Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#21 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The party head into a region of bluffs and rocks - perhaps 4km long and 3km wide - cut with clefts and channels and having (on a good day) a clear sight across the surrounding plains and to the edges of the Wide Wash and Zola Fel valleys to North and East respectively. The Hermit is said to reside here, somewhere. To the north-west can be seen the stain of a massive herd on migration. The early growth acting as a lure pulling the creatures north. They are early, and have crossed the Sable's trail. Perhaps 50,000 creatures obliterating any hope of following your tracks. Eiritha must be looking favourably upon your task of keeping the creature from harm.

Such a huge herd attracts Predators and Nomad Guardians. Bands follow the unmissable trail, tiny groups trailing behind the main mass of diverse creatures.

The rocks, however, Jargian has heard of. They are the lair of Cliff Toads and resting place of Broos, outcasts and other un-savoury things. From things in hedge bottoms, good gods preserve us. That the Hermit lives here must be powerful, mad or desperate.

At the edge of the rocks, the party stops and surveys the first outcrop of the rocky maze. The Sable seems reluctant to enter the walled passageways and the carrion birds circling overhead give the range a forbidding air.

The Storm Khan volunteers Perhaps we should go in together and leave the Sable under guard out here?
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#22 Post by kwll »

"Who volunteers to guard the sable? And can we keep a communication link while apart?" asks Jargian in response.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#23 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:52 pm "Who volunteers to guard the sable? And can we keep a communication link while apart?" asks Jargian in response.
The two Nomads volunteer to act as guards - Getting our Llamas in there might work, but we may never get them out - and we can chase the Sable down if it bolts.

Eda seems torn between Adventure and the fine figure of Dorale. but comes down on the side of Adventure: I'll come with you. she insists.

Androrkar says he has a whistling arrow in case there is trouble outside.

And with that, the Storm Khan shrugs: Slowly and carefully. The labyrinth of these rocks should be free of Chaos as many acolytes of the Storm Bull pass here - but that makes it only less deliberately dangerous. And Cliff Toads are not to be toyed with - We are about bite-sized - so watch yourselves. They hide well.

The party divides and readies itself for its respective roles. You can leave your heavier gear out here if you want volunteer the Nomads. We will guard it with our lives
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#24 Post by kwll »

Jargian keeps his weapons, a rope and of course his gift, and leaves the rest to the Llama riders. Then he signals Arniz to come by and loses no time to enters the rocks with whomever will follow.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#25 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Arniz slips ahead, Eda is ushered into the middle by the Storm Khan and he follows at the rear.

I much prefer the open vistas of the plains to these stone-piles - gullies and holes and places to trip, fall and get ambushed.

It's clear to Jargian that the diminutive stature of the Khan places his eye-line below the level of the rocks surrounding the path. As the tallest in the party, only Eda and yourself can occasionally see the wider vista.

It's clear that other people have entered/left via this path, but the trail becomes broken...

Do you trace their footprints (tracking rolls), proceed at random down the gullies (no rolls) or scramble from rock-to-rock (climb rolls) so as to get a clearer view?
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#26 Post by kwll »

Jargian does what he does best: track footprints.

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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#27 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The path is clear - but reveals bad news.

Yes - There is clearly both traffic by Humans and Creatures - the human appears to be shod in moccasins and makes a frequent track, while the animals also do so. The last set of Human tracks are probably two or three days old, partly washed out, and were entering the rocks.

Worryingly, some time last night, a group of 6 two-legged creatures (unshod and with various footprints but three have cloven hooves) moved into the gulley. There is evidence of their carrying staves or spears (and using them as walking sticks).
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#28 Post by kwll »

"Watch out, we might be surrounded by hostile creatures. And we better not lose to much time reaching the hermit's house..." says Jargian to his companion, ominously. Then he follows the track, careful not to attract too much attention.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#29 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:48 pm "Watch out, we might be surrounded by hostile creatures. And we better not lose to much time reaching the hermit's house..." says Jargian to his companion, ominously. Then he follows the track, careful not to attract too much attention.
As the group move forward. After a while, the path descends slightly, and divides. To the left, there is a fallen stick on the ground (a trackless rock shelf) with a scrap of cloth attached but clear way forward (appearing to rejoin about 15m further on), but the right hand branch is partly blocked by a 1m diameter rock - from the edges of which protrude an arm, with the palm ripped, and leg - the hand looks human but the leg is that of a cow or goat. How they are connected isn't really obvious. A broken, bloodied spear with a fire-hardened tip lies snapped - pointing upwards like a black finger from one side of the collapse. A partly secured wooden structure and connecting rope dangle from the lip of the gulley. The ground is stained with blood - turned black and starting to stink. Arniz will not go close.

You are going to have to climb-roll successfully to avoid ichor stains if you choose to climb the obstacle

Eda looks at the remnants of the arm, and is violently sick.

Alameda (the Storm Khan) sees the remains of the dead-fall and states That's the best way to see a Broo. The stench of their chaos lingers though. This wasn't the only one.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#30 Post by kwll »

Jargian narrows his eyes at the sight of the dead broo. "Let's climb." he says, sternly.

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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#31 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Jargian climbs...but his descent lands him in the bloody remains of the broo's entrails. The second side of the rock is even more grizzly than the first! The squished body of the Broo is visible in the gap below the rock. There are signs that someone has been digging about the body - and there is a broken leather strap protruding from the remains.

Alameda climbs over with aplomb and Eda walks around the other path - avoiding the blockage entirely.

I think it opens up ahead she states - pointedly not looking at the mess. What have you found?
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#32 Post by kwll »

Cautiously Jargian pulls out the leather strap while trying to keep his disgust to himself. "Not sure..." he answers evasively.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#33 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 2:23 pm Cautiously Jargian pulls out the leather strap while trying to keep his disgust to himself. "Not sure..." he answers evasively.
The strap is broken at the reachable end and the weight of the rock means digging to find/extract whatever is down there...
...Eda will elect to watch for anything rather than dig through the body's remains. Alameda will consider that a Broo isn't likely to have had anything worth digging for (or the digging signs would have been more extensive). But what does he know?
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#34 Post by kwll »

Jargian swallows his pride, and giving way to his curiosity, he digs...
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#35 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The digging is messy and (eventually) reveals a leather bag with bronze fittings and silk lining - bloodstained and mud stained.

After much tugging, the bag comes free. It contains meat wrapped in leaves, a broken fire-starter, a pair of woollen mittens that are starting to unravel, and a small knife/scraper made from the end of a two-edged bronze blade embedded into a lump of wood. There is also a small crystal - Blood Red but flawless - hidden in a hard to access pocket.

Jargian extracts himself from the hole with the same bloodstained and mud stained look as the bag.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#36 Post by kwll »

Jargian shows the crystal to his companions. If it doesn't trigger any reaction, he signals them to continue their walk.
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#37 Post by BackworldTraveller »

As the group continue, the path opens to a great cleft - clearly cut into the rocks. Evidence of Ancient Quarrying - with the stones having been dragged out along a slope to the east - abounds. There are several inscriptions carved into the rock and some part-carved statuary lies in one area towards the eastern end of the working area.

Alameda wonders What did this build? while looking for any signs of a path. The trail you had been following splits and several sub-trails navigate the quarry floor.

n.b. The western end of the quarry is a square(ish) pool of clear but shallow water. The old quarry floor is a mix of crushed rock and winter grasses - occasional scruby bushes but from your vantage, nothing that is good to hide in if larger than a rabbit - a few of which should be making their way into cover, but aren't actually present.

In fact, the whole area is excessively quiet. Alemeda whispers I can feel the touch of chaos!

P.S. Can I have a roll Vs Jargian's POW - and (separately) any observation based skills you wish to employ to asses the possible dangers
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#38 Post by kwll »

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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#39 Post by BackworldTraveller »

While looking over the Quarry from your perch you don't see anything untoward - but Jargian does feel a cold tingle down his back from he knows not what.

With nothing dangerous in sight, the party edges slowly forwards... they do so, the itching increases and then slowly dies away.

About half way across, Eda notices that It really is very quiet

and Alemeda suddenly rushes forward crying I AM THE STORM! COWER BEFORE ME AND DIE!*
*At least it sounds like that ought to be what he is shouting but it's all a bit incoherent

He vanishes into a dark crevice in the far wall...
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Re: Clay Day, Disorder Week, Sea Season, 1616

#40 Post by kwll »

Jargian is surprised and his first move is to follow the praxian to try and help him. But he he realizes something and says to Eda: "Careful, he might have fallen prey to an illusion. Let's move cautiously and keep our eyes and other senses open." Then he asks Arniz to go look for Alemeda, and follows him from a distance.
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