Character Pool

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Re: Character Pool

#21 Post by thirdkingdom »

Godborn: Fire Genasi

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Fire Genasi 1
XP 0/0 0/2500
Alignment Neutral.
XP Modifier None
Max Level 12

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
INT 14 (+1)
DEX 14 (+1)
CHA 12

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

The children of elemental beings enjoy the following benefits:

⮚ They attack and save as clerics and possess the Hardy quality (already included in their saving throw table).
⮚ Resistance. Genasi are resistant to damage or spell effects from the element to which they belong and are vulnerable to the element that is dominant (see Djinn entry).
⮚ Divine intervention. Once per day, as an instant action during a round, a genasi can change any one 1d20 roll made within 5’ of them to either a “1” or a “20”. This range is increased by 5’ per Hit Die. Once it is used, the genasi does not regain the use of this ability until they roll their level or higher on 1d20; this roll is made at the beginning of each subsequent day.
⮚ Infravision. Genasi can see with infravision with a 30’ range. Alternatively, if infravision is not used in the Referee’s game, they may see in dim conditions as if it were daylight.

Upon reaching 2nd level the genasi gains the following abilities:

Fire. Can cast produce flame (as per the druid spell) at will.


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Common, Primal


Toughness. The genasi has 1d10 hp per HD instead of 1d8. This Knack can be selected at any level.


== Combat ==
AC 18
HP 9/9
HD 1d10
Movement Rate 60' (20')
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8)
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Dagger (1d4), +1 to hit

*Poison 11
*Wands 12
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 16
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 4 gp
*Encumbrance: 754/800
**Plate armor (500 cn)
**Shield (100 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Dagger (10 cn)

**Backpack (316 of 400 cn available)
**6 torches
**1 wk iron rations
**1 large sack
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Re: Character Pool

#22 Post by thirdkingdom »

Godborn: Water Genasi

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Water Genasi 1
XP 0/0 0/2500
Alignment Neutral.
XP Modifier None
Max Level 12

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
INT 12
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 13 (+1)
CHA 13 (+1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

The children of elemental beings enjoy the following benefits:

⮚ They attack and save as clerics and possess the Hardy quality (already included in their saving throw table).
⮚ Resistance. Genasi are resistant to damage or spell effects from the element to which they belong and are vulnerable to the element that is dominant (see Djinn entry).
⮚ Divine intervention. Once per day, as an instant action during a round, a genasi can change any one 1d20 roll made within 5’ of them to either a “1” or a “20”. This range is increased by 5’ per Hit Die. Once it is used, the genasi does not regain the use of this ability until they roll their level or higher on 1d20; this roll is made at the beginning of each subsequent day.
⮚ Infravision. Genasi can see with infravision with a 30’ range. Alternatively, if infravision is not used in the Referee’s game, they may see in dim conditions as if it were daylight.

Upon reaching 2nd level the genasi gains the following abilities:

Water. Can breathe underwater for one hour, suffers no penalty to movement or acting while in water.


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Improved Critical. The character inflicts a critical hit on a roll of natural 19 or 20. It is recommended that a critical hit a) automatically hit the target, regardless of AC, and b) inflict maximum damage. This Knack can only be selected once.


== Combat ==
AC 13
HP 9/9
HD 1d8
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Battle axe (1d8)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Hand axe (1d6) 5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’
*Primary Ranged Attack: Sling (1d4) +1 to hit 5’–40’ / 41’–80’ / 81’–160’

*Poison 11
*Wands 12
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 16
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 4 gp
*Encumbrance: 384/400
**Leather armor (200 cn)
**Battle axe (50 cn)
**Hand axe (30 cn)
**Sling plus pouch with 20 bullets (20 cn)

**Backpack (316 of 400 cn)
**Torches (6)
**1 wk iron rations
**1 small sack (200 cn capacity)
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#23 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Half-elf 1
XP 0/0 0/2870
Alignment Neutral
XP Modifier None
Max Level 12

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 11
INT 7 (-1)
WIS 13 (+1)
DEX 11
CON 12
CHA 15 (+1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*Half-elves attack as fighters, have a slightly better saving throw progression, and can cast arcane spells at a delayed 50% progression, casting spontaneously as a sorcerer and drawing these spells from a limited spell list (can cast one spell at 2nd level). They can use weapons, armor, and shields as a fighter.

*They have the same chance as elves to detect secret doors (1-2 in 6) and can see in dim light as if it were daylight.

*Half-elves gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against ghoul paralysis.

*Allowed a saving throw versus sleep spells.


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Wilderness Scout. The character is at home in the wilderness. They become Proficient in Tracking, have half the normal chance of getting lost in the wilderness, and when attempting to hunt or forage they make all applicable rolls twice, taking the better of the two results. Note that this only applies when hunting is abstracted, and not when potential game is encountered during a standard adventuring day.


== Combat ==
AC 12
HP 6/6
HD 1d6
Movement Rate
Initiative Modifier
*Primary Melee Attack: Battle axe (1d8)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Hand axe (1d6) 5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’
*Primary Ranged Attack: Sling (1d4) 5’–40’ / 41’–80’ / 81’–160’

*Poison 11
*Wands 12
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 16
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 4 gp
*Encumbrance: 384/400
**Leather armor (200 cn)
**Battle axe (50 cn)
**Hand axe (30 cn)
**Sling plus pouch with 20 bullets (20 cn)

**Backpack (316 of 400 cn)
**Torches (6)
**1 wk iron rations
**1 small sack (200 cn capacity)
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#24 Post by thirdkingdom »

Awakened Cave Locust
Awakened cave locust.jpg
Awakened cave locust.jpg (906.1 KiB) Viewed 436 times

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Awakened Cave Locust 1
XP 0/0 0/3500
Alignment Chaotic
XP Modifier
Max Level 6

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 13 (+1)
INT 10
CON 15 (+1)
CHA 11

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

Awakened giant locusts have spindly arms and legs and cannot wear armor, although they can use shields. They may use any weapons — with the exception of those requiring fine motor skills, such as bows or crossbows — with weapons sized for their frame doing one die-size less damage (a dagger would be the equivalent of a short sword for a giant locust and does 1d4 damage, a knife the equivalent of a dagger, doing 1d3 damage). In an urban setting, awakened giant locusts favor sword canes that do 1d4 damage. Cannot wear armor, but can use shields.

► Blend with stone. If remaining perfectly still, the locust can blend in with the background on a roll of 1-3 in 6.
► Shriek. The locust’s shriek has a 1 in 6 chance per round of attracting wandering monsters. The shriek is in lieu of an attack, and the effects last for 1d4 rounds. This is done in lieu of an attack or movement action, and cannot occur in the same round the creature spits.
► Jump. The locust can jump up to 30’ horizontally and 15’ vertically.
► Flight. Awakened locusts can fly as long as they are not nattily dressed (the waistcoats they favor bind their wings), but their flight is ungainly, and they can only maintain it for one minute at a time, and must rest for a turn between flights. They fly with a speed of 90’ (30’). They cannot fly if they are encumbered enough to suffer a movement penalty.
► Spit. Locusts can spit once per round with a range of 10’. Target is treated as having an AC of 9 [10]. Affected creatures must make a save versus poison or be unable to act for 1 turn (or until the spittle is washed off) due to the intense stench. Creatures within 5’ of the target must also save, with a +2 bonus, or be affected in the same manner. Locusts may spit thrice per day, and it recharges of a roll of 4+. Only living creatures are affected by the spit.
► Poison resistance. Locusts make all saving throws against poison with Advantage.
► Daylight sensitivity. Locusts take a –1 penalty to attack and damage rolls when exposed to daylight or magical light.
► Small stature. Locusts’ encumbrance limits are decreased by 25% due to their small size.
► Stylish. Awakened cave locusts have a fascination with fine clothes. Even those living isolated lives in underground caverns tailor what they imagine to be the cutting edge of fashion out of materials that are available, while those dwelling in urban environments can dress more appropriately. Many believe the creatures do this in emulation of their god, Jimny, who is always portrayed as an immaculately dressed and stylish exemplar of the species.
► Fearful. Awakened cave locusts are flighty and nervous, making all saving throws against fear and fear-based effects at disadvantage. NPCs make morale checks with a +2 penalty.


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Opportunist. The character can reroll any attack, damage or saving throw they make twice per day. They may do so three times per day at sixth level.


== Combat ==
AC 11
HP 6/6
HD 1d8
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier
*Primary Melee Attack: Short sword (1d4+1), +1 to hit
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Sling (1d4+1)

*Poison 12
*Wands 13
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 15
*Spells 16

== Equipment ==
*Money: 10 gp
*Encumbrance: 130 cn)
**Short sword (20 cn)
**Sling (20 cn)

**Backpack (310 of 400 available)
**1 wk iron rations
**4 flasks of oil
**1 flask holy water
**1 bunch of garlic
**Hammer plus 12 iron spikes
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Re: Character Pool

#25 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Changeling 1
XP 0/0 0/2250
Alignment Note that we are using three alignments: Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic. I would prefer PCS to be either Lawful or Neutral. Choosing Lawful or Chaotic is to align oneself with the cosmic struggle between Law and Chaos. The vast majority of people in the world are Neutral.
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 13

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 11
INT 11
WIS 8 (-1)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 6 (-1)
CHA 13 (+1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

Humanoid creatures descended from the offspring of doppelgangers and mortals, changelings are now an established race. They are fey creatures, primarily found in Faery.

In their true form changelings are human-sized, with slightly elongated limbs and greyish skin. Unlike the faceless doppelgangers, changelings have faces, but they do share the totally white eyes of their doppelganger lineage.

Changelings can change their physical appearance three times per day; changing back to their true form does not take up one of those uses. It takes one minute to fully change their appearance, and only their physical appearance changes; the changeling’s clothes do not change, nor their gear, nor does the changeling gain different special abilities, new languages, etc. If the changeling is altering their size (within the above parameters) they cannot be wearing armor (some magical armor has the capacity to change size to adapt to the wearer. Such armor can be worn while changes occur). Because of their innate shapeshifting, and their roles as scouts and spies, changelings cannot wear armor heavier than leather.

Their ability to change is limited to roughly human-size, shape, and facial features; they could alter their features and size to resemble an elf, but not a dwarf. If a changeling wishes to assume the form of a specific person they must succeed on a Disguise Self skill check (if using a skill system). Otherwise, their chance of success is equal to 1-2 in 6. This chance of success improves to 1-3 in 6 at 4th level, 1-4 in 6 at 8th level, and 1-5 in 6 at 12th level.

The change is physical, not an illusion. While the transformation is occurring the changeling will register as magical (to detect magic or similar) but not after the change has occurred.
Changelings attack and Cleave as thieves and save as elves. They can use any weapons or magical items available to thieves. If they have a DEX and CHA of 13 or higher they gain a +5% bonus to XP. If their CHA is at least 13 and their DEX 16 or higher they gain a +10% bonus. If using the expanded ability table found in the Introduction the maximum Charisma a changeling can have is 19.
► Vulnerable to bronze and necrotic energy.
► Resistant to charm, illusions, and mind-reading magic.
► If reduced to 0 hp a changeling automatically assumes their true form.

At 4th level the changeling gains the abilities of a 1st-level thief (including backstab), improving in ability at every other level (an 8th-level changeling has the abilities of a 3rd-level thief). If using the alternate thief class from Into the Wild the changeling can use thief abilities successfully with a roll of 14+ starting at level 4, gaining 3 points per level that can be distributed as desired amongst the abilities to improve success chances.


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Faery Heritage, spellcraft. The changeling gains a single spell slot they can use to cast one of the following spells. They gain an additional spell slot at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13, and have a caster level equal to half their level (rounding up) for purposes of Faery spells.
⮚ dancing lights (1 slot)
⮚ glamour (1 slot)
⮚ animal friendship (2 slots)
⮚ blur (2 slots)
⮚ charm person (2 slots)
⮚ invisibility (3 slots)

This Knack can only be selected once.


== Combat ==
AC 13
HP 5/5
HD 1d6
Movement Rate 120'(40')
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (1d4)
*Primary Ranged Attack: Dagger (1d4), +1 to hit, 5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’

*Poison 12
*Wands 13
*Paralysis 13
*Breath 15
*Spells 15 (-1)

== Equipment ==
*Money: 9 gp
*Encumbrance: 359/400
**Sword (60 cn)
**Dagger (10 cn)
**Leather armor (200 cn)

**Backpack (311 of 400 cn capacity)
**1 wk iron rations
**50' rope
**1 vial holy water
**2 small sacks (200 cn capacity each)
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#26 Post by thirdkingdom »

cyclopskin 2.jpg
cyclopskin 2.jpg (1.06 MiB) Viewed 434 times

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Cyclopskin 1
XP 0/0 0/5000
Alignment Neutral.
XP Modifier None
Max Level 9

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 13 (+1)
INT 6 (-1)
WIS 10
DEX 7 (-1)
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 11

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*At 1st level cyclopskin have 3 HD. They attack and save as fighters of equal HD (so, a 1st-level cyclopskin attacks as a 3rd-level fighter). If using the optional Cleave rules cyclopskin cleave as a fighter, using their HD as opposed to their level.

*Disadvantage on ranged attacks


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Porter. The character’s encumbrance limit is increased by 200/400/600 cn. Therefore, a character can carry 800 cn and move at 90’, 1200 cn and move at 60’, and 2200 cn and move at 30’.


== Combat ==
AC 16
HP 13/13
HD 1d8
Movement Rate 90' (30')
Initiative Modifier -1
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8+1), +1 to attack
*Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (1d4+1), +1 to attack
*Primary Ranged Attack: Dagger (1d4+1), -1 to attack, 5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’

*Poison 11
*Wands 12
*Paralysis 13
*Breath 14
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 4 gp
*Encumbrance: 754/900
**Plate armor (500 cn)
**Shield (100 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Dagger (10 cn)

**Backpack (316 of 400 cn available)
**6 torches
**1 wk iron rations
**1 large sack
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Re: Character Pool

#27 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Dragonborn 1
XP 0/0
Alignment Neutral.
XP Modifier None
Max Level 10

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 12
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 10
DEX 12
CON 12
CHA 8 (-1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

Dragonborn attack and save as fighters, and if using the Cleave rules they do so as fighters of the same level. They may wear any armor and wield any weapons.

*Dragonborn have a breath weapon associated with their lineage (see Dragons, above, or use a lineage from the OSE books). They may use their breath weapon 3 times per day, and it recharges on a roll of 6+ (or automatically after one turn). The breath weapon takes one of the following forms:
► Lightning, acid, or poison (chlorine). Line 30’ long, 5’ wide. 1d6 damage to all in the direct path.
► Fire or cold. 15’ cone, end 10’ wide. 1d4 damage to all within the area.

The damage increases by one die at 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels.

*Dragonborn are resistant to the same type of energy as their breath weapon.

*Dragonborn are slower than humans, and have a base movement speed of 90’ per round. However, they can carry more of a load, and do not have their movement slowed until 1,000 cn (when it drops to 60’) and 2,000 (when it drops to 30’). They may also have maximum Strength and Constitution scores of 19, as opposed to the normal limit of 18 (although they still generate scores normally).


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Common, Draconic


Sorcery. Some aspect of the innate magical nature of their draconic forebears manifests itself. The dragonborn may cast spells as a sorcerer (see Into the Wild), but with a limited progression.
Dragonborn Sorcerer Progression
Level Spells/day by level
1 2 Spells Known
1-3 1 -- 2
4-6 2 -- 3
7-9 2 1 4
10 2 2 5

Knows magic missile and ventriloquism.


== Combat ==
AC 17
HP 5/5
HD 1d8
Movement Rate 60' (20')
Initiative Modifier 0
*Primary Melee Attack:
*Secondary Melee Attack: Cone of cold (breath weapon). 1d4 damage to all within 15' cone
*Primary Ranged Attack:

*Poison 12
*Wands 13
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 15
*Spells 16

== Equipment ==
*Money: 4 gp
*Encumbrance: 794/800
**Plate armor (500 cn)
**Shield (100 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Crossbow w/30 quarrels (50 cn)

**Backpack (316 cn of 400 capacity)
**6 torches
**1 wk iron rations
**1 large sack (400 cn capacity)
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#28 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Hexblade 1
XP 0/0 0/2250
Alignment Neutral.
XP Modifier
Max Level 14

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 12
INT 10
WIS 15 (+1)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 18 (+3)
CHA 13 (+1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*Can only wear leather armor, but can use shields.

*Hexblade's Curse. Once per day at 1st level the character can place a hexblade’s hex upon a single target within 45’ of the character. The hex lasts for no longer than one day, dispelling at dawn of the following day, or until the target is slain or destroyed. While the hex is active the hexblade gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made against that target. When the target is slain or destroyed, regardless by who, as long as the target is within 120’ of the character, the hexblade automatically gains 1d4 hp. This increases to 1d6 hp at level 7 and 1d8 at level 14. If the hit points regained by this means exceed the hexblade’s maximum they are considered to be bonus hp and will disappear after one turn.

The target affected by a hexblade’s hex can always be damaged by the hexblade’s attacks, even if they would otherwise not be able to do so. For instance, a hexblade without a silver or magical weapon would still be able to damage a lycanthrope that is the target of their hex. However, in these instances, damage is always rolled twice and the lower of the two results used.

Hexblades can only have one hex active at a time.

*Can begin to cast arcane spells as a sorcerer at 5th level.


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Apprentice Thief. Select three of the following: Climb, Disable, Hear Noises, Read Languages, Sleight of Hand, Sneak, Spot. The character can perform these as a 1st level thief. They gain 1 point at each odd level and 2 points at each even level that can be spent to improve their chances of success.

*Hear Noise. 14+
*Disable. 14+
*Sneak. 13+


== Combat ==
AC 13
HP 8/8
HD 1d6
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: 1d8
*Secondary Melee Attack: 1d4
*Primary Ranged Attack: 1d6, +1 to hit, 5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’

*Poison 12
*Wands 13
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 15
*Spells 14 +1

== Equipment ==
*Money: 12 gp
*Encumbrance: 392 of 400
**Leather armor (200 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Dagger (10 cn)
**Short bow w/20 arrows (30 cn)

**Backpack (308 of 400 cn)
**4 flasks of oil
**50' rope
**2 small sacks (200 cn each)
**Thieves' tools
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#29 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Grippli 1
XP 0/0 0/1000
Alignment Neutral.
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 9

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 7 (-1)
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 13 (+1)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 13 (+1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

 Climb walls as a thief of the same level (14+ at 1st level, reduce this chance by one per level)
 Suffer 1/2 damage from falls.
 Gain a +2 bonus to AC when attacked by creatures larger than human-sized.
 Can hide in woods or undergrowth with a 90% chance of success.
 Surprise on a roll of 1-3 in 6.
 Grippli breathe through their skin, and are therefore vulnerable to air-borne poisons such as that of a poison gas trap, the breath of a green dragon, or a cloudkill spell. Their saving throws against such threats are made with Disadvantage.
 Have low-light vision, able to see at night or in dim conditions as if they were in direct sunlight (normal range, must have at least some light to see).
 Can swim with a speed of 30’ (10’) and hold their breath for a number of turns equal to their Constitution score.

Because of their small size they are limited to using weapons that inflict 1d4 points of damage one-handed or those that inflict 1d6 points of damage as slow, two-handed weapons. Weapons can be crafted to size for
the grippli, with correspondingly reduced damage. For instance, their “sword” does 1d4 damage, a “short sword” does 1d3, and a “dagger” does 1d2. Bows, crossbows, and the like do 1d4 damage and have their
range reduced by a similar increment (a grippli "long bow" has the range increment of a normal shortbow, while a "shortbow" has the range of a javelin, etc.).


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Sniper. The grippli excels at ranged attacks. If catching an opponent unawares they add 1d4 damage to missile attacks made against that target during the surprise round. Grippli with this Knack can also fire into melee without penalty.


== Combat ==
AC 13
HP 5/5
HD 1d6
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier+1
*Primary Melee Attack: Spear (1d4-1), -1 to hit
*Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (1d2-1), -1 to hit
*Primary Ranged Attack: Spear (1d4-1), +1 to hit

*Poison 12
*Wands 13
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 15
*Spells 16 (+1)

== Equipment ==
*Money: 20 gp
*Encumbrance: 330/400
**Leather armor (200 cn)
**Spear (30 cn)
**Dagger (10 cn)

**Backpack (300 of 400 available)
**1 wk iron rations
**4 flasks of oil
**1 small sack
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#30 Post by thirdkingdom »

Grippli Treespeaker

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Grippli Treespeaker 1
XP 0/0 0/1950
Alignment Lawful
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 8

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
INT 12
WIS 16 (+2)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 11

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

 Cast divine spells at druid progression, drawn from custom list.
**At 1st level can cast one 1st level spell, using the druid list, plus disrupt undead and pass without a trace.
Disrupt Undead (1st, divine, evocation)
Duration: Instant
Range: 30’

This spell summons a burst of divine energy that disrupts the shadow magic by which undead creatures are animated. A targeted undead creature suffers 1d6+1 points of damage per caster level and must make a save versus spells or be turned (but not destroyed) for 1d6 rounds. Free-willed undead make the saving throw with Advantage.

Pass Without Trace (1st, divine, enchantment)
Duration: 1 turn/level
Range: Touch

The target of this spell can move through any type of terrain – snow, dust, mud, etc. – without leaving tracks or scent. The chance to track that individual by non-magical means is reduced to 0. The area that the target passes through does radiate a magical aura for a length of time equal to the twice the duration of the spell.
 Climb walls as a thief of the same level (14+ at 1st level, reduce this chance by one per level)
 Suffer 1/2 damage from falls.
 Gain a +2 bonus to AC when attacked by creatures larger than human-sized.
 Can hide in woods or undergrowth with a 90% chance of success.
 Surprise on a roll of 1-3 in 6.
 Grippli breathe through their skin, and are therefore vulnerable to air-borne poisons such as that of a poison gas trap, the breath of a green dragon, or a cloudkill spell. Their saving throws against such threats are made with Disadvantage.
 Have low-light vision, able to see at night or in dim conditions as if they were in direct sunlight (normal range, must have at least some light to see).
 Can swim with a speed of 30’ (10’) and hold their breath for a number of turns equal to their Constitution score.

Because of their small size they are limited to using weapons that inflict 1d4 points of damage one-handed or those that inflict 1d6 points of damage as slow, two-handed weapons. Weapons can be crafted to size for
the grippli, with correspondingly reduced damage. For instance, their “sword” does 1d4 damage, a “short sword” does 1d3, and a “dagger” does 1d2. Bows, crossbows, and the like do 1d4 damage and have their
range reduced by a similar increment (a grippli "long bow" has the range increment of a normal shortbow, while a "shortbow" has the range of a javelin, etc.).


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Poison Mucus. The skin of the tree-speaker secretes a mild, short-lived toxin. It does not last long enough on exposure to air to work as a weapon coating, nor does it affect melee weapons that strike the grippli. Enemies that hit the character with unarmed or natural weaponry must make a saving throw versus poison. Those failing take 1 damage and suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to the grippli’s level, due to the irritating toxin. Those making the save do not take damage but do suffer the penalty.

Grippli can choose when to exude the toxin, and can do so as a free action, although it takes a full round to secrete. Once activated the poison remains potent for one turn. Grippli with this Knack can use it once per day at levels 1-3, twice per day at levels 4-6, and three times per day at level 7+


== Combat ==
AC 12
HP 6/6
HD 1d6
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Hand Axe (1d4)
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Sling (1d4) +1 to hit 5’–40’ / 41’–80’ / 81’–160’

*Poison 11
*Wands 12
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 16
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 10 gp
*Encumbrance: 230/400
**Shield (100 cn)
**Hand axe (30 cn)
**Sling w/20 bullets (20 cn)

**Backpack (310 of 400 cn remaining)
**1 wk iron rations
**6 torches
**50' rope
**bunch of wolfsbane
**wooden mallet and three stakes
**1 small sack (200 cn)
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Re: Character Pool

#31 Post by thirdkingdom »

Grove Guardian

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Grove Guardian 1
XP 0/0 0/2120
Alignment Neutral.
XP Modifier None
Max Level 9

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 13 (+1)
INT 8 (-1)
WIS 13 (+1)
DEX 10
CHA 14 (+1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

Dryads rarely give birth in the mortal world, but when they do their offspring may become grove guardians, the protectors of the forest and trees. They are warriors
with fae heritage, not bound to a single location or tree like their mothers.

They are, however, born from a seed that grows into a tree; until about twenty-five years of age the grove guardian is essentially a dryad, able to enter both their tree and Faery. After reaching maturity the guardian
leaves their tree permanently, unable to enter it or Faery on their own thereafter.

The grove guardian’s tree is usually located near her mother’s, although dryads have occasionally been known to bestow the seed to the father to plant elsewhere. Dryads typically have no more than one child in their lifetime, and many don’t have any. Grove guardians are long-lived and slow to mature. They become adults at about 30 and will live for another hundred and fifty years, to a maximum of 200.

Grove guardians may wield any weapons and use shields, but are restricted to non-metallic armor. If struck by a bronze weapon roll twice for damage, taking the higher roll (they do not suffer the full penalties of fae against bronze).

They can use the same magical items that fighters can.

Grove guardians have the following abilities at 1st level:
➢ Attack as fighters, but Cleave as clerics (gaining one additional cleave attack at every even level).
➢ Save as elves.
➢ Gain a +2 bonus to saves against illusions and charm magic.
➢ Are allowed a Save v. Spells to avoid being affected by sleep.
➢ They are difficult to surprise in wilderness settings. They are only surprised on a roll of 1 in 6.
➢ They surprise others on a roll of 1-3 in 6 while in the wilderness.
➢ They still retain a partial link to their tree. As long as their tree remains alive they have an extra Hit Die (2d6 at level 1). If the tree is killed they automatically lose the additional Hit Die permanently and must Save v. Death or take an additional HD worth of damage (not permanent).

At 2nd level the grove guardian gains the following abilities:

➢ Cast spells as a druid, drawing from the spell list below, with 25% progression. They don’t gain any of the other druidic benefits.
➢ The grove guardian inflicts an additional +1 point of damage with either melee or missile attacks (pick one). This increases to +2 at 6th level. Alternatively at 6th level, they may apply the +1 bonus to damage
to *both* missile and melee attacks.


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Fighting Style. Select one of the following: Dual weapon fighting, Ranged weapons, Two-handed weapons. The character has specialized in this form of combat.


== Combat ==
HP 10/10
HD 1d6
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Spear 1d6+1, +1 to hit
*Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger 1d4+1, +1 to hit
*Primary Ranged Attack: Sling 1d4+1, +1 to hit, 5’–40’ / 41’–80’ / 81’–160’

*Poison 12
*Wands 13
*Paralysis 13
*Breath 15
*Spells 15 (+1)

== Equipment ==
*Money: 2 gp
*Readied: 332/400
**Leather armor (200 cn)
**Spear (30 cn)
**Dagger (10 cn)
**Sling w/20 bullets (20 cn)

**Backpack (318 cn of 400 remaining)
**6 torches
**1 wk iron rations
**50' rope
**1 small sack (200 cn capacity)
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Re: Character Pool

#32 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Ironskin 1
XP 0/0 0/2500
Alignment Lawful
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 13

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 16 (+2)
DEX 7 (-1)
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 10

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

Ironskins can use any weapons but cannot wear armor, although they can use shields. The skin of siderenos is hard enough that it provides its own protection, and they find they do not need to wear armor like Men do. 1st-level warriors have an AC of 5, and it hardens over time, becoming 4 at 5th- level, 3 at 9th, and 2 at 13th.

The siderenos are heavier than normal Men, averaging around 300 pounds (3000 cn), and they are a little slower, with a normal base movement of 90 feet instead of 120. However, their armor-like skin does not slow them any further, and they use the same encumbrance ratings as humans, albeit without the need to account for armor. Due to their weight they cannot use riding horses, but are instead limited to draft or warhorses, or other mounts accustomed to carrying great weight.

They are immune to the paralyzing touch of ghouls and are able to work for longer periods of time than Man; while exploring dungeons they only need to rest every 12 turns, rather than every 6, and if forced marching can do so for 2 days before tiring.

They are also incredibly durable. Once per day, when damage would reduce them to 0 hp, it instead reduces them to 1. However, the ironskins are vulnerable to lightning and electricity. When subjected to electrical attacks they roll any saves twice, taking the worse of the two results. If no save is allowed they automatically take maximum damage.

In addition, the touch of the rust monster isdeadly to the siderenos, with each hit by a feeler draining one level (as if they were hit by a wight or spectre). Ironskins killed by rust monsters disintegrate into rust. These monsters are feared and hated by ironskin communities and hunted down and slain where possible.

The heat metal spell inflicts damage upon them as if they were wearing metal armor.


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Magic Resistance. The ironskin is resistant to arcane magic. When making saving throws versus spells they may roll twice, taking the better result. This Knack only functions against arcane effects that allow a Save v. Spells.


== Combat ==
AC 13
HP 5/5
HD 1d10
Movement Rate 90' (30')
Initiative Modifier -1
*Primary Melee Attack: Polearm (1d10+2), +2 to hit
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow (1d6), -1 to hit.

*Poison 10
*Wands 11
*Paralysis 12
*Breath 13
*Spells 14

== Equipment ==
*Money: 5 gp
*Encumbrance: 285 of 400
**Polearm (150)
**Crossbow w/30 quarrels (50 cn)

**Backpack (315 of 400 cn)
**3 flasks of oil
**1 wk iron rations
**2 small sacks (200 cn)
**1 large sack (400 cn)
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Mon Nov 06, 2023 6:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#33 Post by thirdkingdom »

Ironskin Craftpriest

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Ironskin Craftpriest 1
XP 0/0 0/2750
Alignment Lawful
XP Modifier None
Max Level 12

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 12
WIS 15 (+1)
DEX 11
CON 15 (+1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

Ironskins can use any weapons but cannot wear armor, although they can use shields. The skin of siderenos is hard enough that it provides its own protection, and they find they do not need to wear armor like Men do. 1st-level warriors have an AC of 5, and it hardens over time, becoming 4 at 5th- level, 3 at 9th, and 2 at 13th.

The siderenos are heavier than normal Men, averaging around 300 pounds (3000 cn), and they are a little slower, with a normal base movement of 90 feet instead of 120. However, their armor-like skin does not slow them any further, and they use the same encumbrance ratings as humans, albeit without the need to account for armor. Due to their weight they cannot use riding horses, but are instead limited to draft or warhorses, or other mounts accustomed to carrying great weight.

They are immune to the paralyzing touch of ghouls and are able to work for longer periods of time than Man; while exploring dungeons they only need to rest every 12 turns, rather than every 6, and if forced marching can do so for 2 days before tiring.

They are also incredibly durable. Once per day, when damage would reduce them to 0 hp, it instead reduces them to 1. However, the ironskins are vulnerable to lightning and electricity. When subjected to electrical attacks they roll any saves twice, taking the worse of the two results. If no save is allowed they automatically take maximum damage.

In addition, the touch of the rust monster isdeadly to the siderenos, with each hit by a feeler draining one level (as if they were hit by a wight or spectre). Ironskins killed by rust monsters disintegrate into rust. These monsters are feared and hated by ironskin communities and hunted down and slain where possible.

The heat metal spell inflicts damage upon them as if they were wearing metal armor.

Craftpriests cast spells as clerics but with a limited progression. At 1st level they can cast one spell per day, drawn from the following list:

First Level. Cure light wounds, light, mending# (see Basilisk Hill Ultimate), produce flame*, remove fear, resist fire.


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Apostate. The character may add a single spell of each level to the craftpriest spell list. Pick one spell of each level from the following list. This Knack may be selected more than once, with each selection adding a new spell of each level to the craftpriest’s list .
• First. Protection from evil, resist cold.
• Second. Silence 15’ radius, warp wood*.
• Third. Cure disease, enlarge# (see Basilisk Hills Ultimate).
• Fourth. Dispel magic&, protection from fire and lightning*.
• Fifth. Animate object# (see Hex 15.41 – Valley of the Rock Baboons, and below), blade barrier#.


== Combat ==
AC 14
HP 3/3
HD 1d8
Movement Rate
Initiative Modifier
*Primary Melee Attack: 1d6, +0 to hit
*Secondary Melee Attack: 1d4, +0 to hit
*Primary Ranged Attack: 1d6, 5’–80’ / 81’–160’ / 161’–240’

*Poison 11
*Wands 12
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 16
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 2 gp
*Encumbrance: 272/400
**Shield (100 cn)
**Warhammer (30 cn)
**Crossbow plus 30 quarrels (50 cn)
**Silver dagger (10 cn)

**Backpack (318 of 400 cn available)
**6 torches
**1 wk iron rations
**1 large sack (400 cn capacity)
**Holy symbol
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Re: Character Pool

#34 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Knight 1
XP 0/0 0/2070
Alignment Note that we are using three alignments: Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic. I would prefer PCS to be either Lawful or Neutral. Choosing Lawful or Chaotic is to align oneself with the cosmic struggle between Law and Chaos. The vast majority of people in the world are Neutral.
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 14

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 16 (+2)
INT 12
WIS 12
DEX 11
CON 11
CHA 14 (+1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

Knights attack and make saving throws as fighters. First level knights are called squires and do not earn the right to call themselves “knights” until reaching 2nd level.

At 1st level they have the following abilities:
➢ They may attack from horseback, including firing missile weapons (excluding longbows), with no penalty. If using the skill system presented in Hex 17.23 the character is Skilled in Riding.
➢The knight selects one form of combat: ranged, mounted, sword and shield, or two-handed. Refer to the Fighting Styles section of the Appendix for more information.
➢ The knight’s code of conduct provides them with moral strength. The knight gains a +2 bonus against fear and charm effects. NPC knights have their morale increased by 1.
➢ Cleave as a fighter


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Shield the Weak. Once per day the character may elect to receive an attack targeting an ally within 5’. The character must decide prior to the attack roll being made. If this Knack is selected more than once the knight may use it an additional time per day. At level 7 it may be extended to allies within 10’. If the attack roll misses the knight’s AC the attack misses, if it hits the knight’s AC the knight is hit by the attack.


== Combat ==
AC 17
HP 7/7
HD 1d8
Movement Rate 60' (20')
Initiative Modifier
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d6+2) +2 to hit
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow (1d6)

*Poison 12
*Wands 13
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 15
*Spells 16

== Equipment ==
*Money: 1 gp
*Encumbrance: 791/800
**Plate armor (500 cn)
**Shield (100 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Crossbow w/30 quarrels (50 cn)

**Backpack (319 of 400 cn)
**1 wk iron rations
**3 flasks of oil
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Re: Character Pool

#35 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Kobold 1
XP 0/0 0/450
Alignment Lawful
XP Modifier
Max Level 9

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 11
INT 12
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 6 (-1)
CHA 10

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*Kobolds can wear any armor, although it must be fashioned for their small stature. Their weapons are likewise sized for them, doing one damage die-size lower than normal, or they can use human-sized weapons
two-handed, with the exception being they cannot use human-sized two-handed weapons or longbows.

Example. A kobold-forged dagger does 1d3 damage and a similar short sword does 1d4. A human-sized short sword would be treated as a regular sword, but doing 1d6 damage, and a normal sword would be treated as a two-handed sword, doing 1d8 damage.

*Defensive Bonus: When in melee with opponents larger than humans kobolds gain a +2 bonus to AC.

*Hiding: In dungeons or underground areas kobolds can hide in shadows or behind small amounts of cover,succeeding on a roll of 1-3 in 6, provided they don’t move.

*Infravision. Kobolds have infravision to 60’.

*Stonesense. Kobolds can detect construction tricks and room traps as a dwarf, with a 1-2 in 6 chance of success.

*Tinkering. All kobolds are naturals at tinkering. Beginning at level 4 a kobold can attempt to use the Disable thief skill (see p. 171 of Into the Wild) as a thief of level 1 (success on a 14+). This ability improves by 1 at every even level.


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*Toughness. The kobold is especially durable and gains 1d6 hit points per level instead of 1d4. These are applied retroactively to the hit points rolled at 1st level. Note that the re-roll can never be lower than the initial roll. If this Knack is selected twice the kobold has 1d8 hit points per HD.


== Combat ==
AC 13
HP 1/1
HD 1d6
Movement Rate
Initiative Modifier
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d6)
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow (1d4), +1 to hit, 5’–80’ / 81’–160’ / 161’–240’

*Poison 14
*Wands 15
*Paralysis 16
*Breath 17
*Spells 18

== Equipment ==
*Money: 5 gp
**Leather armor (200 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Crossbow w/30 quarrels (50 cn)
**2 silver tipped quarrels

**Backpack (315 of 400 cn available)
**1 wk iron rations
**hand mirror
**hammer plus 12 pitons
**50' rope
**4 flasks of oil
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#36 Post by thirdkingdom »

Kobold Beguiler

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Kobold Beguiler 1
XP 0/0 0/2250
Alignment Chaotic
XP Modifier
Max Level 9

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 11
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 7 (-1)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 12
CHA 16 (+2)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*Kobolds can wear any armor, although it must be fashioned for their small stature. Their weapons are likewise sized for them, doing one damage die-size lower than normal, or they can use human-sized weapons
two-handed, with the exception being they cannot use human-sized two-handed weapons or longbows. Beguilers cannot wear armor.

Example. A kobold-forged dagger does 1d3 damage and a similar short sword does 1d4. A human-sized short sword would be treated as a regular sword, but doing 1d6 damage, and a normal sword would be treated as a two-handed sword, doing 1d8 damage.

*Defensive Bonus: When in melee with opponents larger than humans kobolds gain a +2 bonus to AC.

*Hiding: In dungeons or underground areas kobolds can hide in shadows or behind small amounts of cover,succeeding on a roll of 1-3 in 6, provided they don’t move.

*Infravision. Kobolds have infravision to 60’.

*Stonesense. Kobolds can detect construction tricks and room traps as a dwarf, with a 1-2 in 6 chance of success.

*Tinkering. All kobolds are naturals at tinkering. Beginning at level 4 a kobold can attempt to use the Disable thief skill (see p. 171 of Into the Wild) as a thief of level 1 (success on a 14+). This ability improves by 1 at every even level.

*Cast spells spontaneously, without needing to memorize them. At 1st level a beguiler can cast two 1st level spells. The character knows the following spells: colour spray, wall of fog


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Common, Faery


Faery Heritage, resistance. The kobold is immune to sleep and ghoul paralysis. When making saving throws against charms or illusions they roll twice, taking the better of the two results. This Knack can only be selected once. If they have access to Faery spells (the Faery Heritage, spellcraft Knack) they cast them as if one level higher, if applicable.


== Combat ==
AC 11
HP 4/4
HD 1d4
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Dagger (1d3), +0 to hit
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Dagger (1d3), +1 to hit

*Poison 13
*Wands 14
*Paralysis 13
*Breath 16
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 5 gp
*Encumbrance: 95 cn
**Dagger (10 cn)

**Backpack (315 of 400 cn available)
**1 wk iron rations
**6 torches
**50' rope
**2 vials holy water
**2 flasks of oil
**1 small sack (200 cn capacity)
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:16 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#37 Post by thirdkingdom »

Mochyn (Boar-folk)

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Mochyn 1
XP x/x 0/2500
Alignment Chaotic
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 13

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 16 (+2)
INT 10
DEX 6 (-1)
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 6 (-1)

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*Starts play with 2 HD rather than 1.
*Cleave as fighters
*Aggressive surge (1/day at levels 1-4, 2/day levels 5-8, 3/day 9-12, 4/day 13). Surge lasts until they miss with an attack roll. During this time all attacks they make are made with Advantage, as are all attacks made *against* them


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*Get Back Up. Once per day the boar-folk instantly regains 1d4 hp after being reduced to 0 hp. At 6th level they regain 2d4 hp, and at 12th level they regain 3d4. This Knack can only be selected once.


== Combat ==
AC 13
HP 9/9
HD 1d8
Movement Rate 60' (30')
Initiative Modifier -1
*Primary Melee Attack: 1d8+2, +2 to attack
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow (1d6), -1 to attack 5’–80’ / 81’–160’ / 161’–240’

*Poison 10
*Wands 11
*Paralysis 12
*Breath 13
*Spells 14

== Equipment ==
*Money: 4 gp
*Encumbrance: 794/800
**Plate armor (500 cn)
**Shield (100 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Crossbow w/30 quarrels (50 cn)

**Backpack (316 cn of 400 capacity)
**6 torches
**1 wk iron rations
**1 large sack (400 cn capacity)
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#38 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Monk 1
XP 0/0 0/2750
Alignment Lawful
XP Modifier None
Max Level 14

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 16 (+2)
INT 16 (+2)
WIS 12
DEX 16 (+2)
CON 12
CHA 12

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*Monks may wear any armor and use shields, but wearing armor restricts the Disciplines that a monk may use. Additionally, a monk’s natural armor class improves with their level, as noted on Table 4. These AC
improvements only apply as long as the monk is capable of movement (i.e. a held or restrained monk without armor would have an AC of 9).

*1st-level monks select one weapon type (long sword, mace, etc.) or unarmed combat to be focused in. If they select a weapon they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls while using that weapon. Monks that
choose unarmed combat gain a +1 to hit and inflict 1d3 points of damage per blow at 1st level, 1d4 at 4th, 1d6 at 8th, and 1d8 at 12th. When using a weapon in which they do not have a focus the monk suffers a –1 penalty to attack and damage rolls. No monk suffers a penalty in unarmed combat, however.

*As long as they are unarmored or wearing leather armor monks can Climb Walls as a thief of the same level.

*A first level monk knows two Disciplines and may use one per day of either that they know. Using a discipline is called performing a feat, and monks may perform a total number of feats per day equal to (roughly) their level.

**The character knows two Disciplines and can perform two Feats, in any combination.

Evasion (1, UA, R). The monk can choose to automatically take half damage from either an instantaneous area-affecting spell or effect (such as fireball, lightning bolt, dragon’s breath, etc.) or from a
source of massive damage (a ballista bolt, a boulder thrown by a giant, etc., but excluding falls). If the source of the damage allows a saving throw the monk takes ¼ damage on a successful save. The character must be able to move (i.e. not be restrained) in order to use this Discipline. Must be unarmored to use, can use it as a reaction during someone elses turn.

Shake it Off (1, R). A use of this Discipline grants the monk temporary hit points equal to 1d4 + ½ their level (rounding up). The temporary hit points last for one turn, and any damage taken during this time is subtracted first from the temporary total. The Discipline can only be used if the monk is at ½ or less their normal hit point total, and it can also be used immediately after the monk has been reduced to 0 hp. In that case, if the monk is not healed within 1 turn they die immediately once the temporary hit points disappear. The Discipline can only be used once per turn.

*In order to regain Feats a monk must sleep for at least 4 hours (their mental discipline allows them to get by with less sleep than others), after which they must meditate and mentally prepare themselves for the upcoming day for one hour.

*Monks swear vows of poverty and humility, eschewing material possessions and the accumulation of wealth and power. A monk can have no more possessions than they and a mount can carry. 90% of the monetary
treasure they earn must be donated either back to their order or to others in need (the other PCs *do not* count in this regard). Monks that violate these strictures lose the ability to regain Feats; they find that embracing the material world distracts their focus and leaves them unable to concentrate on their Disciplines.


No more than 100 words, please.


Common, Draconic, Shani


Additional Feat. The monk gains an additional Feat use per day.


== Combat ==
AC 14
HP 3/3
HD 1d6
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier +2
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8+2), +2 to hit
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow (1d6), +2 to hit, 5’–80’ / 81’–160’ / 161’–240’

*Poison 11
*Wands 12
*Paralysis 14
*Breath 16
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 5 gp
*Encumbrance: 395/400
**Leather armor (200 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Crossbow w/30 quarrels (50 cn)
**2 silver tipped quarrels

**Backpack (315 of 400 cn available)
**1 wk iron rations
**hand mirror
**hammer plus 12 pitons
**50' rope
**4 flasks of oil
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Pool

#39 Post by thirdkingdom »


== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Necromancer 1
XP 0/0 0/2750
Alignment Neutral.
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 14

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 11
INT 13 (+1)
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 12

==Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*Necromancers may wear leather armor – often favoring armor of bone, which has the same AC – and have the same weapon restrictions as magic-users. If using the Optional rules from Into the Wild they may use one weapon at 1st level, learning how to use a second weapon at 7th level and a third at 14th.

*Necromancers create magical items as follows. They may craft fetishes at level 3, scrolls at level 5, potions at level 7, and charged and permanent items at level 9. However, if the item to be crafted is not related to undead or death the necromancer is treated as being two levels lower than their actual level; if the item is related to death or undeath they are treated as if they were two levels higher than their actual level.

Necromancers are better equipped than most classes to resist the siren song of death. This manifests in two ways:
► If a necromancer fails a saving throw that would result in instant death (either from an effect or overwhelming damage) they may choose to succeed on the saving throw. Each time this occurs the character loses 1d2–1 points of Charisma, permanently, as the cost of maintaining one’s body in the face of fatal trauma takes its toll. A necromancer with a Charisma reduced to 0 dies and cannot be resurrected or returned to life by any means.

Example. Two necromancers are targeted by a fireball that does 23 points of damage. The first has 30 hp. Regardless of their save result they will not die, so this ability is not triggered. The second necromancer has 20 hp and will die on a failed save, so the ability triggers. They automatically save, taking only 11 hp from the fireball, but also reducing their Charisma by 1d2–1.

► The necromancer may choose to become an undead creature upon their death. When this occurs, unless actions are taken to prevent it, their spirit enters the Shadowlands as normal, but resists the call of rebirth, and the necromancer becomes a free-willed undead creature (most likely a spectre or wraith). Of course, a necromancer in control of their own death may choose to become a different undead creature (such as a mummy or a lich).

*There are two elements to a necromancer’s power: the song and the spell.

At 1st level necromancers cast spells as magic-users, through study and memorization, but with a slower progression. It is recommended that, should this class be allowed, additional spells of the shadow school be added to the game. PHM #4 has some sample spells, and more are included in this issue. Additionally, necromancers are limited in what spells they can cast. If using the schools of magic introduced in PHM #1 the following rules apply.
► Necromancers cast spells of the shadow school normally.
► They may select two other schools of magic they can draw from. All other schools are off-limits to them. Necromancers cannot cast spells of these banned schools from scrolls or devices. The spells of the two selected schools are cast as if the necromancer were two levels lower than their actual caster level (therefore, a 5th-level necromancer casting fireball would cause 3d6 points of damage).

Table 2 -- Necromancer Abilities
Spells per Day
Level 1 2 3 4 5 Channel Divinity
1 1 -- -- -- -- 1
2 1 -- -- -- -- 2
3 1 -- -- -- -- 2
4 1 1 -- -- -- 3
5 2 1 -- -- -- 3
6 2 1 -- -- -- 4
7 2 1 -- -- -- 4
8 2 1 1 -- -- 5
9 2 2 1 -- -- 5
10 2 2 1 -- -- 6
11 2 2 1 -- -- 6
12 3 2 1 1 -- 7
13 3 2 2 1 -- 7
14 3 2 2 1 1 8

The character has the following spells in their spellbook, and can cast spells of the shadow, abjuration, and enchantment schools.

*Level One. Chill touch (shadow school), protection from evil
Chill Touch (arcane, 1st level, shadow)
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: Touch

The caster’s hand becomes enveloped in an umbral sheath. The next target they touch (must make an attack roll to hit an unwilling target) suffers 1d4 points of necrotic damage and must make a saving throw versus spells. Those failing are weakened, suffering a –1 penalty to attack and damage rolls for one turn. The weakness is cumulative with multiple castings.
The spell only affects living creatures. Undead creatures hit by this spell take no damage or penalties but become frightened and will not enter melee with the caster for one turn. Intelligent undead are allowed a saving throw.
If the spell is cast by a shadow specialist, targets allowed a save suffer a –2 penalty to the roll.
The Path of the Song

The path of the song focuses on commanding and compelling undead through musical notes. In order to use the techniques of this path efficiently the necromancer must have access to a musical instrument of some sort: bells, harps, and flutes are the most commonly used. The necromancer may also try to vocalize the notes, but this is a more difficult route.

The path of the song uses a table similar to the Turn Undead table. This is a channel divinity ability and can be used a limited number of times per day. The number of times it can be used is in total, not per effect.
Certain musical notes, or combinations of notes, can be used to affect the undead, both in the mortal and Shadow realms. These are referred to as harmonics.

The necromancer can use any combination of harmonics a limited number of times per day. Unless otherwise stated, a harmonic takes one round to use. The necromancer may move in the same round they use a harmonic, but they may not attack. A necromancer does not need to be able to see a target in order to affect it; all creatures within a certain radius that could be affected are (unless otherwise stated). However, the harmonic must be audible and clearly heard; if the necromancer is affected by a silence spell, for instance, or if a wall separates necromancer and target, the harmonic will not work.

Likewise, the necromancer must have at least one hand free and be able to access and use their instrument. A necromancer regains all of their harmonic channeling uses after an uninterrupted night’s sleep.
When channeling a harmonic the necromancer uses a table similar to the clerical Turn Undead table, except the necromancer rolls 3d6 rather than 2d6. If the result is equal to or higher than the target number the roll succeeds. On a “+” or “++” a special effect occurs. In all instances the effect is described in the specific harmonic description.

Table 3 -- Necromancer Channel Roll (3d6)
Monster HD*
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+
1 11 13 15 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 9 11 13 15 17 -- -- -- -- -- --
3 7 9 11 13 15 17 -- -- -- -- --
4 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 -- -- -- --
5 + 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 -- -- --
6 + + 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 -- --
7 + + + 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 --
8 ++ + + + 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
9 ++ ++ + + + 5 7 9 11 13 15
10 ++ ++ ++ + + + 5 7 9 11 13
11 ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + 5 7 9 11
12 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + 5 7 9
13 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + 5 7
14 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + 5
*If the creature has a “+” next to their Hit Die treat them as the next category higher: e.g. an undead with 2+1 HD would be affected as a 3 HD creature.

Unless otherwise stated, harmonics only affect undead or demons from the Shadowlands. In cases when multiple types of undead are encountered use the following rules:
► A single channeling can affect multiple types of undead, but only one roll is made. Refer to the target number of each creature’s HD, starting from the lowest and working upwards, to determine initial success.
► The result for the highest HD affected determines the total number of HD affected.

Example. A 3rd-level necromancer attempts to banish a group of skeletons (1 HD), zombies (2 HD), and one wight (3 HD). They need a 7 or higher to affect the skeletons, a 9 or higher to affect the zombies, and an 11 or higher to affect the wight. They roll a 12, so are able to theoretically affect all three types. However, the number of undead affected are specifically determined by HD (see below).

Use the following rules to determine which undead are affected first.
► Unintelligent undead (or lesser undead, as they are referred to in PHM #2) are always affected first.
► Undead with lower HD are always affected before undead with higher HD.

Example. A necromancer encounters a group of 4 skeletons (1 HD, unintelligent), 3 zombies (2 HD, unintelligent), and an intelligent undead with 1 HD. Rolling on the table, the necromancer can affect a total of 9 HD. The skeletons are affected first, leaving 5 HD to be affected. Two of the three zombies are affected next, leaving one zombie and the intelligent undead unaffected.

Unlike clerical turning, where at least one creature will be affected regardless of the HD requirement, a necromancer must make a separate roll equal or exceeding the HD of an undead creature in order to affect it (see individual harmonic descriptions).

Example. A necromancer is attempting to control a spectre with 6 HD. The HD roll is a 5, so even though the channel roll was successful the necromancer is unable to affect the target.
Necromancers may spend extra uses of their channel divinity ability to increase their chance of success. Each “use” spent on an attempt increases the necromancer’s effective level by 1 when rolling on Table 3.

Specific undead within a larger group may be affected if the necromancer a) knows the spirit’s true name or b) possesses something once belonging to the spirit’s original body (body parts definitely count)! Also, if both of the requirements are met, the roll is made with a +2 bonus. This bonus applies to all uses of the channel ability, not just the ability to single out specific undead.

Making Contested Rolls

Occasionally the necromancer may need to make contested channeling rolls, either against a magic-user or cleric, another necromancer, or even an undead creature controlling its thralls. Use the following to determine success.
► Harmonics always beat arcane magic. The magic that necromancers channel as part of their harmonics will always be more potent, and will always overwhelm, magically created or controlled undead (such as via an animate dead spell). This applies to, for instance, a necromancer that has created undead via animate dead versus the Song of Binding harmonic.
► Clerical turning (or control, with Chaotic clerics) is slightly less powerful than necromantic control. In case of a contested event (a cleric attempting to turn a group of skeletons controlled by a necromancer, for instance), treat clerics as being 1 level lower than they actually are (minimum of level 1) and allow them to roll on Table 3. If the necromancer is attempting to wrest control away from a cleric, roll on Table 3 as if the necromancer were one level higher.
► Contested rolls between necromancers are handled normally.


Song of Banishment. The most powerful harmonic in the necromancer’s arsenal, this song has the ability to return the souls of the dead to the Shadowlands or, conversely, to catapult the souls of the living to the same place.

In the case of the former, unintelligent undead are destroyed as the spirits that animate their bodies leave; with no animating force, the corpse collapses as the spirit is forced into the Shadowlands. When targeting intelligent undead the necromancer’s level is treated as being 3 lower than it actually is.

In instances when the spirit of an intelligent undead creature is forced back into the Shadowlands they are not permanently destroyed, but are simply without a body. To permanently destroy such creatures the necromancer must venture into the Shadowlands and successfully perform the harmonic again. Note that if the Referee is using soul storage rules for liches the result of a banishment forces a lich’s spirit back into its storage container. To permanently defeat a lich the necromancer must destroy the container, banish the spirit to the Shadowlands, and then banish it again within the Shadowlands.

This song can also be used to send a living soul (i.e. one still attached to its body) into the Shadowlands, where it forms an avatar identical to the target’s physical body. This avatar is attached to their actual physical form via an ethereal, silvery cord that is visible only to those capable of seeing the invisible or magic. While their soul is in the Shadowlands the physical body is insensate and comatose, unaware of what is occurring in the mortal world.

If a living target(s) is willing, the banishment is automatically successful; otherwise a roll must be made, using the target’s level +2 as their HD (treat normal humans as having 2 HD).

Normal Success: 2d4 HD
+ Success: 3d4 HD
++ Success: 4d4 HD

Song of Binding. This song can be used to bind a spirit to a corporeal form or to bind a spirit to the necromancer.

In the latter case, the spirit is allowed a saving throw versus spells to resist the effect, in addition to the necromancer having to succeed on their channeling roll. A spirit that is bound to a necromancer must do as it is ordered, although intelligent undead are notorious for obeying orders literally and making use of any loopholes they can find. Spirits that are already bound to another necromancer are treated as having 2 additional HD for purposes of the channeling roll.

A necromancer can maintain control on no more than a total number of undead HD equal to their necromancer level × 3. They may control a single undead creature with more HD than they have in levels, but such control is temporary at best, lasting no longer than until the next sunrise, at which point the spirit regains independence.
If the necromancer exceeds the total number of HD they can control, they may decide which undead they lose control over. Binding a spirit to the necromancer’s control may be done in either the mortal world or the Shadowlands.

Binding a spirit to a body is relatively simple, and if the necromancer has already bound the spirit to themself may be done automatically, assuming a suitable corpse is at hand. If the necromancer is responsible for the death of the vessel they may make the channeling check with a +1 bonus to the roll.

As a general rule the HD of the spirit determines the undead that can be created via this means; in order to create a skeleton, with 1 HD, the necromancer must bind a spirit that also has 1 HD. Spirits may be fractured amongst lesser vessels, but in such cases they are always granted a saving throw versus spells to resist the effect, and if failed the process effectively destroys the spirit’s individuality (i.e. they cannot be asked questions via the Song of Speaking, for instance). Undead can generally not be created by “merging” multiple spirits together to form an undead with the sum of their HD.

Example. The spirit of a fighter with 2 HD can be divided in half to create two 1-HD skeletons.

A necromancer is aware, without concentrating, of what happens to the undead bound to them. They cannot normally perceive details, or specifics, but are automatically aware when a spirit bound to them is destroyed or dispelled.

Normal Success: 2d6 HD
+ Success: 3d6 HD
++ Success: 4d6 HD

Song of Compulsion. Spirits under the influence of this harmonic must obey the necromancer’s commands. Unintelligent undead will perform any action without hesitation, even ones obviously self-destructive, while free-willed undead are allowed a saving throw versus spells to ignore any commands that would automatically destroy them (such as commanding a vampire to enter sunlight; ordering a vampire to attack a more powerful target would not trigger a save).

Additionally, intelligent undead not bound to the necromancer are allowed a save versus spells at each subsequent sunrise to resist the compulsion; it is possible, however, that an intelligent undead creature may choose to continue fulfilling a command, should it suit the creature’s purposes.

Undead bound to another necromancer via the Song of Binding are treated as having +3 HD for the purpose of the channeling roll.

Normal Success: 2d8 HD
+ Success: 3d8 HD
++ Success: 4d8 HD

Song of Peaceful Repose. When this harmonic is performed over the corpse of a recently dead creature their spirit is immediately sent on to the Shadowlands to begin its journey to the Plains of Rebirth. Normally, the spirit of a recently slain individual lingers in the mortal world for 1d20 hours before passing through the veil between worlds, during which time the spirit is more susceptible to being bound as an undead creature.

The HD of the slain creature is used as the “monster level” when making the roll and for determining the total number of spirits that can be affected at one time; the more powerful the creature (i.e. the more HD they have) the more fiercely they cling to life and the more likely they are to linger.

Additionally, a corpse over which this harmonic is performed cannot be raised as an undead creature. The body remains sacrosanct for a number of days equal to the necromancer’s level.
For purposes of spells such as raise dead, assume that the time limit for raising a spirit targeted by this song is only half the normal length of time.

Normal Success: 2d6 HD
+ Success: 3d6 HD
++ Success: 4d6 HD

Song of Speaking. An undead target of this harmonic must answer the necromancer honestly and to the best of its ability. It can be used upon:
► A corpse, provided its spirit has not yet entered the Shadowlands (see above).
► A spirit within the Shadowlands.
► A spirit animating an undead creature (which may or may not be inhabiting its original body).

Intelligent undead are allowed a saving throw versus spells to resist the effect. It takes one minute per question to use this effect, and the harmonic can only be used against a single target. Subtract the target spirit’s HD from the HD rolled after a successful channel. The total is the number of questions that may be asked. When the result equals 0 the necromancer has exhausted their ability to ask this specific spirit questions forever.

Undead affected by this harmonic must answer truthfully but not necessarily in an easily understandable manner. The questions may either be about their experiences while alive or dead.
Normal Success: 2d6 HD
+ Success: 3d6 HD
++ Success: 4d6 HD


No more than 100 words, please.


Common, Mrtyu


Additional Channels. The necromancer gains two additional channeling uses per day. This Knack may only be selected once.


== Combat ==
AC 10
HP 7/7
HD 1d6
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier 0
*Primary Melee Attack:
*Secondary Melee Attack:
*Primary Ranged Attack:

*Poison 13
*Wands 14
*Paralysis 13
*Breath 16
*Spells 15

== Equipment ==
*Money: 5 gp
*Encumbrance: 95 cn
**Dagger (10 cn)

**Backpack (315 of 400 cn available)
**1 wk iron rations
**6 torches
**50' rope
**2 vials holy water
**2 flasks of oil
**1 small sack (200 cn capacity)
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:17 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Character Pool

#40 Post by thirdkingdom »

Orc Reaver

== Name ==
Race/Class/Level Orc Reaver 1
XP 0/0 0/2360
Alignment Neutral
XP Modifier +5%
Max level 11

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 10
CON 11
CHA 12

== Class Abilities/Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

===Class Abilities===

*Sensitivity to light: -1 to attack and damage rolls in daylight or equivalent.
*Infravision to 90'
*Cleave as fighters.
*Attack using the monster attack matrix.
*At 1st level an orc gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls with melee weapons due to their ferocity. This damage bonus increases to +2 at 4th level, +3 at 7th level and +4 at 10th level.


No more than 100 words, please.




1st level: Resiliant: +1 bonus to all saves.
5th level:
9th level:


*Three total

== Combat ==
AC 16
HP 5/5
HD 1d8
Movement Rate 90' (30')
Initiative Modifier 0
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8) +1 attack/+2 damage
*Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (1d4) +1 attack/+2 damage
*Primary Ranged Attack: Dagger (1d4) +0 attack/+1 damage

*Death: 11
*Wands: 12
*Paralysis: 13
*Breath: 14
*Spells: 15

== Equipment ==
*Encumbrance (current/next tier): 650/800
*Money: 5 gp
**Chain (400 cn)
**Shield (100 cn)
**Sword (60 cn)
**Dagger (10 cn)
**Backpack (capacity 320 cn)

*Packed (80 cn)
**1 week iron rations
**2 small sacks
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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