Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#121 Post by jemmus »

Andreas rolls for today take us to 1:00 PM. (Travel through hilly country is at 2 mph, and a Tracking roll is need every 2 miles. So, one tracking roll per hour. Before today's rolls, the group had traveled 4 miles from Burnet-- slow going. Would need 7 more Tracking rolls to take us to half an hour before nightfall today. We'll proceed when we have those and the other characters' posts. If you want to roll Observation rolls (except Andreas, his attention is on reading sign on the ground), we'll need one for every hour (7 rolls for 7 hours to one PM). If your character takes a particular position relative to the group or some other disposition, please state).

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#122 Post by Thumper »

Just trying to get my bearings straight:
Burnet to the Colorado River is approximately 14 miles (Google maps says that the distance to Marble Falls). The Vitek ranch is 1 mile south of the river…about 15 miles south Southwest of Burnet total according to Pythagoreum’s Theorem and our instruction from the Sheriff). So between 15 and 16 as the crow flies. Maybe 16 to 17 with the curve going out of Burnet then picking up the trail from the robbery site to the ranch.

Am I understanding this correctly? Attempted tracking skills provide for limited travel during failed tracking attempts…only moved the 2 MPH on the successful rolls? So from 10am til 7:30pm (9.5 hours) we only moved 4 miles out of Andreas’ marker…hence 4 miles from Burnet in the direction of the Vitek’s ranch… then we camped. Today, Andreas made 4 consecutive successes so we’ve now moved another 8 miles? We’re now 12 miles out from Burnet with an estimated 15 total…so ~3 more miles to go?

…AND Andreas currently has the trail.

Sounds reasonable to me continue tracking…at least until 7pm (6 more hrs) then try to find the Bland’s place riding fast with the last of the daylight. 2 more successful tracking attempts should put us at the Vitek’s, if I calculated correctly.

DT would travel alongside Andreas. He’d have asked Andreas to point out the signs when he sees them or what he’s looking for when he’s not. Seeing them…as a way for DT to learn. Otherwise, he’d try to keep an eye out. Probably a penalty for splitting his attention at times.

Obs 15: [1d20]=7
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#123 Post by cybersavant »

Andreas Larson

will point out signs and what to look for to any interested, but say that with older tracks it harder to find and follow, which is why we're travelling in the direction we think they went - better odds
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#124 Post by Thumper »

Looks like Andreas first roll gets up close. Within a mile or so. Close enough for a Luck roll to find/hear the squeaky windmill?

Luck 8: [1d20]=2
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#125 Post by jemmus »

Thumper wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:49 am Just trying to get my bearings straight:
Burnet to the Colorado River is approximately 14 miles (Google maps says that the distance to Marble Falls). The Vitek ranch is 1 mile south of the river…about 15 miles south Southwest of Burnet total according to Pythagoreum’s Theorem and our instruction from the Sheriff). So between 15 and 16 as the crow flies. Maybe 16 to 17 with the curve going out of Burnet then picking up the trail from the robbery site to the ranch.

Am I understanding this correctly? Attempted tracking skills provide for limited travel during failed tracking attempts…only moved the 2 MPH on the successful rolls? So from 10am til 7:30pm (9.5 hours) we only moved 4 miles out of Andreas’ marker…hence 4 miles from Burnet in the direction of the Vitek’s ranch… then we camped. Today, Andreas made 4 consecutive successes so we’ve now moved another 8 miles? We’re now 12 miles out from Burnet with an estimated 15 total…so ~3 more miles to go?

…AND Andreas currently has the trail.
Obs 15: [1d20]=7
Obs 15: [1d20]=7
That's pretty much right. But it's 1873, and the group isn't riding a road or following a surveyor's best route to the Colorado and the next town. They're instead following tracks of a group of riders through roadless country. It may be a few miles farther to the Colorado than in modern times. Maybe 2 to 4 or so.

Right, tracking checks are made every 2 miles. In this case, movement through hilly areas is at 2 miles per hour, so it works out neatly. If the roll succeeds, you move forward 2 miles that hour. If it fails, you move forward 0 miles that hour and instead spend the time searching for sign. (That's at -4 to succeed, by the way. Pretty tough).

Andreas' first roll took the group forward 2 more miles. And then he lost the sign and couldn't find it again before half an hour before dark. The group is 14 miles SSW of Burnet at the end of the second day.

Please remove a day's rations from your character sheets. Please also add 2 XP for rooming and boarding at Mrs. Smith's in Burnet the night before last.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#126 Post by Thumper »

I previously stated (quoted in Jemmus’ last):
sounds reasonable to me continue tracking…at least until 7pm (6 more hrs) then try to find Will Bland’s place riding fast with the last of the daylight.
With about an hour and a half of daylight left, DT proposes to the group that we terminate any further attempt at tracking and ride fast in the last known direction of the tracks for the River, cross, and search for Will Bland’s ranch….as recommended by the Sheriff. Bed down in his barn and ask for directions. We could always come back to this spot and attempt to resume tracking again tomorrow so as to verify positive hot pursuit. We could possibly arm ourselves with more information for Mr Bland as well.

But I’m not the expert in tracking missions. If y’all think it better we camp out the night here and resume in the morning, I’m ok with that too.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#127 Post by ateno »

"I like the idea of a barn instead of weeds rolling over me at night, so there I am."

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#128 Post by redwarrior »

William I agree, and I'm running a bit low on food and wouldn't mind seeing if this rancher would be willing to sell us some.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#129 Post by jemmus »

With an hour and half of daylight left, the riders decide on a change of course from precise tracking to heading in the general direction described. Gideon says, I suppose more people will know ar destination, if that ends up makin any difference. Where Mr. Andreas Larson's trackin would take us their like a arrow, and just as quiet. A can tell cow patties from horse droppins, but that's about it. Ah have to tip mah hat to Mr. Andreas's trackin skill. Which he does.

The riders spur their strong horses into a lope, and within a half an hour come upon a wire-fenced ranch with a breed of cattle they haven't seen before. They're shorter and fatter than the usual longhorns, and they seem to be prospering.
A whitewashed ranch house and a big, red, newish-looking barn sit toward the back of the wide ranch plot. There's Texas flag flying to be seen. A couple of hundred yards behind the house and the barn is a line of thick woods. From what the riders know of this part of Texas, that's likely a sign of plentiful water, either flowing or standing. They ride on outside of the rancher's fence and enter the wooded area. There's an old bare earth trail worn into the earth by cattle following each other single file from place to place: from grazing to water, from water to shelter from storms, from shelter back to grazing.... Gideon says, Ya can always count on a cow trail ta lead ya on the easiest way ta git from one good place to another. Instead a stompin through tall grass climbin rises and lookin around. But coyotes and wolfs like em too. They can follow em right up to tha edge of a herd, and nip a weak calf off a its cow in a second. Ah suppose if ah was a outlaw movin in a hurry, ah'd folla the ole cattle trails. Or of course, watch fer people followin along em too.

The riders observe around and move through the woods, hopeful of reaching Will Bland's ranch before nightfall. Soon they come to the banks of not a creek or a pond, but a real river.
It can only be the river called the Colorado. That runs downstream 20 or more miles from here through the city of Austin. The river looks quiet and mild enough-- but broad and deep enough as well. Likely too deep for wading it on horseback. But of course, horses can swim, holding their heads above water and dog paddling with all four legs. When they have to. With their rider holding onto their tail and being towed along behind. Burdened with their rides holding onto behind their tails and being towed behind them.

Gideon McLaury reins in his horse and survey the river. Continuing in one his a loquacious moods, he says, Water moccasins. We don't have much around Waco. But mah Aint Ruby in Arkansas tole us watch out fer em when hunting bullfrog legs around a pond dam. They git up inta tree branches over water, and then drop down inta tha water when they git angry. Said nests of em will do that. Mah Uncle Oliver said he had ta fight one off with a fishin pole. He was on boat, fishing with his brother, and the snake come swimmin up, and ready ta git right in it. Uncle Earl had fight it with a ole cane pole. A rattler's got some sense, it won't strike unless yer horse's hoof steps on it. Then it will shore enough whip back and fight. But a moccasin is another whole different breed a crazy king a pizonous viper.

The party has many options for spending the remaining hour of today's daylight, and the hours of starlit night after. One of which is to ride maybe 5 to 10 miles east, toward Austin. To a North to South road marked on a map that DT saw in odd man's map in Austin.

Swimming skill (p. 18).
Surprisingly few Westerners
actually knew how to swim. Anyone with this
skill can swim automatically under normal
circumstances, but must make a skill check
in turbulent water or rapids, if seriously
wounded, or if weighted down with heavy
clothing, guns, gold, etc. Characters without
this skill must make a skill check against
one-half their Strength score, rounded up,
anytime they get dunked. If this roll fails,
they are going down. They get one more
chance to make a Luck check this time.
Success means they drag themselves to the
bank, half drowned. Failure means they can't
get out without help, and will drown in 30
seconds (five turns) unless rescued.

The PCs's horses have the same basic chance of success for Strength and swimming. -2 for any riders on their tails. Luckily, you all have good, brave horses. Let's see the rolls. :)
Last edited by jemmus on Sun May 05, 2024 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#130 Post by Thumper »

DT strips down to his shirt, skivvies and socks, stows all his gear in his saddlebags, ties his boots and medical backpack to the saddle and rides Ajax to the water.

River crossings are never safe. I’m going to try crossing here. If ya aren’t confident I’d ride hard for the ford at the road then ride hard for Mr Blane’s place. Meet ya there. I’ll tell him you’re coming. Might try to save a little supper for ya.

I need a soaking in the river to rinse off some of this sweat and grime.
he smiles

He’ll scout for a good place to enter, ride Ajax into the water, then slip back out of the saddle to hold his tail when it’s too deep to stay in the saddle.

Swim: [1d20+2]=2+2=4

(Ajax’s Str/2= 23/2 rounded up=12 … +2 to the roll for rider burden on tail.)

On the other side, he’ll retrieve his carbine and stand watch if others follow…until he needs to assist others.

I don’t believe any of the PCs have a rope, if Gidean did, he’d offer to mount Ajax’s where he’s on firm footing, then offer to rescue pull, as needed, others across the deep part to his side. He’ll offer to get the end of the rope, wrap it around his saddle horn, when the next rider has to leave the saddle he’ll slowly walk Ajax toward shore to take out the slack and stand ready to tow on the other horse’s saddle horn should the horse struggle until that horse regains footing on this side of the river bed).

I wanted to ensure at least one of the characters made it to Bland’s ranch to gather inrel tonight. It’s likely those who ride to the road will encounter fenced ranches along the river as they get closer to the road…having to negotiate around them ti the North…slowing them down a bit and possibly riding in the dusk/dark.
Last edited by Thumper on Mon May 06, 2024 12:26 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#131 Post by ateno »

Doos follows DT suit, but first he takes the rope and ties himself and throws it across to DT.

Then enters the water and heads for 10' upstream from DT hoiping thats enough to cancel the river.

Doos swim vs 6 [1d20]=4 Horse vs 12 [1d20+2]=9+2=11

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#132 Post by redwarrior »

William decides to follow Doos' example and sends Hermes across, loaded with all his gear. He figures that using Hermes' body to break the current, he'll have an easier time. Instead, he collides with the horse, his head goes under, and grabs a mouthful of water, panicked and 3/4 drowned, he finally pulls himself gasping to the shore, where he collapses, wretching up water and what is left in his stomach.

Hermes Swim [1d20]=10 target 13, success
Swim [1d20]=12 target 6, failure for William.
Luck target 6 [1d20]=6
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#133 Post by jemmus »

Gideon weighs the option of riding for the road and its bridge or ford, with the risk of not immediately finding the group again, versus his dread of vipers in the water that can swim much better than he can. He opts to cowboy up and follow suit and cross here. He clings to his horse's tail, the grim, desperate look on his face making him look rather preposterous. He looks left and right for any signs of water serpents. The horse struggles with the swimming, its head and its rider's going under the water on at least three occasions. Gideon stops looking around for vipers, his attention more on the immediate concerns about staying above water and drawing breath. At last they make it to the south bank, separately drag themselves up onto it. The horse and the man cough and cough, each on all fours.

The horse failed its Strength roll, made its Luck one. Per the rules, one of the PCs who had already crossed could have saved them.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#134 Post by Thumper »

Just need to get Andreas across. DT throws him the rope across the deep part of the river.

I would think a horse struggling to swim would become panicky. Might be a wild ride hanging onto it’s tail…
Last edited by Thumper on Sun May 05, 2024 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#135 Post by jemmus »

That horse dog-paddled for its life. Sadly, nobody brought a rope. For river rescues, or for hangins from green limbs with a new rope. What a datgum brutal place this is.... Texas, 1873.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#136 Post by Thumper »

Whew! We, as a group, have gotten really lucky then.

DT begins to think that there has to be a place near here where a horse can wade across with a rider if the criminals we're after cross routinely going to the "River Station".
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#137 Post by cybersavant »

Andreas Larson watches the others each take turns crossing the river. After seeing two of them nearly drown, he thinks better of following them. He waves and then heads up alongside the bank to find another way across.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#138 Post by Thumper »

DT waves back at Andrea’s.

Understandable. He might be the smartest of the bunch.

He’ll hand his telescope to Gidean and ask him to go to a rise or uo a tree to look for another Texas flag flying somewhere near here on the south side of the river. (Often the biggest trees are along a river or creek).

After dressing while keeping a wary eye on their surroundings, DT will gather rocks in a fire circle around a rocky and brushless section of the bank with the breeze carrying smoke and sparks out over the water. He’ll gather brush in one pile, twigs in another, sticks in another then deadfall wood. He’ll start a fire (flint and steel) and build it up finally piling the deadwood in it. When it’s burning and not posing a danger to the still green vegetation, he’ll stack some rocks to imitate Andreas’ previous trail marker. He’s trying to ensure Andreas picks up their trail.
Last edited by Thumper on Mon May 06, 2024 8:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#139 Post by ateno »

"We just ride our horses in a line, it should give him enough to easily follow us, drop a rock every so often."

Doos grabs a dozen river rocks and puts them where he can get them.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#140 Post by jemmus »

Andreas rides to the west, headed to strike the road or trail leading south from Burnet.

Gideon takes the telescope and replies to DT, Ah guess ah've done coughed up mah gallon er two of Colorada water and give em back ta the river. Ah'll give it a try. But ah ain't too proud ta tell ya ah ain't the very best at spotting things. Never was. Except fer when it's a card bein dealt off a tha bottom of tha deck. He rides south, towards what he supposes will be out of the riverbank woods.

DT starts building his fire and marker, while Doos builds a stone marker of his own.

After around a quarter of an hour Gideon returns and hands the telescope to DT. Ya shore can see a long ways with that teleyscope. I seen a ranch missus and her daughters branging in the warshin from the clothesline from a mile off. There's a bunch a ranches there to the south and southwest, some more well-off than others. But ah didn't see no Texas flag. But it's hilly country, and Sun'll set before long. And it could be that that Mr. Bland is a real Texas patriot who takes his flag down before dark. But like ah said, ah ain't no Indian scout er Davy Crockett. Maybe somebody would have better luck.
I jumped ahead of William's post, because I have have some time at the moment. William can of course post an action for this short quarter-hour period of time.
Andreas is separate from the group, so I'll post to his private forum.
There are 45 minutes of daylight left today.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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