IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#21 Post by imperialus »

After a few hours, Blathu returns and grins when he sees that you're still there.

"you're here! good, good, follw me. and with that he leads you from the tavern and through a twisting maze of streets and alleys through the dockyard. It takes several minutes to reach your destination, a nondescript building with large double doors in the front. It appears to be a warehouse of some sort. Taking you through a side door your guess is confirmed, as you are escorted into a large, room with high ceilings with crates, barrels and boxes stacked several meters high. The dusk of evening becomes more pronounced inside, and smokey oil lamps, and braziers do little to push back the gloom. You don't see anyone, not even a night watchman other than Blathu, but you do get the uncanney feeling that you are being watched.

Towards the back of the warehouse proper Blathu leads you through a small door and into what appears to be a small office and living room. The sight of its sole occupant, sitting at a desk reading over some papers is somewhat startling. Blathu wasn't lying when he referred to his contact as 'the lizard' as he is indeed one of the strange lizardmen from Najambi jungles far to the south. Upon seeing you, he puts down a paper he had been reading and touches his forhead with one of his claws in what appears to be a greeting before speaking to you in Elasme, albeit with a strange, hissing accent.

Greetingssss, you may caaall me 'The Lizzard'. h'I underssstand you hhaaave a sship to sssell quietly? h'I caaan help. h'I will paaay one huundred and fifffty piesses of iron, baht, h'I neeed sssomething done. h'I collect old booksss, papersss, documentsss. A Themplarrr here in Ya'Mataarrr hasss a mahp that h'I wisssh to procure....

He continues explaining what exactly it is he is after. It seems that a Templar named Lenagesh recently returned from a trip to Sokuruh and the Makat Desert and he somehow managed to get his hands on an ancient map that reportedly leads to a laboratory that once belonged to Queen Nythura. Lenagesh's estate is located near the edge of the royal district, an area that would normally be off limits, but as tomorrow is the new moon, the festival of blood and wine will be held, and the gates to the royal quarter are opened to allow the citizens of Y'Mataar to come in and watch the gladiatorial games. Not only that, but many of the guards, and all of the Templars will be present at the games, affording you and opportunity to get in and steal the map.
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#22 Post by Rostranor »

Ari-nasir was curious of the Lizard having had little experience with them.

Good Lizard, I, Ari-nasir Fortunate Sailor of the Sands, humbly greet you and look forward to doing business. You offer to buy our River Runner, an exchange of goods. Our boat your coin to change hands. The map is of little concern in the matter of boats, so let us set that aside for a moment. The River Runner is worth on the open market 3,000 pieces and you offer us 150, a much too low sum and one that can not even divide amongst ourselves evenly. We will take 600 pieces of silver for the boat, one hundred for each of us and the same again for Blathu, for arranging this meeting and welcoming us to fair Ya'Mataar. But let us not quibble over such matters my good friend Lizard. You are a businessman, and we desire to do business now and in the future. As for the future, I am interested in this enterprise of the map. I will not speak for my companions, but I think this the sound of opportunity as it knocks on my door. And a chance for me to show my good faith to my new friend Lizard as he will do to me for a fair price on my boat. So, I will undertake this job. Provided That in friendship I am paid a fair price on the boat now and an additional 100 iron for the map job. There is much greater risk to me in this matter. For not only must I avoid guards, but if found outside of the temple I will be in violation of the God-Kings one great law that all must attend the games.
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#23 Post by Todd Spengo »

Arngrim nods at Ari-nasir's words.

"If you're good at something, never do it for free."

I'm not sure we're good at anything yet, but he doesn't know that! :mrgreen:
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#24 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Thief, Y'Mataar ***

Resting within the comfort of the shadows and nodding his head in agreement with Ari-nasir's words, Mukuli eyes up the lizard and looks for any sing of traps that may be nearby.
[1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2...no traps spotted :cry:
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#25 Post by imperialus »

I'm not going to keep trying to type things out in the Drakai's 'accent'. It takes too bloody long
The lizard eyes you levely for a moment and makes a hissing sound as he shakes his head.

"You barter hard, but not well. It is true I could go to any shipwright and pay him one thousand pieces of iron for a boat, but that is for a new boat, and one without the blood of its former owner staining the deckboards. I may perhaps be able to sell this again for six hundred, but I will also need to give money to various people so that it can 'disappear'. I will pay you three hundred now for the boat... and one hundred for the map. I will also promise a fair price for any other items you see fit to liberate from the targets house... As for the "God King's" (he almost spits the word) "law... well if all must attend the games, then the only ones not attending will also be interested in not turning each other in. There are few guards in the streets, and honest folks are all enjoying the blood and spectacle. Those guards that are in the street... shall we say they know that it is in their best interest to allow those who's business keeps them away from the games to proceed unmolested. One need simply provide them with a small donation to the 'God King's temple' and they will leave well enough alone.
if it isn't obvious the donation to the god kings temple is kinda like a donation to the policeman's widows and orphans fund
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#26 Post by Dogma »

"Four hundred for the barge. For a few bits of iron one can repaint a name and change a bits of wood so that no one would knwo the difference," chimed in Ptah, giving in again to to his merchant upbringing. "For the map, what do you know of the Lenegesh estate? Do you know where the map is located within? Do you knwo the layout of the buildings? Number of guards? Is the map warded or can it be easlity taken? Much we need to know before we can agree to fetch it for you."
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#27 Post by imperialus »

Very well, four hundred for the barge... As for the Templar. It should be quite straight forward. I have never known him to hire guards, barring a slave who serves as his doorman. A friend of mine who saw the map said he keeps it in a chest in his study on the second floor, and he has no sorcerous knowledge with which to cast a ward or other protective dwomer on the map."
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#28 Post by Dogma »

Ptah-Kahtmak, Keshite Sorcerer

"Just because this Templar knows nothing of the dark arts doesn't mean he didn't pay another who does to set a spell upon his treasure, but we will do this task all the same. Pay us the four hundreds of iron for the barge. We will need the coins if we are to get you the map." Ptah-Kahtmak straightens his robes before continuing. "We will need a sum of coins for bribing the guards during the festival as well. Another 50 iron should do I would think."
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#29 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Thief, Y'Mataar ***

Coming out of the shadows and into the light Mukuli heads toward the lizard. "I have to agree with my friend, the 400 iron for the ship is a fair price but the extra 50 iron will secure us in your plot to steal that expansive map. What you say? Pay us and we will be off...to gather that map you so want."
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#30 Post by imperialus »

Very well... I will get the coin The Draki stands up and moves to another room returning with a small pouch of coin. four hundred twenty pieces of iron, as agreed. I can provide you with directions to the templar's estate, but beyond that you are on your own. Remember, two days hence and the games take place. The revalry continues late into the night so if you wish for the cover of darkness, you may do so. When you have acquired the map please go and find Blathu, he will find me and arrange a meeting."
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#31 Post by Todd Spengo »

Arngrim speaks, "Four hundred and fifty pieces of iron is what you mean to say, I'm sure."
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#32 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Thief, Y'Mataar ***

"Yes, Arngrim. I agree with you." Rubbing his forhead as if to relieve tension, Mukuli looks into the eyes of the lizard."This lizard is more than getting on my nerves. The deal was and is as promised. Four hundred and fifty iron or we leave. This whole bartering thing might work out in the markets when buying produce from a farmer but not here, and not with us. What you say lizard?"
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#33 Post by Rostranor »

Ari-nasir snatched the pouch of coins and weighed it in his hand. Ah yes, 450 it is. Our good friend misspoke. Very well it is done, a boat sold and a map to be pinched. Come friends, we have work to do.
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#34 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Thief, Y'Mataar ***

"It will be done. the map is all but yours."Looking at the rest of the party, "we have a couple days till the games begin. I suggest we scout out the area, where the map is located at, rest up and buy all our needed items. Lets go back to that tavern and divide these coins first."
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Re: IC: Part 2: Streets of Y'Mataar

#35 Post by imperialus »

The deal done, Blathu escorts you back to the tavern he had previously taken you to. Before he leaves he says "Have a care friends. It is not often that the lizard will so easily part with coin. He's decent enough for a fence, but he must truely desire you to be undertaking this job in order to offer such a princely sum."
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