Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

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Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

The manor would have provided much appreciated comforts but the barking and cackling make Noks decision easy. Pushing his steed further away from the manor he continues to travel west until the lack of day light puts his horse at risk then sets up camp and prepares for a long, wet night.
It is indeed a cold and rainy night for Nokrugh and the next morning you head out, hoping for some sun or wind to dry you out. You travel through the day, until once again, the putrid smell of rotting flesh wafts your way on the wind. In the distance ahead, where hills merge together, you see several vultures circling and hear growling and snarling over what must certainly be something dead.

Meanwhile, Darkstar backtracks, heading into the laurel thicket and then back along the route that leads past the Orc trail markers. Darkness finds him bone weary and looking for a place to hole up for the night...but he hears some weird sounds coming through the woods and to his surprise, sees what looks like a fire probably 100 yards through the hills.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#2 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar feels tired all over but the fire ahead cannot be ignored. Summoning a inner reserve of strength, that he hopes lasts long enough, he moves in silently to investigate.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

Using all of the skills his father taught him, Darkstar moves through the forest as quiet and as quick as a deer. He stops briefly here and there, hiding behind tree or bush, taking advantage of the shadows as he nears the campfire. He can smell the smoke sixty feet away and can hear the harsh goblinoid tongue of Orcs. He sees flickering movements around the fire and knows the Orcs are moving around. Knowing he can't risk being seen outright, he crawls to a position about thirty feet from the fire, close enough to get a decent look at the ancient enemy of the elves.
Several Orcs sit with their backs to the fire, allowing it to warm them, while not blinding them to the darkness of the night. Darkstar counts eight of the pig-faced creatures then spots a sentry about twenty feet out to his right. He looks left and sees nothing...at first. Then he catches a glimpse of movement and the sentry to his left steps out from behind a tree not ten feet from him. Fumbling at its breeches, it sets its axe against the tree and then begins to piss out into the brush, slightly turned away from Darkstar.

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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#4 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar is filled with uncertantity. He was lucky sneaking this close but he is not sure he will sneak away as easily. A night filled with being chased by angry Orcs does not seem like a fun time either.

He inwardly debates about how to dispatch the near sentry before slowly nocking an arrow and taking careful aim at the sentry. He hopes he can kill this one with a well placed shot and remain hidden.

[1d20+6] = 1+6 = 7[1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5

The plus 6 for point blank does not hide that I rolled a natural 1. Bad time for Darkstar to really screw up. There goes surprise.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

Computer +1 wrote:He inwardly debates about how to dispatch the near sentry before slowly nocking an arrow and taking careful aim at the sentry. He hopes he can kill this one with a well placed shot and remain hidden.
But his luck runs out as his bowstring snaps with a loud "twang" > the Orc flinches and looks at Darkstar's hiding spot, its reddish eyes seeing the archer's outline for the first time. "ELF!" it yells as it fumbles with its breeches while trying to reach for its axe.
The conversation around the fire abruptly dies and several of the Orcs stand and look out into the darkness in the direction of the sentry who shouted. The other sentry moves closer, peering into the forest. "What you see, Druk?"
Darkstar glances back to the fire and groans inwardly as three of the Orcs move out into woods, weapons in hand...

You figure you have mere seconds before the other Orcs see you or at least pinpoint your location. Actions?
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#6 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar knows he need a few seconds he doesn't have to restring his bow. Worse, even if it was strung he would never have the time to down all the Orcs before being overrun. Once the string snapped he had only one course open to him, to run.

He bursts from his concealment and moves as quick as he can (which is very fast) to try to put a much distance between himself and the Orcs as possible. His plan is to get far enough away to restring his bow and to put a drop of blood on the coin he was given by Cumber. He fears that he made need rescuing this time around.

Should I roll anything?
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#7 Post by rtdersch »

Nokrugh nudges his mount forward toward the circling vultures off in the distance and thanks Illneval that the Grunwald barbarians saw fit to give him a steed accustomed to the stench of battle. A whining horse would not do well for his mood considering the cold, wet, sleepless night he'd just endured. Aware of the fact that the stench would render his acute sense of smell worthless, he keeps his eyes sharp and approaches the scene.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#8 Post by hedgeknight »

As you get closer the stench is truly repulsive; even your horse, albeit silently, tosses his (her?) head and doesn't like it one bit. But you push forward and finally get a glimpse of what all of the squawking and growling is about > strewn about a large area is the grisly scene of a corpse...a very large corpse, likely a giant. Vultures are everywhere, digging at flesh, entrails, whatever they can eat. Three wolves are also feasting on the kill, tearing off large chunks of flesh, gnawing on bones, eating all they can as fast as they can before the meat rots any further. Many of the vultures take flight when you are spotted, alighting in trees, flapping a few feet away, or even taking to the air completely...but the wolves ignore the birds and continue to eat...seemingly unaware of your presence.

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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

Computer +1 wrote:He bursts from his concealment and moves as quick as he can (which is very fast) to try to put a much distance between himself and the Orcs as possible. His plan is to get far enough away to restring his bow and to put a drop of blood on the coin he was given by Cumber. He fears that he made need rescuing this time around.
Should I roll anything?
Roll me a couple of Dex checks for running through the forest at night...

You tear out through the brush, dodging trees, weaving through the forest, trying not to trip and fall. The Orcs cry out in surprise and elation as they give chase. One voice rises above the others and over the drumming of your heart, you hear, "Take 'im down!"
An arrow whizzes by and thunks into a tree as you run past it. But then...something smacks you hard in the below the back of your shoulder blade, and you glance down and see an arrowhead protruding through your left shoulder! Orcs fire arrows: [1d20] = 20, [1d6] = 6, Crit arrow dmg: [1d6] = 5 (Total dmg 11)

You pitch forward and nearly fall...and the hooting of the Orcs spur you onward...

Darkstar hp > 4/15
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#10 Post by rtdersch »

Nok approaches the giant corpse tentatively still mounted upon his steed, making sure to give the feasting wolves wide birth. He looks around the site for clues as to what could have taken down such a ferocious adversary as a giant. After giving it some though it just didn't add up to him, giants this far south was uncommon at best and they usually travelled in packs. This lone dead giant raised more questions than answers. However, Illneval sent him west, and west he'd continue. Right into the sea and straight into the mouth of the Kraken if need be.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#11 Post by Computer +1 »

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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#12 Post by hedgeknight »

Nokrugh moves on and the wolves and vultures let him go and he travels for the remainder of the day, over hills and around the ridges. Copses of trees dot the hillsides and the wind is blowing hard off the side of Mount Hotenow which can be clearly seen now, it's ever present smoke billowing into the sky. Sunset finds him descending along a game trail that leads surprisingly to a pond. The edges are choked with cattails and thick sawgrass and there looks to be a slight depression in the side of the hill that encircles the pond. A thin stream trickles southward and the night sounds of frogs and crickets fill the bowl.
Your horse drinks deeply of the cold, mountain fed water and you stretch your legs and back from the long day's ride. The temperature is noticeably cooler around the pond and you figure it's going to be a fairly cold night. Looking around in the rapidly fading sunlight, you see plenty of dead and dry wood that could be used for a fire.

Meanwhile, a few miles to the west...
Darkstar runs for his life! Blood spurts from the wound in his shoulder and trees and rocks loom before him as he runs, but he keeps his footing and swiftly outdistances the Orcs. He runs until he can no longer hear their hoots and yells. He runs through bramble and brush, thin branches whipping his clothes, his hair, his face. He runs until his legs cramp and his chest burns...but he doesn't stop...until he reaches a steep ridge that plummets into some switchback turns down a shallow gorge. Several feet below is a fast flowing creek that winds it way around large boulders and dead trees.
You take a few seconds to assess your situation > should you attempt to descend the gorge in the dark? Stick to the ridge and hope it leads you somewhere safe? Find a place to hole up until morning? And then there's the arrow penetrating your shoulder, grinding on bone every time you move. The back of the shaft snapped off somewhere in your flight...should make it easy to push on through...if you don't pass out from the pain.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#13 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar is unsure is the Orcs will track him this far but he knows he can't take the chance that they wont. His first order of business is to remove the arrow shaft. He takes one of his own arrows and puts the shaft in his mouth to bite down on. He then readies himself and then pushes the arrow the rest of the way through. Do I need a roll, I hope not)

Afterward the arrow is removed fumbles through his pouch for the coin Cumber gave him. As he looks in the pouch he feels the jar of healing ointment and takes that out. He then applies a generous amount to his wound before putting the jar back away and taking out the coin. He uses some of his available blood to active the magic in the coin, sending out a cry for help from Cumber.

He then puts the coin back into his pouch, checks his bow for damage when the string snapped and then uses the bowstringer to restring his bow. Looking down the gorge and then along the ridge, he decides to move along the ridge and hope it leads to someplace he can rest.

Ointment Healing POWER!
[1d4+8] = 1+8 = 9
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#14 Post by rtdersch »

Nokrugh surveys the area around the lake for while then decides to refill his waterskin before finding an acceptable camp site. Not wanting to be too close to the water for fear of encountering one of the many dangerous denizens of the forest coming for a drink he finds an elevated area with good visibility up the side of the hill to setup camp. Before dawn he gathers up a few armloads of the dry tinder and starts a campfire and surrounds it with some large stones. Once the sun has crept below the horizon and the stones have warmed, almost too hot to handle, he douses the fire and taking the stones puts them in his bedroll and tucks in for a warm nights rest.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#15 Post by hedgeknight »

Computer +1 wrote:Darkstar takes one of his own arrows and puts the shaft in his mouth to bite down on. He then readies himself and then pushes the arrow the rest of the way through.
Pain explodes in your shoulder, leaving you gasping for breath with spots dancing before your eyes. It's all you can do to keep from passing out.
He uses some of his available blood to active the magic in the coin, sending out a cry for help from Cumber.
The coin briefly gives off a blue sheen as the blood soaks into it. As the glow dies, the coin turns to lead.
Looking down the gorge and then along the ridge, he decides to move along the ridge and hope it leads to someplace he can rest.
You stagger at first and then your strength returns as the salve continues to work on your wound. You move along the ridge as fast as you dare to go, knowing the Orcs could still be tracking you. The moon offers no help because the clouds will not allow it to shine through, so you move carefully, trying not to fall, trying not to make any noise. You know you're about a half day's journey from the pond and the cabin. Your companion must be getting close...hopefully you can find him before he wanders into the Orcs. So, you push on through the night and toward the rising dawn. You cross ridges and plunge down valleys, coming across the familiar path you and your companions took only a couple of days previous. Exhausted, barely able to stand, hungry and thirsty, you climb a wooded hill and stop at the crest, looking down into the valley below. The hillside is steep, but you remember traveling it only a few days ago. Pulling your waterskin, you take a couple of gulps, leaning against the cold bark of a tree. And then you hear footsteps coming through the wood...and voices. It is the goblinoid tongue, but not the language of Orcs, but rather a different creature. Your bow is in your hand with an arrow ready, although you don't remember drawing it from your quiver. Coming around the side of the hill, following a visible game trail in the pre-dawn light, is a patrol of hobgoblins...much like the ones you and your companions slew several days ago. They have not seen you...and will pass directly below your position, about 100 feet away...
Darkstar hp > 13/15
rtdersch wrote:Nokrugh surveys the area around the lake for while then decides to refill his waterskin before finding an acceptable camp site. Not wanting to be too close to the water for fear of encountering one of the many dangerous denizens of the forest coming for a drink he finds an elevated area with good visibility up the side of the hill to setup camp. Before dawn he gathers up a few armloads of the dry tinder and starts a campfire and surrounds it with some large stones. Once the sun has crept below the horizon and the stones have warmed, almost too hot to handle, he douses the fire and taking the stones puts them in his bedroll and tucks in for a warm nights rest.
Your sleep is peaceful through most of the night, only waking when your horse nickers in the darkness, or the distant call of a creature of the night echoes through the hills. Your dreams are filled with images of the sea > waves crashing upon the rocks, the deck of a ship slowly rocking underneath your feet, and a large winged creature. You startle awake as the dawn creeps over the Crags, kissing the tops of the trees around you. Yawning, you shiver in the chill air, grateful for the warmth of the rocks during the night. You grunt and stand up, working out the stiffness in your back and legs, and look for a place to empty your bladder. And then you hear footsteps coming through the wood...and voices. It is the goblinoid tongue, but not the language of Orcs, but rather a different creature. Your sword is in your hand, although you don't remember drawing it the scabbard near your bed. Coming around the side of the hill, following a visible game trail in the pre-dawn light, is a patrol of hobgoblins. Less than 30 yards away, they appear to have not seen you, but with alarm, you notice that the game trail they are on passes not more than five feet from where you are standing!
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#16 Post by Computer +1 »

The memories and pain of the last encounter are too fresh for Darkstar to even think about attacking. He slowly moves to conceal himself as best as possible. He will only fight if detected. He knows he doesn't have the energy to flee and he prays to the Lady of the Forest to help him hide.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#17 Post by rtdersch »

Cursing his luck he thinks quickly and decides he needs a diversion. Since his horse is already free of the journey's burden he unties his horse, and with a slap on the rump sends him running. If the diversion is successful he'll move off the game trail and attempt to find someplace safe to hide.
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#18 Post by hedgeknight »

The horse snorts and trots downhill for several yards, momentarily distracting the hobgoblins. The patrol leaders barks a command, and two of the humanoids break and follow the horse...while the remaining six continue out the trail. The patrol leader says something like "Get ready" and three of the hobgoblins ready spears, while the other three draw weapons.

@Nokrugh >
you are able to move off the trail, but only by a few feet. The patrol will still pass fairly close...and they suspect something is amiss. A horse just doesn't appear out of the woods from nowhere. ;)
@Darkstar >
you see the horse break and run and then your sharp eyes spy a familiar figure in the trees below, scooting for cover. You'd swear it was Nokrugh!
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#19 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar has a feeling of calm come over him. The tiredness and pain fade away as he focuses on what he must do. He silently nocks an arrow and readies himself to attack. Leaving Nokrugh is not an option.

Darkstar will take a bead on the leader, if he can identify him. He holds off firing until the moment that Nokrugh is discovered, hoping to throw the hobgoblins off balance with the sudden volley and give Nokrugh a chance.

Roll attacks now or wait?
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Re: Darkstar & Nokrugh > The Crags

#20 Post by hedgeknight »

The patrol leader holds up his arm as he continues on up the trail, and the rest of the patrol slows down, approaching slowly. The leader sniffs the air loudly and then points out something on the ground, crouching to peer at it. He straightens suddenly and says, *"Show yourself! Hands off weapons! We are more than you!"
(*Goblinoid tongue)

@Darkstar >
it doesn't look like the hobgoblins are ready to kill...yet. Depends on how Nokrugh reacts.
OOC: Ray > you out there, man?
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