WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#41 Post by ateno »

Tucker will place himself on opportunity fire, he will watch the 88 crew and shoot anyone who notices and about to bring up a weapon to at shoot us.

RD2 Tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#42 Post by Zhym »

Sensing—smelling?—the opportunity for hand-to-hand combat, Roker howls and changes into wolf form. With any luck, it'll give the Germans in the foxhole something new to worry about, too.

Using 3 WP. Roker will also move as far toward the foxhole as he can without making it a second action.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#43 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He shrugs at Mac's apparent desire to confront everything in the base. "Let's move! We need to get to cover, and that foxhole is as good as any."

Marvin notices Gurung lining up a shot at the outgoing plane, and calls to him. "Good luck, catch up as soon as you can. Those bombers know what they're in for, and we need to find the shrikes."

He focuses the rest of the group on the 88 crew. "Let's help our boys out."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#44 Post by max_vale »

Dusk; December 2, 1942; Tunisian Desert near German Airbase outside of Sfax, North Africa

As the Heavy Bombers finished their run and started to pull away; a new noise over the fray could be heard; the whistling sounds of mortar shells and the distinctive bark of a sniper rifle coming from the far side of the base. Ellison's squad was starting their distraction attack and SST 4 made the most of it....

SSGT Dutch Van Horn cut loose a 10 round spray of .303 rounds* from his Bren LMG at the 10 Germans in the large foxhole holding the '88' AA Gun. He dropped one and caused several others to stop firing the gun and dive for cover.....

Nearby, Coastguardsman Elias Tucker took aim and fired a shot from his Scoped Springfield Rifle and had the satisfaction of watching one of the Germans crewing the gun to drop to the ground with a hit high in the chest and not rise back up into his view....

LT Acme, with Doc following close behind, charged towards the foxhole in the wake of Fred 'Mediocre' Roker and the bearded Scotsman 'Mad Mac' McCrae; both of whom activated their Talent Powers and everyone nearby felt/smelled/heard the powers being turned on....

Radioman 1st Class Fred 'Mediocre' Roker raced towards the large foxhole holding the German AA gun and gun crew and as he moved, he reached deep within himself and activated his Talent Power; feeling his body CHANGE......hair sprouted all over his body....his face contorted as his ears moved up and became triangular; his nose and mouth morphed into a muzzle full of sharp teeth....his fingernails grew longer and harder and a lupine HOWL broke forth from his lips......a Wolfman now roamed the base.....some 50 yards from the enemies/prey whose scent filled his nostrils.....

Next to the charging Wolfman, the Scottish Commando activated his Super Strength and pulled a 'Mills Bomb', a.k.a. a hand grenade and pulled the pin. With a powerful throw, he tossed the weapon, which hit the ground about 10 yards shy of the foxhole, and bounced and rolled to within 5 yards and exploded with enough force to drop a couple of the gun crew and cause most of those who were still untouched to drop down and start scrambling to pick up small arms....

Left on his own near Tucker; Rifleman Gurung completely ignored the fight near the AA gun and instead, he sighted down his SMLE rifle at the moving ME-109 fighter that was starting to taxi down the runway. The shot was near impossible.....300 yards; a tiny cockpit of a moving plane.....the Gurkha took a deep breath, let it go and stroked the trigger.....

A puff of exploding glass could be seen at the back of the cockpit and a moment later, the plane veered suddenly off course sharply to the right. It went off the runway and plowed into a building where it quickly broke into numerous pieces and smoke started to pour from the engine block as German servicemen raced to the plane to deal with the problem....

*Dutch has 10 rounds (2 bursts or 1 Spray) left in the clip

OOC: Okay, Mac and Roker are within 50 yards to the AA foxhole which now has 2 or 3 visible corpses who have fallen on the sandbags and several more German troops ducking down and scrambling about. NOBODY is still working the gun.

Acme, Dutch and Doc are about 35 yards from the foxhole.......

Gurung and Tucker are still about 100 yards away, not far from the fence line and Tower....

The four hangars are staggered in pairs; 2 to the left of the runway (same side as the 88 foxhole) and 2 to the right fo the runway.....in clockwise order (Upper left Hanger) #1 is where the ME 109 came out of; Hangar # 2 (Upper Right); if the Intel is correct holds Ju 87 Stuka bombers; Hangar # 3 (Lower Right) also is supposed to hold Stuka Bombers; and Hangar # 4 (Lower Left) is SUPPOSED to be the one holding the Shrikes.

Hangars 3 and 4 are about 200 yards from everyone right now; the upper two hangars 250 or so.....JUST coming into visibility now fro Mac and Roker is a small barracks looking building in between Hangars 2 and 3 on the right.....it's unknown if a similar building is in between buildings 1 and 4.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#45 Post by Rex »


Gurung chambers another round and takes off at a full run to catch up with the others.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#46 Post by ateno »

Tucker will do the same and follow Gurung.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#47 Post by Urson »

Let's go, boys! Dutch pauses long enough to toss a grenade into the AA gun pit- as close to the gun as possible. His intent is to disable the weapon.
After that, he runs for the Shrike hangar, zig-zagging.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#48 Post by Zhym »

Roker races forward to the foxhole. If he's lucky, there will still be some Germans he can rip limb from limb. If he's really lucky, Dutch's grenade won't have disabled the gun and Roker can take it over, becoming Roker the Wolfman AA Gunner. An AA gun works as well against German planes as Allied, he thinks...
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#49 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He tries to remember the briefing and orients himself for a moment. "That one. The close one on our side should be where the Shrikes are."

Marvin moves for the foxhole, hoping to regroup for a moment before they push on across the open to the hangar. "Regroup at the gun! Clear the area!"

He raises his weapon and watches for survivors of the blasts to stick their noses out.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#50 Post by max_vale »

Dusk; December 2, 1942; Tunisian Desert near German Airbase outside of Sfax, North Africa

As the members of SST 4 rushed the large foxhole holding the '88' AA Gun and its crew; the rest of the small Airbase was scrambling due to the results of several mortar rounds, sniper fire and NOW the 'burping' of machine-gun fire taking out sentries and causing problems on the opposite side of the facility....

Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn yanked off one of his pair of grenades, primed it and hurled it towards the German gunners; but his throw wasn't a good one and it bounced, hit a rock and rolled 90 degrees to the right and exploded with only enough force to drop a single German at the edge of the foxhole. The Pennsylvanian cursed at his luck, but then his eyes widened a bit as he saw a column of vehicles further down the airstrip (250 yards or so) which included a pair of tanks and 3 half-tracks; but he breathed easier when he saw they were rolling AWAY from SST 4's assault. Then he grew alarmed again as the last half-track in the column suddenly hit its brakes and began the slow process of turning around.....

Marvin Acme encouraged his men to press forward to towards the foxhole and next to him, Doc Franklin cut loose a well-aimed shot from his Carbine that wounded a German solider at the edge of the foxhole and a moment later that soldier along with another was taken out by several bursts from 'Mad Mac' who raced out ahead of them and even at full speed managed to have exceptional marksmanship with his Sten Gun. A German gunner managed to bring around a KAR 98 rifle and take a shot at the bearded Scottsman, but he narrowly missed his target and the shot zipped through the area with the sound of an angry hornet....

Gurung and Tucker worked the bolts of their riles to chamber another round and both took off in pursuit of their fellows towards the 88mm AA gun and its crew; taking note of several of the gunners getting mowed down from gunfire; a grenade blast and then they saw Roker lope forward and dive into the pit; fur flying! They both were distracted by the sight in the distance however, of a German Half-Track slowly turning around to point in their direction. It did not APPEAR to be carrying a German squad in its passenger section; but the MG 34 machine-gun certainly was manned and represented a potent threat; as did the simple fact that it was an armored vehicle....

Racing out ahead of the group; Wolfman-Roker watched the half-dozen gunners in the pit get whittled down by half as a grenade exploded and then gunfire stitched across 3 of their number....but that left 3 'tasty' targets still waiting for him as his loping pack sent him flying past his fellows. One of the Germans had a Rifle, another had a Lugar and the last had an MP-40 submachine gun, but they were NOT expecting THIS particular sight bearing down on them! The one with the Rifle fired at somebody else, worked the bolt, saw Roker and just froze with his mouth wide open in astonished terror! The one with the Lugar dropped the weapon and fell on the ground on his butt, screaming like a young child. The last with the MP 40 fired a burst, but from shaky arms and the rounds flew up and over Roker's fur-tipped ears. Then he was at the edge of the foxhole and leaping into the fray......

OOC: Okay, Acme, Dutch, Mac and Doc are all within 25 yards of the foxhole; Gurung and Tucker are now about 50 yards from the foxhole and Roker is of course IN the foxhole!

The Half-Track is JUST about pointed towards the group now and is about 250 yards away from the foxhole.......and there are 3 German troops in the foxhole whose ENTIRE attention right now is on the nightmare-come-to-life in the hole with them....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#51 Post by Rex »


Gurung will run at an angle, not directly at the APC but try to get closer and flank the gunner. If the gunner turns on Gurung it should give the rest of the team an exposed shot, if he turns on the team it should give Gurung an exposed shot. If Gurung gets an exposed shot on the Gunner he will take it, using his last luck point.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#52 Post by ateno »

Tucker will stop and call will using what is needed to activate his Focus.
And attempt a shot at the gunner.

Cpl Tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#53 Post by Urson »

Seeing the obvious threat, Dutch drops to the ground. He readies his weapon and squeezes off a burst at the half-track gunner.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#54 Post by Zhym »

Roker howls in delighted bloodlust and engages in claw-to-hand combat with the remaining Germans in the foxhole, starting with the one with the MP40.

I assume that taking on three enemy soldiers in one turn, even in Wolfman form, would take, what, -2D to each action? If so, let's have him use a luck point. I'm hoping he can clear the foxhole this turn and be able to take over the AA gun next round.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#55 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He spots the curious half-track with the others and judges the distance to the foxhole. Marvin decides to join Roker in the pit, firing at any enemy who still stands once he gets there.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#56 Post by max_vale »

Dusk; December 2, 1942; Tunisian Desert near German Airbase outside of Sfax, North Africa

On the small German airbase in North Africa; the fight continued to rage between a small group of Allied Talents and the Nazi forces on the base....

In the large foxhole containing the 3 surviving members of the German AA gun; 'Mediocre' Fred Roker in Wolfman form leaped into the pit and went ballistic with his claws and sharp teeth. One German's chest was torn open by a vicious claw strike and he was tossed to the bottom of the Pit some 4 or 5 yards away in a wailing heap of pain and yelling. Another German solider's throat was torn out by a claw strike from the other claw of Roker and the last Nazi went down with a terrible scream of terror and pain as the jaws and dagger-sharp teeth tore into his jugular. On some level, Roker knew that his team lead, Marvin Acme jumped into the pit next to him and finished off the wounded soldier with a burst from his Thompson, but he couldn't stop the animal part of him growling at the El Tee who came close to him while his blood was up. Then he was suddenly blinking and feeling his body calling on him to change back* and his mind was yelling at him about the AA gun and the on-rushing armored vehicle getting closer and closer.....

Seeing most of of his team moving to engaged the German Half-Track; 1st LT Marvin Acme followed Wolfman Roker to the AA gun pit and he saw first hadn't the carnage wrought by the usually mild-mannered Radioman; which included a German solider with a bloody chest being hurled to the side of the pit; but where he was still in the fight and attempting to shakily point an MP 40 SMG back at the man-thing who had done so much damage to him. Acme had just got to the edge of the pit and he cut loose a 5 round burst from his Thompson which peppered the German and ended that threat forever. Panting from the run and adrenaline, Marvin got down into the pit and did his best to ignore the growling coming from the now blood-stained Roker and he took a look at the oncoming Half-Track AND the 88 Gun, seeing that it needed to be loaded and pointed down and around if they were to make use of it.....

Running away from the rest of the team; Rifleman Gurung sprinted to the opposite side from SST 4 and he dropped to one knee and raised his SMLE to point at the gunner in the Half-Track and saw that his actions had indeed been followed by the German manning the MG 34. He fired a shot from his weapon; annoyed to see he merely grazed his opponent's solider; but this had the good fortune of causing the return burst of 7.92mm rounds to be mostly wide and high and only a single round struck him in his left solider; causing him to drop to his side and hiss in pain; but saving him from what wold've most likely been a fatal stitching all across his torso He WAS happy to note that his plan worked and left the gunner vulnerable to the rest of his team; and he saw with some satisfaction that the Gunner got riddled with bullets and fell off the gun and to the bottom of the passenger deck of the armored vehicle. He heard Doc Franklin yell his name and he soon heard the footsteps of the Navy Corpsman rushing towards him to help treat his injuries.....

Coastguardsman Elias Tucker took a deep breath, exhaled and called on his FOCUS Talent Power to fill his body with extreme levels of perfect clarity and he took aim at the German Half-Track Gunner; and as his exposed side came into view, thanks to Gurung's actions; he squeezed his Springfield Rifle's trigger and saw his round hit the gunner in his side and cause him to half-slump over the weapon from the wound. He was annoyed to see he did not fully finish his target off though as he worked the bolt to reload another .30-06 round into the chamber....

Staff Sergeant Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn; dropped to the ground and rested the Bren on its bipod as he elevated the weapon to take aim at the MG gunner on the top of the Half-Track bearing down on them. As Gurung's run and shot caused the Gunner to swivel his way and open fire; he saw the man react to getting shot from Tucker and Dutch then sent a 5 round burst down range and a smile broke out over his face as his rounds slammed into the man and finished him off for good! The smile didn't last long however as he saw that the driver of the Half-Track was now flooring it and coming straight for him and Tucker at high speed!

'Mad Mac' rushed into the foxhole and with his Super Strength he started to work the wheels and depress the 88 AA gun and then swivel it to point at the accelerating German half-track currently barreling down towards Tucker and Dutch. He called out with his thick Scottish accent towards Acme and Roker; "Dinnae stand there being useless; load the damn gun and shoot that bastard!"

OOC: Okay, all Germans (except the driver) dealt with; Half-Track is driving fast at ramming speed towards Tucker and Dutch....Gurung is wounded (-1D to all actions until treated....also, out of Luck Points).....Doc is almost at Gurung's position; Acme, Mac and Roker are in the foxhole with the 88....

Roker will have to make Will Rolls to remain in Wolfman form if that is his desire starting this next round coming....or he can transform to 'Mediocre Fred' with no issues....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#57 Post by Rex »


Gurung will try and belly crawl to the closest cover.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#58 Post by Urson »

Dutch curses and rolls to his feet, barely remembering the Bren. He sidesteps, keeping a close watch on the halftrack.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#59 Post by Zhym »

Having cleared the foxhole of all enemies, Roker turns to the big gun. Time to shoot some things! As a werefolf! It'll be grand!

But he's caught by the sight of someone already sitting at his gun. He almost leaps forward to rip the interloper out of his seat before noticing that the man isn't wearing a German uniform. It occurs to him that if he went with his instinct, there would be an Inquiry. And Inquiries should be avoided at all costs.

So, willing himself to stay in Wolfman form, he loads a shell into the gun and takes a position to fire it.

Using 3WP, purely for awesomeness/flavor.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#60 Post by ateno »

Tucker continues to use his focus and bring his aim down and aim in the driver viewport.

Once he fires he will bolt to his right. If im right that should expose the half Tracks right side to the gun.

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