Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

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Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Alethan wrote:Greystone looks down at his arm and notices for the first time that it is completely covered in the green tattoo-like swirls of vine. He reflexively rubs at it with his right hand, wondering when it might have happened. Then he realizes it was from communing with the giant cypress tree.
"It is from the Lady of the Forest. It was the price I paid for saving Celadon," he says, trying to sound mysterious and casual at the same time.

"A high price indeed," the Owl elf says, crossing her arms, returning her gaze back to the room...her room. She walks over to the secret floor plate Greystone discovered and with her foot, presses it back into place. Her eyes never leave Greystone's face while she does this. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" her tone is frosty, like the glare from her eyes.

wolfpack wrote:The others are looking for your and everyone else's things, to gather up so it can all be sorted.
So tell me who is the captain? I would love to meet with him, and what where your findings? we could go over them together to make sure he gets a thorough crisp report
hedgeknight wrote:Shumar sighs. "I'm not sure if that makes much sense, considering all of my previous friends lay dead at the bottom of the tree. But still...If you're really my friend, and you want me to trust you, then you'll untie me. These bonds are cutting my skin and...I have to piss something fierce!"
wolfpack wrote:Dalivere moves behind shurmur and begins to slowly untie him again repeating his questions.
Dogma wrote:Lysander perks up as Dalivere starts to untie Shumar. He will warily watch what is happening but makes no overt hostile actions.
tazwmg wrote:Thurgrum sees what appears to him ole black robe getting friendly, "Quit messing around, get him to talk or we can gut him and augury his entralls". Pulls his hammer and glares.

Freed from his bonds, Shumar wastes not time, opening his breeches, removing his manhood, and relieving himself from the upper walkway. "Here dwarf! Have a taste!" he yells down at Thurgrum, laughing as the priest of Moradin scrambles to avoid the dreaded yellow rain.

Shumar laughs as he pisses and then after finishing and lacing up his breeches, he clasps Dalivere on the shoulder, wiping his hand as he does, and sighs deeply. "Thank you, my friend. I was about to burst! And how about that fracking dwarf! Ha! Now, my things. I remember that damned elf pilfering everything while I was held in place. Find him, and you find my belongings."
Shumar gives Lysander a long look, his hands running over his belt...where his weapons and belt pouches used to be.
@ Dalivere >
he seems to be charmed, but he's definitely strong-willed and not a sheep.

Moving up the tree beside the great cypress, Darkstar (and I'm assuming the rest of those below > Purvan, Thurgrum, & Thaleese) follows Celadon up into the canopy. The Owl leader passes many of his warriors, whom he greets affectionately before moving on ahead. He tops out nearly 100 feet above the ground and begins to walk around the tree, heading toward what looks like a walkway bridging the gap to another copse of cypress trees farther behind. There are many Owl elves standing around, along with many giant owls sitting in the branches. Celadon looks around and raises his fist.
"The Lady has seen fit to deliver us from the hands of our enemies! She sent outsiders to our aid and the black robes are no longer our masters!"
The Owls raises their weapons and hands and yell loudly (many of them hoot loudly).
"Tonight...we feast...and heal...and rebuild our community! We are Owls > once again we shall rule the night!"

The forest erupts in a cacophony of hollering and hooting and the beginnings of celebration. In the distant trees, drums can be heard and the elves begin moving toward the sounds. Celadon turns to Darkstar and his companions and smiles.
"Feast with us tonight, my friends. Let us talk of this battle and where the Lady shall lead us from here."


Alright fellers > it was time for a new thread and a new direction. I've quoted some of the conversations from the previous thread and will delete them there (to keep the thread at 20 pages, per the preferences of the mods). What are your plans?
Currently, Greystone is talking with one of the female Owls, while Dalivere and Lysander are dealing with Shumar. The rest of you are with Celadon, moving toward the main camp of the Owls.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#2 Post by wolfpack »

Dalivere sighs

First I think it more important we recount your findings that need to be reported to the captain. Think of what he will do to you if your report is not accurate, last thing I want is you flayed alive for leaving out a detail. SO lets go over it together, I only have your best interests in mind.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#3 Post by Alethan »

hedgeknight wrote:
Alethan wrote:Greystone looks down at his arm and notices for the first time that it is completely covered in the green tattoo-like swirls of vine. He reflexively rubs at it with his right hand, wondering when it might have happened. Then he realizes it was from communing with the giant cypress tree.
"It is from the Lady of the Forest. It was the price I paid for saving Celadon," he says, trying to sound mysterious and casual at the same time.

"A high price indeed," the Owl elf says, crossing her arms, returning her gaze back to the room...her room. She walks over to the secret floor plate Greystone discovered and with her foot, presses it back into place. Her eyes never leave Greystone's face while she does this. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" her tone is frosty, like the glare from her eyes.
Greystone frowns at the woman's coldness.

"Yeah, guess so..." he replies in Elven. He turns to leave.

Before he walks out the door, though, he turns back. "Where'd you go, by the way? You said you just came back. From where?" His face changes to reflect her coldness as he reflects on her reaction to her village being saved.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#4 Post by Argennian »

After completing the grim task of collecting the dead, Purvan takes Thaleese's hand and follows Celadon up into the canopy. When he looks over to see that Dalivere has released Shumar and that the evil bastard is attempting to relieve himself on the dwarf below, the half-elf fights the sudden urge to run over and relieve the black robe of his mortality. Figuring that Dalivere has things well in hand, and also noting that Lysander isn't so far away as to intervene if needed, he continues on.
hedgeknight wrote: Moving up the tree beside the great cypress, Darkstar (and I'm assuming the rest of those below > Purvan, Thurgrum, & Thaleese) follows Celadon up into the canopy. The Owl leader passes many of his warriors, whom he greets affectionately before moving on ahead. He tops out nearly 100 feet above the ground and begins to walk around the tree, heading toward what looks like a walkway bridging the gap to another copse of cypress trees farther behind. There are many Owl elves standing around, along with many giant owls sitting in the branches. Celadon looks around and raises his fist.
"The Lady has seen fit to deliver us from the hands of our enemies! She sent outsiders to our aid and the black robes are no longer our masters!"
The Owls raises their weapons and hands and yell loudly (many of them hoot loudly).
"Tonight...we feast...and heal...and rebuild our community! We are Owls > once again we shall rule the night!"

The forest erupts in a cacophony of hollering and hooting and the beginnings of celebration. In the distant trees, drums can be heard and the elves begin moving toward the sounds. Celadon turns to Darkstar and his companions and smiles.
"Feast with us tonight, my friends. Let us talk of this battle and where the Lady shall lead us from here."
Purvan does his best to let his anxiety and consternation go as he meets the gaze of the Owl clan and their giant avian namesakes. He looks about to take stock of where his companions are, to ensure they are all okay, before finding a place to settle in off to the side with his fellow investigator. "Looks like we are both a bit beat up, eh? Been a crazy last few days to be sure! I want you to know that I am sorry for being mad with you, Leesa. It's just that I was so damned scared and nervous when you disappeared without a word. I thought that I would never see you again! That is something I fear terribly and am loath to even want to consider. But I am thankful that The Lady of the Forest was watching over you... at a time when I could not," he explains, suddenly grasping and pulling her close to embrace her.
Yosef Travathas: High Elf Fighter4/Magic-User3 (rredmond's Pacesetter Games "Legacy of the Unknown" OSRIC Playtest)
Brok Sterling: Human Assassin3 (ToniXX's Incursion into Newiron OSRIC Playtest)
Tanik Tremwoodak: Dwarf Cleric3 (Dave's 1e Skype Game)

DM: home-brew OSRIC "A New Hope to the West" campaign

Fireball... good!!

"What's it gonna take?"
tkrexx as Emm the Avenging Druid wrote:I shall burn you, and I shall sink your petty warship with fire and lightning, and the ocean shall swallow it and all aboard, and no one will remember any of you!
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#5 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar nods with a grim smile across his face. The rest may be necessary but he will not feel at peace until the gateway is closed forever.
He will make his way towards the festivities at look for the food. As he moves he looks for Min.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#6 Post by tazwmg »

Thurgrum has had enough, he will pull his hammer and charge that stinking orc loving critter.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

wolfpack wrote:First I think it more important we recount your findings that need to be reported to the captain. Think of what he will do to you if your report is not accurate, last thing I want is you flayed alive for leaving out a detail. SO lets go over it together, I only have your best interests in mind.

"I do not wish to be flayed alive either, my friend. You ARE my friend, right? Because if you are, and you only have my best interests in mind, like you just said," Shumar points toward the bottom of the tree. "That dwarf I pissed on is coming to kill me."

Looking down there, Thurgrum can be seen, hammer in hand, red in the face, spewing dwarven curses, moving as fast as he can up the walkway.

"Although, I'm not sure he can reach us, what with that big ass gap in the walkway!" Shumar muses, patting his clothes, searching for something with which to defend himself. And then he stops searching and says, "Oh, I have everything I need...right here." He taps the side of his head, giving Dalivere a wicked grin. "Should I fry the rock humper or perhaps charm him? A bodyguard like that would be nice, heh."
Then he gives Dalivere a look that chills the half-elf's blood. "But after dealing with those fracking stone lovers in Port Llast, I've come to despise dwarves."
He turns his icy gaze back to Thurgrum...who is standing about 30 feet below at the broken walkway, unable to go farther...and begins to chant.

Alethan wrote:"Where'd you go, by the way? You said you just came back. From where?" His face changes to reflect her coldness as he reflects on her reaction to her village being saved.

She opens her mouth for a vile retort, then closes it, pursing her lips, locking her jaw. Greystone can see she is trying to control the emotions on her face. Her eyes are watery as she finally speaks, "I went to retrieve something...or rather, someone. The master...Shumar...sent the Wings through the Wood to find the Keepers. I...found my charge...and returned to the Nest. Of course, my mission was not without...difficulty. I lost my wing man and best friend in the escape."
"I knew the Lynx elves would not cooperate peacefully. So I had to take what we needed. Sometimes the Lady gives us trials to test our faith. I fear, however, even though I succeeded, I shall never feel clean again."

Argennian wrote:"Looks like we are both a bit beat up, eh? Been a crazy last few days to be sure! I want you to know that I am sorry for being mad with you, Leesa. It's just that I was so damned scared and nervous when you disappeared without a word. I thought that I would never see you again! That is something I fear terribly and am loath to even want to consider. But I am thankful that The Lady of the Forest was watching over you... at a time when I could not," he explains, suddenly grasping and pulling her close to embrace her.

Thaleese melts into Purvan's arms and she stifles a sob. "I was so scared! I just knew we were going to die! And now, there is talk of destroying the archway! Purvan, that is my mission. Our mission! We can't let them destroy it until we study it. We should leave, go there now, and do our research. You heard Celadon > he is sending some of his people to guard it. We could go with them, help them. Let the others find these Keepers. At least we will be safe and be together."
Her eyes plead for Purvan's acceptance.

Computer +1 wrote:Darkstar nods with a grim smile across his face. The rest may be necessary but he will not feel at peace until the gateway is closed forever. He will make his way towards the festivities at look for the food. As he moves he looks for Min.

He spies her and Tohmal trudging wearily along, bone tired, still covered in blood and gore from dealing with the black robes. She catches his look and smiles, jerking her head, wanting him to walk toward her. She waits for him, watching him approach. "Before the feast, I need a bath and a change of clothes. You might do the same for yourself. You and Tohmal are about the same size. I'm sure he'd lend you a clean shirt and vest."
Her eyes are playful and her mouth is twisted into a grin. "I...might need some help...bathing. Do you know anyone...who could help me?"

Actions fellers?
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#8 Post by Alethan »

Greystone's eyes glaze over at the woman's last statement.

"Lynx clan?" He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Lynx clan. What did you do? Who was your charge?"
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#9 Post by wolfpack »

as Shurmur turns Dalivere takes the dagger he used to cut the mans bonds and slides it into his back.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#10 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar is conflicted for a moment as he thinks of the cousins from the Lynx clan. Min's smile quickly erases any though of the cousins.
He smiles with a twinkle in his eye.
I am up to the task, beautiful Min he puts his arm around her shoulders as they walk towards the bath.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#11 Post by Dogma »

"Thurgrim, beware!" cries the paladin as he charges Shumar in an atempt to bull rush him over the railing of the ramp.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#12 Post by hedgeknight »

wolfpack wrote:as Shurmur turns Dalivere takes the dagger he used to cut the mans bonds and slides it into his back.
Roll to hit and damage.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#13 Post by wolfpack »

cant roll till I get home tonight.
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#14 Post by wolfpack »

[1d20] = 19

[1d4] = 2

at least enough to disrupt a spell until the warriors get here
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#15 Post by Argennian »

hedgeknight wrote:
Argennian wrote:"Looks like we are both a bit beat up, eh? Been a crazy last few days to be sure! I want you to know that I am sorry for being mad with you, Leesa. It's just that I was so damned scared and nervous when you disappeared without a word. I thought that I would never see you again! That is something I fear terribly and am loath to even want to consider. But I am thankful that The Lady of the Forest was watching over you... at a time when I could not," he explains, suddenly grasping and pulling her close to embrace her.

Thaleese melts into Purvan's arms and she stifles a sob. "I was so scared! I just knew we were going to die! And now, there is talk of destroying the archway! Purvan, that is my mission. Our mission! We can't let them destroy it until we study it. We should leave, go there now, and do our research. You heard Celadon > he is sending some of his people to guard it. We could go with them, help them. Let the others find these Keepers. At least we will be safe and be together."
Her eyes plead for Purvan's acceptance.
"I remember our mission, Leesa," Purvan admits, closing his eyes and continuing to hold her tight. "But based on what we just witnessed and went through battling those... things that came through the archway, I would be worried that we would be at a real disadvantage without the strengths and resources of our other companions. That being said, let's see what Celadon and the others propose and then we can decide our course, ok? For tonight, let's just relax and enjoy the festivities of our elven hosts. I certainly feel like we need it!"
Yosef Travathas: High Elf Fighter4/Magic-User3 (rredmond's Pacesetter Games "Legacy of the Unknown" OSRIC Playtest)
Brok Sterling: Human Assassin3 (ToniXX's Incursion into Newiron OSRIC Playtest)
Tanik Tremwoodak: Dwarf Cleric3 (Dave's 1e Skype Game)

DM: home-brew OSRIC "A New Hope to the West" campaign

Fireball... good!!

"What's it gonna take?"
tkrexx as Emm the Avenging Druid wrote:I shall burn you, and I shall sink your petty warship with fire and lightning, and the ocean shall swallow it and all aboard, and no one will remember any of you!
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#16 Post by hedgeknight »

Alethan wrote:Greystone's eyes glaze over at the woman's last statement.
"Lynx clan?" He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Lynx clan. What did you do? Who was your charge?"

"I did what I had to do, what anyone in my position would do."
She looks at the doorway and whistles. Another female Owl elf steps into the doorway and with her is a least at first it looks like a child, an ordinary elven child. But then the child cries out, "GREYSTONE!" and dashes forward to wrap his arms around the legs of the Lynx rogue. Greystone looks down and gasps to see Winter staring back up at him, grinning like a cat in a hen house. "What are you doing here? Am I safe?" the young elder asks.
Suddenly, there is a commotion outside and a high-pitched scream...

Dalivere feels the dagger hit bone and glance off of Shumar's spine! The black robed mage screams in agony and wheels on the rogue. "TRAITOR! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" he screams. Shumar staggers back and begins casting another spell, frantically chanting and moving his hands.
"Thurgrum, beware!" cries Lysander as he charges Shumar in an attempt to knock him over the railing of the walkway. Lysander tries to bull rush Shumar (1d20=7)
Shumar whirls away, and Lysander misses, nearly flinging himself over the railing! Dalivere grabs the paladin by the shirt, keeping him from falling all the way down to the bottom of the ancient cypress.

Computer +1 wrote:Darkstar is conflicted for a moment as he thinks of the cousins from the Lynx clan. Min's smile quickly erases any though of the cousins. He smiles with a twinkle in his eye.
I am up to the task, beautiful Min he puts his arm around her shoulders as they walk towards the bath.

Min giggles and leans into him, running her hand over his crotch...and then the pair hear Shumar scream > "TRAITOR! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!"

Argennian wrote:
hedgeknight wrote:"I remember our mission, Leesa," Purvan admits, closing his eyes and continuing to hold her tight. "But based on what we just witnessed and went through battling those... things that came through the archway, I would be worried that we would be at a real disadvantage without the strengths and resources of our other companions. That being said, let's see what Celadon and the others propose and then we can decide our course, ok? For tonight, let's just relax and enjoy the festivities of our elven hosts. I certainly feel like we need it!"

Thaleese kisses Purvan softly on the lips and is about to say something when they hear a scream and a shout > "TRAITOR! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!"

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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#17 Post by Argennian »

hedgeknight wrote:
Argennian wrote:"I remember our mission, Leesa," Purvan admits, closing his eyes and continuing to hold her tight. "But based on what we just witnessed and went through battling those... things that came through the archway, I would be worried that we would be at a real disadvantage without the strengths and resources of our other companions. That being said, let's see what Celadon and the others propose and then we can decide our course, ok? For tonight, let's just relax and enjoy the festivities of our elven hosts. I certainly feel like we need it!"

Thaleese kisses Purvan softly on the lips and is about to say something when they hear a scream and a shout > "TRAITOR! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!"
The vile exaltation from below rips Purvan from the sweet serenity of Thaleese's soft lips and back to the harsh reality he had just been trying so desperately to forget.

"By the gods, can't we have one bloody sacred moment?!" the jaded half-elf cries with venomous sarcasm as he jumps up from his partner's comforting embrace, grabs his bow and an arrow from his quiver and starts scanning for whatever latest danger has arrived to thwart their seemingly pathetic, miserable lives!
Yosef Travathas: High Elf Fighter4/Magic-User3 (rredmond's Pacesetter Games "Legacy of the Unknown" OSRIC Playtest)
Brok Sterling: Human Assassin3 (ToniXX's Incursion into Newiron OSRIC Playtest)
Tanik Tremwoodak: Dwarf Cleric3 (Dave's 1e Skype Game)

DM: home-brew OSRIC "A New Hope to the West" campaign

Fireball... good!!

"What's it gonna take?"
tkrexx as Emm the Avenging Druid wrote:I shall burn you, and I shall sink your petty warship with fire and lightning, and the ocean shall swallow it and all aboard, and no one will remember any of you!
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#18 Post by wolfpack »

dalivere again lashes out


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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#19 Post by tazwmg »

ooc: Can Thurgrum get to him? if so, he will continue to charge. let me know when you need rolls from me
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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

#20 Post by Dogma »

Once he regains his footing, Lysander draws his sword.

"Nay, blackrobe, we could not be friends with one such as you" he replies.

To hit [1d20] = 13, damage [1d8] = 6
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