19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

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19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#1 Post by dmw71 »

From: dmw71
To: Zhym
Sent: Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:01 pm
The Beginning

Summoned by the elders and pastor of his local church on the day of his twenty-third year of life, Kendrick expected anything but what actually happened. Surprised is not a strong enough word to describe his feelings after being informed by the church elders that he is "released" from his normal services. The words still ring in his head.

"You are skilled with your blade. It can serve you -- and us -- well, but first, you must go out and truly learn to use it."

Despite his initial protests, the committee is firm. Kendrick is to set off, on his own, and learn survival and other skills necessary to better prepare him for a life of service defending the church -- should he still desire that life after his year long exile was completed.

"Be well." says the head Pastor who tries to slip the youth some coin as Kendrick readies himself for departure. Of course, Kendrick would have none of it; insisting the coin be put to better use by serving the church's increasing list of needs. An appreciate nod assures the young knight that his wish will be the case.

While initially saddened at the thought of the change, the church enabling him to pursue tasks most suitable to his skill set fills him with excitement as he leaves his home village to considerable fanfare. While he always believed he was well liked, never did he realize how deeply he touched the lives of those he served and protected.

Leaving with nothing but what he already possessed, Kendrick departs the village he has called home for his entire life.

The main path exiting his village is to the east and, having not been issued clear direction or instruction, he continues in this direction. Eventually, this village is lost to view as he turns his head to look back.


Kendrick continues east. Further than he had ever dared venture before.

'No turning back now.' he thinks to himself. As night begins to fall on day one, he quickly realizes how real the situation is. It gets cold at night, and he also suffers from pangs of hunger. While able to forage enough to satisfy his basic sustenance, he quickly begins to wonder how far the single gold piece in his possession will get him? The need to find additional funds quickly moves to the top of his list of priorities. Not for wealth, of course, but for basic survival and, perhaps, some simple comforts.

Two more days pass without sign of another town and he quickly begins to realize how remote his home village really was. That, or everything he would have needed was west. Or north. Or south. Or any other direction he could have gone. His mind begins to fill with doubts: 'What have I done?' 'Am I doing the right thing?'

What is that sound?

Kendrick listens more closely. Running water, of course... it has to be. He's shaken out of any hint of wonder and increases his pace as he moves in the general direction of this water sound. The sound is more northeast than east, but Kendrick thinks it better to stick to the worn path he's been following and cut north as he gets closer.

Following this sound, the young knight realizes he is quickly approaching a drop. Either the land further east is recessed or he is on some elevation, but working his way to the edge of the cliff and working his way north, towards the source of the sound, is is plan of action.


He squints his eyes in the late afternoon sun. Yes, there are several forms up ahead that are actively moving. Undeterred from his course, Kendrick continues to approach. As he draws nearer, the situation he's stumbled upon becomes more obvious:

A deer or some other natural wildlife creature has been captured in a snare and is down on its side, but still moving. A pack of small humanoids -- maybe a half dozen in number -- are standing over this trapped animal, poking and prodding it with spears, which Kendrick quickly realizes might be javelins or spears. The creatures, if not goblins, are dead ringers for them from his studies, and, at least for a moment, Kendrick allows himself to get caught up in the excitement of finally encountering one of these creatures in real life instead of only having them described to him by an elder. He questions what goblins are doing out in sunlight, but quickly shuts off the academic side of his brain once he realizes these creatures he's spied have also detected his presence.


You suspect only about 50' separate you from these evil creatures.

Go ahead and provide me with any action you'd like to take and also include a 1d10 roll for initiative, just in case.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#2 Post by dmw71 »

From: Zhym
To: dmw71
Sent: Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:26 pm
Kendrick considers charging, then remembers from his training that spears can be especially effective against charging opponents. Instead, he closes to melee range while calling out to the beasts. Hoping they understand common, he hails them: "Ho there! Your hunt has gone well—but is this cruelty necessary?"

Initiative: [1d10] = 10

Well, hopefully they don't all attack this round.
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#3 Post by dmw71 »

From: dmw71
To: Zhym
Sent: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:07 pm
Kendrick closes to melee range while calling out to the beasts. "Ho there! Your hunt has gone well—but is this cruelty necessary?" The evil creatures look at each other puzzledly as you attempt to communicate with them. One, presumably the leader, disengages from its bound plaything and takes a step in your direction before reaching back and hurling a spear in your direction. It misses badly, but its intentions are clear. After watching its projectile fall short of Kendrick, it turns to face its companions. "Duis eget aliquam nulla!" it barks at the remainder of the pests -- you count four -- who now shift their focus in your direction as well.


If you've followed the game, you'll know I use a "zero" round to resolve any non-surprise, pre-round 1 actions. That has just been resolved.

Moving to round 1.

Initiative and actions.
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#4 Post by dmw71 »

From: Zhym
To: dmw71
Sent: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:13 pm
Kendrick will attack the leader.

Initiative: [1d10] = 10

I think the die roller's broken. ;)

Broad Sword: [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21, Dmg: [2d8+4] = 3+4 = 7 (S/M), [1d6+5] = 4+5 = 9 (L)
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#5 Post by dmw71 »

From: dmw71
To: Zhym
Sent: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:43 pm
I don't use variable weapon damage by size in this game; a broad sword does 2d4 (or, with your strength bonus, 2d4+4). Since your target will be killed regardless, no re-roll is necessary, but please adjust your macro accordingly.


The leader goblin quickly draws a short sword and charges at you with blade drawn.

The four trailing goblins all hurl their spears in your direction, with every spear accidentally targeting their charging leader in the back. The first spear clips the leader; the second narrowly misses; the third clips the leader as well, but doesn't drop it; and the fourth misses its mark badly.

The wounded leader slashes at you with evil intentions and somehow manages to get past your defenses (-5) before you slice through it, notching your first kill.


Moving to round 2.
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#6 Post by dmw71 »

From: Zhym
To: dmw71
Sent: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:51 pm
Just checking: the hit took into account the -1 to evil creatures due to the protection aura?

Attacking the nearest goblin:
Initiative: [1d10] = 1
Broad Sword (THAC0 14): [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21, Dmg: [2d4+4] = 5+4 = 9
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#7 Post by dmw71 »

From: dmw71
To: Zhym
Sent: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:03 am
Zhym wrote:Just checking: the hit took into account the -1 to evil creatures due to the protection aura?
Actually, it didn't. Thanks for reminding me. The -1 that was built into the original roll was the penalty for their fighting in sunlight. Unfortunately, tacking on a second -1 will still hit so the outcome doesn't change, but I will certainly update for future rounds, however.

I have a request -- one I will ask you to undo again at some point -- but can you remove the campaign ID from Kendrick's character in the die roller? While we're keeping your entry into the game private, I'd prefer to not have your roll results show up in those for the game that all the other players have access to.


Kendrick, not liking the disadvantage he has in numbers, looks to reduce their count by one. He advances quickly on the remaining goblins and manages to do just that with a slice of his broad sword.

The leftmost goblin (g2) quickly falls back. Once it feels safely out of range of your sword, it turns and runs towards the edge of the cliff, where it finds the end of a length of rope and tosses it over the edge. Confident in its ability to hold, the creature disappears over the edge.

The two remaining goblins (g4, g5) keep up the fight. The pair drop their spears and switch to short swords; they split apart and look to flank Kendrick. To Kendrick's left, the first (g4) swings with force but is unable to connect. To his non-buckler side, the second (g5) slashes at the young knight but misses badly, nearly breaking his weapon on a rock.

Map: End of round 2

Code: Select all

<--- water                                                             \
    sound                      ***                                      \  
                                 g4   g5                                 \                                         
                                    K                 *** = snare                   

Moving to round 3.
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#8 Post by dmw71 »

From: Zhym
To: dmw71
Sent: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:33 am
dmw71 wrote:I have a request -- one I will ask you to undo again at some point -- but can you remove the campaign ID from Kendrick's character in the die roller? While we're keeping your entry into the game private, I'd prefer to not have your roll results show up in those for the game that all the other players have access to.


Kendrick attacks the goblin on his non-buckler side.

Initiative: [1d10] = 6
Broad Sword (THAC0 14): [1d20+3] = 19+3 = 22, Dmg: [2d4+4] = 5+4 = 9
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#9 Post by dmw71 »

From: dmw71
To: Zhym
Sent: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:58 am
The pesky beasts, with their short swords, manage to sneak in an attack at the same time as Kendrick.

To Kendrick's left, a tricky feint draws his buckler away and a quick redirection allows the foes short sword to catch the knight on his shield arm (-3). Fighting off the sharp pain on his opposite arm, Kendrick is able to successfully knock aside the second incoming sword with his own blade, while nearly slicing his sword-side opponent in half with a mighty follow through.

Map: End of round 3

Code: Select all

<--- water                                                             \
    sound                      ***                                      \  
                                 g4                                      \                                         
                                    K                 *** = snare                   

Moving to round 4.
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#10 Post by dmw71 »

From: Zhym
To: dmw71
Sent: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:06 am
"Pesky bugger!"

Kendrick attacks the goblin g4.

Initiative: [1d10] = 2
Broad Sword (THAC0 14): [1d20+3] = 13+3 = 16, Dmg: [2d4+4] = 4+4 = 8
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#11 Post by dmw71 »

From: dmw71
To: Zhym
Sent: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:20 am
"Pesky bugger!" Kendrick murmurs as he slices the last remaining goblin through (+75xp).

Map: End of round 4

Code: Select all

<--- water                                                             \
    sound                      ***                                      \  
                                    K                 *** = snare                   

I was a little surprised they were able to sneak in a few hits against you, but I suppose the risk always needs to be assumed. Nice first encounter.

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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#12 Post by dmw71 »

From: Zhym
To: dmw71
Sent: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:33 am
Kendrick releases the woodland creature from its trap. Is it badly injured? If so, Kendrick will lay on hands to heal it.

After tending to the creature, Kendrick will look over the cliff to see what has become of the goblin that left that way.
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Re: 19. Introduction: Kendrick Llewellyn

#13 Post by dmw71 »

From: dmw71
To: Zhym
Sent: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:52 am
Kendrick approaches the trapped woodland creature and releases it from its binds. While it has suffered multiple jab wounds from the goblin spearheads prodding it, it is well enough to bolt immediately upon being freed; before Kendrick has an opportunity to inspect or potentially heal it.

Kendrick watches the deer quickly disappear to the north. Remembering the goblin that disappeared over the cliff, he begins to move to the edge hoping to see what has become of the one that went over. More on what he sees shortly.


By the way, I am tracking your hit and experience points privately for the time being, but will move them to the public threads once you've been formally introduced into the game:

Kendrick Llewellyn (Zhym)
Hit Points
Maximum: 12
Damage: 8
Current: 4

Medical Record
Goblin short sword (-5) 12-5 = 7 via PM: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:43 pm
Goblin short sword (-3) 7-3 = 4 via PM: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:58 am


Kendrick Llewellyn (Zhym)
Unmodified Total: 475
- Modifier: x1.5 (Human)
Paladin (1): 713 (Needed: 2,251)
4,000 Posts (+400) 0+400 = 400
5 Goblins (+75) 400+75 = 475 via PM Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:20 am

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