Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

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Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#1 Post by Argennian »

Day 2: On the Seahawk (TOD: 10:00am)

~ With bellies full and heads spinning from not just the Corenthian Brandy, you all eventually retire to your bunks and lie down. It does not take long for the alcohol to mix with the slow and steady rocking of the ship. The banquet was tasty and filling and warms you to the core. Content and relieved yet also worried and questioning at the same, your mind spins you slowly down into the soft abyss and you drift off.

The dark colored hull of eastern merchant ship Seahawk continues to slice through the broad, deep swells of a sleeping Sea of Ghosts. You're relaxed well enough at first but eventually find yourself feeling restless and uncomfortable. You suffer quick yet vivid flashbacks of what happened back on the trail. Some of the flashes are of things you saw and did but others are not. It is hard to decipher details, almost as if you are at a great distance and trying to see something that is too far away. The brandy pulls back any attempts of complicated introspection and the whole troubled matter drifts away...

~ You awaken slowly. It is mid morning. A funny, tingling aftertaste from the brandy is the first thing you notice. Although you find it impossible that a mule could not have snuck upon you as you slept and kicked you in the head, it certainly feels like it did anyway. Attempts at quick movement are immediately rewarded with a hammering in your head like you have not had before. Billings had urged caution, explaining it was rare and strong. He did not lie. Eventually the smell of tea and cooking makes its way upon your olfactory senses. The urge to drink fluids and perhaps get some fresh sea air arrive appealingly.

The fresh sea air is both cool and reinvigorating, coming in from the port side of the ship. The sky is grayish-blue with some scattered high clouds. The mighty sun Hazara is halfway up the eastern sky and off the rear starboard side. Saliors move about the ship and her rigging with obvious skill and experience. They nod respectfully whenever they make eye contact or move past you. Billings is up on the stern castle with his men, listening in as his first officer Arak talks with Troc and Gramps and makes gestures towards the western horizon. Bradley steers the ship and speaks with one of the sailors nearby. A sailor and one of the young boys from the galley approach when they see you, offering water, fresh-squeezed Juba fruit juice. They inform you that a late breakfast has just been made and is waiting in the main chamber of the stern castle. Along with the food, there is also a special tea Shanny makes that helps with when you have a headache and are hanging over.

Billings notices you and smiles, recognizing the look of the Corenthian Brandy's aftermath. "Did I not tell you it was strong, friends?" he offers with a smile and wink. "Some of Shanny's tea will help. You can find it in the main room of the stern castle here, along with some fresh food. Please help yourselves. I'll join you there shortly..."

OOC: ok, everyone is well rested after that incredible meal and some deep sleep. Anyone that was still suffering a loss of any hit points gets back 1hp. (Bog, Griffo: +1hp) Please be sure to check the stats below and please make sure I have hit points current.

Since the party is now on the ship and surrounded by water, I feel it's important and appropriate to post some rules from the 1eWSG regarding how fast you can swim above and underwater, how long you can hold your breath underwater doing different things, how fast you sink in armor and if you could get it off by yourself, i.e. ~ what happens if you fall or go over the side! :)

I updated the Rules & Requests thread with text from those sections. (Look between Ability Checks and Spell Components). If you would like to calculate and note that info as it pertains to your PC, please feel free to so. I'll put together something we can use for our Battle sheets and/or character sheets!

HPs/Status: Bog* 15/16 ; Caelvanna 8/8 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 7/10 ; *Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all waking up and eventually ending up on deck)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#2 Post by Alethan »

As Bog heads down towards the main room below, holding his head with his hand, he says to himself, "That's funny... I didn't even EAT the salmon mousse."

OOC: At what point do our level 2 hit points kick in, Argennian? I thought the ruling was that hit points kicked in at the next "well rested period" but that you had to train to get any other benefits of the new level. Or am I mixing up games here? In any case, I thought that last night's rest would have taken me up to full HP. But I really can't be sure at this point.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#3 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:As Bog heads down towards the main room below, holding his head with his hand, he says to himself, "That's funny... I didn't even EAT the salmon mousse."
Alethan wrote:OOC: At what point do our level 2 hit points kick in, Argennian? I thought the ruling was that hit points kicked in at the next "well rested period" but that you had to train to get any other benefits of the new level. Or am I mixing up games here? In any case, I thought that last night's rest would have taken me up to full HP. But I really can't be sure at this point.
OOC: Yeah, I posted late and tired and did end up forgetting to add those rolls in! :oops: And yes, those Hit point rolls do count immediately once rolled! Formal training is still needed for the rest of the stuff gained with a new level like new spells, Thac0 and Saving Throw progression, etc.

In regards to Bog, I thought I had him still down by 3 points when the party boarded the ship. He got back 1 hit point on Day 1 and another here on Day 2, so he should only be down by one. Don't have time to double-check right now but will do so later and confirm that with you, Al.

I went ahead and edited the post above to reflect current Hit Points for those that rolled for them. I indicated this by underlining the PC's name in the bottom part of the post. I know we have a few folks that are AFK and either haven't rolled or finished rolling for their PC's hit points.

*** Still need a roll for 2nd level Hit Points from for Griffo ***
(Nyctos, please make a d10 roll for Griffo when you can and post it in the OOC/Questions? thread, as well as the link on Griffo's character sheet. Please pm me if any of you have any questions or issues)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#4 Post by Alethan »

Argennian wrote:OOC: ...
In regards to Bog, I thought I had him still down by 3 points when the party boarded the ship. He got back 1 hit point on Day 1 and another here on Day 2, so he should only be down by one. Don't have time to double-check right now but will do so later and confirm that with you, Al.
No, that's cool. I'll go with your record keeping. It isn't like we're not going to be on the ship another week or two, anyway, right? :)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#5 Post by tkrexx »

Emm awakens slowly to the young girl tugging at her and squirming in a desperate, familiar manner. Unable to rise or even speak at first, the Druid simply points to the area beneath one end of the hammock to remind the child where the pail is. The roll of the ship, which Emm had before found soothing, is causing her stomach to swim. She stifles a huge belch (With puke involved) and waits for the girl to finish her duty before pulling herself off the hammock. On deck, she welcomes the Captain's words and hurries to Shanny, asking for overhang tea. The child is clearly hungry, staring at the tabled fruit and potatoes fried in pig fat, and Emm simply motions for her to help herself. She will relax and enjoy the tea. Medicated or no, tea is what she needs right now. She will have her share of fruit and give morning prayer once that first cup is down.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#6 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna rises and makes it to the deck before her hangover kicks in. Heading for the stern, she enters looking for some water and fruit, which in her experience is the correct choice. Taking a seat next to Emm, she nibbles some fruit and slugs down two full glasses of water. "Have some fruit, the sugar does wonders." After waiting a bit, she ambles over to the buffet and selects some greasy potatoes, knowing the grease helps too. She avoids the tea, not quite sure what the Shaman's concoction contains.

When Captain Billing arrives, she waits for him to have his say and settle into a plate of food before asking "Are you in need of some more crew to man this vessel? I'd like to take some time to learn the rigging, don't worry, I won't fall off."
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#7 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Taking some tea, Ulrich nods his thanks to Captain Billings. He also partakes of a generous breakfast, hoping to catch up with Jovak at some point.
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Day 2: Breakfast/morning briefing with Ziller and Billings

#8 Post by Argennian »

~ You each find a seat around the two connected tables within the main chamber of stern castle and find the food and drink both refreshing and revitalizing. There are impressive platters of fresh fruit, eggs, potatoes, pork steaks and bacon, freshly-baked muffins and gravy, freshly-squeezed Juba and apple juices. And of course, there is Shanny’s stomach-calming tea. You and your companions waste no time in sampling the waiting fare and are again impressed by the incredible spread that would seem more likely found at a nobleman’s banquet than on a merchant ship. The aftertaste of the Corenthian Brandy is eventually satiated and washed away. You feel the heaviness of the previous evening’s excesses as well as the soreness from the encounter on the trail begin to lift and diminish...

Captain Billings eventually makes his way into the main chamber, accompanied by Troc and Ziller. The big southerner Zimba maintains his position steadfast at the door to the captain’s chamber. Billings and Troc take up empty seats and Ziller walks up to refill his mug with more of Shanny’s tea. As he does, you take him in and notice that he has cleaned himself up quite a bit. Under a new grey cloak, he no longer sports the burned out leather armor from before but wears a suit of fine leather that looks more halfling in style and design. His trusty longsword hangs on a thick new belt with new pouches. He appears to move with more ease and fluidity than he did last night. He assess each of you with a smile and some nods. “Good morning, friends. I hope the last evening’s fare and drink was to your liking and that you were finally able to get some well-deserved rest. It is a beautiful morning and a new day. The weather looks good and the winds are strong. We make good progress and there have been no signs of any other ships on our course, which needless to say, is a good thing presently,” he details with an obvious look of relief. “First things first, we discussed some matters last night and I would bring you all up to speed, as they say, with where they are at currently. Shanny is meditating and preparing to use her magic to speak the enemy dead we recovered. Although still very weak, Gentleman Billy has just regained consciousness. After some food and further healing, we will hopefully be able to speak with him soon. Nobleman Ziffiris and Master Jarrel are still in danger, I fear. We have learned that those missiles that felled them were coated with a poison or toxin that has magical properties, which has nonetheless complicated the situation with their care. There were no clues found on the body of the female assassin as it appears someone had already taken most of her effects before we recovered her body. Regardless, Shanny will be communing with the assassin first, in hope that we can learn what we need to save our friends. We also recovered some of the enemy’s weapons and gear. Some of it is obviously magical and we will do our best to identify it all.” Ziller pauses to take a deep sip of his tea and glances over to Billings and Troc. “There are still many answers that we seek here, but there are those things which we need not wait upon to begin to see through. As promised, you will all be offered training and reequipping. I know that many of you are warriors and seek martial training. There are also some of you which might retain a more specialized skill set. You need only let me know here of your needs and they will be seen to. So are there any questions?”

Lauranna is the first to speak up. "Are you in need of some more crew to man this vessel? I'd like to take some time to learn the rigging, don't worry, I won't fall off.”

Ziller defers to Billings with a nod and the captain responds. “Aye, we lost some of our crew back there on the beach. Troc here is the head sailor and would be happy to show any of you the ropes, as they say. If’n we come upon bad weather, we might very well need some extra hands. I thank you for the offer, elf maiden.”

The Wild elf Caelvanna is the next to speak up, looking to Ziller as she does. “I need to replenish the arrows I expended back on the trail. I also still have your… shiny cloth that you gave me to use back there.”

The halfling nods in acknowledgement. “Your arrows will most certainly be replaced, Mistress Caelvanna. We have somewhat of a collected armory and inventory of gear on board that will be made available. I am appreciative that you did not lose that cloth. It was given to me by Lathalamas himself.”

Ziller then looks over the rest of you. “Please let me know what your needs are here, friends. And if you have any questions?”

OOC: ok gang, go ahead and respond IC with any questions and requests in regards to training and equipment desired at present. There will obviously be more to come, intel-wise and I will be sure to update you all as things unfold.

Your training will take each of you approximately 1 week. It will take between 8-10 hours per day and will be conducted with various npcs aboard the Seahawk. Once these details are established, I'll move things forward with an action post that will represent each day's events and end with a dinner where conversation and updates can be discussed.

As I detailed in the OOC/Questions? thread, I'll be rolling dice for our absent players this evening and will update all hit points to current.

HPs/Status: Bog* 15/16 ; Caelvanna 8/8 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 7/10 ; *Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all waking up and eventually ending up on deck)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#9 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna looks Ziller square in the eye before asking "Master Ziller, may I have a moment of your time today? I would like to speak privately." She sits back and sips her juice a little, making one small gesture. "I would also take a look at the armory if I could, and will seek out Troc.". She leans back a bit after tidying her plate, prepared to get one with the day, but not wanting to rush anyone.

OOC: just a note, she threw 3 daggers, but did recover one, so still has three.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#10 Post by tkrexx »

A tad embarrassed, Emm will ask to visit the armory. I seem to have misplaced my spear. I'm not so skilled at combat, yet I feel my hands are empty without it. Glancing down at the child nibbling at a hunk of bacon, she continues. The small one has nothing to keep her occupied during the day. Perhaps she can be taught some simple task to aid in the ship's daily routine?
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#11 Post by Alethan »

Bog replies, "I have need of training - martial training in the long sword would be preferred, but I'm willing to learn anything anyone will teach me. I, too, seem to have lost me spears. But," he growls, " I was crap with them, anyway..."
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Re: Day 2: Breakfast and briefing with Ziller and Billings

#12 Post by Argennian »

~ Ziller looks around expectedly to each of you at the table. Now that you’ve been with and listened to him speak this morning, you notice he is different today. Whether it is because you are more rested or coming out from the dreamy yet heavy stupor of the Corenthian Brandy, or both, it becomes obvious that the halfling is more focused and exhibits a calm yet commanding demeanor. More stunning and incredulously however, is the fact that you notice absolutely no burns, wounds or ailments that were visible upon him even last night. It is almost as if he had bathed and washed and came out renewed in body, mind and spirit. You also notice that Billings and even Troc barely pay any attention to you as they have till now. They are both sitting at attention and watching Ziller intently as he speaks to you.

The High elf Lauranna is the first to respond after Caelvanna.
Nuke66 wrote:"Master Ziller, may I have a moment of your time today? I would like to speak privately." She sits back and sips her juice a little, making one small gesture. "I would also take a look at the armory if I could, and will seek out Troc.". She leans back a bit after tidying her plate, prepared to get one with the day, but not wanting to rush anyone.

Ziller smiles and considers Lauranna with an appraising eye. “But of course. Indeed we shall,” he responds with a curt nod and crinkle of his nose.

The Sylvan elf Thalion quickly clears his throat and takes his turn. “I fight as most of my cousins, with the sword and bow. I am also a scout and stealth specialist. Any training and reequipping would be most appreciated. These fine meals are not unwelcome either,” the Wood elf responds with a smile, a wink and a scratch of his nose.

Ziller nods understandingly. “I have seen my fair share of such duties as well, young Master Thalion. I will see to it that you get training in both. As far as these grand meals go,” he continues with a smile and nod of admission, “we will continue to offer you as much of them as we can, our stores allowing of course.”

Sitting next to Thalion, Griffo clears his throat and also responds in turn. “The bow and sword for me as well, elder. Specialty trained with the bow, as was my father.” The halfling holds up his pride and most prized possession, his father’s superior masterwork short bow.

Ziller eyes it admiringly and with a look of familiarity. “Tis both a beautiful and deadly instrument, young Griffo. It will have taken the lives of many, many enemies. You do your father honor by following in his footsteps, if I may offer. I would be honored to train you and the other archers. I seem to remember having a stash of superior flight arrows and some spare bowstrings hidden about somewhere. I will have to dig those up.”

tkrexx wrote:A tad embarrassed, Emm will ask to visit the armory. I seem to have misplaced my spear. I'm not so skilled at combat, yet I feel my hands are empty without it. Glancing down at the child nibbling at a hunk of bacon, she continues. The small one has nothing to keep her occupied during the day. Perhaps she can be taught some simple task to aid in the ship's daily routine?

Ziller takes another healthy swig of Shanny’s tea and nods in the affirmative with a slight smile. The young child is feeding Benny the bear a piece of bacon and seems much more relaxed, if not more importantly content and distracted. The halfling bends down to access a sturdy-looking footlocker under the table by his feet. He withdraws a well-worn and old-looking leather-wrapped book. It has silver designs and a lockable, silver clasp. The halfling walks over to the other side of the table and sets it down in front of the druidess. You notice his movement is not impeded with a limp as it was before. “Master Kahya asked that you get this, young lady. It belonged to his former master and he wanted you to have it. He said it to be a tome hailing from the old druidic orders. And that you should keep it… very safe” he explains as he hands over a small silver key to Emm.
Ziller then kneels down and looks to the young girl hiding behind her friend the stuffed bear. She stops feeding Benny and turns to face him. He smiles warmly. “I would have to say that Benny looks much better than he was before! I thank you so much for being his friend, little one. I wonder, would Benny be nice enough to share a sweet roll with you?” he queries of the little girl as he magically produces a fresh sweet roll on a napkin and holds it up in front of her.
The child’s eyes get big and she turns Benny to face the sweet roll.
Ziller looks at the stuffed bear and tries to stifle a smile. “Benny, would you share this with your new friend?”
The child, looking longingly, nods her and Benny’s head in unison.
“Well that is good then! You better hold it for him child,” he offers suggestively as he hands it over to the little girl.
“Okay” a tiny and shy voice responds. She looks with large anticipative eyes as she takes the sweet roll.
“Good enough, indeed!” he responds in a light voice laden with mirth. He stands up and places his hand on the young druid’s forearm. He looks into Emm’s eyes and nods his head knowingly. “Aye, when you are done with your reading of the tome, she can stay with Shanny whilst you conduct martial training. By then, Benny will have hopefully recovered and come around…”

Alethan wrote:Bog replies, "I have need of training - martial training in the long sword would be preferred, but I'm willing to learn anything anyone will teach me. I, too, seem to have lost me spears. But," he growls, " I was crap with them, anyway..."

Ziller looks over to Bog and dons his previous air of authority. He walks calmly over to stand eye to eye next to the massive half-orc. “We have some fine spears on board. They are some of what is left over from our Hatmarin stores. They are Karagonian masterwork weapons, imbued with silver by the grand smiths of our dwarven allies. They are just like dearly departed young Sven’s sword and dagger that you have with you now. I recognized them, as I was the one who gave them to him when he made sergeant. The spears, as well as anything else we can equip you with, will be made available, Master Bog. As far as the specialty training you require,” he offers, already gently caressing the pommel of the ancient-looking longsword on his belt, “I will give you that myself. Lord Jovak has promised to train you, at your request. He will be able to do so when he gets his eyes… er, his eyesight back. Until then, I will make due in his stead,” he offers, assessing Bog with a serious, business-like stare.

The halfling then walks over where the dwarven cleric of Moradin is eating his breakfast and drinking some tea. Ulrich does not notice or acknowledge his approach at first. After the halfling clears his throat, the dwarf snaps out of his faraway looking trance and looks over to him. “Huh?”

Ziller harrumphs and responds measurably. “Lord Jovak has requested your company today, master dwarf. He remains in the captain’s cabin. Whenever you have finished eating, he asks that you join him again.”

The halfling leader then returns to stand by his seat and reassesses you all again. “When you have finished here, I would like each of you to first accompany Captain Billings and Sergeant Troc above. I know not if any of you have ever sailed open water but we feel it important before all else that you learn the basics about being on a ship. There are things that you need to know, for yours and the others safety. The good sergeant will show you the ropes, and will be happy to take on any that wish to learn more of seamanship and help supplement the ship’s crew if needed. After that, we will visit the armory and stores and make sure that you are each equipped with what you need. Once we have done that, we will meet back up on deck and I will spend some time assessing your individual skill sets. Once finished with that, we will come up with training regiments for each of you. I think that should cover things for now.”

He nods to each of you and then to the captain. Billings and Troc both snap to and stand at attention. The elderly head sailor begins making to salute before stopping himself and looking embarrassed backs towards the halfling’s scowling visage. Ziller nods and begins to make for the door heading out on deck. He turns at the portal as he reaches for the doorknob. “Mistress Lauranna, if you will accompany me?”


OOC: ok gang, go ahead and make any responses here before breakfast if officially finished, if so desired. Otherwise, we'll move to having you accompany Billings and Troc up to the top of the stern castle and then to down to the armory. I am planning to post that update Monday evening and will begin working on responding to your pms. There will obviously be more to come, intel-wise and I will be sure to continue to update you all as those things come to fruition.

***** Still need Nyctos to roll a d10 for Griffo's 2nd level fighter Hit Points *****

As I detailed in the OOC/Questions? thread, I rolled dice and updated character sheets for our absent players. More to come on their continued inclusion here soon.

As always, please feel free to post or pm me with any questions or clarificational needs!

HPs/Status: Bog* 15/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 14/17 ; *Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all having breakfast in the main room of the stern castle)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#13 Post by Nuke66 »

Barely able to contain herself, Lauranna casually rises to join Ziller. "By all means, lead away."

As she reaches the door, she follows close upon his heels, heading on deck.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#14 Post by tkrexx »

The child spoke. And not to Emm, but to a Halfling she has barely met. Emm amuses herself at the minor, unintentional betrayal of the girl, and is joyful at the sign of the beginnings of recovery after the awful trauma the little one has endured. Emm lifts the book, hefts it really, as it is thick and heavy, and hugs it as the child hugs her bear. This gift from her Master! He was always one to study and quote lessons about the past, saying tomorrow would take care of itself, yet he secretly planned for the future. A grand lesson indeed!
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Day 2: With Billings & his men: talk of ship/sailing

#15 Post by Argennian »

Day 2: On the Seahawk (TOD: 11:00am)

~ Ziller looks over at Zimba and points to the footlocker under the table before departing the room with Lauranna. The large southerner nods and moves over where the halfling was sitting, picks up the old seaman’s chest and carries it back to the captain’s quarters. He opens the door and sets it down below the table inside before returning to his station guarding the door. Billings pours himself more tea and looks to Troc with a wink and a nod. The master sailor smiles grandly, makes himself a plate of food with a quickness and begins tearing into it headlong. "No rush friends,” Billings offers with a smile and a wave of his cup. “Finish your breakfasts and then we’ll head up top!"

You finish your meals and make ready, thankful to be feeling more of your old self again and eager to get things moving and see what is what. Thalion again seems unabashed with wrapping up some food for later just before you follow the good captain and his lead sailor outside and to the top of the stern castle.

Hazara shines down dutifully through the same high clouds. The air is cool yet comfortable and turns out to be somewhat pleasant after the big meal. The sea breeze is coming in from the left side and the sea is mostly calm. Troc moves over to speak with Gramps and Bradley while the captain turns to assess you all. “Well, as you already know, this be the Seahawk. She’s a merchant ship of sorts, of easterner design and build. She is not truly a traditional cog as she is meant to appear at a distance but is a refitted sohar-class warship! She is a good seafarer and can handle as much as ships much larger. She’s near thirty feet of beam and almost 110 feet long. She carries a draft of five feet empty and can hold well over 100 tons of cargo. She’s faster than just about every type of merchant ship with just her main, as she has a thicker than normal main mast and therefore larger sail. We fitted a foremast and have multiple lanteens we can employ if we need a boost to outrun naval ships or pirates. There is almost never a lack of wind, or a dead calm as we say, here on the Bay of Ghosts this time of year. For those times that there be no wind, the longboats would have to be deployed with rowers to tow us. But like I said, we won’t have to worry about that right now as much as storms and big waves we occasionally encounter out in open water. It’s those times that are dangerous and it requires the skill of the crew to constantly monitor and adjust. But again, not to worry here, friends. My crew are far from Landlubbers or Scurvy Rats and have sailed with me for many years! And those men we lost back there at the beach were all veteran mariners. They will be sorely missed. Being that we are now shorthanded, any that wish to volunteer would be most appreciated. You’ve already met Troc. He’s the lead sailor on the Seahawk and is as salty an Old Dog as they come. He has sailed the seas of our lands and many others to the south and east! Talk to him and he’ll get you lined out.”

“These are the directions we call out on a ship,”
he begins as points out right, left, forward and rearward. “Starboard, port, bow and stern. Oh, and I almost forgot,” he trails off as he reaches into a large pouch at his belt. He produces a handful of small dark metal whistles already on leather necklace tongs. He hands them out to each of you. “These are our special signal whistles. They are blacked out to not cause a glare and should be worn at all times. If for any reason you experience trouble on board use the whistle. And that reminds me, just a few requests. Stay clear of the rail and never lean over it. Do not climb up on or hang from any ropes or lines unless directed to. Do not wear metal armor or carry anything heavy that cannot be let go of quickly, just in case you ever do go over the side. If at any time or for whatever reason you fall in the water, call out immediately and use the whistle if you can. Martial training and sparing will take place on the main deck and forecastle.” The captain continues on for awhile about some other details, involving how his crew is all loyal and that you need not worry about any of your gear or items being taken or molested. He eventually finishes his speech. He makes sure to reintroduce each of you to all of his officers. Arak, Gramps and Bradley are all sure to make your personal acquaintances again. Billings pipes up again. “Are there any of you, other than the High elf maiden, that would volunteer to help supplement the crew when not training?”

Caelvanna, Thalion and Griffo all raise their hands and express their interest to help out. Billings is appreciative and offers his thanks, indicating to Troc that he’ll have some volunteer, supplementary sailors to train and work with. He reassess the others in the party and queries, “Do any of you have any questions before we head down to the armory?”


OOC: ok gang, please add the small, black metal signal whistle on the leather tongs to your inventory. Go ahead and respond here if you’d like. I have finally got caught up with all previous pms out there and will continue to respond to those as they come in. I ran out of time tonight/this early am to do so but will plan on moving us down to the armory and assessing the other weapons and items that were recovered from the encounter on the trail with Ziller tomorrow after work.

As stated previous, there will be more intel coming and I will be sure to continue posting updates as those things become known. All 2nd level hit points have been rolled and applied and updated on character/battle sheets.

As always, please feel free to post or pm me with any questions or clarificational needs!

HPs/Status: Bog* 15/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 14/17 ; *Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all with Captain Billings on the stern castle)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#16 Post by Alethan »

Bog stands,"Yeah, I'll help, if you need it. Wouldn't mind learnin' me way around a ship."
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#17 Post by tkrexx »

I will learn what I can, the Druidess will say to Troc, and so will the Little Miss here. She nudges the wee One slightly and smiles at her. Remember what the Captain said, Lass, no climbing on the rails or ropes! She will stow her Book inside her pack with her other possessions under the hammock she occupies, but keep the key with her. When time allows, she will open and begin reading its contents.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#18 Post by SocraticLawyer »

I, too, will help sail, as needed says Ulrich.
If Ulrich hasn't yet, he will take off his armor and store it at the next opportunity
How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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Day 2: With Billings & Ziller in armory/ready room

#19 Post by Argennian »

Day 2: On the Seahawk (TOD: 11:30am)

~ Each of the party members agrees to take the captain and his officers up on the training offered. Caelvanna and Griffo both nod businesslike to the captain and each other a few times. Thalion shares a smile with Bog and offers him a swig from a flask he just produced and sampled. Heeding Billing’s warning about metal armor, Ulrich takes off his shield and begins removing his scale mail. Emm follows up gently with the captain’s cautions for the young child. She looks up at the druidess from just in front of her with a smile and a nod in the affirmative, the glaze from the sweet roll clearly evident on her and Benny’s face. Billings smiles grandly and it is easily obvious that Arak, Gramps, Bradley and Troc are all pleased that you are willing to learn and wanting to help out while onboard.

“Your responses are well received and your help will be appreciated, my new friends! We will dedicate a time each day, in between your training regiments and meals, when Troc will pair you up with one of the crew. I assure you that you can trust any of my crew and if there be anything that you do not feel comfortable with, just say so. Safety is always first,” he stresses with a serious look on his face. The officers all nod their agreements. “I would welcome you to the brotherhood of the sea those that sail and live upon her then, friends!”

Arak nods proudly, as does Bradley and Troc. Gramps dons his infectious scarce-of-teeth smile of his and waves his hand merrily with a little jig. Billings and Arak look at each other and smile. Bradley rolls his eyes and Troc fails his save to not smile grandly and laugh as well. “Oye, we be making proper mates outa ya! No more landlubber friends soon, eh?” The old salty sailor makes you all smile as he does another little jig. There’s just something about him that makes you feel lighter and suddenly appreciate an aspect of freedom and contentment that these mariners must enjoy while sailing the seas. It is a welcome diversion from the still tender physical, mental and emotional states that you struggle to sort both consciously and subconsciously.

Billings enjoys a deep, hearty laugh and slaps the apparently too-uptight Bradley on the shoulder. Every sailor present thereabouts and above, all smile and share in the moment. The captain looks about to each of you and straightens himself up. “Very well then, friends. Let us head below to the armory and equipment locker!” He moves over towards the stairs and sweeps his hand for you to follow.

~ You make your way down the stairs and follow Billings. He takes the ramp down to the aft landing that looks back over the hold. You take the stairs on either side and make your way down. Tamber stands at attention at the bottom of the stairwell and salutes the captain. Below the landing in the galley, Cutler and the two young boys working within assess the captain and your group curiously. Billings leads you through the makeshift infirmary and towards the locked chamber that takes up the entire forward area of the hold. Another armed sailor behind a nearby curtain stands up and salutes the captain. As you pass through a heavy hanging canvas, you spy Shanny sitting at a small stove on the left. She appears to be brewing something awful smelling and looks over to blindly scrutinize you. Standing next to her is Ziller and Lauranna. The halfling and the High elf walk over to join you. To the starboard side, the gnome couple continue to tend to the nobleman Ziffiris and the elderly half-elf woman does so with her significant other nearby. They look up to watch you pass. Just beyond them, Gentleman Billy is resting comfortably. Sheba pokes her head up from where she was sleeping at Billy’s feet and looks at you. The young girl tugs on Emm’s hand and smiles, pointing with Benny at the strange-looking canine. Across from Gentleman Billy snores young prince Aramis wrapped in shiny blanket. Another armed sailor sits next to his cot and stands and salutes Billings and Ziller as you pass.

You walk through and past more hanging canvases, obviously in place to make sections and provide some form of privacy between the numerous cots and hammocks about. You arrive at the heavy door of the bow chamber below the forecastle. It takes up the entire width of the ship and appears to be very thick of construction. The captain produces a key on a necklace and leans down to unlock it. He does so and opens the heavy door. It swings inward with a slight squeak and Billings steps in, followed by Ziller.

The captain reaches down and grabs up a strange-looking lantern. He pulls back the hood and a soft yet fairly bright light emanates from within. You can see that you have entered a decent sized chamber, at least twenty five feet wide and near thirty feet deep. There is a desk and bookshelves against the wall straight ahead to each side of another heavy, metal bound door with a small, barred window in it. On the left side of the chamber is the Seahawk’s armory, an impressive series of racks, shelves and barrels that bristle with many weapons of varying type and kind. There is a rack of short and long spears as well as javelins. There is another rack with more than two dozen different kinds of swords and axes. And yet another with maces, flails, picks and staves. There is also a heavy shelf from which hangs numerous suits of Karagonian leather, studded leather and even a few chain ones. There are both metal and wooden shields of all shapes and sizes. On a rack just inside the wall that separates the hold are a dozen and a half heavy crossbows with four short, large barrels full of bolts on the floor. Daggers, hand axes, throwing knives, slings and bullets and some strange-looking weapons line some of the other smaller compartments.

On the right side is a wall full of shelves and racks, lined with gear and hardware floor to ceiling. There are light and heavy satchels, bags and backpacks, a huge rack of many different sizes and lengths of rope and cord. Chains, grapnel hooks, spikes, hammers, as well as all sorts of hand tools and nick knacks are staged within the numerous shelves and bins. There are tinderboxes, lanterns torches, candles as well as cases of lamp oil. There are folded wool blankets as well as small and large canvas tents. Waterskins and dried foodstuffs, barrels of fresh water and small barrels of what might be wine or ale. Fishing poles, nets and tackle, and reels of fishing line are also present among the other gear and items.

Also about the chamber are many crates and even a few benches. Ziller walks over to one of the desks reaches behind it to tug on something before leaning down to come back up with another lantern symmetrical to Billings. He sets it down on the desk and then joins Billings. “Welcome to our little ready room, ladies and gentlemen. We have a decent amount of weapons and gear accumulated here within. You are each invited to ask for what you need and would desire. If we have it and can part with it, it is yours. So speak up and do not be bashful!” he offers with a smile and a nod.


OOC: Ok gang, go ahead and respond here with any weapon and equipment requests! As I was going through and preparing to type up all of these items, I realized it was just too numerous a list, and would take way too much time for me to enter from my game binder. Most of the stuff in the OSRIC weapons and equipment charts is present so just make up your lists and I'll let you know if something isn't available!

*** Also sent out ongoing pms and will continue to respond to those as they come in/am able to. ***

As stated previous, there will be more intel coming and I will be sure to continue posting updates as those things become known. All 2nd level hit points have been rolled and applied and updated on character/battle sheets.

As always, please feel free to post or pm me with any questions or clarificational needs!

HPs/Status: Bog* 15/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo* 14/17 ; *Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location 1: Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna (all with Captain Billings on the stern castle)
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#20 Post by tkrexx »

Emm will test the spears, seeking one not so long, not so heavy, yet big enough to make its presence known. She settles for a fine, slim 6' long weapon with a dark shaft and a long, almost bronze-colored blade. Spying the candles among the odds & ends, she will also add one to the candle she already has, knowing she could be awake many nights reading her Master's book.

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