Father of Worms

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Re: Father of Worms

#441 Post by Darithe »


Mave will help to gather wood and make sure the horses are fed. While they are cooking their dinner Mave says, careful to say it soft enough that the prisoners do not hear, "A thought has occurred to me, since we will be travelling in that general direction. We could stop by Gull's Landing and entrust our prisoners to my father and brothers. They can either be held there or released on the next ship leaving for a far-flung coast. While I'm not sure how my father will receive me, my brothers are likely to help and it is the one town I know to be trustworthy." Later upon hearing of those leaving, "Athan, you are an honorable man to fulfill that condemned man's wishes. I hope you take great care in Belay for it is truly a den of thieves." Then looking to Locke, "Your kindness and healing skills will be sorely missed, as we too shall miss you," she glances at Wilwarin for a moment. When Davion is out of earshot she will comment, "He intends to report all to Tallow. I think the less he knows about our plans the better."
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Re: Father of Worms

#442 Post by Rex »


"An excellent idea Mave."
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Re: Father of Worms

#443 Post by Revenant »

Torvik's idea is well thought out and you make the fire less likely to be seen. Athan intent on completing his promise notes he has no choice as he is honor-bound to fulfill his obligation. He is reluctant to abandon his new-found relative Bryne, but promises he will find his way to Lionsgate, once he has notified the man's loved ones. He glances to Morwen and says, "Were I to have a fellow countryman with me, my duty would be completed all the quicker and my safety guaranteed." Morwen glances to Liviel, for she too has found new family, though it is not truly by blood, only by heritage, "Sir Athan, I can only say I will consider the matter and give you my answer on the morrow." Between Bryne's choice of location and Torvik's precautions of seclude the fire, the watches pass uneventfully and undisturbed sleep is had by all. In fact, the natural overhang provides a warmth that helps against the night's chill.

The next morning, Torvik brings up his wish not to split the party but Athan again insists he must complete his obligation. Locke explains that he has a family tradition of planting a tree for each family and friend that passes and he feels the need to complete this before he could consider traveling further with you. He must honor his sister first. And after a meager breakfast, Locke and Davion decide to travel together to Lupre, with Locke planning to continue on, after a stop in that town. Athan plans to head in the opposite direction for Belay, though he is still awaiting Morwen's answer as to whether she will accompany him.

As the group packs up their belongings and ready the horses, they decide their next course of action. They can ride to the Northern Pass road where Locke, Davion and Athan (and possibly Morwen) will depart. There if you wish to stick to the roads, you could take the Northern Pass, traveling north to the King's Way road which you could ride until you come to the road to Lionsgate. Or conversely, you could save time by riding through the country stopping at Gull's Landing as Mave suggests and then continuing on from there to Lionsgate, which would save you a day or two of traveling on the road.
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Re: Father of Worms

#444 Post by The Bindoner »


Gull’s Landing, and your family, seem to be our best solution. I favour it.

When Davion is out of earshot she will comment, "He intends to report all to Tallow. I think the less he knows about our plans the better."
I begin to distrust everyone. I fear we should mislead even our friends as to our intentions, as a precaution against their betrayal, coerced or beguiled.

Wilwarin regrets the departure of those who are leaving, and is concerned for their welfare, travelling in ones and twos in such dangerous lands. Nonetheless, she refrains from attempts at dissuasion – they each have good reasons for the paths they have chosen.
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Re: Father of Worms

#445 Post by Darithe »


Rising refreshed by the long night's rest, Mave is filled with both excitement and trepidation of thoughts that she might be returning home. She is also though, unhappy at the thought of losing so many with much needed healing skills. If Morwen does leave, Thena will be the sole companion with such abilities. She will in particular, speak to Morwen and see if she can convince her to stay, as much as she fears for Athan's safety alone in Belay. Morwen has proven herself to be an essential part of the group and with the loss of the healers, Davion and Locke, it may well cripple us considering the battles we have faced in the past.
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Re: Father of Worms

#446 Post by Rex »


"Gulls Landing does indeed seem our best option."
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Re: Father of Worms

#447 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik nods his head "Gulls Landin be fine by me too."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: Father of Worms

#448 Post by Revenant »

After breakfast, you all ride to the Northern Pass road and bid goodbye to Locke and Davion who begin their journey to Lupre. Morwen speaks for a long time privately with Liviel and then with Mave, before approaching Torvik. "Good sir, I wish you a safe journey and wish to thank you for your kindness and helpfulness during our travels together. I've decided to accompany Athan to Belay and I've asked Liviel to join us. We plan to book passage to Lionsgate as soon as Athan fulfills his promise." And with that the trio bid each member of the group journeying to Gull's Landing warm goodbyes before departing south on the road to Belay.

This leaves Vari, Kade and Ruskin, without transportation, since the wagon was abandoned in Brindleseep. You can double up riders as needed or they can travel on foot, though that will slow your travel considerably. Leaving the road and heading southeast you begin your journey to Gull's Landing.
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Re: Father of Worms

#449 Post by Rex »


We will double as needed, resting the horses frequently.
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Re: Father of Worms

#450 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik nods and furrows his brow "Though it saddens me ta see ya go, I do thank ya for stickin with us this far. Funny how things work out aint it? Safe travels and heres to hopin we meet again." he says to Morwen. "Looks like we're ridin double folks, best not get upset bout bein too close to nobody alright recruits? An no jokes bout body odors er bad breath er you'll be riding face towards horses arse." he chuckles at the end.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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