Cyclopedia Carcosa

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Cyclopedia Carcosa

#1 Post by Blackrazor »

This is a living document, documenting all things Carcosan.

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Omnipotent Sage of the Infinite Gates
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Re: Cyclopedia Carcosa

#2 Post by Blackrazor »

Scurrier: This large insect resembles a goliath beetle, and stand roughly 18 hands tall. It is protected by a semi-rigid carapace in it's entirety, and is colored that sort of black that shines with wierd rings of color like an oil spill when wet or in the right light. Being large enough, men could ride them, sitting on the thorax with a special saddle. They are docile, unless attacked, and fond of sweet water. They are prevalent in the marshlands.

Grunt: Much like an boar, sans the tusks, this huge pig is very large as almost as tall as a man (and kind of looks like a piggish one). It possess a thick, easily tangled fur about the neckline that proliferates behind the head and just over the shoulders of the beast. Even with no tusks, this stubborn creature is dangerous to ire, as it has two rows of large, square, gnashing teeth that can rend a man asunder. It's grotesquely overweight body hangs low to the ground, with it's hide of a Pinkish-red. The shoulders of the beast jut way higher off the ground than the rest of it's body, sloping down in front to head as well as in the rear to it's shanks. Great, yellowing eyes that are as dull as the beast's natural wit. These creatures have a solid, not split hoof at the terminus of each of it's four powerful, very short legs. The meat of this creature is considered very tasty when prepared. Many prefer to smoke it for hours at a time to promote a delectable softness to it's texture. This dull beast is prized as a beast of burden, as well as being processed for food and materials. Grunts make their homes in the marshlands.

Sawtooth: Even the lack of strong rivers doesn't provide from astonishing developments in water-life. This river-fish is far larger than it's water-ways should be able to provide for. Solitary, this cumbersome fish appears as a very large marlin, with snout-spear and all. It's forehead rises very high, while it's body tapers severely after that height down to a proportionately skinny tail-fin. Many tribes that can trap and kill this stupid creature, as it's sinews and scales are just as useful as the meat it brings. 3 rows of sharp teeth have edged many a wooden sword or cudgel. It is sea-green to river-water blue in color, even in the same fish, and it's soft yet sturdy scales sparkle brilliant blues, oranges, and yellows in the right sun. This is a river fish that is found in the rivers near vales and valleys.

Growl Fang : Is a predatory panther beast. Soft medium length fur of yellow, black or a tabby like mix, covers it's muscular frame. This animal travels alone when fully grown, or small packs when younger. It hunts very intelligently, sending strong young males to creep along the prey's flanks and dash in for a lightning withering attack that is meant to cripple and not kill. In this way, the young growl fang 'braves' hope to cull one or two prey, whilst inspiring the others of it's kind to run in fright of the ferocity of the attack; Buying the rest of the pride the time to come in and make the kill on the lamed creature afterwords in relative safety. The females have a far more svelte and thin furred. These beasts prey upon the the beasts of the marshlands.

Lake-coral: Perhaps it's the world trying to compensate from it's blasted condition, or perhaps influenced by alien intelligent manipulation; But this lifeform that usually spawns and thrives in the sea does so in lakes and larger rivers now. It may be shaped into useful items, or perhaps polished to a brilliant, smooth, glassy appearance for use in beautification of things.

Weeping-wood: The boughs that weep. This tree whispers it's saddened, quiet tale when the harsh winds blow across the landscape. It's wood is soft and good to burn when dry enough.

Cam-cam berries: Bright purple berries that make great food, and dye. These grow in some abundance on the low, very-leafy Cam-cam bush. This bush grows as well as a symbiote for tree-life (like the brachen on oak trees) as well as it does of it's own accord on the ground. Favored of Man and Beast alike.

Dawnthistle nuts: The dawnthistle is something of a dangerous plant. Nearly exactly like an earthly thistle bush, the difference is the flower over the thistle-pod is a brilliant coloration. Usually bright 'dawn's morning' colors, such as purples, oranges, blues, and reds, when this bush is allowed to proliferate in abundance, the fields take on an entirely more sinister appearance. The more they grow together, and they grow like weeds, the more the flowers darken in color... A midnight blue so dark as to be nearly black overwhelms all but the most stubborn and brilliant of the other shades of color, giving the entire field a haunting, ethereal look... As if the depths of the black gulf have begun to sprout from the very ground. Just below the flowers, the bulbous thistle-pods produce strings of edible nuts, these being known as dawnthistle nuts, and quite edible... Unless picked from a field that has taken on the ethereal coloration, at which time the dawnthistle nuts are infused with juices that are in fact a deadly poison.
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