House Rules

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House Rules

#1 Post by ybn1197 »

Printable copy of the house rules

These are supplemental rules for Labyrinth Lord (LL) Advanced Edition Companion (AEC). When specific pages are cited:
  • LL=Labyrinth Lord (Proctor, 2009)
  • AEC=Advanced Edition Companion (Proctor, 2010)
  • PH=Players Handbook (Gygax, 1978)
Published Optional Rules
Individual Initiative (pp. LL6, AEC4) is NOT in effect.
Crossbow Rate of Fire (p. PH38) is in effect.
Encumbrance Rules (p. LL44) are in effect.
Equipment Costs (pp. LL15, AEC25) are guidelines only.
Advanced HD (p. AEC21) is in effect.
Secondary Skills (p. AEC21) are NOT in effect.
Good and Evil Alignment (p. AEC22) is in effect.
Age (p. AEC23) is in effect.
Character Inheritance (p. AEC25) is NOT in effect.
Morale (p. LL56) is in effect.
Combat Options (p. AEC142):
  • Helmets are NOT in effect.
  • Parrying is in effect.
  • Subdual damage is in effect.
  • Two-weapon fighting is in effect.
Character Generation
Ability Scores
To generate character Ability scores: Roll 4d6, drop the lowest die and add up the remainder. Repeat five more times to generate a set of six numbers. Assign each number to the Ability of your choice. If the total of all ability modifiers result in a 0 or negative, you can re-roll all ability scores again as above.

Hit Points
When a character (and ONLY a character) reaches 0 or fewer hit points, he is unconscious and bleeding. The character will lose 1 hit point per turn till he reaches -10 hit points or is healed. When a character reaches -10 or fewer hit points, he is dead.

1st level characters start at maximum possible hit points.

Character Classes
Race as class (pp. LL8, AEC7) is not used

Character Languages
Alignment languages (pp. LL14, AEC22) are not used. All thieves can silently communicate with each other using a sign language called “Thieves’ Cant”. Thieves automatically know this cant, regardless of INT.

Character Races
Monk is an available class for Dwarves.
Class Level Limit
Monk 9

Monk is an available class for Elves.
Class Level Limit
Monk 11

Monk is an available class for Half-elves.
Class Level Limit
Monk 11

Barbarian is an available class for Half-orcs.
Class Level Limit
Barbarian 9

Character Classes
New Character Classes
  • Archer from Barrel Rider Games
  • Barbarian from Barrel Rider Games
  • Bard from Barrel Rider Games
Advanced HD
Class Advanced HD
Archer d10
Barbarian d12
Bard d6

Money and Coins
Electrum pieces are not in use.
Table 2: Armor
Armor Cost Armor Class Weight
Banded Mail 85 gp 15 35 lb.
Chain Mail 70 gp 14 30 lb.
Leather 6 gp 12 15 lb.
Padded 4 gp 12 10 lb.
Plate Mail 450 gp 16 50 lb.
Ring Mail 50 gp 13 40 lb.
Scale Mail 50 gp 13 40 lb.
Shield 10 gp +1* 10 lb.
Splint Mail 75 gp 15 20 lb.
Studded Leather 30 gp 13 20 lb.
Unarmored 0 gp 10 nil
*Using a shield increases armor class by 1.
Armor: Putting On
Characters may find themselves in a situation where they must quickly put on their armor. The following times are required:
Armor Type Time Needed to Put On
Leather Armor 3 Rounds
Chain Mail 5 Rounds*
Plate Mail 9 Rounds*

Armor: Removing
The time required to remove armor is half the figures given above, rounded down.
Putting On / Removing Magic Armor
The time required to put on or remove magic armor is reduced by 1 round + 1 additional round for each “plus” the armor has. All armor, regardless of bonuses, requires at least 1 combat round to put on or remove. Example: A suit of Chain Mail + 1 can be put on in 3 rounds and removed in 1 round.

Shield Sacrifice
A.K.A. “Shields shall be splintered” from Archive of the Rotted Moon
Anytime you are about to take damage and have a shield equipped, you may choose to attempt to sacrifice the shield in order to avoid incurring the wound. Make a saving throw vs. death and, if the save is successful, the shield is sundered by the blow and destroyed, but you take no damage. In the case of spells that allow a saving throw for half damage, you may invoke this rule if you fail your save against the spell. Doing so successfully reduces the damage by half. In the case of magical shields, invoking this rule successfully means that you take no damage from blows (or half from spells) but the shield loses one "plus" from its enchantment. Thus, a +1 shield would become a normal shield; a +2 shield becomes a +1 shield, etc.
Spent Missile Recovery
For every arrow or crossbow bolt fired, roll 1d6: A result of 1-3 means the missile is broken or lost. A result of 4-6 means the missile is recovered and can be added back into your inventory. Sling bullets and stones are recovered only on a result of “6” due to the much smaller size of these projectiles.
Encounters and Combat
An ascending armor class is used in combat as opposed to the descending armor class typically used. A conversion chart is provided below for quick reference.
Descending to Ascending Armor Class Conversion
Descending 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Ascending 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Table 3: Attack Bonus Chart
Cleric or Thief Level Fighter Level Magic-User Level Monster Hit Dice Attack Bonus
0 Human -1
1-3 1-2 1-3 1 or less 0
4-5 3 4-7 1+ and 2 +1
6-8 4 8-10 2+ and 3 +2
9-10 5 11-12 3+ and 4 +3
11 6 13 4+ and 5 +4
12 7-8 14-15 5+ and 6 +5
13-14 9 16-18 6+ and 7 +6
15-16 10-11 19-20 7+ to 9 +7
17-18 12 21-23 9+ to 11 +8
19-20 13 24+ 11+ to 13 +9
21+ 14 13+ to 15 +10
15 15+ to 17 +11
16 17+ to 19 +12
17 19+ to 21 +13
18 21+ and above +14
19+ +15
Cleric and Thief column includes: Cleric, Druid, Bard, Thief, and Assassin
Fighter column includes: Fighter, Archer, Paladin, Ranger, and Barbarian
Magic-User column includes: Magic-User and Illusionist
A roll of 20 is always a hit; a roll of 1 is always a miss.
If a natural 20 is rolled it is considered an automatic hit and also deals out maximum damage to the opponent. In addition to this, another d20 roll is made to see if there are any additional effects that might occur. If the second roll is not good enough to be considered a hit then the natural 20 is handled as explained before. If the second roll is a successful hit then a Critical Hit has been landed and an additional roll is required to see how it has affected the opponent. Also, if the second roll is successful and the roll is an 18 or 19, add an additional +25% when rolling on the Critical Hit chart. If another natural 20 is rolled add +50% to the roll.
Critical Hit Chart
Roll % Effect:
01-10 Knocked back, Attack last next round
11-20 Disarmed, 1d4 Rounds to retrieve weapon
21-30 Stunned, 1d4 Rounds
31-40 Confused, Take -4 on next Initiative roll
41-50 Winded, Move at half speed and -4 Initiative for 1d4 rounds
51-60 Knocked down, Prone for 1d4 rounds
61-70 Weapon damaged, Half damage until repaired
71-80 Armor damaged, 1d4 points lost from armor rating
81-90 Weapon damaged, Unusable
91-99 Grievous wound, Double max damage
00 Roll again, Keep results of both rolls
If a natural 1 is rolled then a Fumble has occurred. Roll on the chart below to see how the attacker has been affected due to the bad roll.
Fumble Chart
Roll % Effect:
01-10 Lose footing, No movement next round
11-20 Lose footing, No attack next round
21-30 Weapon goes flying, 1d4 rounds to retrieve
31-40 Bad tactics, Opponent gets free Attack
41-50 Knocked in the head, Dazed for 1d4 rounds
51-60 Weapon becomes lodged, 1d4 Rounds to free
61-70 Weapon damaged, Deals out half damage until repaired
71-80 Weapon damaged, Unusable
81-90 Friendly fire, Closest ally hit
91-99 Friendly fire, Closest ally hit for max damage
00 Roll again, Keep results of both rolls

Resting & Natural Healing
Characters must rest/sleep at least 8 hours in 24 to be considered rested. Being fully rested confers the following benefit once per 24 hour period: Natural healing of 1-3 points + Constitution hit point bonus, if any. Achieving full rest requires 8 hours of rest/sleep as above, and the following additional conditions must be met:
• Access to a bed, bedroll or similar makeshift bedding materials.
• Shelter from inclement weather (building, tent, cave or similar).
• Removal of bulky equipment such as backpacks & armor.

If the above conditions are not met during the 8-hour rest period, characters are still considered rested for purposes of fatigue recovery but no natural healing occurs.
First Aid
Once per combat (during or immediately after) any character who was hurt during that combat may bind wounds for 1d3 points of healing. This takes a full round to accomplish and requires the use of a Bandage, which must be purchased and carried. Bandages typically costs 2 sp and they have an Encumbrance value of 1. When a bandage is used, it is removed from your inventory.
Reduced to exactly 0 Hit Points
A being reduced to exactly 0 hit points falls to the ground unconscious. If the being is healed back above 0 HP, it can resume nor-mal activities next round.
Reduced to -1 to -9 Hit Points
A being reduced to -1 to -9 hit points is unconscious and is dying. The being will continue to lose 1 hit point per round. If the being reaches -10 HP before being healed back to at least 0 HP, it is dead.
-10 Hit Points or Greater
The being is dead, can be raised only by divine or magical means.
Last edited by ybn1197 on Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: House Rules

#2 Post by DMStue »

Hey! .... Where are the halflings? ;)
Drendan Fallowbriar - Halfling Thief in "Valnwall: The Barrowmaze (LL)"
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: House Rules

#3 Post by ybn1197 »

At this point in time I don't have any mods for the half lungs so they are just as they appear in AEC. There may be an edit for the inclusion of the bard class but I have to check that out first.
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