Character Generation

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Character Generation

#1 Post by grokkngrognard »


Campaign ID 1056

We're in early days, so if any of you have any suggestions to anything below, give me a holler.
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Re: Character Generation

#2 Post by grokkngrognard »

* This page is still under construction and I reserve the right to change/modify the rules as I fit. If it's not listed here, don't make assumptions. Ask questions.*

Character Generation

The first rule of Dragonslayer Player Character Creation is simple: All characters die eventually. Players need to play their characters with guile to ensure survival at first level. Remember, the Maze Controller never kills player characters, players kill their characters through reckless play or fate (the dice).

1. Begin the process with a new Character Sheet. Please use the Dice Roller's fillable character sheet.

2. Read through the Ability Scores, Races, and Classes to get a feel for each and their prerequisites.

3. Roll 3d6 seven times for your Ability Scores and drop the lowest number. Use the appropriate macro using the Dice Roller. Post results when creating your character.

4. Arrange your six Ability Scores to suit your desired race and class. Races consist of two groups: humans and demi-humans (Cyclopsmen,* Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes Halflings, Half-Elves, and Half-Orcs). Demi-human races receive adjustments (bonuses and/or penalties) to their Ability Scores. Classes consist of Clerics (and the Druid and Monk subtypes), Fighters, (including the Barbarian, Paladin, and Ranger subtypes), Magic-Users (and the Illusionist subtype), and the Thief (and Assassin subtype). Note your Ability Scores and modifiers, and any special racial or class abilities, on your Character Sheet. Your rolls may not be high enough to play your first choice of race or class.

*I've decided not to allow the Cyclopsman as a character race. But their language -Suul- may be of some use in-game.

5. Level 1 characters begin play with full hit points (listed under each class entry) plus/minus his or her Constitution Modifier. Hit points after Level 1 are rolled and the Constitution Modifier applied.

6. Roll your starting gold pieces using Dice Roller and select your weapons and equipment or select a Fast Pack. Note your choices on your character sheet. Weapons and armor must correspond to class restrictions.

7. Determine your Armor Class (AC) based on your armor type and Dexterity Modifier.

8. Record your Saving Throws (see each class entry).

9. Under “To Hit Armor Class” your character requires a 20 to hit AC: 0, 19 to hit AC: 1, 18 to hit AC: 2, etc. 10. Name your character, consider a basic description, and think of a one or two sentence backstory.

Once your character is approved, you will then embed the character sheet to the appropriate Character Sheet thread. Please include an image of your character with it.

Ability Scores

Player Characters (PCs) possess six attributes. These include Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. Unless otherwise noted no Ability Score may be lower than 3 or higher than 18 (regardless of racial bonuses or penalties).


Strength (Str) measures a player character’s physical and muscular prowess. The score is particularly important to fighters and their subtypes. A high strength increases the ability to hit and score damage in battle with handheld weapons, as well as opening stuck doors.
Strength Score Melee Attack/Damage and Force Door Modifier*
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3
*All successful attacks score one hit point of damage (minimum). The modifier applies to all hand-held melee attack and damage rolls.


Intelligence (Int) determines the ability to acquire, process, and apply knowledge. Magic-users and illusionists require high intelligence to comprehend, memorize, and channel magical spells.
Intelligence Score Languages Language Ability
3 -3 Unable to Read/Write/Speech
4-5 -2 Unable to Read/Write
6-8 -1 Read/Write (Partial)
9-12 0 Read/Write
13-15 +1 Read/Write
16-17 +2 Read/Write
18 +3 Read/Write


Wisdom (Wis) describes metal discipline and the capacity to understand and gather insight into the nature of existence. Clerics, druids, and monks require a high wisdom score.
Wisdom Score Magic Saving Throw Modifier*
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3
*Applies to all mind-influencing magical effects.


Dexterity (Dex) reflects fine motor skill, hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and balance. Dexterity allows a player character to dodge attacks and also improves missile, or ranged, attack ability. Thieves require high dexterity to pick pockets and remove traps.
Dexterity Score Missile Attack/Damage Modifier* Armor Class Modifier
3 -3 +3
4-5 -2 +2
6-8 -1 +1
9-12 0 0
13-15 +1 -1
16-17 +2 -2
18 +3 -3
*All successful attacks do a minimum of 1 point of damage. The modifier applies to all missile (also called ranged) attack and damage rolls.


Constitution (Con) represents a player character’s physical health and stamina. This ability score modifier increases the PCs base hit points. All classes value a high constitution score.
Constitution Score Hit Point Modifier*
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3
*All PCs receive one hit point per level (minimum) regardless of a negative modifier.


Charisma (CHA) refers to a player character’s physical beauty, allure, persuasiveness, magnetism, along with leadership ability. Charisma influences the number of retainers (henchmen and hirelings) a PC may retain and bolsters their morale. As natural born leaders, paladins require a high charisma score.
Charisma Score Number of Henchmen Henchmen Morale
3 0 4
4-5 1 5
6-8 2 6
9-12 3 7
13-15 4 8
16-17 5 9
18 6 10
The above tables were made possible by the awesome dmw71. Long may He reign!

Character Races

Races consist of two groups: Humans and Demi-humans. Demi-humans include Cyclopsmen, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, and Halflings. The ability scores generated in the previous section must meet or exceed the minimum requirements of each race. Humans have no minimum ability score requirements.

Demi-humans, on the other hand, require at least one ability score minimum to be eligible. Racial bonuses may not lower Ability Scores below 3 or above 18.

I have intentionally left out lore and description of the races. We're all familiar with them and it keeps the pages shorter. If you want to know these details, just ask.


Ability Score Requirements: None
Ability Score Modifiers: None
Class and Level Limitations: No Assassins
Humans are not subject to demi-human level limits. Humans can always play a cleric, fighter, magic-user, or thief, as they have no minimum class ability score requirements.

Human Racial Abilities
Movement: Humans have a speed of 40 feet per round.
Languages: Humans begin play with Common. A human can speak Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, or Suul, subject to Intelligence Modifier.


Ability Score Requirements: Strength 8, Constitution 12
Ability Score Modifiers: Constitution +1, Charisma -1
Class and Level Limitations: Assassin 5, Cleric 9, Fighter 9, Thief 12

Dwarf Racial Abilities
Movement: Dwarves have a speed of 20 feet per round.
Darkvision: Dwarves are accustomed to life underground. They can see 60 feet in total darkness.
Stone Sense: Dwarves feel the earth beneath their feet. Dwarves have a 1-2 in d6 chance of detecting: Stonework Traps, False Walls, New Construction, Unstable Stonework, Toxic Gas, Stonework Secret Doors, and Sloped Passages while underground. Dwarves must concentrate and be within 10 feet to use their Stone Sense (as applicable).
Gem Appraisal: Dwarves may appraise gemstones for gold piece value held in-hand (1-2 on d6). Roll failure results in a mis-evaluation (+/- 50% of true value).
Saving Throw Bonuses: Dwarves are sturdy and resilient. They receive the following bonuses: Breath +2, Death +4, Stone +4, Wand +3, Spell +4.
Racial Enmity: Dwarves receive +1 to hit versus orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, norkers, and bugbears.
Weapon Restrictions: Dwarves may not use the halberd, longbow, bastard sword, or the two-handed sword.
Armor Class Size Adjustment: When attacked by larger than medium-sized creatures (7 feet or taller), dwarves receive a +4 armor class bonus.
Thief Skill Bonuses: Dwarven thieves receive bonuses to Pick Pockets +7%, Find Traps +10%, Climb Walls -10%
Languages: Dwarves begin play knowing the Dwarven language. A dwarven character may select Common, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, or Orc, subject to Intelligence Modifier.


Ability Score Requirements:Intelligence 8, Dexterity 7, Charisma 8
Ability Score Modifiers: Dexterity +1, Constitution -1
Class and Level Limitations: Assassin 7, Cleric 7, Fighter 7, Magic-User 12, Thief 10

Elf Racial Abilities

Movement: Elves have a speed of 40 feet per round.
Darkvision: Elves are accustomed to life under the stars and can see 60 feet in total darkness.
Detect Secret Doors: When elves pass near a secret door they receive a passive 1 on d6 chance to automatically detect due to their keen eyesight. When
actively searching, elves may detect hidden and secret doors on a roll of 1-2 on 1d6.
Racial Weapon: +1 to hit with the longbow.
Weapon Restrictions: Elves are too lithe to employ two-handed melee weapons.
Paralysis: Elves are immune to ghoul paralysis.
Sleep/Charm Immunity: Elves are 90% immune to Sleep and Charm spells.
Thief Skill Bonuses: Elven thieves receive bonuses to Pick Pockets +5%, Open Locks -5%, Move Silently +7%, Hide in Shadows +10%, Hear Noise +1 on d6.
Languages: Elves begin play knowing Elven and Common. They may select Ancient Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Orc, Goblin, Gnoll, as additional
languages if their Intelligence modifier permits.


Ability Score Requirements: Intelligence 7, Constitution 8
Ability Score Modifiers: Charisma -1, Constitution +1
Class and Level Limitations: Assassin 5, Cleric 7, Fighter 6, Illusionist 12, Thief 12

Gnome Racial Abilities
Movement: Gnomes have a speed of 20 feet per round.
Darkvision: Gnomes can see 60 feet in total darkness.
Weapon Restrictions: Gnomes may not use twohanded melee weapons, longbow, or heavy crossbow.
Racial Enmity: Gnomes receive an attack bonus of +1 against kobolds.
Underground Sense: Gnomes have a 1-2 in d6 chance of detecting hazardous structures (above or below ground), their depth or direction underground, and can detect sloped passages.
Gem Appraisal: Gnomes may appraise gemstones for gold piece value held in-hand (1 on d6). Roll failure results in a mis-evaluation (+/- 50% of true value).
Saving Throws: Gnomes receive the following bonuses: Breath +2, Death +4, Stone +4, Wand +1, Spell +2.
Illusionists: The duration of all illusionist spells cast by gnomes is increased by 3 rounds. Gnome illusionists may use the light crossbow.
Armor Class Size Adjustment: When attacked by larger than medium-sized creatures (7 feet or taller), gnomes receive a +4 armor class bonus.
Thief Skill Bonuses: Gnome thieves receive Open Locks +5%, Find Traps +7%, Move Silently +5%, Climb Walls -15%, Hide in Shadows +5%.
Languages: Gnomes begin play with the Gnomish.
They may select Common, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Goblin, or Kobold, if their intelligence modifier allows.


Ability Score Requirements: Dexterity 9, Constitution 9
Ability Score Modifiers: Strength -1, Dexterity +1
Class and Level Limitations: Cleric 4, Fighter 6, Thief 14

Halfling Racial Abilities
Movement: Halflings move 20 feet per round.
Darkvision: Halfings can see in total darkness up to 30 feet.
Gem Appraisal: Halflings may appraise gemstones held in-hand (1 on d6). Roll failure results in a mis-evaluation (+/- 50% of true value).
Saving Throw Bonuses: Pecks receive the following bonuses: Breath +2, Death +4, Stone +4, Wand +3, Spell +4.
Thrown Weapons and Restrictions: Halfings are +1 to hit with slings and daggers. Halflings may not use twohanded melee weapons, longbow, or heavy crossbow.
Hiding: Halfings may hide outdoors if motionless and silent (1-5) or in shadows underground (1-2 on d6).
Armor Class Size Adjustment: When attacked by larger than medium-sized monsters (7 feet or taller), halfings receive a +4 armor class bonus.
Thief Skill Bonuses: Halfling thieves receive the following bonuses Pick Pockets +5%, Open Locks +5%, Find Traps +5%, Move Silently +10%, Climb
Walls -15%, Hide in Shadows +10%
Languages: Halflings begin play knowing Halfling and Common. They may speak Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Orc, or Suul, subject to Intelligence Modifier.


Ability Score Requirements: Dexterity 6, Constitution 6
Ability Score Modifiers: None
Class and Level Limitations: Assassin 11, Cleric 5, Druid 8, Fighter 10, Magic-User 10, Ranger 8, Thief 12

Half-Elf Racial Abilities
Movement: Half-Elves have a speed of 40 feet per
Darkvision: Half-elves possess partial nighttime vision from their elven ancestors. They can see 30 feet in total darkness.
Detect Secret Doors: When actively searching, halfelves may detect hidden and secret doors on a roll of 1 on d6 due to their elven heritage.
Paralysis: Half-elves, from their elven lineage, are 50% immune to ghoul paralysis.
Languages: Half-elves begin play knowing both Common and Elvish. They may also speak Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, or Suul, subject to
Intelligence Modifier.
Thief Skill Bonuses: Half-elven thieves receive bonuses to Pick Pockets +10% and Hide in Shadows +5%.


Ability Score Requirements: Constitution 13
Ability Score Modifiers: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Charisma -2
Class and Level Limitations: Assassin 15, Cleric 4, Fighter 12, Thief 12

Half-Orc Racial Abilities
Movement: Half-orcs move 40 feet per round.
Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in darkness to 60 feet.
Tracking: Half-orcs can track in the wilderness (60% +2% for each individual after the first). They suffer penalties of -25% for every hour of rain and -10% for
every day since the tracks were made.
Thief Skill Bonuses: Half-orc thieves receive bonuses Pick Pockets -5%, Open Locks +5%, Find Traps +5%, Climb Walls +5%.
Languages: Half-orcs begin play with Common and
Orc. They may also know Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, or Halfling, subject to Intelligence Modifier.
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Re: Character Generation

#3 Post by dmw71 »

grokkngrognard wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:23 pmObviously I really suck at editing, formatting, etc. this kind of thing. Maybe someone can give me some tips to this kind of thing with tables and correct spacing.
Actually, you don't. The forums don't make it convenient.

I'm sure there are more, but here are your two primary methods:

First, the easiest method of the two:
Just wrap the nicely formatted text you actually input into the 'code' tag... which, I don't see the button for anymore.

But, here is what you entered:

Charisma (CHA) refers to a player character’s physical beauty, allure, persuasiveness, magnetism, along with leadership ability. Charisma influences the number of retainers (henchmen and hirelings) a PC may retain and bolsters their morale. As natural born leaders, paladins require a high charisma score.
Charisma Score Number of Henchmen Henchmen Morale
3 0 4
4-5 1 5
6-8 2 6
9-12 3 7
13-15 4 8
16-17 5 9
18 6 10

Here is the same but wrapped in a 'code' tag (which is nothing more than placing the opening 'code' tag ["code"] (minus the quotation marks) at the beginning of the section of text you want formatted; and a closing 'code' tag [/"code"] (again, minus the quotation marks) at the end. The same code using this method will end up looking like this:

Charisma (CHA) refers to a player character’s physical beauty, allure, persuasiveness, magnetism, along with leadership ability. Charisma influences the number of retainers (henchmen and hirelings) a PC may retain and bolsters their morale. As natural born leaders, paladins require a high charisma score.

Code: Select all

Charisma Score  Number of Henchmen  Henchmen Morale 
3	         0	 4 
4-5	         1	 5 
6-8	         2	 6 
9-12	         3	 7 
13-15	 4	 8 
16-17	 5	 9 
18	         6	 10 

Obviously, the '13-15' and '16-17' will require a tiny bit of tweaking, but you can see how the code, while it looks different, does preserve your intended look.

The second method requires a bit more "coding," but is my preferred method:

Using tables.

I picked Charisma because it had three columns and is therefore probably the most complicated of the stats, but here is what the table will look like in table form:
Charisma Score Number of Henchmen Henchmen Morale
3 0 4
4-5 1 5
6-8 2 6
9-12 3 7
13-15 4 8
16-17 5 9
18 6 10

Here is the code used to create the table, wrapped in the 'code' tag, so you can see the actual tags used, and how:

Code: Select all

    [th]Charisma Score[/th]
    [th]Number of Henchmen[/th] 
    [th]Henchmen Morale[/th]

If you'd like, I can easily create the tables for the other ability scores as well... just say the word, boss.
-- DM --
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Re: Character Generation

#4 Post by grokkngrognard »

gurusql wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:04 am Can you please request that you post the Campaign Id?
Done. Put it at the top of this thread.
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Dragonslayer RPG Tables

#5 Post by dmw71 »

Experience Point Tables
Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d8) Attack Bonus
0 Acolyte 1 0
1,600 Devotee 2 0
3,100 Holy Man 3 0
6,100 Zealot 4 +1
13,100 Priest 5 +2
27,600 Crusader 6 +2
55.100 Templar 7 +3
110,100 Ecclesiarch 8 +3
225,100 Bishop 9 +3
450,100 High Priest 10* +4
* A cleric requires 225,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 2 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d8) Attack Bonus
0 Soothsayer 1 0
2,100 Ovate of Spring 2 0
4,100 Ovate of Summer 3 0
7,600 Ovate of Autumn 4 +1
12,600 Ovate of Winter 5 +2
20,100 Ovate of Nature 6 +2
35.100 Voice of Nature 7 +3
00,100 Hand of Nature 8 +3
90,100 Wrath of Nature 9 +3
125,100 Arch Druid 10* +4
*A druid requires 150,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 2 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d8) Attack Bonus
0 Postulant 1 0
2,350 Mendicant 2 0
4,850 Brother 3 0
10,100 Pilgrim 4 +1
22,600 Friar 5 +2
47,600 Monastic 6 +2
98,100 Cenobite 7 +3
200,100 Ascetic 8 +3
350,100 Prelate 9 +3
500,100 Abbot 10* +4
*A monk requires 250,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 2 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d10) Attack Bonus
0 Swordsman 1 0
2,100 Freebooter 2 0
4,100 Sellsword 3 +1
8,100 Veteran 4 +2
18,100 Warrior 5 +3
35,100 Myrmidon 6 +4
70,100 Axe Master 7 +5
125,100 Battle Master 8 +6
250,100 Champion 9 +7
500,100 Warlord 10* +8
*A fighter requires 250,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 3 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d10) Attack Bonus
0 Brawler 1 0
3,100 Pillager 2 0
5,100 Marauder 3 +1
9,150 Reaver 4 +2
19,100 Berserker 5 +3
36,100 Ravager 6 +4
71,100 Axe Master 7 +5
126,100 Battle Master 8 +6
250,100 Battle Lord 9 +7
501,100 Barbarian King 10* +8
*A barbarian requires 255,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 3 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d10) Attack Bonus
0 Squire 1 0
2,750 Cavalier 2 0
5,600 Knight-Errant 3 +1
12,100 Knight-Vigilant 4 +2
24,100 Knight-Banneret 5 +3
45,100 Knight-Gallant 6 +4
95,100 Knight-Crusader 7 +5
175,100 Knight-Templar 8 +6
350,100 Knight-Protector 9 +7
700,100 Knight of the Rose 10* +8
*A paladin requires 300,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 3 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d12) Attack Bonus
0 Hunter 1 0
2,350 Wanderer 2 0
4,600 Rover 3 +1
10,100 Scout 4 +2
20,100 Gadabout 5 +3
40,100 Strider 6 +4
90,100 Master Scout 7 +5
150,100 Outrider 8 +6
225,100 Pathfinder 9 +7
325,100 Ranger Lord 10* +8
*A ranger requires 275,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 3 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d4) Attack Bonus
0 Channeler 1 0
2,600 Spellweaver 2 0
5,100 Magician 3 0
10,100 Enchanter 4 +1
22,600 Mage 5 +1
40,100 Summoner 6 +1
60,100 Magister 7 +1
90,100 Warlock 8 +2
135.100 Arch Mage 9 +2
250,100 Grand Mage 10* +2
*A magic-user requires 200,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 1 hit point per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d4) Attack Bonus
0 Prestidigitator 1 0
2,350 Charmer 2 0
4,600 Dazzler 3 0
9,100 Glamourer 4 +1
18,100 Hypnotist 5 +1
35,100 Illusioneer 6 +1
60,100 Beguiler 7 +1
95,100 Phantasmalist 8 +2
145,100 Thaumaturge 9 +2
220,100 Arch Beguiler 10* +2
*An illusionist requires 220,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 1 hit point per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d6) Attack Bonus
0 Thug 1 0
1,350 Knave 2 0
2,600 Purse-Cutter 3 0
5,100 Charlatan 4 +1
10,100 Blackguard 5 +1
20,100 Vagabond 6 +2
42,600 Sneak-Thief 7 +2
70,100 Burglar 8 +3
110,100 Master Thief 9 +3
160,100 Guildmaster 10* +4
*A thief requires 220,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 2 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d6) Attack Bonus
0 Throat-Cutter 1 0
1,600 Garotteur 2 0
3,100 Murderer 3 0
6,100 Backbiter 4 +1
12,100 Master Garotteur 5 +1
25,100 Silent Killer 6 +2
50,100 Death Dealer :twisted: 7 +2
100,100 Slayer 8 +3
200,100 Assassin 9 +3
300,100 Guildmaster 10* +4
*An assassin requires 250,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 2 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Ability Scores
Strength Score Melee Attack/Damage and Force Door Modifier*
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3
*All successful attacks score one hit point of damage (minimum). The modifier applies to all hand-held melee attack and damage rolls.

Code: Select all

    [th]Strength Score[/th]
    [th]Melee Attack/Damage and Force Door Modifier*  [/th]
*All successful attacks score one hit point of damage (minimum). The modifier applies to all hand-held melee attack and damage rolls. 

Intelligence Score Languages Language Ability
3 -3 Unable to Read/Write/Speech
4-5 -2 Unable to Read/Write
6-8 -1 Read/Write (Partial)
9-12 0 Read/Write
13-15 +1 Read/Write
16-17 +2 Read/Write
18 +3 Read/Write

Code: Select all

    [th]Intelligence Score[/th]
    [th]Language Ability[/th]
    [td]Unable to Read/Write/Speech[/td]
    [td]Unable to Read/Write[/td]
    [td]Read/Write (Partial)[/td]

Wisdom Score Magic Saving Throw Modifier*
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3
*Applies to all mind-influencing magical effects.

Code: Select all

    [th]Wisdom Score[/th]
    [th]Magic Saving Throw Modifier* [/th]
*Applies to all mind-influencing magical effects. 

Dexterity Score Missile Attack/Damage Modifier* Armor Class Modifier
3 -3 +3
4-5 -2 +2
6-8 -1 +1
9-12 0 0
13-15 +1 -1
16-17 +2 -2
18 +3 -3
*All successful attacks do a minimum of 1 point of damage. The modifier applies to all missile (also called ranged) attack and damage rolls.

Code: Select all

    [th]Dexterity Score[/th]
    [th]Missile Attack/Damage Modifier* [/th]
    [th]Armor Class Modifier [/th]
*All successful attacks do a minimum of 1 point of damage. The modifier applies to all missile (also called ranged) attack and damage rolls. 

Constitution Score Hit Point Modifier*
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3
*All PCs receive one hit point per level (minimum) regardless of a negative modifier.

Code: Select all

    [th]Constitution Score[/th]
    [th]Hit Point Modifier* [/th]
*All PCs receive one hit point per level (minimum) regardless of a negative modifier. 

Charisma Score Number of Henchmen Henchmen Morale
3 0 4
4-5 1 5
6-8 2 6
9-12 3 7
13-15 4 8
16-17 5 9
18 6 10

Code: Select all

    [th]Charisma Score[/th]
    [th]Number of Henchmen[/th] 
    [th]Henchmen Morale[/th]

Class Tables

Turning Undead Table (1d20)
Cleric Level
HD 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level 6th Level 7th Level 8th Level 9th Level 10th Level
1 HD 11 8 5 T T D D D D D
2 HD 14 11 8 T T D D D D D
3 HD 17 14 11 5 T T D D D D
4 HD 19 17 14 8 5 T T D D D
5 HD 20 19 17 11 8 5 T T D D
6 HD -- 20 19 14 11 8 5 T T D
7 HD -- -- 20 17 14 11 8 5 T T
8 HD -- -- -- 20 17 14 11 8 5 T
9 HD -- -- -- -- 20 17 14 11 8 5
Sp* -- -- -- -- -- 20 17 14 11 8

Cleric Spell Progression
Cleric Level 1st Level Spells 2nd Level Spells 3rd Level Spells 4th Level Spells 5th Level Spells
1 1 -- -- -- --
2 2 -- -- -- --
3 2 1 -- -- --
4 3 2 -- -- --
5 3 3 1 -- --
6 3 3 2 -- --
7 3 3 2 1 --
8 3 3 3 2 --
9 4 4 3 2 1
10 4 4 3 3 2


Magic-User Spell Progression
M-U Level 1st Level Spells 2nd Level Spells 3rd Level Spells 4th Level Spells 5th Level Spells
1 1 -- -- -- --
2 2 -- -- -- --
3 2 1 -- -- --
4 3 2 -- -- --
5 4 2 1 -- --
6 4 2 2 -- --
7 4 3 2 1 --
8 4 3 3 2 --
9 4 3 3 2 1
10 4 4 3 2 2

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Re: Character Generation

#6 Post by grokkngrognard »

dmw71 wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:26 amIf you'd like, I can easily create the tables for the other ability scores as well... just say the word, boss.
That would be so…awesome. Thank you!
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Re: Character Generation

#7 Post by Rex »

Abilities [3d6]=14 [3d6]=16 [3d6]=10 [3d6]=13 [3d6]=10 [3d6]=7 [3d6]=12

I rolled well.

16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10

I can't see the classes in the free preview but based on what I saw under races the base 4 +Paladin and Assassin at least. What are my options? Is there a Monk and if so can I pull it off with these scores?
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Re: Character Generation

#8 Post by TheMyth »

I rolled decently.

8, 12, 12, 14, 14, 15
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Re: Character Generation

#9 Post by gurusql »

I will play a dwarven fighter, Joznaic "Joe" Mountainbelt

13, 9, 8, 11, 12(+1)=13, 11(-1)=10

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Re: Character Generation

#10 Post by Rex »

Rex wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:00 am Abilities [3d6]=14 [3d6]=16 [3d6]=10 [3d6]=13 [3d6]=10 [3d6]=7 [3d6]=12

I rolled well.

16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10

I can't see the classes in the free preview but based on what I saw under races the base 4 +Paladin and Assassin at least. What are my options? Is there a Monk and if so can I pull it off with these scores?
I found the list of classes on page 10 of the free version under section 4. But no descriptions. I will wait until I know more about the Monk and Ranger. These rolls wouldn't qualify for a 1e Monk or Ranger but he seems to have lowered some of the other minimums so maybe with these too.
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Re: Character Generation

#11 Post by TheMyth »

Rex wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:34 pm
Rex wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:00 am Abilities [3d6]=14 [3d6]=16 [3d6]=10 [3d6]=13 [3d6]=10 [3d6]=7 [3d6]=12

I rolled well.

16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10

I can't see the classes in the free preview but based on what I saw under races the base 4 +Paladin and Assassin at least. What are my options? Is there a Monk and if so can I pull it off with these scores?
I found the list of classes on page 10 of the free version under section 4. But no descriptions. I will wait until I know more about the Monk and Ranger. These rolls wouldn't qualify for a 1e Monk or Ranger but he seems to have lowered some of the other minimums so maybe with these too.
If the classes are the same as LL-AEC, then you are a 15 short.
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Re: Character Generation

#12 Post by dmw71 »

Rex wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:34 pmI will wait until I know more about the Monk and Ranger.
Ability Requirement: Str 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Dex 15
Race & Level Limit: Human U
Prime Requisite: Intelligence and Wisdom
Hit Dice: d8
Starting Gold Pieces: 5-20 (5d4)

Ability Requirement: Int 12, Wis 12, Con 15
Race & Level Limit: Human U, Half-Elf 8
Prime Requisite: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom
Hit Dice: d12
Starting Gold Pieces: 50-200 (5d4x10)
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Re: Character Generation

#13 Post by Rex »

Thanks Dave. Looks like Monk is out since I don't have 2 15+. I do qualify for Ranger. Now I can think on it some and decide if I want to go Ranger or maybe Cleric. I will ponder and wait to see what others are making.
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Re: Character Generation

#14 Post by dmw71 »

Not as bad as I was hoping for: 9, 13, 17, 8, 14, 10.

[_3d6]=(3+3+3)=9, [_3d6]=(5+2+6)=13, [_3d6]=(5+1+1)=7, [_3d6]=(5+6+6)=17, [_3d6]=(1+1+6)=8, [_3d6]=(6+5+3)=14, [_3d6]=(3+2+5)=10

I can probably play just about anything.
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Re: Character Generation

#15 Post by Rex »

dmw71 wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:37 pm Not as bad as I was hoping for: 9, 13, 17, 8, 14, 10.

[_3d6]=(3+3+3)=9, [_3d6]=(5+2+6)=13, [_3d6]=(5+1+1)=7, [_3d6]=(5+6+6)=17, [_3d6]=(1+1+6)=8, [_3d6]=(6+5+3)=14, [_3d6]=(3+2+5)=10

I can probably play just about anything.
Very nice! Not Monk though, LOL. Using 3d6 a Monk is going to be very difficult to pull off.
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Re: Character Generation

#16 Post by Edeldhur »

I rolled as usual: 9,10,8,10,16,10,8

So I guess I am playing a Human Fighter, also as usual. Maybe a Cleric? Looking over requirements now.
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Re: Character Generation

#17 Post by Rex »

Looks like one of my rolls. Maybe a half orc fighter?
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Re: Character Generation

#18 Post by TheMyth »

TheMyth wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:37 am I rolled decently.

8, 12, 12, 14, 14, 15
I'll go Elf Magic-User

S12 I14 W8 D16 C13 Ch12
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Re: Character Generation

#19 Post by Edeldhur »

Rex wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:33 pm Looks like one of my rolls. Maybe a half orc fighter?
I like the way you think, but not sure I can meet the pre-reqs hahaha. Let's see...

Requirements: CON 9
Ability Modifiers: STR +1, CON +1, CHA -2
Ability Min/Max: STR 6/18, DEX 3/17, CON 13/19
INT 3/17, WIS 3/14, CHA 3/12

So I would have to put the 16 in CON, which is good but means my STR will suck :P

Think I need to look into a Thief option.
Hmmmmm, Halflings don't have Infravision.
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Re: Character Generation

#20 Post by Edeldhur »

I think I will keep it simple, and play an Elven Cleric of St. Ygg (Veridicus), and be the guardian of my companion's immortal souls :D


Str 10
DEX 9+1=10
CON 10-1=9
WIS 16
Cha 10

HP: 6/6
160 gold

I am not finding any Fast Packs for equipment - I may be looking at the wrong ruleset... Is this Labyrinth Lord or Dragonslayer?
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