Old School Classic Traveller Game [Waitlist]

I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
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Re: Old School Classic Traveller Game [Closed]

#21 Post by Hvalreki »

Thumper wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:43 pm I actually have to ask your permission on something Hvalreki. On Ty’s 7th Term he barely failed his survival roll ( 6 vs 7+). I exercised the “Survival- Optional Rule): injury forces character out of service with two years of the term served and no term mustering benefits.

Had I rolled a greater “miss”, I wouldn’t even ask…and we’d be joking about exactly what you posted above.

Is this ok with you?
No worries, I'll give everyone a chance at do overs if they want. If you're happy with your character all is fine.
Last edited by Hvalreki on Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Old School Classic Traveller Game [Waitlist]

#22 Post by Hvalreki »

A little more flavor (or flavour for Spearmint) for the New Players:

Just scraping the surface of some of the things intrepid Travellers might do include:
  • Owning and crewing their own starship for trade, mining or exploration and trying not to go broke doing it
  • Hiring themselves out as crew members on someone else's starship
  • Perform a variety of tasks for wealthy patrons; both legal and not so much...
  • Survey unexplored or under explored regions
  • Investigate a colony that's gone silent
  • Conduct a search and rescue mission to find a lost starship
  • Plan and carry out a spectacular robbery
  • Fight off, or become Space Pirates
  • Train and equip a mercenary unit to help overthrow a world government
  • Break someone out of prison or break themselves out if they've been bad Travellers
I've found that getting the most enjoyment from Traveller is not about hit points, the best armor, biggest guns/ship, most money, or anything like that. It's about telling an immersive story together with clever, resourceful players (and their character alter egos) and their interplay within the backdrop of a mostly believable (hopefully) universe.
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Re: Old School Classic Traveller Game [Waitlist]

#23 Post by TheMyth »

I have been toying with the random character generator. I especially wanted to see how that catch-all "Other" would work out.

One of the samples was a 22yo guy with B-level Strength and A-level Social Standing with a high Education (I think it was 9 or A). He has Sword-1 and Gambling-1.

All I could think of was he was a dude-y fratbro who did well in school but got disowned by mom & dad cuz all he did was lift weights, play cards, and get into sword fights. I should rename him Tybalt.

I love random generators. Lol
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Re: Old School Classic Traveller Game [Waitlist]

#24 Post by Eris »

Okay, how about...Jako?

Scout Ivan Jakowitz 974788 Age 30
3 terms Cr70,000

Skills: Air/Raft-2, Electronics-1, Auto Pistol-1, Jack-o-T-1, Navigation-1, Pilot-1

"Call me Jako! Or call me Jakowitz, just be sure to call me when you're giving out the Beersies!" Jako is a fun loving man who can always be found wearing colorful "Hawaiian style" shirts, cargo pants tucked into Spacer Boots. He joined the Scouts to "See the Universe!" and he did, traveling far and wide for the Scout Service. After 12 years, when he was told that he was being transferred to desk duty for a term, he decided to quit and go into the Scouting Business for himself. Jako wishes he had a ship to ramble about in, but even without one he figures he can hook up with somebody that does and continue to explore what lies beyond!

Service History:
Rolled attributes: 974588
Automatic Enlistment accepted.
Learned Pilot-1
[Like all Scouts, Jako learned to fly a Ship in basic training.]
Term 1 age 22
Learned Air/Raft-1
Learned Electronics-1
Survival roll 8 + 0 vs 7
Reenlistment roll 5 vs 3
Voluntarily reenlisted for second term.
[Jako worked with an Exploratory team on the Frontier, evaluating new systems for the service. He took his turns flying the Air/Raft as the team explored and well as developing some skill working on the sensors, computer and other Electronic devices. There was some danger, but he was able to escape without injury during this term.]
Term 2 age 26
Learned Auto Pistol-1
Learned Jack-O-T-1
Survival roll 9 + 0 vs 7
Reenlistment roll 8 vs 3
[Jako continued working with the Exploratory Arm of the Scout Service this term. His team was dropped into several dangerous situations and Jako made it a priority to become skilled with an Auto Pistol. Otherwise he spent a lot of time cross training and developed a bit of a knack at doing just about anything...a Jack-o-Trades as it were.]
Term 3 age 30
Learned Navigation-1
Improved Air/Raft-2
Survival roll 12 + 0 vs 7
Reenlistment roll 10 vs 3
Chose not to reenlist after third term.
[Jako was transferred to courier duty this term. He flew a ship and developed skill with Navigation between systems. While on the surface he was the designated driver for the ship's Air/Raft and became quite good with it. This duty wasn't Jako's 'mug of beer' though, much too tame! He was becoming very restless by the end of his 3rd term. He was ready to go out on his own, so he decided to not reenlist when he was told his next duty would be admin work at a Scout Base.]
Mustered Out
20,000 credits
50,000 credits
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: Old School Classic Traveller Game [Recruiting]

#25 Post by Eris »

Hvalreki wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:57 pm Awesome, I think we have the 2-4 I was looking for. I'm going to close the recruiting and will start posting in the campaign thread when it's available. Cheers all and thanks for the interest!

We have -
The Myth (you're fine to join as long as you don't mind being in two Traveller games at the same time)
Gorethirster (Same as The Myth just let me know if you want to be in both games)
Spearmit (Yay! tables are turned for a change :D )
Whoop! I'm a "Forever Ref", who never gets a chance to play, so I'm excited! Yes, two Traveller games at once, but that's fine with me!!!

Hvalreki, have you got us a Forum of our own yet?

ps. I rolled up Jako on the app you mentioned. It took me a bunch of generates to get to him, but I knew him when I saw him. (He wasn't Jako, though, I changed his name. :))
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: Old School Classic Traveller Game [Waitlist]

#26 Post by subaltari »

Greetings, Travellers! I'm J.P. :D

I sent Hvalreki a "Signal GK" via pm not long after he closed the recruiting, to see if I could get in anyway. Based on his reply I think I'm in the game. :confused: If I'm wrong, I'll apologize and bow out gracefully. Otherwise, I look forward to joining the rest of you out in the Black!

I love the generator and have a few potential PCs so far. Sure enough, Eris, I tried for a scout and had to get through a few unlucky Dead Scouts before ending up with Bruno Colombo... a 3-termer eerily similar to Jako!
One difference being that Bruno's close call happened in his third term (8 vs. 7 surv roll) and that was the catalyst for him leaving for Detached Duty. My take was that he was assaying ice chunks in a Gas Giant ring and had to do it in his air/raft; his skills that term were Air/Raft-2 and Medical-1; the latter being a course of study Bruno took on his own initiative and cost, in hopes it would help him survive other mishaps.
But we probably need only one Pilot. and one scout :)

So far, other possibles are:
• Chuck Hong, a 5-term Subsector Marine officer (most recently a helicopter pilot of all things)
Petra Yang aka Y4\9, a 2-term Other (no, not "another," An Other!) who put her hacking skills to work making KCr in a few medical disability scams, then decided it was time to close up and get off-planet before the TL 8, feudal technocracy, Heat caught up with her.
Hvalreki's Repo Men (CT): Gabe Garcia, 7A8772 age 22 (1 term Marines); Autorifle-1, Cutlass-2, Tactics-1, Vacc-1.
OM's Wandering Windswept Wastelands (Hyperborea 3e): Magda thugatêr Erebos, 2nd level Ixian Witch
Spearmint's Barrowmaze (1e): Elbart, 1st level human 'riverman'
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Re: Old School Classic Traveller Game [Waitlist]

#27 Post by Thumper »

Hi JP,
Always good to have a broad range of talent. Can never go wrong with a tank or a schiester in the group! 🤣🤣

Not trying to sway you, but Bruno looks a lot like Ty who also looks a lot like Jacko
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Re: Old School Classic Traveller Game [Waitlist]

#28 Post by Hvalreki »

OK, we have a game thread! Please move the convo there:

Our intrepid Travellers are:

Campaign Number is: 1053

Campaign Thread:
https://www.unseenservant.com/index.php ... mp&id=1053
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