IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

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IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#1 Post by sulldawga »

Date: Fourthmonth, First Day (The Bloom 1)
Weather: High temp of 56 degrees, drizzle, winds at 13 mph
Moon: New moon
Special: Land Grant Day

Ruprect's Rangers awaken to the buzz of a town ready to get moving. Overnight, the main road between the fairgrounds and the bridge has been roped off from all traffic. Starting at dawn, the Army has been releasing one settler every 15 seconds to run or ride as fast as they can over the bridge to claim their plot of land. One of the monks of Pem tells you the expectation is that the bridge will be open to all curiosity seekers by noon.

You learn from some of the town guards that the Fort bordering the Hallastor Hills is called Fort Advance and it's roughly seven miles away from the bridge. There is a new, top condition, four wagon-wide road leading straight to the Fort from the bridge. Even if you don't plan on visiting the Fort, the road is the fastest way to get to the wilderness.

Once the streets are opened, the party moves out and crosses the Moche River. For those who grew up in a land-locked area, the sheer amount of water rushing under the bridge is quite impressive. If the river is as wide as this, and the water as fast-moving, all along the border, it's easy to see how it protected the Kingdom's western edge for over a century.

There are three main roads leading away from the western edge of the bridge and the party chooses the southernmost one, heading due southwest. It is good that the road is so wide, as it's quite busy with families reuniting at their newly won homesteads, water carriers traveling back and forth from the river or its accompanying streams, wagons full of goods and possessions, sellers hawking wares, and soldiers with stern gazes ensuring order is maintained.

Using the road, the party makes good time, arriving at the Fort in a little over an hour. With four more hours of exploration time available to you this day, you continue into the wilds. The soldiers at the Fort note your movements but no one attempts to intervene.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#2 Post by sulldawga »

Hallastor Hills

Although your final destination is the Blackwater Swamp, your journey starts in the plains abutting the Hallastor Hills. From here, you can clearly see the land elevate into hills, with the sheer face of the Falkenhorn in the distance. Since you were heading SW, you continue that way and sweep the area.

Birds are chirping, the light rain not discouraging them from searching for food. The grass is muddy in places but no tracks are visible. The occasional copse of trees breaks the monotony of flatlands, and you often jump across streams of bubbling water, but otherwise there isn't much to differentiate one mile from the next.

The party takes a quick break to rest their legs. While brushing down Belegroc, Gars looks down and sees some shavings of wood. Curious, he takes a closer look around and finds the remains of a campfire. There was a half-hearted attempt to replace the torn up grasses but it's clear a fire burned here, although hard to say if it was a week or a month ago. He also finds a stick with a crude face carved into it. As if someone was idly whittling away the evening by the fire...

Moving a bit to the north, eagle-eyed Mikhail spots a dark tower in the distance, perhaps three miles away. The party moves to investigate but, perhaps a mile in, notices a curious dip in the earth. Gars notes it extends from SW to NE and posits that it could have been a trench. It extends in both directions as far as the eye can see. Decades old, if not centuries, and well overgrown but still deep enough that the party must tread carefully to traverse it. Even sure-footed Belegroc slips once going down one side but gains her footing with no injury.

You walk along the trench for a bit, heading to the NE, as you decide your next move. You find a spot where the weather, or perhaps some animal's desire path, has flattened a spot across the trench. The rain makes finding tracks difficult but these are so large, they're hard to miss.

"Looks like elk," says Kaithar.
"True," agrees Mikhail, "but of what size? These tracks are enormous!"

Does the party want to follow the trench in either direction to see what lies this-a-way or that? Continue directly toward the tower to the north? Or follow the giant elk tracks?
Last edited by sulldawga on Thu Mar 30, 2023 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#3 Post by Rex »


Ciarra examines the tracks, best she can.

"This trench is curious. But, I think we should investigate the tower first."
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#4 Post by cybersavant »

Kaithar "I agree. At least close enough to see if there is still any activity around it. It could just be an old outpost from long before, or it could harbor ... who knows what."
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#5 Post by Marullus »

Gars jots notes as they explore. counting their pacing, noting the degree of travel, measuring distance to landmarks on the horizon with his sextant while others focus close-by on tracks or disturbed earth. His turns are deliberate and notated, not random as they explore along the course. He leaves ranging aside to the able outdoorsman.

At the makeshift campsite, he takes measurements looks behind to Fort Advance on the horizon. How far and what azimuth to the farmlands own landmark? How well could the camper observe the goings on in that direction? Was this a claim jumper ahead, or a foreign observer keeping watch?

He looks sour about walking at the bottom of a trench, but relieved as the mooseway allows them to clamber out the other side. He takes new measurements to the tower and horizon and recalibrates.

"Agreed," he states succinctly. "A cautious approach to the tower. But a question for your able eyes, Mikhail, what's the chance of connection between this elk and the campsite? Could the elk have been laden by a rider?"
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#6 Post by Urson »

Mikhail starts to shake his head, but then stops and squats to examine the tracks again. He scratches thoughtfully in his beard. Ain't gonna say it's impossible- I saw a cow climb a ladder, once- but hit don't seem likely. Elk are stubborn an' skittish. Don't see someone saddle-breakin' one.
That tower seems like a good spot to search- if nothin' else, we can see a long way from the top- maybe save ourselves some time an' trouble.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#7 Post by Rex »


"Sounds like we are agreed, lets head for the tower."
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#8 Post by sulldawga »

Hallastor Hills

The mysteries of the giant elk footprints and ancient trench are set aside and the tower moves to the forefront of the party's attention. Trudging ever forward, it takes over an hour to get close enough to make out more detail. There's a massive earthen berm in front of the tower, to the SE so it lays between the tower and the trench. It's twice as tall as a man and easily 100 feet long.

If there's movement at the top of the tower, you can't see it but it's clear that if anyone is up there, they will spot you well before you spot them.

Once you get within 500 feet, a man calls out to you from the top of the tower. He's wearing a large headdress of antlers and holding a wooden staff.

What right have you to come here? This is sacred ground! Leave now, lest the spirits of the earth strike you where you stand, and your bones sink into mighty Boden's realm!
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#9 Post by cybersavant »

Kaithar speaks up in the common tongue of the area. "You speak our language, where are you from? We saw no signs to indicate this land is forbidden. Where did we miss them? What is the range of it, so we may bypass?"
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#10 Post by Marullus »

As the curious boy begins asking questions of the tower's guardian, Gars takes a moment to assess the situation. What did he read from his texts regarding Boden? Sacred ground, where antlers are involved?
Int+Know [2d6+1]=2+1=3
...he suspects what he knows will not be helpful enough. :roll:

He looks around for other evidence of the the yard, the tower, any sigils formed of the earth or upon the earth, anything notably arcane about the tower itself...
Int+Notice [2d6]=3
Marullus wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:12 amAt the makeshift campsite, he takes measurements behind to Fort Advance on the horizon. How far and what azimuth to the farmlands own landmark?How well could the camper observe the goings on in that direction? Was this a claim jumper ahead, or a foreign observer keeping watch?
Did I have any insight on this question?
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#11 Post by Enoch »

Lavin shades her eyes with her free hand as she cranes her head up, searching for the speaker. "Sacred ground? Of what faith? We mean no disrespect to you or your lands."

She lowers her voice and speaks to Gars. "Use your magic on them!"
Last edited by Enoch on Sat Apr 01, 2023 3:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#12 Post by Rex »


Ciarra tries to get a better look at the tower. Windows? Entrances? Arrow slits? Etc?

"Hail up there!"
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#13 Post by sulldawga »

The man's voice gets more shrill and he gesticulates more wildly with his staff.

This is the site of the mighty battle where the forces of the land fought off the forces of destruction! Now the land heals and the beasts run free. You will die here if you stay! Ahoocka!

That last word sounds more like a command, as three men wearing tanned leathers step out from behind the earthen berm, armed with bow and arrow. They nock and take aim at you.

Gars - you vaguely recalls seeing Boden's name on a list of petty gods but nothing else comes to mind. You obviously failed to Notice the archers hiding.
Ciarra - the origin of the tower appears to be military, as there is only one window visible per floor, at least on the side that you can see, and they are tall and narrow like embrasures. No visible entrance on the side you can see.

I'm hoping to take more of an impartial arbiter role here but since this is our first reaction roll of the game, I'll give you some advice. Not a good idea to have the guy with +2 CHA keep quiet while the guys with -1 CHA are talking.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#14 Post by Rex »


Ciarra gets her shield up and starts backing away from the archers.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#15 Post by cybersavant »

Kaithar starts to walk back the way they came.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#16 Post by Marullus »

Gars smirks to Kathar. "Well, it appears we found your druids after all."

He holds his shovel inoffensively over one shoulder and raises his other hand palm open as a gesture of peace, slowly taking steps backwards. "We mean no offense to your ground of sacred battle. We are new in walking these lands and would gladly listen and hear these tales from you, if you came forth for a peaceful telling."
Negotiation/Diplomacy [1d6]=2[1d6]=5[1d6]=2[1d6]=5[1d6]=5
total 9.

He says to the others aside in a low tone, "If these are the druids of the land and their beasts roam free. I suspect the forts, farmlands, and huntsmen could look much like their 'forces of destruction.' If they don't come forth to speak with us, then this is a negotiation for the Fort-Captain, or for him to pay us..."
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#17 Post by sulldawga »

The man's voice becomes less hostile and the gesticulations less forceful.

Just go. Our stories are our own. Outsiders should not even be here!
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#18 Post by Rex »


"It is past time to leave." She turns and starts heading back the way she came.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#19 Post by Marullus »

Gars bows respectfully and backs away with the others, trying to keep himself between the archers and Belegroc as the group departs.
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Re: IC 002 - Crossing the Moche

#20 Post by Urson »

Ayuh. No need to piss in the bumblebee's nest. He turns to leave, then turns back.
Hoy! How far do your sacred lands extend, so we know when we are clear?
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