Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

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Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

A recent addition to the settlement is the construction of a new Chapel dedicated to St Ygg. This was accepted as part of Lord Krothos' attempts to establish his authority over the settlement in exchange for providing more security to the frontier.

The chapel is only partially constructed, the roof and church tower still being erected. There are however the outward fixtures of baptismal font, stained glass windows and icons in place and under curate Leomane, the first services are held on a weekly basis.

Attached to the church is a small Duchy barracks for the militia conscripts seconded to securing the settlement and patrolling the nearby regions. Presently the militia number no more than a couple of dozen men, so their scope for 'law enforcement' and conflict management is fairly limited to being a deterrent to raiders breaching the stockade and to act as tax collectors for the Duchy coffers.

actions here for all things pertaining to St Yggs or the Duchy administrative affairs.
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#2 Post by Jernau35 »

June 22nd 1066

Perseverance Hake

The door of the chapel creaks open and a short figure enters. He picks his way around the various building materials and under the scaffolding. "Hello? Hello? Anybody here? I'm looking for Brother Leomane".

Upon meeting the curate, the newcomer introduces himself. "Good day Brother! My name is Hake. Perseverance Hake. Though I prefer if people call me Hake. I've been sent up here from the church in Helix with this package of letters for you." He hands over a tightly wrapped bundle. "I'd only just arrived there myself, but the brethren there seemed to think I'd be of best service to Saint Ygg out here. Indeed, is it not written:

Praise St Ygg and thou shalt renew thy love; thou shalt remove evil."

Hake looks around at the incomplete chapel. "This does look like it will be a splendid hall of worship soon brother. Though I must say this town is rather...bleaker...than I expected. How grows your flock? Is it necessary for there to be two priests out here? Or can I praise St Ygg in another way?"
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#3 Post by Spearmint »

The Chapel of St Ygg's.

Perseverance Hake you can have been in the village a few days.

The itinerant cleric has arrived by wagon a few days earlier, clutching various letters and documents; most diocesan litanies and instructions from the hierarchy of the church. On the wagon too he has the dedicated bronze utensils and basin that served the Helix chapel until it was upgraded to silver crafted implements of devotion. That new Font, dedicated in memory of a deceased cleric Truro.

With the Summer Solstice as a deadline, the Font at Crooked Yew is erected and by dawn's early light, a dedication and celebration takes place. Curate Leomane takes special pride in the font being raised as the promise is that at least on a bi-monthly basis, the Vicar from Helix will pass by and in ceremonial ritual, produce some flasks of anointed waters. A bit of 'divine oneupmanship' since the Druid's themselves, as they have no authority to rebuke Undead, lack the divine favour to craft Holy Water.

After a couple of days helping nail boards and strip fittings, the itinerant priest Hake asks regarding other ministry opportunity.

"The congregants are few. I take confessionals from the militia and serve communion to a few but largely these are stubborn adherents to 'the Old Ways', though with healing the sick and preaching ordained religion, the keeping of statutes and doctrine, a few souls show interest." Curate Leomane is young in the ministry but dutiful to fulfill his obligation, both to the church and the Crown.

The Summer Solstice festival is a joint ecumenical affair, though the Maypole dancing to encourage fertility and sacrificial hunts are left to those of the Herne faith.

The two big issues that concern the settlement are the continued afflictions suffered by the giant bees which is decimating the hives and the integration of the leprous Bugbears into the commune.

"The good Lord will surely set you upon a path." he says in response to your questioning.

Hake ask anything else here relevant to the church, St Ygg's or the Duchy.
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#4 Post by Spearmint »

July 29th

Perseverance Hake can return to the new Chapel works, assisting with any building projects during downtime and touching base with the resident clergyman, Curate Leomane.

The Font is established, a great occasion for the Chapel as the edifice csn provide a much needed resource of Holy Water to the community.

As a minister of St Ygg, Perseverance Hake can receive +1 Flask of Holy Water as a blessing for his help in the mission's work.
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#5 Post by Jernau35 »

Hake spends a day fasting as thanks for the blessing that St Ygg has provided him. He also donates a tithe to assist in the building work of the chapel.

I'm not sure of Hake's share of the treasure yet, so I'll deduct it once I'm certain.

Accepting the flask of Holy Water, Hake tells Leomane: "Thank you Brother. This blessing comes at a fortunate time. The scourge of undead is on the rise throughout the forests out there."

"Near the beginning of our journey, we were trailed by the lifeless spirit of a girl. It seemed as if she was trying to tempt us to turn aside, perhaps to assist her. But as the Saint tells us, shades of the dead bring naught but evil to the living. Wisely, my companions resisted her call. Myself, I was torn between seeking her destruction, or turning away from her. To my shame, in my cowardice, I walked away. I sensed that she was more than just a harmless girl".

"Brother Leomane, it pains me that this shade is still out there. I shall bring her to her true rest within a year from this day, I swear here in this blessed chapel".
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#6 Post by Spearmint »

The Chapel of St Ygg

Curate Leomane, of similar age to Perseverance Hake. The young priest recently appointed in place to oversea the pastoral and preaching ministry within the frontier settlement's bounds. He has little experience of the wider region.

"Clive and his apprentice acolytes have told me of the 'Wandering Spirits' that haunt much of the forest fringe. The Druids are without divine blessings to rebuke and repel the Undead presence so they have been left to wander and terrorise the Southwoods."

He takes your vow, confessional and financial offering. You can bunk in the adjoining barracks during your recuperation in Crooked Yew, fellowshipping with the Duchy militia conscripts who train under a veteran Sgt-at-arms, Gomery.

Actions Hake give me a Wisdom check for ministering with the Duchy troops (I will use it to resolve any proselytizing and information gathering.
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#7 Post by Quonundrum »


He enters the chapel seeking an audience with Curate Leomane. "I would like to make a donation in the memory of Piggott and Eddery. I know not if they were men of Ygg, yet they held steadfast against overwhelming undead and gave of their lives such that our mission could proceed."

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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#8 Post by Jernau35 »

Hake divides his time between prayer, working on the chapel, training with the soldiers, and fellowshipping with them.

Wisdom check (Wis15) [3d6]=6

100gp tithe
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#9 Post by Spearmint »

Chapel of St Ygg

"I would like to make a donation in the memory of Piggott and Eddery.
certainly their deaths can be commemorated.

The first death under the horns and hooves of the Undead flock, his body stretchered to the settlement on the summoned Floating Disc. The secondary dying under the Quillan's obsidian bladed frenzies. His body buried where he fell.

The village craftsmen can arrange a suitable memorial that recognises their vocation beyond 'swords-for-hire'.

Informing Osen can be done by raven-post and a follow up visit once you return to Helix.

Perseverance Hake, vocationally attached to the militant wing of the Faith rather than the pastoral, spends free time in the Duchy barracks. He teaches a few 'anthems of war', songs to inspire courage and steadfastness. You also set about various preliminary studies of the Undead you encountered, wondering how to improve your detection and reactions to them.

(checks are made using vs 4d6).

You Wisdom check gives you insight that 'all is not well' among the contingent. Given charge from Lord Krothos to 'bring order and security' to the region, they undertake regular patrols and are busy stockading the settlement, using the leper Bugbears as labourers. Whilst on face value this seems a wise decision, a lot of the settlers regard a gated community as a restriction to free and independent movement. Certain 'Duchy' works have been sabotaged and though Clive and Leomane as figureheads try to resolve issues, an underlying resentment towards their presence remains.

The tithe taken from your gift gets used in providing basics of supplies for the men. They can accompany you to patrol the region of the Forest Haunt but see no sign of the strange wraith girl.
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#10 Post by Jernau35 »


Hake tries to talk to as many people as possible in Crooked Yew who may have some knowledge of undead. He starts with Leomane and Clive then with anyone who is likely to have encountered undead in the forest or seen any sign of them: soldiers, hunters, farmers etc.

Hake also writes down as many details as he can recall from his own encounters: the ghost girl; the battle with the wights; the prayer he made that St Ygg blessed so favorably; Two-Birds wounds; the condition of Eddery's body. He interviews his companions for their recollections

Wisdom 15
Hard Ability Check [4d6]=19

Int 10
Hard Ability Check [4d6]=14
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#11 Post by Spearmint »

St Ygg's new chapel.
He starts with Leomane and Clive then with anyone who is likely to have encountered undead in the forest or seen any sign of them:
Certainly undead wander. In past years it was mostly infrequent 'walking dead', ghouls or zombies that inhabit the Barrow Moor, the atrophying residue of humanity slain as adventurers in the Barrow Mounds and cursed to live on after death. More recently, incursions of greater significance such as the 'Undead Flock' herded by the Satyr. The cause undoubtedly coming from the resurgent influence of the death cults (Nergal, Set, Orcus) that took root among the humanoid tribes such as the Bugbears. Clive, Hunnicot the ranger and Dalin helped defeat Katka, the Set cult leader in a village a day's walk over the north ridge. The bugbear lepers helping in exchange for their own disease state being addressed.

Several bugbear acolytes of the cult survived and were dispersed into the forest. Perhaps a patrol or investigation to determine how the cult fares could be undertaken?

Perseverance Hake, scripts notes and testimony, turning much of the practical study into mediation and spiritual warfare, see private threads in order to gain cleric class increase in the specific areas of understanding the chill touch of life-energy draining undead and gain divine blessings to restore inner health and vitality to necrotically chilled victims.
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#12 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

The ranger approaches the new building, knocking politely and entering. If services are being conducted he takes a pew at the back until he can meet with Curate Leomane.

"Fine building you have here." he says, to break the ice as much as anything.

I want to ask about the reward alluded to by Hunnicot in regard to quelling the Bugbear brigands.
Several bugbear acolytes of the cult survived and were dispersed into the forest. Perhaps a patrol or investigation to determine how the cult fares could be undertaken?
This is from a previous conversation here but I presume the offer is still available?

"I have certain base scouting skills but ideally, will not travel alone. If the scouting of the brigands has a bounty attached, I would be happy to take a commission.

Could the Duchy support such an endeavour? Perhaps a man-at-arms to help quell any hostilities?"
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#13 Post by Spearmint »

Reactions of Leomane: [1d100]=80

The young curate is very happy for you to take on responsibility to scout out the renegade Bugbears. He can furnish you with some possible aide, offering a Vial of Holy Water from the new font's dedication and cuffing your wrist with a blessed bracelet that is inscribed with 'what would St Ygg do?, (this bring your single use Easter Egg boon).

It can be difficult to ascribe worth or value in terms of bounty in regards to information on the brigands. Certainly bringing any to justice (justice with extreme prejudice being a Duchy or Lord Krothos preference), could earn a greater reward. For now, the church can cover a basic of rations and equipment along with a baton containing a 'Letter of Marque' in its shaft that gives you authorisation to act on behalf of the Crown.

Whilst few militiamen are available since half set off this morning to accompany the Feywild trek, he can introduce you to the barracks Sgt-at-arms and after conversation he seconds a cadet to act as torchbearer to beef out your expedition.

A gangly, spotty youth, clad in basic boiled leathers and ill fitting garb salutes, "I will do my duty Sir.".

Torchbearer Grigor, will join you when you leave the settlement.
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Re: Crooked Yew: St Yggs Chapel and barracks.

#14 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner,

The ranger thanks the priest, accepting the holy water a bit more excitedly than the bracelet (as he follows Herne rather than St Ygg).

I won't turn the gift away and in thinking in character rather than as a player, I will gift the bracelet bonus to the torchbearer militiaman (assuming that npc's don't have an Easter Egg boon). I could still do with another companion mind (knowing Hedrak is about) and once dismissed with my bounty agreed to search for Bugbear bandits, I will leave the chapel and also go to 'pay respects' to the senior Druid elders.

I will collect Grigor once ready to leave the settlement.
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