Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

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Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#1 Post by Magnus »

Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 4
Time: 09:20
Weather: 45 degrees; drizzling
Location: Outside the Steading

Ethan and Vorsyin get while the proverbial getting is good and exit the Steading into the drizzle. Kjelti and the two prisoners decline to follow the two dissenters.

The two companions make their way quickly across the cold, damp ground towards Croweye and his comfortable looking fire. As they step towards the seer, time and space suddenly seem to shift and twist uncomfortably. This contortion rocks the perceptions of the two adventurers such they see only an inky black in front of their eyes and hear an ever-louder beating of drums. It drowns out all sound. It grows louder, almost crushing the skulls of the two adventurers.

The noise stops. A soft light, which turns to a warming glow, appears in front of them.

They now find themselves in a cave of sorts. A roaring fire sits in the midst of the room. Seated around the fire is Crowseye, looking quite satisfied as he takes long draws of a large pipe adorned with a feather on the end of it. A few other Children, some male, some female, also sit, cross legged, around the fire sipping a tea or broth of some kind.

A white-furred creature, the size of a small deer, but that looks like a thin sheep or muscular goat, lays curled up between the two adventurers. Its fur is white and shaggy. A single long, ivory horn, stretches out from the center of its head. It looks at each of the party members with eyes that recall a long-lost childhood pet.

The DM tries desperately to make a unicorn less "gay" (I'm no homophobe...being ironic.)

Crowseye nods towards the party members: "A drink you want? Insight you seek?"

The seer, who the party now realizes is friendly but slightly mad - and now intoxicated, smiles and says:

"A draw from the Tiles of Fate perhaps....???"
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan, Vorsyin, and KJ if she joins)

#2 Post by Computer +1 »

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Re: Ceremony (Ethan, Vorsyin, and KJ if she joins)

#3 Post by Magnus »

Computer +1 wrote:!!!
Yes...a deck of many things is on the table... ;)
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#4 Post by drpete »

Ethan Blacktyde

Somewhat disoriented, Ethan reaches out and pets the unicorn.

"Thank you, wise one, for your hospitality, and the assistance you gave to us in entering halls beneath the giant's steading. It would be an honor for my friends and I to share your hospitality. It is good to toast our successes and mourn our losses. It would be more fitting if they were all here with us, but our friend Antheris and the others stayed back at the Steading to release some prisoners. If you can bring them here, I'm sure they would also like to participate."
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#5 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorsyin has no intention of getting involved with the randomness of wild magic. He instead takes his cues from Ser Blacktyde, Indeed, the others would love a toast here if you had the means to bring them here directly...
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#6 Post by Magnus »

The unicorn sidles up to Ethan, reciprocating the slightest hint of affection a thousandfold. Its fur feels clean and soft and has a untouched scent that recalls a (clean ;) ) newborn baby. Even a grizzled, stoic warrior such as Ser Blacktyde is moved by a spirit so pure. The unicorn then lowers his head and touches its horn softly on Ethan's chest. Ethan feels numb for a moment and then the considerable pain throughout his body simply releases itself. A tear flows involuntarily down the cheek of the knight, as his icy heart thaws a bit...how much would be ultimately up to him.

Ethan receives a heal spell and left to contemplate his horrible lack of compassion for his fellows and the prisoners, and consider a shift to good alignment. Unicorn can only heal 1x per day.

Crowseye grimaces at the mention of bringing the rest of the party out of the Steading. The topic is clearly disturbing enough to kill the euphoria brought on by whatever is in his pipe...

"Seen your entry, it has. The root of evil has taken grasp. No more vision ... No more reach...I have into that place."

"Do you not wish to call upon the symbols of fate? Know, I do, that great risk is taken by asking such powers for help. But the great rewards that come may bring the power necessary to overcome your foes
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#7 Post by drpete »

Ethan Blacktyde

Feeling the rejuvenating power of the unicorn, Ethan's concern for his fellows overcomes his self interest (or common sense)
"I am not afraid of the fates. To help defeat this evil, I will bear any price. How many cards may I draw, Crowseye?"

Ethan will then proceed to draw from the deck.

I have to specify the number of draws ahead of time, yes? I'll draw the maximum, which I think is 4, unless Crowseye counsels against it or tells me different. I'll worry about the alignment issue if I survive :)
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#8 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorsyin puts his hand on Ethan's shoulder before he draws any cards. Ser I know that you would help the others with this action but must caution you first. Once drawn there is nothing that can be done to undo the cards magic. Great gains or great pain lay within that deck. HE removes this hand from Ethan's shoulder, Some magics are best left untouched, believe me.
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#9 Post by Magnus »

As Ethan states his choice, the unicorn looks up at his new friend with a mix of fear and awe. Crowseye smiles wryly as he hands the deck to Ethan. The rest of the Children quiet, then begin an ever-louder drum beat...


Ethan draws four cards...
Knight.jpg (134.6 KiB) Viewed 1339 times
A strapping young man with pale skin and a jet black crew cut blinks into view. He wears the Blacktyde coat of arms on his plate armor. He kneels in front of Ethan and holds his two-handed sword in fealty to Ethan. "Marcus Ospina, at your service"

Services of 4th level fighter acquired!
EURYALE.jpg (143.19 KiB) Viewed 1339 times
Ethan trembles suddenly and without explanation.

Permanent -1 to all saving throws. Please mark your character sheet.
KEY.jpg (152.3 KiB) Viewed 1339 times
A large box of fine mahogany, bound with fine brass hardware, appears next to Ethan.

Major magic weapon gained...PM sent.
FLAMES!!!!! :twisted:
FLAMES.jpg (144.16 KiB) Viewed 1339 times
In the deepest depths of an icy-black sea universes away, a beast drifts with quiet purpose through the noxious liquid and the noisome muck of the sea floor; a hideous terror even among the strange and terrible things that dwell in such unspeakable places. As this card lands on the floor of Crowseye's cave, these obsidian-colored seas suddenly churn with the thrashing of innumerable tentacles of impossible dimensions, and gnashing of thousands of terrible teeth. The image of Ethan is seared indelibly in the incomprehensible psyche of THE BEAST. Whatever alien schemings had come to plague reality as the result of the machinations of this unspeakable beings would cease as THE BEAST gained a new, singular purpose...the utter destruction of Ser Blacktyde!

Soon, the surface of that sea would breach as the heralds of THE BEAST crashed outward, ready to begin their hunt for their master's adversary.

Does the above really need an ooc explaination?
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#10 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorsyin waits and watches as the cards are drawn. The scene is so tense he can barely draw breath as each card is revealed.
His mind swims at the possibilities that the cards could offer. Could they bring his wife back from the dead? If they did what would the cost be?

His heart is pounding in his chest, the giants he faced earlier forgotten momentarily.
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#11 Post by drpete »

Ethan Blacktyde

Ethan draws from the deck, only a trickle of sweat on his brow betraying the calm on his grim countenance.

As the final card awakens the horror, he nods. "I have done what I can. My days are numbered, Vorsin. I am not sure I have chosen wisely. May my doom wait until our quest is complete."

Ethan nods to Crowseye. "Thank you."
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#12 Post by Magnus »

Crowseye nods sagely. Just as his head swings back up to meet the party, time and space seem to again twist and shift. The party again lose consciousness and wake up a moment later.

The mage, knight, and their new companion find themselves again standing on the cold, damp ground of the Lands Beyond the Wall. The sun has just begun to set, and the evening fires of the FIST OF THE FIRST MEN begin to light up in the distance. The familiar fort is a welcome sight, particularly because the mage is so badly wounded and the fighter is changed in so many ways...

The threesome begins the short march back, eager to learn the fate of their companions.

You cannot help the other group because it is hours later, which is hopefully obvious.
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#13 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorsyin will immediately look to update the Lord Commander to the encounter at the Steading and the meeting with Croweye after. He tries to forget the pain in his body, the pain in his soul from the close encounter with the deck is harder to forget about.
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#14 Post by drpete »

Ethan Blacktyde

Back at the Fist, Ethan speaks with his new follower, hoping to learn where he came from, and what, if anything, he knows of the lands beyond the wall. Is he a person with a history and free will, or is there something strange and sinister about this servitude?

Before the others get back, he would also like to seek out a meister, and see if he can learn anything about the demon he has angered. Do they have any way of examining him or querying powers for information about Ethan's plight without endangering themselves?
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
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Re: Ceremony (Ethan/Vorsyin)

#15 Post by Magnus »

Move to the "Re-load" Thread.

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