, there is a chance the missile may hit one of them instead. The GM randomly determines where the errant missile has flown and, if another being is located there, requires the firing PC to roll against that target’s AC. A hit means that the unintended target receives the missile damage instead. Of course, it is possible that the unintended target could be another PC or other ally, so the decision to fire into melee must be carefully weighed.

If a being is in the direct line-of-sight between a missile-firing combatant and his intended target, a penalty of anywhere from -4 to -8 (depending on the size of the blocking being) is applied against the “to-hit” roll. A miss means that the combatant must roll again, this time against the AC of the being blocking the line-of sight. If a hit is indicated, damage is rolled and applied to the blocking being.

Size “Huge” and “Gargantuan” opponents (Giants, Titans, adult age and older Dragons, etc.) may generally be fired upon without fear of accidently hitting allies adjacent to the target, GM’s discretion.

Critical Hits: If your attack throw is a natural 20, it is automatically a hit. If it would have been a hit even without the “natural 20's always hit” rule, then it is a critical hit that inflicts maximum damage. Only the weapon’s (or spell’s, if the spell requires an attack throw) normal damage die is maximized, not damage dice from backstabs, the ambush or weapon focus proficiencies, magic items, etc. Only the weapon damage is doubled, not any bonuses.

Movement: A combatant may move at any time during their own initiative phase - either before or after they have attacked (melee or missile) or cast a spell - however, the defensive movement rules for 'engaged' combatants still apply.

A combatant may split their movement allowance during a round so long as their initial 'move' was at least 10'. This does not apply in the case of ‘cleaving movement’ - the 5’ step between each cleave target - but note that cleaving movement counts towards a character or creature’s combat round movement allowance.

Higher Ground: Occupying appreciably higher ground than your opponent gives a +1 “to hit”, in both melee and missile fire. However, if the higher ground merely puts you on roughly eye-to-eye level then no bonus is granted. For example, a Gnome standing on a table is approximately eye-level with a Human opponent and thus would get no bonus. Similarly, fighting a Giant from higher ground may or may not grant the bonus. GM discretion in all situations.

Fighting multiple opponents: When you find yourself under attack from more than one opponent at the same time, each adversary will make a separate attack on you in the combat round, but you become easier to hit and your armour class is lowered.

You can face two opponents without an armour class penalty, but for every additional opponent in the fight your AC is reduced by 1. So if you are facing three separate attackers in combat, your AC is reduced by 1 against all of their attacks until you can eliminate one of them. Likewise, if you are facing four attackers then your AC is reduced by 2 against all of their attacks until you eliminate one of them, then your AC will only be reduced by 1 for the remaining three attackers, and so on. The maximum number of melee opponents you can be engaged by at any time is 8, which will drop your AC down by 6. Ranged attacks do not count towards or benefit from this modified AC. Also keep in mind that if you have won the initiative roll and can eliminate some of your opponents before they attack, then you may not suffer as large a penalty.

Defensive Fighting: All characters (using a medium or large melee weapon) can fight defensively, gaining +2 bonus to AC but -4 to attack rolls. The intention to do so must be stated prior to start of the round. Those fighting defensively automatically lose initiative.

'Shields shall be splintered': Any time a PC is about to take damage and has a shield equipped, he may choose to sacrifice the shield in order to avoid incurring the wound. The shield is sundered by the blow and destroyed, but the PC takes no damage. In the case of spells that allow a saving throw for half damage, this rule may be invoked if the save against the spell is failed. Doing so successfully reduces the damage by half. If the saving throw is successful, the shield can be sacrificed to avoid taking the half-damage. In the case of magical shields, invoking this rule means that the PC takes no damage from the blow but the shield loses one "plus" from its enchantment.

Two-Handed Weapons: To offset the popularity of the 'Shields shall be splintered' rule and give folks a reason to not equip a shield - all wielders of two-handed (melee) weapons roll their damage twice and take the highest result.

Armour, Putting On: Characters may find themselves in a situation where they must quickly put on their armour. The following times are required:
Armour Type Time Needed to Put On
Hide & Fur (AC 1).......................2 Rounds
Leather (AC 2)..........................3 Rounds
Ring Mail or Scale (AC 3)..............4 Rounds*
Chain Mail (AC 4).......................5 Rounds*
Banded Plate or Lamellar (AC 5)......7 Rounds*
Plate Mail (AC 6)........................9 Rounds*
*Characters in a hurry can choose to only partially armour themselves with pieces from this suit. The GM will determine the character’s effective Armour Class, depending upon how much time was spent donning the partial suit of armour.

Armour, Removing: The time required to remove armour is half the figures given above, rounded down.

Putting On / Removing Magic Armour: The time required to put on or remove magic armour is reduced by 1 round + 1 additional round for each “plus” the armour has. All armour, regardless of bonuses, requires at least 1 combat round to put on or remove.
Example: A suit of Chain Mail + 1 can be put on in 4 rounds and removed in 1 round.

Helmets: Helmets are 'opt-in' rather than 'opt-out'. Adjusted armour costs and AC below:
Leather Armour: 10gp, AC 1
Ring Mail or Scale Armour: 20gp, AC 2
Chain Mail: 30gp, AC 3
Banded Plate or Lamellar Armour: 40gp, AC 4
Plate Armour: 50gp, AC 5
Shield: 10gp, +1 AC
Light Helmet: 10gp, +1 AC
Heavy Helmet: 30gp, +1 AC, +2 on d20 roll on Mortal Wounds table, -1 surprise, -4 hear noise

Hammer: 1d6 single handed weapon, can be thrown.
Warhammer: 1d8 two handed weapon, cannot be thrown.

Poison: Standard “save or die” poison, such as poisoned potions or the bite or sting of a venomous monster, function as follows: If you fail your save, you are incapacitated (unable to communicate or take any actions) for 1d6 turns, after which you die. Poisoned weapons, poisoned needles hidden in locks, and similar mechanical devices do not deliver a sufficient dose to be reliably fatal like that, and have lesser effects as described in the poison section of the ACKS rulebook (p. 249).

Oil: For clarity, oil (common) will be referred to as “lamp oil” and oil (military) will be referred to as “naptha”.

Recovering Used Ammunition: Whether you can recover your fired or thrown ammunition depends on its type.
[*]Thrown weapons such as knives, hand axes, javelins, hammers or darts can always be recovered unless the attack roll was a natural 1.
[*]Arrows or bolts that strike the target are destroyed (although the arrow/bolt head can be cut from the carcass for re-use by a bowyer/fletcher), those that miss can be recovered 50% of the time.
[*]Sling stones and bullets are always lost whether they hit or miss, 1d4 new stones can be scavenged for every 10 minutes spent searching.

Monster Attacks: “Large” and greater size monsters can threaten opponents beyond the 1-space area immediately surrounding them:
Size Category Melee Attack Reach
Large............2 Spaces
Huge.............3 Spaces
Gargantuan.....4 Spaces

Death: Characters do not die at 0 hit points, they become unconscious (and subject to the 'Mortal Wounds' rules in ACKS). They die at negative Con.

Resting & Natural Healing: [amended & clarified] Characters must rest/sleep at least 8 hours in 24 to be considered rested. Being fully rested confers the following benefit once per 24 hour period:
Natural healing of 1d3 hp + Constitution hit point bonus, if any. This amount can also be boosted by the attention of a character with the Healing proficiency.

In order to achieve full rest, the following conditions must be met:
* Access to a bed, bedroll or similar makeshift bedding materials.
* Shelter from inclement weather (building, tent, cave or similar).
* Removal of bulky equipment such as backpacks & armour.

If the above conditions are not met during the 8-hour rest period, characters are still considered rested for purposes of fatigue recovery and spell power replenishment but no natural hit point healing occurs.

Some results on the Mortal Wounds or Tampering with Mortality tables will indicate that a character needs a period of bed rest to recover. During this time, the character does not regain hit points from natural or magical healing, and cannot take any action other than speaking and moving at half speed. If the character is killed again before he has had sufficient rest, he cannot be treated or restored to life by anything less than ritual magic. If the table indicates that the period of bed rest can be shortened with magical healing, then any form of healing magic, including cure spells, potions, Laying on Hands, or other means, will suffice. Otherwise, the period of bed rest cannot be shortened.

First Aid: After a combat (up to a turn later), any PC with the Healing proficiency may spend one turn administering "first aid" to themselves or an injured ally, healing 1d4hp of damage sustained (regardless of his ranks in Healing). This requires 1 bandage per use and can only heal wounds suffered in that combat, not any previous ones - e.g. the PC starts combat on 10 out of 12 hp, takes 3 damage in the combat but rolls a '4' for his first aid - he only gets 3 back, not 4 since this would count as healing his earlier wound. Bandages cost 1sp each and 20 weigh 1/6 stone.

Drugs work: Alchemy shops in this realm carry many things that have magic like effects. Here are a few items that might prove useful:
Healing salve: Heals 1d2hp per application, may only be applied once per day. A small pot of two applications costs 20gp.
'Second chance': This nasty tasting elixir, once ingested, will restore a fallen character to 1hp as long as they have not hit the -CON death mark yet. The side effect of this concoction is STR, CON and DEX are halved for 2 days after ingestion. If an additional dose of the elixir is consumed during the side effect period the character will reduce to -2hp immediately. The side effect can be negated with cure poison. The cost is 75gp for a single dose.

Poultice of Healing: (50gp) This creamy, salve-like poultice is applied directly to a wound. It heals 3-6 (1d4+2) points of damage and prevents scarring. Such a poultice is only effective on an individual once every 24 hours. A second application is only half as effective (round fractions down), and further applications have no effect whatsoever, until 24 hours has passed.

Anti-Venom, Weak: (25gp) Imbibing this fluid within one round of poisoning allows the poisoned victim an immediate second saving throw against that poison.

Anti-Venom, Strong: (200gp) Drinking this within one round allows the victim an immediate saving throw at +4.

Purging Remedy: (100gp) Imbibing this foul herbal concoction within 24 hours of contraction of a disease thoroughly and noisily flushes out the victim's system (which may be inconvenient in certain circumstances), giving them an immediate saving throw against the disease with a +2 bonus.

Veritus Charm: (500gp) This holy charm, if worn openly around the neck, allows the target of level and ability draining attacks (that wouldn't normally allow a save) a saving throw at -2 against the effect.

Saving Throws: Class-based saves are made using the target number listed in the ACKS core rules for the character’s class but a modifier is applied to the d20 roll that is based on one of the character’s ability scores. These modifiers are:
Petrification & Paralysis, ± STR mod. (Wrestling, webs, nets, and anything that attempts to physically bind, restrain, or otherwise, immobilize you)
Poison & Death, ± CON mod. (Poison, disease, necromantic effects, instant death effects, and anything else that targets your health directly)
Blast & Breath, ± DEX mod. (Area effect attacks and similar hazards that you can dodge out of the way of, but which don’t have to make attack throws to hit you and which aren’t effects that would otherwise be resisted with a different type of save)
Staves & Wands, ± INT mod. (Transformations such as polymorph and petrification effects, and any other magical effect that isn’t covered by one of the other saves)
Spells, ± WIS mod. (Mind-affecting effects and general non-specific spells or spell-like effect from the rules)

Ability Checks & Difficulty Modifiers: Generally, if a Save vs. Abilities is needed these are referred to as making an ‘Ability Check’ and are frequently used to determine success when a character wishes to accomplish some task, especially those not specifically covered by the rules. In such cases, the GM will determine which ability is most relevant to the task and then instruct the player to roll against that ability.

Sometimes the GM will assign a Difficulty Level to a task. In such cases, the character must still roll equal to or less than the relevant ability score, but the following dice rolls are used:

Difficulty Level Number of d6 rolled
Very Difficult...............5d6
Nearly Impossible......... 7d6

Arcane Lore: All characters who cast arcane spells start with the Detect Magic and Read Language spells already in their repertoire. These spells are free and do not take up repertoire slots, however, they still take a 1st level slot to cast.

Bonus Spells: Caster characters gain a bonus spell per day for a high attribute modifier. If they have a +1, they can cast one additional first level spell a day. If they have a +2, they can also cast an additional second level spell per day (once they can cast second level spells). If they have a +3, they can also cast an additional third level spell per day once they have access to third level spells.

Spell Recovery (or getting your spell power back): [clarification]
For the purposes of spell recovery, an “uninterrupted full night’s sleep” is defined as 8 hours of rest (ACKS p.66), followed by one hour of concentrated study or prayer before they can cast again. Therefore, spell casters are typically unavailable for overnight guard duty if the intent is for them to replenish their spellcasting powers the next morning.

Identifying Magic Items: You can identify items roughly with Loremastery or Magical Engineering.

To identify the plus of weapons, armour, or protective gear, you will learn it if used in combat and the modifier makes a difference (i.e. you roll one less than you’d normally need to hit but are using a +1 sword, you will know it’s at least +1). Outside of the dungeon, a week of sparring and practice using the item will eventually reveal its modifier.

To identify a command word, any character capable of casting Detect Magic can perform a two week ritual that will reveal MOST command words and charges remaining. This ritual costs 500 gp and requires the character throw 11+ on a d20, adding their caster level (if not performed by a PC, you must also pay for the caster’s time). If they fail, they can spend an additional week and 250 gp more to continue, gaining a +1 to their next roll. Prospective buyers of charged items will ALWAYS require this service performed by a caster of their choosing, at the seller’s cost, before buying the item.

Casters performing the research are paid 1/4th the Henchmen price per week of research, and no refunds are offered if the ritual fails. In other words, it pays to find a higher level caster to perform the ritual and just eat the higher cost.

Specific Spells:
Haste: Does not age target a year, but leaves them at a -2 to hit, saves, and AC for 3 Turns after use.
Resist Cold/Fire: With these spells you take ½ damage when you take damage from the element, or ¼ if you make a save.

Spells Lost in Combat: If a character is hit before they cast their spell, they can roll 1d6+their level. If it is higher than the damage they suffered, they can continue casting.

Buying Magic Potions & Scrolls: Magic potions cost 100gp x level up to 5th level. Scrolls cost 150gp x level up to 5th level. The chance of buying a particular potion or scroll at 1st level is 95%. It goes down 20% for each level after that (95-75-55-35-15%). These must be rolled at the beginning of the session in the company of the GM or by the GM if playing by Email.

Making Potions: Spellcasters may craft any spell that they know into its equivalent potion for 50gp x level up to 5th level, assuming they are in a town or city that can provide the ingredients (villages are too small). They may craft 1 potion for the number of spells that they know each day, with the same % chance of the supplies being available as above (i.e. 95-75-55-35-15). This means that on downtime between adventures they may make supplies. These supplies must be rolled at the beginning of the next session in the company of the GM.

Making Mage scrolls: Mages can scribe scrolls from the spells they have in their spellbook (or other access to). The cost is the paper (a single sheet), the ink and time (reflected in the chart below):

Lvl ink cost time
1 100gp/per 1 day
2 200gp/per 2 days
3 300gp/per 3 days
4 400gp/per 4 days

Making Cleric scrolls: Clerics can scribe scrolls from their daily endowment of spells, this does remove the spell from that daily endowment. The cost is the paper (a single sheet), the ink and time (reflected in the chart below):

Lvl ink cost time
1 100gp/per ½ day
2 200gp/per 1 day
3 300gp/per 1½ days
4 400gp/per 2 days

Sizing-up Opponents: Any character with the Adventuring proficiency can usually 'guesstimate' how tough any creature or person he encounters is. Roll under the average of INT/WIS on d20, to learn its HD or level to within +/-1.

Hirelings and Henchmen: Hirelings only need to be paid for the delves they accompany you on, per daily basis. If you want, you may have dedicated henchmen who will always accompany you. This requires that you pay their upkeep every day, whether you are delving or not. The same costs apply for both as the daily rate.

Languages: Your character speaks the common language of his continent, plus a number of additional languages equal to his INT bonus. Unless his class grants arcane or divine spells, or he has Arcane Dabbling or a similar proficiency that indicates familiarity with magic, then the character must learn all human languages before he can start learning other non-mortal languages, and must learn all mortal languages before he can start learning the languages of the spirits.

Other Mortal Languages:
Draconic: The language of dragons.
Giantish: The language of giants.

Spirit Languages: Note that it is unknown what language the Celestial spirits speak, since everyone who hears them speak hears them speaking his own native language.
Sidhelin: The language of the seelie faeries.
Goblysh: The language of the unseelie faeries.
Infernal: The language of Chthonic spirits.
Janni: The language of the genies.

Dialects: Isolated populations, such as tribes of beastmen living in the wilderness, often speak strange dialects of one of the root languages listed above. When you first encounter an unusual dialect of a language you know, roll d6 and add your INT modifier. On a result of 5+ you can understand and communicate with speakers of that dialect. Otherwise, you cannot. However, after each week spent among those who speak the dialect, you may roll d6 plus your INT modifier again. You gain a +1 bonus to this check if you someone else who can understand both your dialect and the foreign dialect teaching you. If the result is 5+, you have learned to understand and communicate with speakers of that dialect.

Bonus Cards:
We will be playing using 'Bonus Cards' - each PC gets 1 random card at the start of the session, plus 1 drawn from the deck each time they roll a ‘natural 20’ during play.

Notes on Alignment:
Lawful - Team civilization. Honour your word, defend the frontier and kill bad-guys.
Neutral - Team me & mine. Get the money and protect your crew or kin. Everyone else, watch out.
Chaotic - Team anarchy. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Law vs. Chaos really isn't about good and evil. Lawful characters are more likely to do "good" things, and Chaotic ones are very likely to do evil, but these aren't exclusive. It's about believing in something bigger than yourself (or not) and giving yourself to that higher cause (or not). Lawful character will defend the Church and their way of life (Knights Templar) but may also get carried away (Inquisition).

Trap Rolls:
Find Trap: 18+ to locate a trap, if the character is looking in the right way and/or place (14+ for certain races/classes to notice a trap in area, like Elves do with Detect Secret Doors), ± INT mod.
Spring Trap: a 2 in 6 chance to trigger or spring a trap when a character passes over or by a trap.
Avoid Trap: a 2 in 6 chance to avoid a trap or even the potential damage from a trap after it has been sprung unless the trap description details a specific saving throw.
Disarm Trap: 18+ to safely destroy, defuse, bypass, or otherwise neutralize a previously located trap.

Other Skills/Actions:
Open Door: 18+, ± 4x STR mod.
Detect Secret Door: 18+ (or 14+ for some), ± WIS mod.
Hear Noise: 18+, ± WIS mod. (Also see below)
Open Lock: 18+, ± INT mod. (Also see below)
Climb Walls: 18+, ± 2x either STR or DEX mod., whichever is higher. (Also see below)
Move Silently: 18+, ± DEX mod. (Also see below)
Swim: 18+, ± 2x STR or CON mod., whichever is higher

Thief Skills (additional notes)
Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Climb Walls: Characters with these skills can increase their chances of success by being light on their feet. If the character’s encumbrance is in bracket 1 (120’ movement), he gains a +4 bonus to proficiency throws for these skills. If the character’s encumbrance is in bracket 2 (90’ movement), the bonus is +2.

Open Locks: A thief can attempt to pick a particular lock multiple times. As long as the previous failed result was more than half the result needed to succeed, he may make another attempt. Each attempt to pick a lock requires 10 minutes. However, if a thief rolls a natural 1 while attempting to pick a lock, he may have broken his thieves' tools (definitely if standard, or save as per description of superior or masterwork tools).
Example: a 1st level thief needs an 18+ to pick a lock. His proficiency throw results in a 10. He fails, but may try again. His second attempt is a 17. He fails, but may try again. His third attempt is a 9. He fails, and any further attempts to try that lock automatically fail until gaining a level.

Find Traps: If the thief fails a proficiency throw to Find Traps by 4 or less, he knows a trap exists (if there actually is one), but does not know its exact nature.

Remove Traps: A thief can attempt to disarm a trap multiple times. As long as the previous failed result was more than half the result needed to succeed, he may make another attempt. Each attempt to disarm a trap requires 10 minutes. However, if a thief rolls a natural 1 while attempting to disarm a trap, he has set off the trap.

Pick Pockets: A thief can try to suddenly grab an item without regard to being noticed – doing so grants a +4 bonus to the proficiency throw, but the intended victim automatically notices regardless of whether it succeeds or not. The item may not be a weapon in hand (that’s a disarm attempt).

Adventurer’s Harness: Also known as a burglar’s harness, this is a set of belts, straps, sheaths, and cases designed to securely fasten items to one’s body without hampering movement. A character wearing an adventurer’s harness can ignore 1 stone’s worth of equipment when calculating encumbrance. It cannot secure heavy items or coins and similar items. It cannot be worn over armour heavier than chain mail. Cost: 10gp.

Dungeon Cart: This is a 2-wheeled, wheel barrow-like device designed for moving heavy loads in an underground setting. The typical cost of a dungeon cart is 15 gp. It has a sturdy, reinforced wooden body and iron-rimmed solid wooden wheels. It occupies a 1 space/hex area and has an Encumbrance Capacity of 40,000 coins (40 stones). When empty it has a movement rate of up to 90’/turn. Half-full, the movement rate is reduced to 60’/turn and it must be pushed by a character with 9+ STR. When within 90% of being fully loaded, the movement rate is reduced to 30’/turn and it requires 12+ STR to push. Gnomes are too short to push a dungeon cart. The dungeon cart cannot navigate any passage narrower than 5’. Cost: 15gp.

Ear Trumpet: A funnel-shaped tube of silver, wood, shell, or horn that, when placed in its wearer’s ear canal, raises the apparent volume of sound. A character using an ear trumpet gains a +2 bonus to proficiency throws to hear noise. The bonus does not apply to thief hijinks. Cost: 15gp.

Padded Shoes: A pair of soft-heeled shoes with padding designed to dampen the sound of walking. A character wearing padded shoes gains a +2 bonus to proficiency throws to move silently. Padded shoes cannot be worn with armour heavier than leather. They are easily destroyed by fire or damaged by caltrops. Cost: 15gp.

Thieves’ Garb: A suit of clothing, including hooded cloak, tunic, leggings, gloves, and scarf, woven in a camouflaging colour. Thieves’ garb is available in different colours for use in various environments – brown for hills/mountains, green for forest/jungle, grey for settlements, white for tundra, etc. When wearing thieves’ garb appropriate to the environment, a character gains a +2 bonus to any proficiency throws to hide in shadows, avoid being spotted, and evade in the wilderness. Characters wearing thieves’ garb can always hide in shadows or avoid being spotted with a throw of at least 18+. Thieves’ garb imposes a -2 penalty when its camouflage colour is inappropriate to the environment (e.g. white garb in the jungle). The bonus and penalty do not apply to thief hijinks. Thieves’ garb can be worn over leather armour, but not heavier types. Cost: 25gp.

Thieves’ Tools Companion Kit: A companion set of tools to use in conjunction with the standard set of thieves’ tools, this set includes drills, pliers, scissors, rods, blocks, pads, tweezers, shims, and a magnifying glass. A thief using this kit in addition to a set of standard thieves’ tools gains a +2 bonus to proficiency throws to Open Locks, Find Traps, and Remove Traps. Cost: 35gp.

Thieves’ Tools, Masterwork: Masterwork thieves' tools grant a +4 to proficiency throws to open locks and remove traps. If the thief rolls a natural 1 while attempting to pick a lock, the tools may make a saving throw versus Death (at the thief’s level) to resist breaking. The bonus does not apply to thief hijinks. Cost: 1,600gp.

Thieves' Tools, Superior: Superior thieves’ tools grant a +2 bonus to proficiency throws to open locks and remove traps. If the thief rolls a natural 1 while attempting to pick a lock, the tools may make a saving throw versus Death (at 1/2 thief’s level of experience) to resist breaking. The bonus does not apply to thief hijinks. Cost: 200gp.
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