Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#21 Post by scarik »

The men unleash their missiles some of them fly true though it is hard to tell in the darkness how effective they were. Regardless the amount of noise that they start making increases as they yell at each other in pain and surprise.

It looks like they are about to get into a fistfight over it when one of the brutes bellows and pulls an arrow out of its arm then and waves in the direction of their attackers. They all start shouting more and one of the dwarves curses, "There's more of them inside!"

The heavy crossbowmen work to reload and the lighter weapons hurl another volley.
I intended to have you roll for your henchmen. I said as much in the post but for this round I'll do it so I can start round 2.

Sengrim: Hits but doesn't damage. Sengrim vs ogres R1 hit [_1d6]=(6)=6, wound [_1d6]=(4)=4

Drotik: Misses Drotik vs ogres R1 hit [_1d6]=(1)=1, wound [_1d6]=(2)=2

Si-woo: Hits for 1hp! Si-woo vs ogres R1 hit [_1d6]=(2)=2, wound [_1d6]=(6)=6

That's a total of 4 hits dealing 2 total hp of damage. random hits wounding [_2d6]=(3+4)=7, non [_2d6]=(1+1)=2
Ogre 1 gets hit by both non damaging hits. Ogres 3 and 4 each lose 1 hp.

I forgot Jiho! And also the disruption from Hodlar.
Ji ho hits Ogre number [1d6]=6

Wrap up

Ogre 1: 5hp, 2 subdued
Ogre 2: 5hp
Ogre 3: 4hp, 1 subdued
Ogre 4: 4hp
Ogre 5: 5hp
Ogre 6: 4hp, 1 subdued

Ogre Perception: Ogre Perception [1d6]=6
They may be dim but they are on to you now.
Ogre Morale: Ogre Morale [2d6]=7
They don't panic but they also don't move to act in Round 2.

Round 2

The Ogres are confused and call into the cave for help and/or guidance.

Hodlar and Drotik reload.
Sengrim, Barnaby, Ji-ho and Si-woo may all shoot again. They still need only a 2 to hit. and wound as before.

After you shoot I will check their morale and perception again to see if the dummies do anything. :D

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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#22 Post by Leitz »

Jing Ji-ho

Keeping his shield ready, Ji-ho realizes the ogres aren't going to charge just yet. He shoots again.

Attack: 1 hit Attack/Damage [_2d6]=(1+4)=5
Damage: 0 Single Damage [1d6]=4

Note that Ji-ho did a point of damage in the first round, should one of the ogres be down 1?

Si-woo does another point of damage!
Henchmen Attack [1d6]=3 Damage [1d6]=6

I take it Drotik is reloading this turn?
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#23 Post by tibbius »


To hit:


To hit:
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#24 Post by scarik »

Drotik is indeed reloading.
I added your hits from last round.

Sengrim doesn't get a penalty to hit with ranged weapons for being small. That's just in melee.

Wrap up

I am calling all missile hits that fail to deal damage subdued since thata sort of what they do.

Jiho scores 1 subdue, Siwoo does 2 wound. It's random which Ogre is hit due to darkness and them jostling around.
Ji ho hits Ogre number [1d6]=6
Si woo hits Ogre number [1d6]=2

Ogre 1: 5hp, 2 subdued
Ogre 2: 4hp,
Ogre 3: 4hp, 1 subdued
Ogre 4: 4hp
Ogre 5: 5hp
Ogre 6: 4hp, 2 subdued

Ogre Perception: Ogre Perception [1d6]=4
They now know which way to go.
Ogre Morale: Ogre Morale [2d6]=8
And they are now ready to fight.
Ogre 6 is under half total hp so he has to check separately for that as wellOgre 6 Morale [2d6]=7-2 is 5.
He doesn't join the charge!

You are in range to be charged in round 3.

Make a Captain roll for Ji Ho to set formation.

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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#25 Post by Leitz »

Jing Ji-ho

"They are coming." Ji-ho's voice carried grim resolve as he fired one last round before transitioning from bow to sword and shield. Si-woo followed his cousin's lead. "Gurav, please deploy your folk. Rearguard, move left after Drotik fires, so he can pick off stragglers. Everyone, prepare for their charge."

Captain roll, +1 for Captain, +1 for Charisma?
Pair dice roll [_2d6]=(5+4)=9

Attack 2 hits: Attack/Damage [_2d6]=(6+5)=11
Damage: 1 or 2 subdue? Attack/Damage [_2d6]=(1+4)=5

Attack: 1 hit
Damage: 1 damage! Henchmen Attack [1d6]=4 Damage [1d6]=6

Attack: A miss, I think
Damage: 0
Henchmen Attack [1d6]=1 Damage [1d6]=3

When we change weapons, what are the Hit and Damage rolls needed? Probably something I should have asked a lot earlier. :)
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#26 Post by scarik »

Bellowing, the Ogres churn up the earth and trample down the hill toward their tormentors in a typically ogrish attempt to run the enemy over and scatter them. But against disciplined enemies under a capable commander they find that instead of a rout they get to enjoy another volley of missiles including the hurled weapons of the dwarves they hadn't yet noticed.

From the viewpoint of the adventurers the right side of the Ogre charge fails. One is pelted with so many hits that he reels back and trips over his own momentum. His brother on the far end of the line simple stops in his tracks in a panic and flees back toward the cave!

But still 3 of them barrel onward into the line and the melee is joined!

Just to keep things moving I am resolving the remaining ranged attacks and getting to the deciding portion of this fight: the charge results.

Sengrim: 1 sub Sengrim xbow, vs ogre [_1d6]=(6)=6, [_1d6]=(3)=3 vs Sengrim hits Ogre number [_1d6]=(4)=4
Barnaby: 1 hit! Barnaby sling, vs ogre [_1d6]=(4)=4, [_1d6]=(6)=6 vs Hodlar hits Ogre number [1d6]=5
Hodlar: 2 hits Hodlar heavy xbow, vs ogre [_2d6]=(4+3)=7, [_2d6]=(4+4)=8 vs Hodlar hits Ogre number [1d6]=5
Gurav: 1 sub Gurav thrown axe, vs ogre [_2d6]=(5+1)=6, [_2d6]=(5+6)=11 vs [url=https://www.unseenservant.com/index.php ... 97&macid=0]Gurav hits Ogre number [_1d6]=(6)=6[/url] Correction Gurav hits Ogre number [_1d6]=(3)=3
Borav: 1 sub Korev thrown axe, vs ogre [_2d6]=(6+1)=7, [_2d6]=(3+2)=5 vs Borav hits Ogre number [_1d6]=(4)=4
Kurev: 1 sub Korev thrown axe, vs ogre [_2d6]=(6+1)=7, [_2d6]=(3+2)=5 vs Kurev hits Ogre number [_1d6]=(5)=5

Ji-ho: 2 sub vs Ji ho hits Ogre number [1d6]=4
Si-woo: 1 hit! vs Si woo hits Ogre number [1d6]=2 (i think Si-woo has hit every time)
Drotik: Miss!

I rolled for each individual but in the future I thought of a few ways to make my life easier lol.


Ogre 2: 1hp
Ogre 4: 4 sub
Ogre 5: 3hp and 1sub
Ogre 6: 1 sub
Ogre 3: 1 sub

Ogre current hp
Ogre 1: 5hp, 2 sub
Ogre 2: 3hp,
Ogre 3: 4hp, 2 sub > sub equal half Morale: No issues Ogre 3 Morale [2d6]=7
Ogre 4: 4hp, 4 sub > sub = hp Injury: Ogre 4 Injury, [2d6]=7, Morale [2d6]=8 He takes a mediocre result on both. I am going to rule he trips and falls during the charge.
Ogre 5: 2hp, 1 sub > hp under half, sub half or more of hp Morale: 5 -4..., he not only stops charging but reverses and runs back to the cave. Ogre 5 Morale [2d6]=5
Ogre 6: 4hp, 2 sub He didn't even join the charge! [I made a mistake on him so I'm re-rolling the hit he would have gotten... he hit 3]


I believe you have 6 spear armed characters with 7HD total. That is enough to negate the charge bonus of 3 4HD Ogres (each set spear can negate 2HD of charges) so the charge attacks are a normal melee clash.

Ogres are decently armed.

Heavy: Kurev (only Well armored tho) (needs 3 to hit and is hit on 6)
Well: Ji-ho, Si-woo, Gurav and Borav (need 4 to hit and are hit on 6)
Decent: Barnaby, Rolton, Dramm (need 5 to hit and are hit on 5)
Light: Hemia, Morphin, Glimer (all with Decent armor so need 6 to hit but are hit on 5)

The dwarves are all basically seeking death or glory so they absorb their HD in attacks (5 total). Gurav will take a full ogre's worth if you let him. That's up to Ji-ho.

Ji-ho, Si-woo, Rolton and Dramm all risk their onw HD in attacks as well. (5 total)

Ji-ho decides where those last 2 go. He may take them on himself, allow Gurav to do so, or split them with Gurav 1 each.

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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#27 Post by Leitz »

Jing Ji-ho

"Cousin, you have not missed a single shot."
Ji-ho put us foot on the butt of the spear and pressed it into the ground as the ogres charged. "I will get you a stronger bow, and next time you will kill the enemy before they get to us."

Ji-ho: 1 Hit
Attack/Damage [_2d6]=(2+4)=6
Attack/Damage [_2d6]=(4+5)=9

Si-woo: Miss
Henchmen Attack [1d6]=1 Damage [1d6]=2

Rolton: Miss
Henchmen Attack [1d6]=2 Damage [1d6]=1

"Morphin, Gilmer, support our dwarven friends! Use overhead thrusts." Ji-ho's command voice was strong, and he stepped slightly forward. For him to take an extra ogre HD.

I doubt Morphin and Gilmer will get there this round, and they can't support the dwarf with the big axe. However, it gets them blooded against a terrifying enemy, and builds confidence. OOC I know Hemia is engaging as well, but Ji-ho doesn't.

Remaining henchmen rolls, if needed. Editing the result to show the name.
Hemia Attack [1d6]=2 Damage [1d6]=5
Gilmer Attack [1d6]=4 Damage [1d6]=6
Morphin Attack [1d6]=3 Damage [1d6]=4

Hmm...I think I'm doing this wrong for melee. We needed 2 rolls (Attack, Damage) for missles, but only one for melee, correct? If that's the case, I'll fix my macros. The results above should be viable, even though the dice names were off. Or I can re-roll after fixing the macro, if you prefer?
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#28 Post by tibbius »

As promised, when the ogres start their charge, Barnaby utters a great and unexpectedly joyous shout: "Tally Ho!" Inspire Allies! Everyone along side him feels a rush of battle madness.



Sengrim: hides.
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#29 Post by scarik »

A trio of Ogres crashes into the adventurers at full speed. It would take twice their number to have any chance of halting such mass entirely and so bodies are rocked and men shunted aside as the ogres trample through the line and force a general melee where their massive size and sweeping attacks are certain to prove devastating.

Gurav receives a glancing blow and is knocked backwards while old Dramm finds the full force of an Ogre's fist and is slammed to the ground. To the amazement of all Ji-ho deftly wards himself and drives his weapon into his enemy's thigh while Korev rushes to the edge with a thundering oath and plants his great axe into the Ogre.

For a moment it is calm, then the night is shattered with a howl of pain and Kurev's Ogre turns and flees! The one facing Ji-ho looks nervous and falls back swinging wildly to try and guard his own retreat. That leave only a single brute left in combat and if he had the grit of a real soldier he may have stood his ground, but with his brothers in disarray he two tries to make a fighting retreat.

Barnaby Channeling: +1 to morale and saving throws for as long as he concentrates (ie no fighting), it last until the end of any round in which he does fight. Barnaby Inspire [2d6+1]=6+1=7

Summary of PC rolls
Ji-ho hits Ogre 2.

Gurav: None. Gurav Melee [_2d6]=(2+1)=3
Borav: None. Borav Melee [_1d6]=(4)=4
Korev: 2 hits on Ogre 3 Korev Melee [_2d6]=(5+4)=9

Ogre Attacks
I'm rolling them by who they are directed at.
Ji-ho (3): None Ogre Melee vs jiho [_3d6]=(4+2+4)=10
Si-woo (1): No. Ogre Melee vs siwoo [_1d6]=(2)=2
Rolton (1): No. Ogre Melee vs siwoo [_1d6]=(2)=2
Dramm (1): 1 hit. Ogre Melee vs dramm [_1d6]=(5)=5
Gurav (3): 1 hit. Ogre Melee vs gurav [_3d6]=(2+3+6)=11
Borav (1): No. Ogre Melee vs gurav [_3d6]=(2+3+6)=11
Korev (2): None. Ogre Melee vs gurav [_3d6]=(2+3+6)=11

Ogre 2 takes 1hp
Ogre 3 takes 2 hp
Dramm takes 1hp
Gurav takes 1hp

Ogre 1: 5hp, 2 sub
Ogre 2: 2hp Withdraw Ogre 2 Morale under half hp [2d6]=6
Ogre 3: 2hp, 2 sub Rout and WoundedOgre 3 Morale under half hp [2d6]=3, Injury [2d6]=4

Ogre Morale side casualties [2d6]=9. Only ogre 1 is currently left so that's -2 for under a quarter and -2 for being an ogre. He also withdraws.

Ogre 4: 4hp, 4 sub (fell)
Ogre 5: 2hp, 1 sub (fled)
Ogre 6: 4hp, 2 sub (fled)

Gurav: 1hp Morale holds (his is high plus Inspiration helps, he can only fail on snake eyes) Gurav Morale [2d6]=4
Dramm: 0hp... Dramm Injury[2d6]=12 The dice gods favor him. He is only knocked down and not wounded. Still 0hp though

For next round

Dramm will get back up. He can't fight this round and if he does he might actually hurt himself so he will stay out of it unless attacked.

The withdrawing Ogres fight normally. They have 8HD and you can decide to split that however you like. My advice is to pile it on your Fighters (Ji-ho, Gurav and Korev) then onto the best armed (Si-woo, Borav)

The fleeing Ogre doesn't get to fight and can be attacked at +1. Korev switches to ones near him but second line fighters are free to try that one.

Archers may fire on the two who failed to charge.

Leitz wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 6:09 pm Hmm...I think I'm doing this wrong for melee. We needed 2 rolls (Attack, Damage) for missles, but only one for melee, correct? If that's the case, I'll fix my macros. The results above should be viable, even though the dice names were off. Or I can re-roll after fixing the macro, if you prefer?
Its one step for melee so you need a different macro. We can use the first set of rolls, ie your accuracy ones for now. Ji-ho hits, all others do not.
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#30 Post by Leitz »

Jing Ji-ho

The chaos of melee ensued, and Ji-ho focused on his enemy. His first thrust was swatted aside, and Ji-ho ducked under the ogre's massive fist. The ogre's charge left it off balanced and open, and then Ji-ho struck true. Whatever passed for blood in the thing spurted out and coated the blade of Ji-ho's spear. Gurav struck deep as well, and the creature screamed and began to flee.

Barnaby's magic helped his spirit, this was a hard first challenge for the small group. But the battle was not yet won. He pointed at the fleeing ogre and his command voice rolled over the group. "Morphin, Gilmer, Hemia, chase him! Everyone else attack!"

Ji-ho, Si-woo, Rolton will attack regular ogres
Ji-ho: 1 hit Ji-ho Melee attacks [_2d6]=(2+4)=6
Si-woo: 1 hit Si-woo Melee Attack [_1d6]=(4)=4
Rolton: Miss Rolton Melee Attack [_1d6]=(4)=4

Drotik shoot non-engaged
Miss Drotik Missile Attack [1d6]=1, Missile Damage [1d6]=6

Morphin, Gilmer, and Hemia will attack the fleeing ogre at +1
Morphin: Miss Morphin Melee Attack [_1d6]=(3)=3
Gilmer: 1 hit Gilmer Melee Attack [_1d6]=(5)=5
Hemia: 1 hit Hemia Melee Attack [_1d6]=(5)=5
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#31 Post by tibbius »

Barnaby continues a long, seemingly breathless martial yell; his surprisingly loud voice resounds across the grasslands. Inspire Allies continues ... concentration allows no other action ?

Dramm rolls over, grabs his spear, and scrambles back to his feet. "I'm too old for this shit," the grizzle warrior mutters.
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#32 Post by scarik »

Round 5

The Ogre who fell gets up to run away and gets hit with more bolts, bleeding and crying out he runs toward home. The one who turned his back goes down under Gilmer's spear and Hemia's cudgel. The two who began to withdraw lose their tempers and begin to fight again around 20 yards from the cave entrance.

The Ogre who turned and fled during the charge reaches the cave entrance and balks. The sounds from within the cave grow louder.


The vicious melee continues, the crossbowmen prepare to launch another volley.

Round 7

The initial skirmish ends, the crossbowmen have no one to target but one of the adventurers takes a parting strike as the two Ogres succumb to righteous steel.

Round 5

Ogre 4 gets shot at
Sengrim: 1 hit Sengrim light xbow, vs ogre [_1d6]=(4)=4, [_1d6]=(5)=5
Hodlar: 1 hit, 1 sub Hodlar heavy xbow, vs ogre [_2d6]=(5+5)=10, [_2d6]=(5+1)=6

Ogres 1 and 2 are in melee
Ogre 1 Nothing. Ogre 1 melee vs Ji ho [_3d6]=(2+5+1)=8m vs Si woo [1d6]=2
Ogre 2 Nothing. Ogre 2 melee vs Gurav [_2d6]=(4+1)=5, vs Kurev [_2d6]=(3+5)=8

Dwarves melee
Gurav: None. Gurav vs Ogre 2 [_2d6]=(1+1)=2
Borav: None.
Kurev: 1 hit Kurev vs Ogre 2 [_2d6]=(2+4)=6

Wrap up
Ogre 1: 3hp, 2 sub
Ogre 2: 1hp
They stop withdrawing. They are angry more than brave Ogre side morale for 1&2 [2d6]=11
Ogre 3: 0hp, Incapacitated Ogre 3 0hp [2d6]=10
Ogre 4: 2hp, 4 sub, routing, Wounded Ogre 2 Injury [2d6]=8.
Ogre 5: 2hp, 1 sub (fleeing, reaches cave)
Ogre 6: 4hp, 2 sub (fled into cave)

You surround the two remaining ogres, Those taking fewer attacks than their own HD now get +1 to hit, ie Borav, Gilmer, Modrin and Hemia.
Since you are currently stuck in and winning I will roll to proceed to the next decision point.

Round 6
Heavy crossbows reload.
Sengrim shoots Ogre 4, 1 sub Sengrim light xbow, vs ogre 4 [_1d6]=(2)=2, [_1d6]=(2)=2
Jiho and his NPCs surround Ogre 1. The dwarves continue to take Ogre 2.
Rolling for all those with the same number to hit. Use order of dice to determine who gets the hit

Ji-ho & Si-woo: 1 hit by Si-wooJiho&Siwoo [_3d6]=(1+4+5)=10
G,M,H: 1 hit by Gil GilMorHem [_3d6]=(6+2+1)=9
Kurev & Borav: None Korev & Borav [_3d6]=(1+2+2)=5
Gurav: None. Gurav vs Ogre 2 [_2d6]=(1+3)=4

Ogre 1: 1 hit vs Ji-ho Ogre 1 [_4d6]=(5+6+5+2)=18
Ogre 2: 1 hit vs kurev Ogre 2 [_4d6]=(6+1+1+5)=13

Wrap up
Ogre 1: 1hp, 2 sub, Keeps going Ogre 1 sub more than hp [2d6]=10
Ogre 2: 1hp
Ogre 3: 0hp, Incapacitated, Wounded, unstable
Ogre 4: 2hp, Incapacitated, Wounded, unstable
Ogre 5: 2hp, 1 sub (at cave)
Ogre 6: 4hp, 2 sub (in cave)

Ji-ho: 1hp
Gurav: 1hp
Kurev: 1hp
Dramm: 0hp, Stable
All others full

Round 7!

Ogre 1: 1 hit, choose Ji-ho or Si-woo*. Ogre 1 [_4d6]=(2+5+6+3)=16
Ogre 2: None. Ogre 2 [_4d6]=(1+5+3+5)=14

Ji-ho & Si-woo: 1 hit by J Jiho&Siwoo [_3d6]=(6+4+2)=12
G,M,H: 1 hit by each GilMorHem [_3d6]=(6+5+6)=17
Kurev & Borav: 2 for K Kurev & Borav [_3d6]=(3+3+3)=9
Gurav: 1 hit Gurav Melee [_2d6]=(4+1)=5

Wrap up
Ogre 1: He's dead, Jim.
Ogre 2: Likewise
Ogre 3: 0hp, Incapacitated, Wounded, unstable
Ogre 4: 2hp, Incapacitated, Wounded, unstable
Ogre 5: 2hp, 1 sub (at cave)
Ogre 6: 4hp, 2 sub (in cave)

*Its the third die that connects. So if Ji-ho is still tanking its him, otherwise Si-woo steps up. Either way they drop to 0hp and make a saving throw (with +1 for Inspire) Si woo would get another +1 from his CON.

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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#33 Post by Leitz »

Jing Ji-ho

Ji-ho pressed in close to the ogre, and took it's dying swing.

Saving throw[_2d6]=(2+6)=8
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#34 Post by tibbius »

Barnaby's great shout fades to a ragged, gasping inhalation. As its echoes fade across the moonlit grasses, the bard bends double at his waist, hands on his knees, and heaves in breath. Then he straightens up and looks around.

Dramm leans on his spear. He wheezes and pats his armored ribs, as if trying to assuage the pain of breathing.

Sengrim checks his quiver.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#35 Post by scarik »

For a brief moment there is quiet and the adventurers have time to catch their breath and survey the area. Darkness and tall grass makes finding fired missiles impossible in this short time but the felled ogres can be looted of the greasy sacks they each carry to contain their personal wealth. What is within them will likewise need to wait but by the weight and sound its several handfuls of coin at the least.

From within the cave they can hear voices muffled by earth and reflecting on stone with a single, increasingly irate one bellowing over the others.

Time for your next move.
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#36 Post by Leitz »

Jing Ji-ho

"What healing can be done quickly? Dramm, are you okay to continue?" Ji-ho said to the group. "Can our scouts see what is inside, without being seen, so that we can prepare?"
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#37 Post by scarik »

Dramm is in no mood to keep fighting in the state he's in, and even if he could do so without further injury he's likely to aggravate the bruising in his ribs if he tries. Ji-ho is no different but Gurav insists that Borav uses his magic to assist Ji-ho rather than on himself.

Borav uses Cure Wounds to return Ji-ho to 1hp.

Most of the group has never witnessed healing magic before and they are wide-eyed at how Ji-ho goes from breathing slowly and slightly stooped to the full color rushing back into his face and his commanding bearing snapping back to full force.

Quick-footed Sengrim and cautious Hodlar get closer in the dark but neither can see inside as the cave entrance turns just after the opening but that tells the dwarf spades more than the halfling and he quickly returns to report.

"The walls are stone and the floor is hewn smooth, this is definitely one of the old watchforts," he speaks the common tongue but his audience is mainly his Thane. He adds that the path is narrow, for an Ogre, and that it slopes down into the hillside.

Sengrim pops back up, "I can't tell how many there are but there's definitely a leader in a foul mood."

Gurav speaks with grim glee,"If its a watchfort that means its no wider than a wagon, and that there's another entrance there." He signals toward the hillside away from the revealed entrance. One always let's in the sunrise, and the other, "One always admits the dawn, the other the dusk."
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#38 Post by Leitz »

Jing Ji-ho

"Borav, thank you. I will remember what you have done," Ji-ho said. Perhaps the dwarf knew that some humans do remember service given by others. He stretched and nodded to Gurav. "Thank you."

After Gurav explained the watch fort, Ji-ho thought for a moment. He looked at the others, and said, simply, "Here's what we'll do. Gurav, you and your kin split around the entrance, just out of sight. Rolton, Morphin, and Gilmer will form a reinforced spear line just outside of the entrance. Si-woo, Drotik, and I will go in quietly, fire quickly, and then retreat out fast. We will circle around, and join the defensive line. If the creature or creatures do not come out, we will come up with another plan, likely to include a two pronged attack from each passageway. Any questions or concerns?"

The bellowing should echo off the stone, and cover the sound of the advance. The idea is to attack from semi-surprise, and then retreat before they can react. Shoot and scoot. If pursued then the others will have a solid defense for the ogre(s) to run into while the three missileers rearm into melee. Does that make sense?
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#39 Post by tibbius »

Barnaby nods, and briefly places his hands on Dramm's shoulders with a few muttered phrases. Cure Wounds
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Re: Expedition to Kraka Grak, Spring 668

#40 Post by scarik »

Leitz, make your ranged attacks. You all hit on 2, bows wound on 5 (extreme close range), the crossbow on 3 (no benefit for being this close, already at max pen by being 2 categories more powerful than armor)
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