Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#81 Post by Alethan »

Bog quickly moves into a wide stance as the ship lurches with the departure of the sea creature and manages to keep his balance. When the rocking motion has diminished to a normal level, he slowly walks over to the severed tentacle and secures it to the deck with his spear.

Then he responds, "Aye, I'm fine. Don't know if we want to keep this or not, Ziller. But it is secured, in any case."
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Re: Encounter on the Seahawk: Round 3

#82 Post by dmw71 »

Argennian wrote:There is a moment of silence as everyone looks around at each other again. The halfling commander closes his eyes and swallows. He sets his jaw and finally opens his eyes to look about at each of you. "Are the rest of you okay? Is anyone hurt or injured?" he queries.
The creature no longer a threat, Caelvanna allows herself to relax and assess the situation. Ziller's words penetrate her thick skull "Is anyone hurt or injured?" A quick inventory of her faculties leads to the conclusion that she managed to escape the attack unscathed... just shaken. She hopes this ordeal won't cause a setback in the confidence she was beginning to gain in her sea legs, but only time will tell.

'How much longer will be on this blasted boat?' she wonders to herself, cursing over the fact she's lost track of time.

She nods confirmation to Ziller, not positive and not caring whether he noticed or not. Her focus is to regain balance aboard the deck, and to steer well clear of the shish kebab at the end of Bog's spear.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#83 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna replies, "I am well, but we are missing two."

The elf is quick to move to help secure the foremast. "I can go up and secure a line to the top if that would help." she says to Arak
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#84 Post by tkrexx »

The lurching from the sea-beast's abrupt retreat tosses Emm back toward the stairwell, but luckily she keeps her feet. If only she weren't so infernally clumsy, she chides herself. Master Ziller, she addresses the Halfling Warrior, If all can be dealt with here, I made a promise a few moments ago...
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#85 Post by SocraticLawyer »

I am well, says Ulrich. He helps others recover from the attack however he can.
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TOD: morning of Day 10 at breakfast

#86 Post by Argennian »

~ Ziller queries the party solemnly with his glowing grayish longsword still in hand, hoping to get their current status. Bogdan regains his footing and walks over to pin the large, grayish-orange, flopping tentacle to the deck with his new spear. He announces that he is alright and asks the halfling about what he’d like to do with the pinned appendage. Caelvanna merely nods and shows her obvious disgust with the half-orc’s freshly-acquired calamari and does not look happy to have been awakened and aboard a ship in the middle of the ocean. Lauranna replies that she is fine and offers to head up the main mast to assist with securing the broken foremast. The halfling lookout Blic nods at the idea and grabs up a length of rope to climb up top with the High elf. Emm silently chides herself for things that really couldn’t be considered her fault, and after reporting that she is okay, explains that she needs to go back below and check on her charge. Ziller nods for her to go and looks over to Ulrich. The dwarf responds that he is alright as well and looks about for anyone that got hurt. Griffo nods that he’s okay and moves up to the foredeck to watch Troc direct the others what to do about the broken foremast. Thalion replies he’s unhurt and stares at the giant sea creature’s tentacle with a look of disgust.

General Jovak is suddenly at the door of the stern castle, clutching the doorframe and looking about blindly. He has on only breaches and a large cloth bandage covering his eyes and most of face above his nose. He holds a Karagonian battle axe in his free hand and calls out to Ziller. “Is it bad?”
Ziller sheaths his magical blade and walks over to him. “Aye. The ship has taken damage but they’re working on it right now. We should know something soon. And we lost two more men. Sergeant Kord and one of Billing’s men, named Rotar.”
The dwarf lord sets his jaw and his huge arm muscles ripple in grief and furry. He looks ready to rip the doorframe from the wall but does not, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “Let me know when you do, commander,” he says softly as he turns to make his way back inside.
“Yes sir,” replies Ziller with a pained look as he watches the dwarven general retire back to the captain’s cabin.

Moments later, looking as if he’d just woken up from a beating, Billings arrives on the ramp leading up from the hold. He’s unsteady on his feet and looks pale and sick. “What happened?” he asks desperately as he looks up at the group of sailors and party members huddled about the foremast.
Ziller moves over and offers his shoulder to the unsteady sea captain. “It’s all in hand now, captain. You should not try and move about so after being in the trance, you know that. Here, let me help you back below…”
“No!” cries Billings in alarm. “I belong here with my crew! I want to know what happened,” he says defiantly, although looking as if he’s about to pass out at any moment.
“Alright then, old friend,” Ziller responds gently as he gestures for Tamber. The large sailor moves over, takes up the captain under the arm and helps him over to sit on the cargo nets where Sam and Benny usually sit. Billings lies back and looks like he’s going to puke. Arak heads down from the stern deck and joins him, giving a quick debrief of what happened.
Ziller instructs Tamber to go get some of Shanny’s tea for the man and he does as ordered, heading below to acquire some. He then looks over to Bog and gestures to the pinned appendage. “Cut a section of that off and toss the rest of it over the side, Bogdan. It will do not but act as bait for some other large sea creature, no doubt. We’ll have Gramps and Shanny take a look at it and see what they think.”

Troc puts the impromptu repair crew to work while Ziller, Billings and the others on deck watch. Supplies are brought up from a storage in the forecastle and the hold. Cutler the cook shows his diverse skill set by taking over as the main carpenter. Safety lines are pulled to the main mast while wooden braces are installed to support the foremast. Rope lines are strung from the yardarms to the bowsprit and main mast rigging as well to create tension up high all directions. When the fractured mast is finally positioned and secured to Troc’s liking, Cutler hammers down huge steel brackets over the crack and everyone begins to secure the rigging up taunt.


Dawn approaches when the repair crew finally finish and set the main sail again. The seas are still relatively calm but the thick fog seems to be thinning slightly. Billings looks much better after the time in the fresh sea air and finally relents to being helped inside the stern castle for the morning meal. A tired-looking Cutler, along with his young sidekicks Rip and Thomas and the ladies Tamara and Jennynia greet the crew with hot tea, freshly-squeezed Juba juice and warm biscuits and oatmeal. Gentleman Billy, Sheba and Sam soon join you.

You settle in for breakfast and make the best of putting the early morning’s events behind you. Ziller gets the latest briefings and updates the party. “The thick fog and high clouds last night made viewing the stars and confirming the ship’s bearing impossible. From the light of Hazara’s gaze to the stern just at dawn, however, it appears we are sailing west. The winds have begun to pick up a bit and the ship is at least making better progress now. The foremast is secured for now but it really needs to be removed and spun around to get the fracture up high and facing the bow. Better to do so that it can at least take the load, is how it was explained to me. The hull appears intact but the rudder could be bent or broken somehow. When it gets a little lighter outside, Troc will send a man over the stern to take a closer look. We also lost one of the longboats last night, no doubt pulled under or dashed to pieces.
"Speaking of which, from what I’m told our assailant was probably some kind of giant squid, of the very big and very old variety. We must have sailed through its hunting grounds and provoked it somehow. Better that then any other explanation I’d care to think of anyways,”
he opines as he takes a long pull from his morning tea and looks you over.

After making his way visually around the table, he sets down his tea and continues. “We’ll have to forego our training today and keep everyone on duty and alert. With any hope the fog will clear today and we’ll get a better idea of where we are. Just in case we run across anything unexpected, I’d just assume we all be ready for it. Go ahead and position yourself where you’d like to and just make sure you have your weapons on or about you at all times. Remember not to wear metal armor and anyone that wants to can use a suit of Karagonian leather from the armory. Go ahead and give Troc a hand if and when he needs it and we’ll see what the day produces. Anyone that wants that leather or needs any additional weapons or gear, just say so now. Do any of you have any questions for me or have any additional needs?”


OOC: Go ahead and respond IC if your character wants a suit of leather armor or any other weapons, gear, etc. from the armory/supply. Those of you that took one should still have that heavy crossbow and quarrel of 20 bolts.
You can have your character post up wherever they want to or help out with the sailing duties or they can remain at their bunks. For point of order purposes of potentially running into something in the fog, go ahead and let me know where you’ll be for the most part!

As always, please let me know if you need any further clarifications!

HPs/Status: Bog 16/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo** 17/17 ; Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC ; Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC ; Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location At breakfast: Bog , Thalion* , Griffo* , Caelvanna , Lauranna , Ulrich , Emm
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Re: TOD: morning of Day 10 at breakfast

#87 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna begins her post-battle ritual of instinctively verifying her weapons are where she expects them to be. No room for error, she reminds herself. After confirming her short sword is still sheathed on her left hip and her quivers are still fastened to her back, she convinces herself that she owes it to herself and her companions to make best of her time at sea.

She motions to the foremast which Ziller said needed to be removed and rotated. "I'll help," the normally silent Caelvanna speaks quietly, surprising even herself.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#88 Post by Alethan »

Bog complies with Ziller's instructions, passing part of the tentacle over to Shanny for examination.

He accepts the offer for the lighter, leather armour and will help out with normal duties and/or restoration work as he can. He did work under a blacksmith for many years, so he would be helpful with anything that involves fixing or adjusting or repairing with the metal strapping. But he's also strong enough to help with things like repositioning the mast and such.

When he's not working, he'll remain in the main deck area, as that seems to be where he is most comfortable - the lowest deck he can be on, without actually being below.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#89 Post by tkrexx »

Emm will suit up in her own leather armor and keep her shield with her. She also will keep young Sam within eyesight at all times, with strict instructions that she should scoot down to the bunk area at notice from her guardian. The Priestess will offer what assistance she is able for the ship's repairs, but will try to pierce the fog for sight of....Something. The previous night's attack has leveled her as to exactly how vulnerable Sailors truly are. At some point she will try to speak to Master Ziller, asking for words with Ulrich when he is available.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#90 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna stays essentially as she has been to the rest of the journey, no armor and the crossbow remains in the armory.

Spending the day in the rigging, helping sail, with an occasional visit to the crows nest.
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Re: TOD: morning of Day 10 at breakfast

#91 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich will store his chainmail and put on a suit of leather. He will help Jovak if possible, but if not needed he will help the crew.
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Day 10 am to Day 11 early afternoon

#92 Post by Argennian »

~ Breakfast is soon finished and everyone heads straight away to their designated locations and tasks. There is an obvious sense of pressure and even dread now prevalent amongst the crew as they man their stations and go about preparing for what the day's events will produce. The painful loss of their comrades is evident in their faces and some struggle to keep their emotions in check. The sea remains calm for the most part and as the day progresses, the thick blanket of fog begins to thin slightly. Visibility varies from time to time, sometimes being a mere hundred feet, sometimes a several hundred. The wind begins to pick up again just slightly and soon the Seahawk is making steady progress through the deep, dark waves...

Later that morning, Troc assembles a group of sailors and the others pull in the main sail. The Seahawk crawls to a stop and everyone makes ready. Cutler reports for duty again from below and is roped up with a harness to be lowered down at the stern for an inspection of the rudder. Zimba and a few others stand guard with their crossbows while the others man the rope and lower him over the rail. Cutler hits the waterline, pulls in some rope while floating and ties a piece of long, thin tubing to it higher up. He places the other end in his mouth and nods to Troc. The sailors hold onto the rope with serious intent as the carpenter-cook disappears under the waves for a closer look. He’s under for a few minutes before reemerging and signaling up instructions. Billings and Arak turn the wheel from side to side. Cutler dives down again and is gone for a few more minutes before reemerging and signaling to be pulled up. As suspected, the rudder was damaged when the giant sea creature attacked the ship and is broken off about halfway down. It also tilts to the starboard from its pivot point in the lower hull.

After the carpenter-cook's detailed debrief, Troc decides that it will have to stay as is until such time as they can make it to the shallower waters. Billings agrees, not wanting to be a sitting duck out on open water, and the plan is to continue to sail for the Sprice Tridents, and look to land the ship on one of the smaller southern islands with a beach for the repair. Troc also recommends that the process of removing and spinning the foremast be done at the same time. He states that having it functional will be pointless due to the condition of the rudder and the fact that it probably wouldn't be able to handle and steer the ship with the additional speed anyway. It is a grim but thankfully not terminal diagnosis. Billings does not try to hide his concern about not being able to outrun any potential trouble and finally relents that it appears they have no other choice.

The crew returns to their stations and the main sail is redeployed. The Seahawk continues to make a slower but steady progress again. Although nerves are sensitive, everyone remains vigilant and the day comes to an end, thankfully free of other contacts. Mighty Hazara begins to sink on the western horizon, straight off the bow just to the starboard side. As night approaches, the thick sea fog begins to thin and eventually the stars can be seen above. Billings and his men immediately set to getting a bearing and relative position while Cutler prepares dinner and the crew makes to change shifts.

Other than a solemn toast to those lost at sea earlier, the evening meal is quick and quiet. None of the other crew that join you speak of what happened and choose to keep any doubts or fears to themselves for now. Ziller joins you as well, to scarf down some fresh fish and rice and make small talk with the usual reassurances. He recommends that each of you remain at ready stations and work with Troc and the crew. After dinner, you retire to your bunks, cots and hammocks and do your best to relax and get some needed sleep.


~ Although the unbelievably horrific scene with the giant sea creature plays over again in your mind, just like what happened back on that trail nearly two weeks ago, you awaken alright and find the ship and crew unmolested. The fog has lifted for the most part and you see the beautiful, golden rays of Hazara for the first time in days. The high clouds are scattered and the air is much warmer. Visibility when not counting the remaining fog is again miles instead of feet and the kiss of the sun is welcome to all that take it in. Breakfast is quick and mostly quiet but the moods and nerves of those present seem more at ease than the previous day. Stations are taken, the fog clears and the large, golden sun rises in the sky. Towards noon, the sea is nearly clear and visibility is again to the horizon. The waves are mellow and the wind is steady and everyone gets a chance to relax. Gentleman Billy, Tamara, Jennynia, Sam and Benny all come out on deck to take in the sun and fresh sea air and spirits seem bolstered by the nice weather.

The Seahawk continues steadily on her west by southwesterly course and it is sometime in the early afternoon when Blic calls out a small contact seen ahead in the distance. As you approach within the mile, the halfling lookout calls out that he sees some kind of debris field ahead and possibly a longboat! You are a few hundred yards off when Blic calls out again. There are at least a dozen or so crates in the water among other floating debris and there is definitely a longboat. It’s eastern-looking in make and when you are just under a hundred yards out, the halfling lookout calls down that he can see someone is in it!


OOC: Go ahead and let me know where your character will be positioned on the ship as it approaches the debris field and if there’s any actions you’d like to take in particular.

PMs: still need to get a few of these out and will do so later today when I get a chance. To those that are waiting, thank you for being patient while I'm getting back on my feet!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarifications!

HPs/Status: Bog 16/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo** 17/17 ; Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC ; Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC ; Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location On deck(?): Bog , Thalion* , Griffo* , Caelvanna , Lauranna , Ulrich , Emm
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#93 Post by dmw71 »

As per usual, Caelvanna is reluctant to enter (or even approach) the water unless absolutely necessary. While her initial instinct tells her this is a distress situation, she makes sure to have her bow in hand, ready to provide cover for those foolish brave enough to venture into the water to retrieve the crates and/or rescue the 'someone' spotted in the longboat.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#94 Post by Alethan »

(Assuming Bog is, at this point, fairly familiar with the generalities of the ship...)

With the good comes the bad. Bogdan knows this, perhaps more than most. The orcish blood from his father's side bestows upon him strength well beyond that of most ordinary men. But other orcish traits, those of pillage and plunder, are just as strong in this one. He realized, back at the fight with the large daemon, it was instinct to grab the belongings and weapons of the young soldier, not some chivalrous gesture of restoring honor to the dead.

Likewise, he does not hear (or does not appear to, anyway) the lookout announce the sighting of a body in the longboat. Instead, moving almost as if he were a seaman with years of similar experiences under his belt, he grabs a trunk stowed near the starboard side (or whichever side has the most debris near it) and pulls out a 4-pronged grapple attached to a thin length of rope. He scoops up the coil of rope and threads his hand through the loop at the end. Then he stands over by the side and lowers the grapple nearer the water, to better swing the line out to the closest crate.

If directly ordered, Bogdan will, of course, attempt to grapple the longboat. That is, if nobody else is attempting it. And he'll probably play it off as if that was his intention all along...
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#96 Post by tkrexx »

After morning prayers and breakfast, Emm spends a few precious minutes feeling the sun on her face. She cannot contain a smile watching Sam & Benny try to stay out of the way, yet pretend to be in on everything that transpires on deck. When wreckage is sighted, Emm hisses quietly to Sam and beckons her near.

Staying close to the portal leading to the bunk area.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#97 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich will do his best to stay near to Jovak.
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On the Seahwak ~ TOD: Day 11 early afternoon

#98 Post by Argennian »

~ The Seahawk makes her way towards the longboat and debris field as the crew scrambles to their stations...

Caelvanna and Griffo make their way up on the foredeck and ready their bows alongside Gramps, whose already at and preparing the forward ballista . Bogdan positions himself at the port side and prepares to make ready with a casting line and grapple. Thalion the Grey moves down by his side to either cover or assist him with his actions. Lauranna quickly climbs the rope ladder to join the halfling Blic in the crow's nest as Emm scoops up Sam and Benny and moves the three of them off to the side and out of the way, ready to flee down the ramp to the safety of the hold below if anything happens. Ulrich moves into the stern castle to relay the news to Jovak and make ready while the other sailors get prepared. Sorel and Mina ready the cargo nets, attaching them the rail cleats and hanging them over each side. Billings joins Arak, Bradley and Troc up at the wheel and they begin discussing potentialities for threats to the ship and all pertaining liabilities.

As the ship gets a bit closer, Troc and some of the sailors pull the main and the Seahawk slows, drifting just to the edge of the debris field. There are not just crates bobbing about here and there but also pieces of what looks like could have been part of a ship. Up in the crow's nest, Blic readies his crossbow as Lauranna calls out towards the floating longboat. After a few moments, a figure of what looks to be an frail old eastern man sits up in the small craft and looks around dazed and confused as if he just heard someone shout...


*** Need someone to roll a d6 for the party ***

*** (Also need a d20 and d100 percentile roll for Bogdan) ***

OOC: This will be a surprise roll for the party and Bog's rolls will be for a spot check and additional modifiers. I went ahead and notated where everyone's PC is, either where they stated or in the case of the characters being NPCed, rolled for and placed randomly.

(Al: regardless of what you roll, there will be a pm coming to you!)

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarifications!

HPs/Status: Bog 16/16 ; Caelvanna 15/15 ; Emm 7/7 ; Griffo** 17/17 ; Ulrich 13/13 ; Lauranna 6/6 ; Thalion* 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword; Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-15, silver arrows fired-6); Emm – scimitar/SC ; Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC ; Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location On deck: Bog , Thalion* , Emm (with Sam & Benny) ; Up in the crow's nest: Lauranna (and Blic the halfling) ; Up on the foredeck: Caelvanna , Griffo ; In the stern castle: Ulrich (with Jovak)
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Re: On the Seahwak ~ TOD: Day 11 early afternoon

#99 Post by dmw71 »

Argennian wrote:Need someone to roll a d6 for the party
Requested Roll: [1d6] = 1
Oh, here we go again. :roll:

No more rolling on behalf of the party for me.
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Re: Action Thread 3: Westward upon the Bay of Ghosts

#100 Post by Alethan »

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