Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#61 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:49 pm There is a bit too much action for the taste of Jargian. He decides to concentrate on the foes in front of him. Leaving the archer to Eda, he attempts to strike the spearman again, if anything to make him decide to flee as well.

Jargian presses forward and strikes his spear-wielding foe - again striking him on the leg, but the bone armour just cracks as the broo steps away from the strike. Its own attempt at a strike is sadly pathetic - perhaps because the Broo seem to be losing the upper hand.

Eda gets a swipe at the bowman - who has to use the bow-stave to parry or face being decapitated!

The screams of the trapped and tortured creature being assailed by the very stones of the earth get worse (if possible) and he's reduced to scrabbling at the surface as whatever has assailed him drags his body into the swirling, sharp rock-chips.

The two big Broo disengage deftly from Almeda and move across the gap between him and Eda. The third is less deft and a wild parry fails to meet a sweeping blow that sees the blade Almeda's weapon emerge, unexpectedly, from his lower back!

The rush of the leaders encourages the two Broo facing Eda and Jargian to back up further and look for a way to escape...
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#62 Post by kwll »

Jargien now defends his position, keeping Eda and Arniz close to him as much as possible and defending himself against any strikes from his foes. He does this in a order to push them to follows their instinct and leave the battle field, leaving the gully as an escape route for them.

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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#63 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Jargian's deft parry causes his opponent to lose his spear - its shaft splintered. This is the final straw for this creature and it is definitely on its hooves in the next moment, dropping it's battered shield in its haste to be gone A free-stab in the back will be possible next round should you wish

Eda's opponent is struck in the head by her Axe and falls instantly to the floor - moaning.

The two larger Broo pass behind Jargian and Eda, and the pair are forced to move to avoid a passing swipe (the attack isn't pressed) - they have taken the open-gulley option and are heading towards the others left outside the rocks - if they follow your route in.

Almeda is trying to remove his sword from the corpse of his dead opponent, cursing vehemently and calling upon the Gods to aid him remove his weapon from the body.

The swirling stones form the appearance of a giant, enfolding the struggling final member of the Broo's party in a rocky embrace. Above it, the plainsman appears completely overcome by rage as his creature slowly crushes the life from the dark object of that darker emotion. The only consolation seems to be that the Broo can no longer draw breath to cry out his terrible pain.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#64 Post by kwll »

Jargian takes advantage of the free stab.

After that, he makes sure the broos are all gone before turning to the plainsman: "Well met, friend. We tried to give you a hand, but it seems you didn't need much help!"
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#65 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:47 am Jargian takes advantage of the free stab.

After that, he makes sure the broos are all gone before turning to the plainsman: "Well met, friend. We tried to give you a hand, but it seems you didn't need much help!"
Jargian takes a swipe at the running Broo - but misses. Eda also takes a swipe at her opponent, but her strike is ineffective, glancing off the leather jacket worn by that Broo.

The Plainsman continues his chants as the captured creature is dragged below ground and eventually slows and stops - looking exhausted.

I'd never have attempted that if you hadn't distracted his followers comes the reply to your statement. Come, give me a hand because if I don't climb down from here, I'll fall down. He looks at the tortured corpse staked out on the ground.

If you could un-stake Lyre and prepare a pyre for him that would really help. He deserves a good send off as without his bravery I would be there too.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#66 Post by kwll »

Jargian helps the man climb down, and takes a look at the one he called Lyre. He also checks if Eda and Almeda are well.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#67 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 6:10 pm Jargian helps the man climb down, and takes a look at the one he called Lyre. He also checks if Eda and Almeda are well.
Almeda appears to be bleeding from a strike to his left leg - the bottom of his trews is stained quite red and now he's slowed, seems to be limping slightly.

Eda looks grazed and is displaying a slightly glazed expression. Looking at Lyre's condition shakes her out of that reverie and she turns - emptying her breakfast onto the floor of the quarry.

Lyre is, fortunately, dead.

After a few moments, the man introduces himself as "Darva the Hermit".

Welcome to my abode. Sorry about the mess but the previous visitors were most rude. And your antics seem to have made a mess of my granary!

He looks at your group closely

You leg needs fixing he says to Almeda. And Lyre needs laying out properly or he'll just get trapped here too.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#68 Post by kwll »

Jargian helps to carry the corpse of Lyre and his companions, especially Almeda, to follow the hermit. Along the way, he says: "Darva, we are pleased to finally meet you. I have a gift for you, even if it probably is a small compensation for the loss of your friend and your granary. We are in dear need your help, however." He stops there for now, waiting for the old man's reaction.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#69 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:56 pm Jargian helps to carry the corpse of Lyre and his companions, especially Almeda, to follow the hermit. Along the way, he says: "Darva, we are pleased to finally meet you. I have a gift for you, even if it probably is a small compensation for the loss of your friend and your granary. We are in dear need your help, however." He stops there for now, waiting for the old man's reaction.
After Lyre he replies. You are right, but after Lyre.
A turning off the open area reveals a store of cut firewood, neatly stacked, and an overhang enhanced with a leather tent.
Lyres belongings are in there. All his life.there is a pause as the Hermit musters the strength to open the flap.
He came to me after his parents were killed by a Broo raiding party.
He hadn't been able to do anything to stop them, and had hidden behind a bush as they destroyed his family.
He'd turned from the ways of war and sought the solace of the old songs and healing.
When the Broo came he stood in the gulley, blocking their progress

"Not Again" he said

And so I escaped and he died.

Darva takes a couple of deep breaths, reaches into the tent and retrieves a medicine bag, a Lyre and a woven shirt embroidered with the symbols of Chalana Arroy.

We shall place these on the pyre

But then he sits, unable to move. Weeping.

Eda has stopped Almeda and is bandaging his cut.
I can't fix that but this will help until the Hermit can. And don't you do the heavy work.

With that, Eda aids Jargian in building a pyre fit for a hero.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#70 Post by kwll »

Jargian delicately takes the woven shirt from the hands of the hermit once the pyre is built, and informs him that everything is ready for the ceremony. He doesn't know much what to say, so he speaks as little as possible so that not to look too awkward.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#71 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Jargian notes that the corpses of the Broo have been discretely moved out of sight.

The firewood has been stacked on the centre of the right-hand area - and Lyre's corpse has been placed on it in as decorous a manner as could be arranged given the mutilations that it had suffered.

Darva checks the settings, adds a few carved stones to the corners of the corners of pyre and steps back. Before he begins a chant, he notes: I don't know what the Broo tried with Lyre's spirit. So beware - and don't interrupt me or touch me if we are besieged.

With that, he offers you, Almeda and Eda stone daggers. These are almost useless in a normal fight - but they can scar a spirit. Don't use them unless you have to. And I want them back at the end! Don't lose them in the spirit world.

Finally, he takes some herbs and sprinkles them over the pyre; gives Jargian a flaming brand from the fire and starts the ritual of departing.

Jargian realises that he's been given the role of the igniter of the pyre. Please make a knowledge roll (Low on d100) to see if he recalls the correct moment to plunge the brand into the wood!
This isn't something that would usually come to such as him (The village usually buries its dead) and he's basing this on the few nomad ceremonies that he's seen. He might need to be prompted!
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#72 Post by kwll »

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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#73 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The ceremony proceeds well until Jargian suddenly realises that everyone is looking at him. Yep - One Job, and he's late for his queue. At least no one had to leave their places!

The torch is thrust into the oil-filled pyre. It lights.

With the rising flames, Jargian sees...

OK - A POW*5 roll please for your ability to sense the atmosphere on this occasion
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#74 Post by kwll »

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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#75 Post by BackworldTraveller »

...Darva suddenly look absolutely furious as the flames dance over the body of his friend. His lament turns to a vicious, spiky chant accompanied by a handful of very bitter herbs and frantic drum-beat. Eda cries out and cowers away. Armida brandishes his stone dagger, but seems unable to choose what to strike...

...From the path from which you arrived, a gasp draws your attention to the fact that Androkar has come into the rockpile to find out what is happening...

Despite your current spirit-blindness, you can react. You can retire or stand; draw weapons (magic would be good) or cast a spell or try some other action.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#76 Post by kwll »

Not sure he can count a magic weapon in his gear, Jargian resorts on magic: he casts a protection spell to at least have some defense available to him against the spirit world...
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#77 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:36 pm Not sure he can count a magic weapon in his gear, Jargian resorts on magic: he casts a protection spell to at least have some defense available to him against the spirit world...
The Pyre, now burning furiously, appears to spark and sputter - spitting embers in all directions and Jargian is glad of his additional protection as they shower in his direction. Androkar seems rooted to the spot as whatever is going on plays out between the Shaman and the world of the spirits.

Almeda is holding his stone blade before him as if he's hoping it will ward off whatever the Shaman is dealing with. The four corner stones appear to be glowing black. Darva seems to be flagging and Eda seems to have backed against the walls of the area in which the pyre burns - as if she can see some horror playing out and it has her trapped in its thrall.

Other than the sparks, you appear to be OK. Whom will you attempt to aid? (if anyone). Will you do so alone or rally others?

n.b. regarding magic items- You were offered a stone dagger by Darva at the start of this ceremony; and you do have a rune-stone.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#78 Post by kwll »

His stone dagger apparent, Jargian approaches Eda: "What are you seeing? Is something menacing you?" he asks, speaking quickly.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#79 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:39 pm His stone dagger apparent, Jargian approaches Eda: "What are you seeing? Is something menacing you?" he asks, speaking quickly.
Drawing the dagger, Jargian turns his back on the pyre and talks to Eda. It's only as she waves at the flames that Jargian realises he can suddenly percieve a great struggle going on above the Body - a giant but formless shape is bound within the smoke of the pyre - seeking to break free and straining against the web of - well whatever - that the four corner stones have provided.

Inside, a spirit that seems like that of Lyre is fought over by a group of formless, headless shapes - while the whole set are being attacked by brighter crowd of spirit creatures.

Darva is shrouded by a sphere of - well something - and is dancing and chanting; screaming his own spells with a fury rarely witnessed. But he seems to be tiring rapidly.

The shapes are all throwing spells - flashes (of every colour and none) - and Jargian realises that his own protection is glowing in this spirit-world.
Please make another POWx5 roll to avoid being struck by the same fears that seem to be afflicting Eda and the others.

If you succeed, what next
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#80 Post by kwll »

Jargian is not sure if his dagger will be able to hit in any way the hostile spirits, but he will take his chance and try to stab the closest one.
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