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Re: Square One

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:50 am
by Sulara
Smiling softly Niamah says a silent prayer to Balerion, Meraxes and Vhagar, and any other Valyerian God she can think of and begins to work on the lock of the small wooden chest...

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:49 pm
by Magnus
Niamah inserts a small pick into the ancient bronze lock of the chest. She starts to use her deft hand to manipulate the complex set of tumblers. Hearing a single click, the thief exhales a bit with relief.

A half-second later, the script on box begins to glow with an eerie, menacing light. She finds herself almost instantly enshrouded by a pale white mist....

Nia - Roll a save v. Spells at -2

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:34 pm
by Sulara

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:11 pm
by Magnus
Niamah feels her breath sucked from her lungs ... her very lifeforce feels wrenched from her body as she feels her chest crushed and wracked. The thief can do little but pray silently to her far away gods. But somehow the prayer is heeded, and with a final push of Will, the grip of the unknown force relents.

The lock springs apart, and the chest opens ever so slowly, revealing a very old, but beautiful set of scaled armor emblazoned with the sign of the Harpy. Lorath and Vorsyin, the most learned of the group, recognize the style of armor as that of the Valyerian conquerors of Ghis.

The metal has a bronze tint (being typical of the time), but the metal is much lighter and more exotic.


The armor seems to be of about the same weight as chain, but somewhat more protective...

There is also a set of leggings, but no photo online that shows them. :cry:

What's next for the party?

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:25 pm
by Sulara
Niamah dons the an attempt to determine its properties.

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:31 pm
by NJWilliam

Antheris steps closer to see if there is anything other than the armor in the Valyerian chest.

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:42 pm
by Magnus
+100 minutes

Nia dons the armor, her inexperience with such things showing as she noisily struggles with the scaly suit over the course of a quarter hour.

She can tell that the armor is very well-made and valuable, and it seems to adjust to the contours of her body once it is on. But it is certainly too heavy and cumbersome for her to wear and use her thieving skills. She also lacks the combat aptitude to determine much else about it.

There is nothing else in the chest.

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:53 pm
by Sulara
Niamah removes the armor and turns to Lorath..."It will not kill a Warrior Mage when he wears it." she smiles and continues"It was worn by one of your kind, a Valyerian Spellsword should wear it again." she lowers her eyes "A woman thinks it belongs to your people when a task is complete, that is for the Mage to choose." handing the armor to Lorath Niamah dons her own armor and begins work on the box with poison needle attempting to disarm the trap..

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:38 pm
by Computer +1
Vorsyin is annoyed when the thief tries on the armor. Foolish woman playing dress up with a Valeryian treasure... he mutters in High Valyerian.

When she hands it over to Lorath Vorsyin moves over to inspect the armor further. Fascinating to study he says with wonder while turning over a piece of the armor.

He looks to the group, With these treasures recovered and with recent unexplained magical memory lapse, I propose we gather what we can and return to the Fist. We have little to lose and much to gain if we gather our strength for the venture to the southern areas first. HE looks at the armor once again, and there are historical artifacts that should be protected.

Re: Square One

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:46 pm
by NJWilliam

Antheris's eyes widen and he nearly spits out some of his ale, as his gaze settles on the magic-user.
"Gather our strength? Gather our strength?
"Gather spoils? We're here to defeat evil not line our pockets.
"Mine is gathered. If yours is not yet, have an ale. How many spells have you cast since we last left the Fist?"

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:05 am
by Magnus
The party's banter diverts Niamah's attention for a mere moment, and that is all the time it takes for the needle to spring and stick in the flesh of her palm.

Save v. Poison at -4 please. Thank Lord Gygax for that one...

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:17 am
by Sulara

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:22 am
by NJWilliam

"Bah, that's not good!"
The druid steps over to the woman and puts a goblet of ale to her lips while he pulls out a bit of mistletoe.
"Drink deep!" he says as he voices some words in a sing-songy language of old.

Antheris casts Neutralize Poison on Niamah.

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:24 am
by Eulalios
Lorath's gaze flicks from the legendary armor to the thief who retrieved it as she makes a sudden quiet noise of surprise. A moment later he inclines his head to acknowledge Antheris' rapid response. "Well done," he says, "both of you. Sorry for the distraction, Lady Niamah."

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:37 am
by Sulara
Wincing in pain Niamah nods to Lorath..."A woman's only prayer is the proud Valyerian treasure can be used to help end the evil, that is a peoples mission yes... she slides down into a sitting position and hands the ale back to the Druid.

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:52 am
by Computer +1
After Antheris aids the thief Vorsyin continues the discussion. I have spent some of my magics, as have you and Lorath, I must point out that our mission is to cleanse the evil, not to die trying. Before we were transported to this room we were in peril of losing several party members. The path we tread is narrow and I believe we should be cautious and measured in our incursions. Prudence would dictate that we head into more dangerous territory when we are strongest.

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:54 am
by Zhym
"I agree with Vorsyin," says Gaerys as he keeps an eye out the doorway. "We know nothing about our recent 'rescue.' Even if this isn't all a delusion, is it permanent or temporary? The place to find out is while regrouping at the Fist, not in the midst of a battle. Vorsyin is right. Unless someone can shed more light on the reason for our current situation, pushing forward would be reckless."

He looks back into the room. "And don't forget that there's something magical under that yellow mold. If we can neutralize the mold, it may be worth finding out what it covers."

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:02 am
by Sulara
"A woman is not a warrior but even she knows if a people leave now the evil will build more traps in that time to stop them from destroying it, or hasten its plans whatever they may be. A brief rest here and we would be a bit stronger...

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:15 am
by NJWilliam

"We have fought and bled and risked life and limb to infiltrate this level, leaving now accomplishes naught and undos much.
"Be it the old gods or the new, or nature itself, it was a benevolent stroke that brought us here.
"Vorsyin I don't believe you have cast more than two spells.
"We are all nearly fully healed.
"I myself can yet shapechange three times.
"The ghasts can be turned by Hollis and Tybalt.
"We have armor to put to use now as well, and still have healing potions.
"I don't think we even need more than a passing rest before we strike again.
"Let's continue with these chests, or not, burn the mold, and catch the remaining foes offguard.
"If we leave now, I doubt we will ever recover Giantbane."

Re: Square One

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:35 am
by drpete
Here, I agree with Antheris... Let's go get giantbane. We've got at least that much in us, no? If we need a rest before the final push, we'll know it after we knock down a few hornfeet.

As for the armor, let's put it on the front line. That's me or Tybalt. No offense, Lorath, but you are well armored for the role you play, as sniper. I don't know how it compares to Tybalt's plate, but I'm sure this is better than my chain. We can test it if you want to know before we decide.