Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

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Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#1 Post by Grognardsw »

Vulgar Unicorn tavern – Eli, Wulfhart, Niles, Foracor

Wulfhart looks about for a tavern bouncer or Keep guard. He thinks he sees a guard just opening the door to the tavern.

Eli strikes for the throat and hits Ramrod’s meaty neck (2 HP).The barbarian backs into another table, tipping it over and knocking a few indignant tavern patrons about. One of them, a roly-poly fellow with a long beard, picks up a chair and smashes it on Ramrod’s back (1 HP). Another tavern-goer reacts by mistakenly striking an innocent in the jaw. Then all hell breaks loose.

Niles the fighter launches himself at Ramrod but the barbarian shoves him down.

The barbarian shrugs the chair bash off, grabs Eli, sweeps him up into the air, one hand on his leg and the other his shoulder, and throws the elf a few tables over. He lands with a thud, smashing tankards, breaking the table, and falling unconscious (3 HP).

Seeing things have gotten out of hand, Foracor intones a quick enchantment while flicking a pinch of fine sand in the barbarian’s direction.

Ramrod Queerstaff collapses into sleep.

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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#2 Post by Grognardsw »

Chapel of St. Cuthbert – Bayard, Luna, Fingal

Brother Bayard assures Father Caeric that a donation can be made from the adventurers’ loot, and inquires of other means of compensation.

“Yes, after your work in the Borderlands, you can deliver this parcel of important papers to our church in Gormenghast, beyond the southern mountains, through Grimtooth Gully,” says Father Caeric, giving Bayard a map showing the way.

With that, the old priest chants a prayer over Fingal and makes religious symbols with his hands.

“All our times are in Thy hand. All diseases come at Thy call, and go at Thy bidding.
Thou redeemest our life from destruction, and crownest us with loving kindness and tender mercies.
I ask deliverance for our friend and Thy servant, who has been under afflicting hand.
He was brought low, but Thou can help him. May he not only live, but declare the works of the Lord!
Deliver his eyes from tears, his feet from falling, and his soul from death.
May he daily inquire: What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me?
May we ever remember that recovery is only a reprieve and that some day we will go to our rest.
May we therefore secure the righteous path and live with eternity ever in our view.”

And so it came that Fingal the thief was healed of his affliction.

As the three adventurers leave the Chapel, they run into Albertus the Cleric.

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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#3 Post by Grognardsw »

Out and About the Keep - Boddin

The sack of 36 gold pieces is a welcome weight to Boddin the hobbit. He counts money in his head and considers the vintage of his next ale. The gold numbers are not as high as he would like, but their adventures were in woods and ruined tower, not the dreaded Caves of Chaos.

Then Boddin recalls the rumor of reward for rescued prisoners. Why, he’s one of them!
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#4 Post by The-Dungeon-Shaker »

-Wulfhart Asgeirsson, Vulgar Unicorn Tavern-

The fighter is about to draw the attention of the incoming guard, but turns his head just in time to see the fight coming to an end. He gets back to his elven companion with an upset look.

"Nice move, really, Eli. Next time you'll handle it on your own."
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#5 Post by Grognardsw »

Vulgar Unicorn Tavern

Niles helps Wulfhart pick up the unconscious Eli. The tavern brawl continues. A few Keep guards are now on the scene. Foracor suggests a back door exit and rendezvous with the others who had gone to the Chapel of St. Cuthbert to heal Fingal.

A scene from the Vulgar Unicorn
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#6 Post by wolfpack »

Considering you didn't take a swing I was already handling it on my own.

Eli say's rubing his jaw.

He hastily skips out the back after giving a wry smile seeing the ensuing chaos he helped start.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#7 Post by Zhym »

Boddin walks back to the Vulgar Unicorn to rejoin his new friends. When he gets there, his friends are nowhere to be found but the brawl is going on in full force. "Goodness," he says to himself, "this is quite the dust-up! Perhaps I should go elsewhere until this little fracas settles down."

"I wonder where the others went?" he ponders. "Maybe they went to see on Fingal. Now what was that church they were going to? St. Norbert's? St. Filberts? St. Englebert's? Something like that. Curse my little ears, I should have listened more carefully."

He approaches random strangers. To each, he asks, "Pardon me, but would you kindly direct me towards the church of St. mumbleBert? Oh, and one more thing if you wouldn't mind. Do you know who is paying rewards for ransomed prisoners? Thank you very kindly."
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#8 Post by MrHemlocks »

Grognardsw wrote:Chapel of St. Cuthbert – Bayard, Luna, Fingal

Brother Bayard assures Father Caeric that a donation can be made from the adventurers’ loot, and inquires of other means of compensation.

“Yes, after your work in the Borderlands, you can deliver this parcel of important papers to our church in Gormenghast, beyond the southern mountains, through Grimtooth Gully,” says Father Caeric, giving Bayard a map showing the way.

With that, the old priest chants a prayer over Fingal and makes religious symbols with his hands.

“All our times are in Thy hand. All diseases come at Thy call, and go at Thy bidding.
Thou redeemest our life from destruction, and crownest us with loving kindness and tender mercies.
I ask deliverance for our friend and Thy servant, who has been under afflicting hand.
He was brought low, but Thou can help him. May he not only live, but declare the works of the Lord!
Deliver his eyes from tears, his feet from falling, and his soul from death.
May he daily inquire: What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me?
May we ever remember that recovery is only a reprieve and that some day we will go to our rest.
May we therefore secure the righteous path and live with eternity ever in our view.”

And so it came that Fingal the thief was healed of his affliction.

As the three adventurers leave the Chapel, they run into Albertus the Cleric.

"Hello friends!" Albertus, says to the others as he meets them in the street. "I am going to wash up and get some sleep. I will meet the rest of you tomorrow...say in the tavern. Bayard, where are you staying? Maybe I can meet with you this evening for a bite to eat and a short chat. I have some information that you might like to hear."
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#9 Post by Grognardsw »

The Lanes of the Keep

After brawling, healing, and selling swords, the adventurers are walking the small lanes of the busy Keep heading toward each other.

About the Keep can be seen a variety of visitors from afar. There near the stable, a band of strangely plumed warriors from Tekumel, the Empire of the Petal Throne; down the path at the provision shop, a pair of yellow-skins from Kara Tur; passing the armory, a clutch of hermaphrodite hoplites from distant Rhome; leaving the ‘Two Tugs and A Twirl’ brothel a trio of translucent-skinned half-spirits; and in the bazaar, a slave trader from Gor plies his wanton flesh-wares.

Boddin the hobbit is asking directions to the chapel from an old dwarf when he hears a familiar voice call his name. He looks up to see his party of adventurers. You all greet each other and recap past actions.

“Do you know who is paying rewards for ransomed prisoners?” asks Boddin.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#10 Post by NJWilliam »

MrHemlocks wrote:"Hello friends!" Albertus, says to the others as he meets them in the street. "I am going to wash up and get some sleep. I will meet the rest of you tomorrow...say in the tavern. Bayard, where are you staying? Maybe I can meet with you this evening for a bite to eat and a short chat. I have some information that you might like to hear."
Brother Bayard

Grinning broadly ever since Fingal's wound was cured, "Albertus! I'd be please to eat and talk tonight. I was staying at The Green Man before we ventured out, and was just heading there now to secure another night's lodging, but first to get something to pay with."

Bayard will then head to the tavern to see how his companions fared with selling the goods, and to claim enough to pay for some food, lodging, and something for the Chapel.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#11 Post by jdluna »

Luna accompanies Bayard towards the tavern. Brother, I do not have any coin. Do you think the group will be willing to loan enough for some food and a cot?
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#12 Post by Grognardsw »

The reunited adventurers go to the Green Man Inn for dinner and take rooms for the night. The party has healed Fingal of his assassin bug larvae infestation and gained a small windfall in treasure. Boddin counts out the money for each in the group, and reminds them that the biggest gain may be the reward for rescued prisoners. Luna and Boddin were, after all, rescued. The group agrees to seek out the reward tomorrow. You retire to your rooms for the evening.

If there are any actions you'd like to take for your character before the day ends, let me know. Otherwise next post will pick up the following day.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#13 Post by The-Dungeon-Shaker »

-Wulfhart Asgeirsson, the Keep-

Wulfhart warmfully thanks Foracor and Niles for their help in the tavern brawl. As a payback, he offers to join them in their journey to the Caves of Chaos.

"At dawn I'll be ready...just knock on my door when you're ready to go."

That said, he goes for his room and quickly gets to sleep.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#14 Post by Zhym »

Boddin hands everyone 7 gold, 5 silver, and 8 copper each as their share of the combined treasure. He'll spend 5 copper on a pint of beer, over which he'll settle for a while with his beer journal and quill before turning in for the night.

I'm assuming the silver belt buckle was sold for cash unless someone wants it or our GM wants to go through the mechanics of selling it. I'm also assuming that it's easy enough to get change.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#15 Post by wolfpack »

Eli will order a pint of ale and nurse his bruised ego before retiring for the night
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#16 Post by jdluna »

Luna buys a modest meal and water, keeping an eye on his new companions. If nothing eventful occurs, he rents a room and get some sleep.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#17 Post by Grognardsw »

Green Man Inn / Keep on the Borderlands

And so the night winds down and all retire. The adventurers are sleeping soundly in their rooms after a long day.

Suddenly you are all awoken by a yell in the hallway.

"NILES, FINGAL, HELP, ATTACK, ATTACK!!!" It is Brother Bayard’s voice.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#18 Post by Zhym »

Boddin, alerted by the noise and peeking through his door, spots a shadow across the hallway. He fires an arrow at it, but misses.

Bow: [1d20] = 10 Damage: [1d6] = 2
That should have a +2 on the to-hit (+1 DEX, +1 halfling using a bow), but I don't think it makes a difference).
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#19 Post by The-Dungeon-Shaker »

Wulfhart, still half asleep, jumps out of his bed and hastily grabs his bastard sword, then storms out of his bedroom.

Naked in the hallway, he looks around like a madman, trying to figure out what's happening.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#20 Post by wolfpack »

Eli garbs his long sword and sticks his head o of the door to try and discern the problem.

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