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#1 Post by thirdkingdom »

Houserules will be found in this thread. If there are any questions about rules in this thread please ask them in the OOC or Character Creation threads. I will be using Moldvay/Marsh/Cook B/x (switching over to Necrotic Gnomes Old School Expansion when that comes out). I try to be diligent about quoting page numbers when rules come up. As of now the houserules are as follows:

1. Character classes. Refer to attachment, below.
2. Encumbrance and armor. Post #2.
3. Languages. Post #3.
4. Hit Points. Post #4.
5. XP. Post #5
6. Cost of living expenses. Post #6
New Classes 4.4.20.pdf
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Re: Houserules

#2 Post by thirdkingdom »

Encumbrance and Armor

Characters can have readied a number of items equal to half their Strength, and can have stowed a number of items equal to their Strength. Readied items are armor, weapons held and ready for immediate use and other items that are immediately accessible. Stowed items are just that; items that are contained in bags, sacks or other relatively difficult to access locations. It takes one round to dig out stowed items. 100 coins are equal to a single item. One item has, on average, an equivalent weight of around 5-7 pounds.

Weapons up to sword size count as a single item each. A shield counts as one item, two-handed weapons count as two items. A worn backpack counts as one readied item. Six torches in a bundle, a lit lantern or a book all count as a single item. Groups of three smaller objects make up an item: three flasks of oil, or a tinderbox and two vials of holy water, or three potions, all count as a single item. A backpack can hold 12 stowed items, a large sack can hold six stowed items and a small sack can hold two. The adventurers can also carry a coinpurse, that can hold one item without being counted as a readied item.

Armor is as follows:
Leather armor counts as a single readied item and has a AC of 2. Costs 20 gp
Scale counts as two readied items and has an AC of 3. Costs 30 gp
Chain counts as three readied items and has an AC of 4. Costs 40 gp
Banded counts as four readied items and has an AC of 5. Costs 50 gp
Plate counts as five readied items and has an AC of 6. Costs 60 gp

When calculating encumbrance use the greater of the two (stowed or readied) to determine movement rate, as follows:

The character can carry up to half their encumbrance and move at 120' per round. A character with a Strength of 12 could have 3 items readied and 6 stowed and still move at their normal rate.
The character can carry their encumbrance and move at 90' per round. A character with a Strength of 12 can have 6 items readied and 12 stowed and move at 90'.
The character can carry their encumbrance +3/+6 and move at 60' round. A character with a Strength of 12 can have 9 items readied and 18 stowed and move at 60'.
The character can carry their encumbrance +6/+12 and move at 30' per round. A character with a Strength of 12 can have 12 items readied and 24 stowed and move at 30' round.

Sleeping in Armor

In order to get a restful nights sleep the adventurers must take off their armor while asleep. Failure to do so indicates the character is exhasuted as per p. 44 of LL Basic. It takes a number of rounds to don armor equal to the armor class of the armor. Magical "plus" bonuses reduce this time by a number of rounds equal to the bonus, with a minimum of 1 round.
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Houserules

#3 Post by thirdkingdom »


Languages are divided into two categories: Basic and Rare. Rare languages can only be learned through play *or* the selection of Skills/Knacks. They are as follows:

Common. Basic, free to everyone
Faery (elves, pixies, dryads, etc.). Basic
Undertongue (dwarves, gnomes, kobolds) Basic
Bestial (ogre, orc, gnoll) Basic
Goblin (goblin, hobgoblin, bugbear) Basic
Grog (common language of most primitive races) Basic
Swampspeak (frogling, lizardman, troglodyte, etc.) Basic
Giant. Rare
Draconic. Rare
Deadish (language spoken by the dead) Rare
Law (spoken by divine and otherplanar beings) Rare
Chaos (spoken by divine and otherplanar beings) Rare
Dead Languages. Those languages of extinct civilizations, both human and otherwise. Examples would be Mecis, the language of the Crocodile Kings, or Betorian, the language of the Men who ruled after the fall of the Mecistop.
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Re: Houserules

#4 Post by thirdkingdom »

I will reroll hit points at each level. If the roll is greater than the existing total take that result. If it is less than or equal to the existing total add one to your existing total.

Bwango, a fighter, has 1d8 hp per level. At 1st level he rolls 1d8 and gets a 2. At second level he rolls 2d8 and gets an 8. At third level he rolls 3d8 and gets an 8. His new hp total is 9. At fourth level he rolls 4d8 and gets a 19.
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Re: Houserules

#5 Post by thirdkingdom »

Riding and Mounts.

*If a character does not have the Riding skill it takes one full round to dismount and two full rounds to mount.
*Characters with the Riding skill can dismount at a cost of half their movement and mount with their full movement (or their attack) without making a check. They can make a check to attempt to dismount with no cost to movement and mount at half their movement rate.

Ex. Bwango, who has the Riding skill, and can move at 30' per round, can get off his horse using 15' of movement and mount it with either his entire movement or his attack. He can make a check to attempt to dismount with no cost to movement and mount using 15' of movement.
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Re: Houserules

#6 Post by thirdkingdom »

XP awards

Because of the slow pace of play by post gaming all experience awards from treasure and slaying monsters will be doubled. XP can also be gained in the following methods, as follows:

1. Mercantile ventures. All those involved in mercantile ventures gain XP based on the net profit.
2. Domain activities. Characters gain individuals XP for carrying out high-level activities. Those ruling a domain get XP based upon income, magic-users gain XP for researching spells or creating magical items, etc. All XP earned in this fashion is based upon the gold amount divided by the character's level.
3. Rewards. The party will gain standard XP (at a 1 to 1 ratio) for rewards given from completing hooks or missions.
4. Sale of magical items. Nets XP at a 1:1 ratio, assuming the item is not used.

Retainers gain 1/2 share of XP, retainers of retainers a 1/4 share of XP, etc.
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Re: Houserules

#7 Post by thirdkingdom »

Cost of Living

We're going to use a standard cost of living expense to take care of general PC (and retainer expenses). This abstracts out expenses that occur while within civilization; lodging, food, taxes, basic equipment, etc. When in civilized areas you guys don't need to worry about paying for lodging, or drinks in a tavern, or feed for your mounts, etc. It is also assumed that when in civilization the CoL automatically replenishes basic adventuring gear -- arrows, torches, flasks of oil, etc. -- within reason, and as long as those goods are available where you are.

Cost of Living is due the first of each month, and we begin play assuming that characters have already paid their CoL for the first month of game play. Cost of Living is based on character level, as shown below:

Level Cost CoL for PCs
0 . . . 10 gp
1st . . . 20 gp
2nd . . . 40 gp
3rd . . . 80 gp
4th . . . 160 gp
5th . . . 300 gp
6th . . . 600 gp
7th . . . 1200 gp
8th . . . 2500 gp
9th . . . 5000 gp
each level above 9th . . . +5000 gp
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Re: Houserules

#8 Post by Pulpatoon »

Combat Maneuvers (begins on page 6)
Skills (begins on page 10)
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