Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#141 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse

Lord Krothos receives Isvand, listening to the retelling of the Naga's beheading and the dangers in the Barrow Moor. As he promised, he offered a token of thanks from the Duchy for the undertaking.

"I have heard that mages ward themselves with rings of power or cloak themselves in cloth enchanted with arcane runes and divine glyphs. Alas I have no such here.

The dwarves craft fine mail and in time I have heard they do wrought invocations under their hammers. The elves too have nimble fingers for fine arts but no such skills reside in Helix. Content we have to be behind common shield and a breastplate of righteousness and duty."

He comments regarding the most likely sources beyond discovery of actually sourcing enchanted armour.

"Mind you we are blessed with innovation and while not an endless supply, enough to push forward the experimental development of uses with Spider Silk."

One if the reasons for a lack of 1st Aid kits made by spider silk is that he requisitions a certain number of spools for this project.

actually in real life, spider silk is being investigated as 'the next Kevlar' body armour.

He senses that as a halfling, you might drift towards a more light armour preference so as to use natural racial sneak (or class based) skills than to just upgrade to medium or heavy type armours. He walks you to the courtyard and an archery range. Several straw dummies have been set up and each are dressed in a thin vest. From a line, archers loose arrows at them and the Sgt-at-arms studies the results, adding further padding under the breastplate section and repeating the target practise.

"Valeron the bowyer is creating these sheets of padding, made from tensile spider silk. See they help soak up the damage from the attacks. Unproven in the battle field yet. Perhaps you can be our Guinea pig?"

He gets a tailor to take your measurements and offers to get you a crafted spider silk vest that can compliment the armour you wear so not reducing any skill ability. The vest will enhance the AC by +2 but only on a temporary basis. As it gets torn and damaged, the protection lessens but while you wear it, it will absorb -1hp of damage per hit received. Each plus of extra protection may absorb -10hp before loosing efficiency.

Spider silk armoured vest
Spider silk armoured vest
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#142 Post by redwarrior »

isvand flushes and sounds a little flustered My lord! This is truly a spender gift! I will be honored to test it in the world and report back!
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#143 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse.

June 27th 1066.

It is late at night, almost beyond the midnight witching hours when the weary group trudge into Helix, prisoners bound alongside.

Callen and Cosmo have a slight dilemma, considering what to do with the Nergalite cultists (allegedly). They have no official 'Letter of Marque' authorizing them to act as bounty hunters and or to make those taken prisoner subject to any kind of rendition. However, the Church and the State would surely love to question those who participate in neferious occultism and worship before the altar of 'death gods of the Underworld'.

In your favour are two connections. One is that Traeliorn recently succeeded on a Lord Krothos sponsored mission to deal with an Orphidian threat and secondly, Cosmo participated in the expedition to close the portal in the Barrow of Magyar Varghoulis, death knight of Nergals's Chosen. With that in mind, Decimus, Captain of the Duchy Militia, listens to your report and decided to take the two cultists into custody and safeguarding in the Old Manse cells but can only do so for twenty four hours until they must be freed, unless they are formally charged with a crime.

actions Callen & Cosmo, discuss with the priests in the Chapel thread then you may have to file a report in person here.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#144 Post by ateno »

We will discuss with the chapel immediately, I would hate for these nergalites to be released.

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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#145 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse.

June 28th 1066.

Callen, Cleric of St Ygg and Cosmo Snag, gnome entrepreneur journey after breakfast to the Old Manse. An impressive building of locally quarried stone, crenellated tower, private chapel and barrack facilities for the Duchy Militia. see very first thread post.

Guards on duty lean on pike-staffs and frisk you at the entrance, few enter bearing arms. You are expected as Decimus the Captain of the Guard and Vicar Othar have received your captives the previous evening and with your reports intend to get to the bottom of any truth regarding the Nergal death cult.

"Grave news you brought and worrying your report. Let us hear it again to confirm what facts we may," the Vicar asks, taking you into a vestry of the private chapel. You share what you know and repeat the expedition, from the commissioning by Brother Gamdar to the return trek. you can leave out the Sauron detail here if you wish.

What you report adds to the growing revelations. Previously Cosmo was on an expedition that discovered the Tome of Ancient Scripts that were found in the sarcophagus of Varghoulis during the Blossom of Death expedition. The scripts contain a biography of Magyar Varghoulis, written in an 'infernal' or Black Tongue.

Piecing together scattered information, you realise the Barrow Mounds have at least four specific 'Nergal' related burial mounds. Two have been dealt with, in the sense one was the tomb of Magyar Varghoulis, Death Knight of Nergals's Chosen (a leader of fanatical warriors). This tomb collapsed when the risen knight was defeated and dragged down into the Abyss by demonic forces. Neighbouring this mound was another which is believed to be a large mass grave of Nergal Legionnaires, undead who would periodically crawl.out of the ground to attack those guarding entrance into their leaders tomb. While the knight has been dealt with, it is hoped the Legionnaires will stay dead in their grave or if riding, wander as mindless zombies rather than a cohesive force.

The other mounds are more problematic and it is considering their use and function that the Captain and Vicar decide to interrogate the prisoners. The third mound is the one with the Obelisk and Visage alcove. The rune rubbings you have taken need careful study and interpretation. That will take time for often within the scripting of such evil prose, hidden curses lie in wait to manifest dire afflictions. The fourth known mound lies at the other end of the black and red tiled path. Known as the 'Path of the Unrighteous', it connects the Obelisk Mound to another excavated one several hundred feet away. That has two huge doors, bound closed by demonic forces, which the Nergalites are thought to successfully open via a blood sacrifice.

It is also known that Cosmo bears an arcane relic, one he stole actually known as 'the Hand of Hoodoo' which he used to open the portal into the tomb of the Death Knight.

actions: Callen and Cosmo you can join in the preliminary questioning of the captives, so ask here any questions you may feel relevant to investigating a cult.

You can use any skill or spell to aid your task and include a [4d6] in your post.

I will resolve any response from the Nergalites.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#146 Post by ateno »

Cosmo will (with the permission of the jailers, etc) cast Hynpotisim twice in separate investigations.

He will pose as a someone that wants to join the church.

hypno saves [4d6]=6 [4d6]=12

Who is your cleric, where can I meet him, how will he recognize me in this
oppressed local Nergal church?

Interrogation roll (16 Int - 14 Chr) [4d6]=10

Where else do you meet, do you have secret meeting place in a city somewhere? What city?

Interrogation roll (16 Int - 14 Chr) [4d6]=12

What is the church of Nergal doing to advance themselves within the local area? Any killing of unbelievers or other action planned?

Interrogation roll (16 Int - 14 Chr) [4d6]=20

Where do you keep the religious items? Who are the other members of your church. What are their names and where are they?

Interrogation roll (16 Int - 14 Chr) [4d6]=8

He will allow Callen and any other people here to ask questions they want.


P.S. edited cause I forgot the 4d6, not sure if I need it with a successful hypnotism.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#147 Post by Hadarai »


After Comso has finished with his spell the cleric asks both men.

"How many members does your cult possess?

What rituals were you performing in the Barrows when we discovered you?"

[4d6]=12 vs. CHA 12
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#148 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse

Interrogation Cells.

Nergalites 17+ vs Cosmo's Hypnosis spell [1d20]=7 [1d20]=12

The two men are kept in the cells below the old manse. An austere bare place with simple straw mattresses, obligatory rodents and an annexe containing 'ways to make you talk'. The men protest their arrest, demanding freedom and insisting they have done no wrong. Decimus and Vicar Othar are unwavering, taking your testimony and accusations seriously.

Callen and Cosmo get to participate, at least in the formal questioning and the gnome decides some sleight if hands might loosen and liberate tongues. The Hypnosis takes effect and this provides a window of opportunity to put suggestions to the pair.
Who is your cleric, where can I meet him, how will he recognize me in this
oppressed local Nergal church?
"Talos is of the Sons of Yannarg, he will have returned, God willing to the sanctum and his care of the flock. The sanctum is found by secret paths that only the Shadows know.

Do you wish to become Chosen?"

so they mention the priest who fled in the barrow Mounds, naming him as Talos. The 'sons of Yannarg' needs some study to gain revelation about.

The Chosen is the fundamental sect of Nergalites, so those adherents may know or recognise each other though nominal followers are perhaps only identified via outward things such as carrying holy symbols or religious garb.

Where else do you meet, do you have secret meeting place in a city somewhere? What city?
"In Ironguard Motte" they repeat that 'the sanctum' is held in a secret place, they do not know where the specific location is, again repeating that to get to the unholy sanctuary, one is lead there by Shadows. You are no sure is they mean actual undead Shadows or some other dark manifestation.
What is the church of Nergal doing to advance themselves within the local area? Any killing of unbelievers or other action planned?
"There is one who serves in the taverns that serves the Sons. We would remove her head and influence upon Krothos" the Sons here are pointing to Set & Orcus, the two sons of Nergal who war to usurp his power. They suggest someone is covertly worshipping one of them and in some way, influencing the Duchy via Lord Krothos. That is an alarming thought, especially to Vicar Othar who is supposed to be the official spiritual advisor to the heir to the Duchy throne. Lord Krothos frequents the brothel and gambling dens in the Foul Pheasant. Is that a likely source?
Where do you keep the religious items? Who are the other members of your church. What are their names and where are they?
"We are dedicated in the Sanctum, observing our rituals there and receiving from his gracious hand. They name those killed at the Mounds. This correlates to the stones you found with initials etched upon them.
"How many members does your cult possess?

What rituals were you performing in the Barrows when we discovered you?"
"We are Legion, for we are many.

To gain knowledge, to gain access, to lay our eyes upon the Tablet and have our souls graven upon his hand."
you may suspect some boasting here. The general experience with the resurgent cults are that Set & Orcus are increasing in numbers. As Nergal waned in power so too his adherents. It is thought they may be fewer in number but have greater access to the underworld or diabolic powers.

The prisoners speak under the coercion. You learn that the runaway priest ministers somewhere in Ironguard and they had hoped to open a portal to the Barrowmaze from inside a barrow mound. Not the one with the Obelisk upon though that does link to another via the discovered, excavated path. The priest was going to conduct a ritual in a pool which allowed those who were baptised in the unholy water to enter some secret shrine area. You interrupted their intercessions, noting they had offered a goblin as a sacrifice to gain divine favour.

any more questions or thoughts? you can each ask another question of the prisoners and make any comments, questions to the guard captain or Vicar.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#149 Post by ateno »

Before deferring to Decimus and Vicar Othar for any questioning they may have.

"What are the signs, symbols, movement or objects that you recognize and are recognized by followers of Nergal.

Interrogation roll (16 Int - 14 Chr) [4d6]=7

"He is all yours, we will make ourselves available to talk afterwards."
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#150 Post by Hadarai »


Callen considered for a moment and addressed the prisoners with just one last question.

"Have you made any attacks or taken any action on Helix that would cause it or the people here any harm? If so, tell us what it specifically is."

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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#151 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse

Interrogation Cells.

The hypnotised prisoners draw a few symbols, one of them biting his lip to draw blood and using that to create designs; an unholy Caduceus, skulls over crossed roses, shields bearing alternate red & black quarters with demonic beasts or heads, a long tailed imp bearing a trident.

Asked specifically about Helix, they confess that "few faithful abound. If those who even nominally place an offering in the Nergal Alcove, those tend to be seasonal adventurers rather than common village residents. "Yannarg seeks a new Justicar to become Warlord over the Legion. A few commit to the Trails to attain such rank and honour. After he is appointed, he will lay waste to this place as one winnows chaff on the threshing floor."

One begins to chant, a few verses in a feral sounding tongue more akin to Gnoll barking than anything human. He is quickly silenced by Decimus. "The eyes are a window to the soul, a gate inwards." he says, shaken out of his mesmerized state as the spell duration ends. His visage suddenly changes colour, turning a sickly green and his eyes dilate to go coal black. The other manifests also, both yawning wide stretched mouths that gape as dark black voids, neithet showing teeth or tongue. It reminds Cosmo and Callen of the demonic face they stood before and the deadly invitation given to crawl into the barrow abyss.

actions, both make a save vs spells please, wisdom modified.

Justicar used here is a reference to a high rank of vowed knight or paladin. Cosmo will remember that after Magyar Varghoulis was defeated, his soul was dragged into a hellish abyss by demonic hands and tentacles. He was the senior Knight of Nergals's Chosen and it seems now that with his second death, actual living rather than Undead figures are vying to replace his position.

Decimus 14+ save vs spells [1d20+1]=10+1=11 Vicar Othar 14+ save vs spells [1d20+3]=19+3=22

Seeing the manifestation, Vicar Othar intones his own divine glossolalia and sprinkles the Nergalites with holy water and places a blessed wafer into each other their mouths. They react, burned and scalded by the infused water and the venomous taste of transubstantiated bread. As if exorcised of the possession, they revert back to former type.

Decimus shakes with sweat as if emerging from a nightmare scene. "They have borne testimony enough. Gibbets were built for the Soothsayer, let them hang in it instead and be a warning to others." he recommends.

actions, rolls and any further comments?

a failed save means you get 'hexed' by Nergal and suffer a -1 penalty to future actions, saves and checks that are opposed to Nergal based encounters.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#152 Post by Hadarai »


The Half-Elf shuddered as the words were chanted, he felt a cold dread grasp at his inner most being, his breathing be came ragged and his vision blurred, something was something was terribly wrong....
Decimus shakes with sweat as if emerging from a nightmare scene. "They have borne testimony enough. Gibbets were built for the Soothsayer, let them hang in it instead and be a warning to others." he recommends.
Callen shook his head and did not dare look upon the cultists once more. "See that they do." He sniped as he removed himself from the room as quickly as possible.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#153 Post by ateno »

Callen shook his head and did not dare look upon the cultists once more. "See that they do." He sniped as he removed himself from the room as quickly as possible.
Cosmo looks away also, shaking himself out. But forces himself to remember the symbols spread before him,

"Well I came and did what I wanted to do. Nasty lot. Lets get you back so you can rest up some more buddy."

Save vs. Spell (12) [1d20]=15
Whoops I used my wrong character.

Cosmo will help Callen back to where he is healing.

Should I show up later with some white wine?"

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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#154 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse.

Interrogation Cells.

June 28th 1066.

Callen: save vs spells vs 15 [1d20+4]=7+4=11

Cosmo: I will use the posted roll. You actually save vs 15 but modify the roll with +3 but the result is still the same and you pass the check.
The two Nergalites, possessed by a demonic spirit manifest a fear inducing episode which afflicts the guard Captain and the itinerant cleric Callen. going forward you have a penalty to checks vs Nergal themed encounters though this 'hex' may be lifted via divine favours and overcoming fears.

Withdrawing from the cells, Decimus thanks your help in bringing fugitives to justice. He will mention it in despatches to Lord Krothos himself and no doubt either himself or the village clergy will be in touch should other revelations 'get provoked by their loosening tongues'. He asks you stay in the village a few days just in case further enquiries need to be made, you are both paid up residents for a few days in the tavern at least.

You have acquired much information which could be acted upon or researched further.

An allegation a tavern wench worships either Set or Orcus and has some plans to influence Lord Krothos.

A revelation that a Nergal Sanctum, an unholy place of worship is present in the Duchy capital Ironguard Motte, access to this place via the direction of 'Shadows'. Those adherents are named as the Chosen.

Talos the name of the priest who fled your encounter in the Barrow Mounds and Sons of Yannarg, a name given to the cult priesthood. Yannarg, the leader (?), seeks a new warlord after Magyar Varghoulis was defeated and exiled to the Abyss.

The Tablet might refer to some specific Nergal themed relic. The god invested some if his essence and power into unholy artefacts as his power waned which he is thought to have buried in the Barrowmaze, hence the resurgent cults seek these out to use and empower themselves. As various relics are recovered. Cosmo can testify that on one of his expeditions, an elf rogue took a sword from an undead Nergal warrior that was possessed by a spirit which helped to resurrect the Death Knight from his tomb.

This is a continuing concern. While adventurers bring gold and treasure from the Barrow Mounds, their excavating also disturbs the dead. Lord Krothos is against decreeing a ban on exploration, he might be unable to enforce such anyway and he himself has benefitted from recovered relics.

Recently various godly trophies have been discovered and restored to use, encouraging the church to believe that divinely endorsed quests may succeed to defeat once and for all, the resurgent cults. Sir Dewey has the Sunburst shield, Durgo a shield from a deceased St Ygg Templar, the BRAG fellowship recovered a relic from another holy warrior, Lord Krothos wields an ancient staff of Law used by the barbarian tribes.

Things to think about and consider if you wish to follow any line of enquiry.

Cosmo & Callen leave the Old Manse, returning to the tavern for lunch. If you wish to inform the dwarves regarding the lizardman encounter, you will need to action a post in the Axe & Anvil Forge thread.

actions, post any last comments or requests to Vicar Othar or Decimus here, otherwise continue in the settlement: Helix threads and private threads.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#155 Post by Cwreando »


Durgo travels over to see if he can arrange a training schedule to finish up his blind fighting sessions.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#156 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse

June 17th 1066.

A sucker for punishment, Durgo returns a few days after his first beating to test his mettle and no doubt, the thickness of his skull against the mob of baying conscript cadets training for military duty.

Decimus, Captain of the Duchy guard leads the 'informalities', there are no rules in combat when it comes to 'do or die' despite many aspiring to Knightly bearing. Since the last meeting when Durgo was beaten black and blue and rendered unconscious, the beefy youth has buffed up even more (nice roll for 2nd level hp!) and a stint in the haunted mines has given him a sense of spatial awareness and echo location that he lacked previously. Benefitting from those experiences gives him an advantage this time around.

Actions Durgo roll me a [5d6-3] vs Dex to advance in the skill check. You have no Wisdom modifier but gained points of bonus for recent actions which could be effected into the training regime. This takes a week of your time so covers some downtime class investment 17-24th June.

From talking with Decimus before:
He can take you under his wing an extra week and at the end make a skill check. Succeed and you progress towards gaining 'Blindfighting' as a skill. Fail and you just need to rinse, repeat the training.

You might need to pass three skill checks to gain the benefit at a basic level, a decreasing 5d6 - 3d6 check. So it takes investment of time to earn the reward.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#157 Post by Cwreando »


Skill training roll.

[5d6-3]=19-3=16 Dex 13
Trist Flameheart Multi-Class in progress Gray Elf Fighter/Mage 3/3 - Grey Wolf's Mystara Adventures (Ad&d 2e) Active
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#158 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse

Durgo valiantly braves blindfold and beatings to try and up his martial skill. The visor on his helm covered means he cannot see a thing and he struggles to open 'his mind's eye', the intuitive recognition of preemptive attacks, perceiving an opponents strikes, steps, lunges and ripostes before they even think about such dynamics. He finds such mental feats a maze to grasp. By time he hears a footstep behind him and turns to defend himself, the opponent has already breached his shield guard and parry to clout him soundly upon the head. The ringing of bells between his ears adding to the confusion of noise.

"You need to still your mind. Calm your heart rate, control breathing. Understand how your opponent can move; after he moves a right leg he needs to move a left. So that draws him forward here or sideways there.

In melee, when pressed shield to shield, your foe can only strike from here, sweeping low, hacking around, flailing over.

Listen to the pull of the bowstring. You have a fine longbow. Listen to its drawback, hear the strain, feel the tension. If you hear it twang, you are already dead. You know by instinct how long to nock an arrow, draw, aim, loose. When you can discernment that archer's bowstring vibration and the creak of his bow flexing. Then you can anticipate the release and block.

Kinesthesia. The perception of body movements. Work on that and then come back for another drubbing."
Decimus offers practical advice..

Coshed senseless again but not unashamed, the warrior excels in soaking up the damage but cannot yet gain mastery of fighting blind. He has afterall a lifetime handicap of being able to see. Perhaps engaging one who has lived with blindness might enable him to gain greater awareness through other senses and translate that knowledge to increased effectiveness in a blind fight situation.
so you fail the check which means another week of effort which gains you a further -1 to the check. Improving skills via 'meditation with a monk' or locating a blind person to train with, can each provide further bonuses that can be applied next time.
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#159 Post by Cwreando »


Durgo soaks up all the lessons that was taught by Decimus. "I will learn master Decimus all that you have said. You are a wise teacher with great skill. I will steady my hear and learn to trust my other senses to guide my actions."

Durgo pratices and practices and tries again.


He takes a knee to still himself and become one with the moment for the challange. Hoping he grasped the lessons well enough.
Trist Flameheart Multi-Class in progress Gray Elf Fighter/Mage 3/3 - Grey Wolf's Mystara Adventures (Ad&d 2e) Active
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Re: Helix: The Old Manse. (Lord Krothos)

#160 Post by Spearmint »

The Old Manse.

Bruised and battered after his training sessions, Durgo takes the lessons and advice to heart, needing to work on movement, spatial awareness and trusting his non-visual senses. The week of practise comes at another cost too, -50gp which covers the use of restorative 1st Aid Kits and a gold piece a day for the quintet of cadets.
so you fail the check which means another week of effort which gains you a further -1 to the check. Improving skills via 'meditation with a monk' or locating a blind person to train with, can each provide further bonuses that can be applied next time.
So this action
Durgo pratices and practices and tries again.


He takes a knee to still himself and become one with the moment for the challenge. Hoping he grasped the lessons well enough.

will take a second week to fulfill at a minimum, June 24th - 30th but only after inputting some downtime in the advised 'monk meditation or kinesthetic spatial awareness' focus. I am fine banking the macro to cover a second check made at the end of the next training week.

The 'Blind-fighting' skill, while a feat in other D&D editions does not exist per se here but is a Fighter class investment that aims to lower or eliminate the '-4 to hit' penalties taken when fighting in total Darkness or against Invisible opponents.

For Durgo, these weeks invested and passing the Very Difficult [5d6] check would gain you a Blind-Fight (basic) -1 skill, so lowering a -4 to hit penalty to a -3.

Further training against the check would be needed to advance your Basic (-1) to Intermediate level (-2), and you will need to think about how to leverage extra bonus points to your skill check to advantage the next roll (so focusing on those advice areas, exploring visored, gaining echo location or tremor-senses, etc).
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