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Re: Garrotten

#21 Post by dmw71 »

Annoyed at Garvis' unwillingness to remain behind a bit longer, Ashley loosens the grip she has on her daggers, leaving them sheathed, and gathers her meager possessions before hopping out of the carriage. Landing awkwardly, she balances herself and frustratingly brushes her hair out of her eyes.

After dusting herself off, she casually begins moving towards the scene of the newly uprighted wheelbarrow. She is unable to conceal a disappointed look after eyeing the spilled contents the old lady collects. "What's with the crap?" she asks bluntly, but genuinely. "Why venture all the way out here, alone, for... what? Nature? Hardly seems worth the risk."

Ashley never lets her eyes veer from the woman's face as she remains focused on gauging any reaction.
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Re: Garrotten

#22 Post by tarlyn »

Carling and Vorpal remain in the forest on the edge of the road, seeing no sign of ambush or any other nefarious activity nearby. The old woman seems incredibly calm for someone in her precarious situation. That demeanor changes instantly when Zap starts casting a spell at her. Before he gets out the third syllable, she bends down to pick up a stone and a switch, tossing the first at the gnome and moving towards him waving her thin stick menacingly. "OH NO YOU DONT MISTER! YOU TAKE ME FOR SOME FOOL WHO DOESNT KNOW ABOUT MAGIC? I WONT HAVE YOU TURNING ME INTO ANYTHING AGAINST MY WILL!!!"

Rather flustered at her reaction, the little gnome reacts in his own way and his own words...

"Listen lady! I don't trust anyone, and that includes you. I am merely detecting the presence of magic, not turning you into a toad.

We meet you here in the middle of god knows where and you expect us me to trust you like my long lost relative? Not gonna happen. Accept it or

not, that is your perogative. If we wanted you dead you would be, end of story. So, can I cast my spell or is the detection of magic too offensive for you?"

Zap taps his foot impatiently on the ground, awaiting her majesty's approval of his spell.

He will wait to cast his Detect Magic spell upon her approval, with more choice words in case she decides he shouldn't cast it.
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Re: Garrotten

#23 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Old Woman!

While Carling makes strange running water noises in the foliage, Vorpal doesn't spot any threats from above, but the owl cant see much under the canopy of the forest in most places.

When Zap deliberately stops his casting, the weak stick thrashing he was taking is put on hold.

The local woman brushes herself off a bit more before taking possession of her little wheelbarrow again. She smiles at the offer for company on her return trip from Redgrave. "I'm no herbalist myself, but I do know people who like to buy this kind of stuff."

She smiles at the reply from Zahra, about to explain that the druidess she seeks is actually her neighbor in Garrotten when Ashley and Zap lay into her verbally. The "What's with the crap?" comment sets her off initially, her face turning to an expression of confused anger. But after Zap speaks his mind to the stranger, she simply shrugs and turns to walk away.

"If you wanted me DEAD? Oh good heavens! And here I thought you people were........"

She turns her back on the group and walks off in the direction she was initially headed, towards Garrotten.

"You know what? Never mind I said anything! Just what we need in town are more angry outsiders threatening violence and murder. Hhhmmmppphhhh!!! I'll make sure I tell the mayor we have another nice group of folks threatening the lives of her innocent townsfolk once I get back too!"

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Re: Garrotten

#24 Post by dmw71 »

"Relax, old lady..." Ashley retorts. "Or do you have a name?"

"Regardless, what you collect is your own business. I was merely curious about why you were venturing this far out, by yourself."

She huffs, crosses her arms across her chest defensively, then quickly uncrosses them as if the behavior felt unnatural. She broods quietly, voluntarily removing herself from the conversation.
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Re: Garrotten

#25 Post by Rex »


"You will have to excuse my fellow travelers. They are obviously not the most civil of individuals. We can just walk together and ignore them. Perhaps we could talk as you head back to town? I can help with you wheel barrow if you would like? Perhaps I could push and set by back in it as well, that would be much easier then carrying it. I am interested in meeting this Luna you see..."
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Re: Garrotten

#26 Post by Quonundrum »


Lestadt steps in front of the old woman and waves his cane as if to physically ward away the verbal affronts. "What is this now? Have we no respect for our elders?"

He then turns to face her and nods his head, raising the orb of his cane to brow level. "Please excuse my travelling companions. We are all severely taxed from recent events in Restenford. A terrible murder! Guards interrogating people, everyone suspicious and fearful of who could be next! A most distressing state of affairs, indeed."

He holds out his free arm to the women. "Allow me to escort you, madame. One should not be walking alone whilst the murderer is afoot."
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Re: Garrotten

#27 Post by gurusql »


Draxon sees that this is a too many chefs in the kitchen situation and will focus (with the help of Vorpal) on looking for an outside threat.
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Re: Garrotten

#28 Post by tarlyn »


The little gnome sighs, clearly uncaring about this old woman.

"You people deal with this hick, I have no patience for her ignorance., he tells the party in a hushed voice. He will lose his spell

and let the more approachable party members speak with her.
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Re: Garrotten

#29 Post by Spearmint »

Karloff Redgrave

Will help push the old woman's cart. An inauspicious start to the investigation in Garrotten.

He asks the old lady as he walks about the town, mayor, council. "I heard a theatre holds court in the town. Is it entertaining? Could do with some relaxation after these stresses."
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Re: Garrotten

#30 Post by Bluetongue »

Quicksilver Carling

Backstabbing old ladies not his thing. He walks after the others.
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Re: Garrotten

#31 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Please remember what I mentioned about policing each other during this game.

Inauspicious Beginnings

After hearing comments like "old lady" and "ignorant hick" behind her, the old woman angrily skirts her wheelbarrow around Lestadt and anyone else who tries to get in front of her.

"You insult me and then ask for more information? You folks are really good at this interrogation stuff, eh? Do you all work for the royal family or what?"

She absolutely refuses to answer any more questions and briskly walks away from anyone who tries, refusing any aid with her burden as well. She looks sideways at Ashley several times, but eventually warms up to the wandering cleric Zahra when she approaches her alone.

"You sure seem familiar to me miss. I swear I've seen you somewhere before. Anyway, Luna is my next door neighbor. Some of this stuff I've collected is actually for her. My name is Elizabeth, but most folks just call me Lizzy. You want me to take you to Luna, dearie? I will show you to her, but I don't think she will like your friends much, especially the mouthy little shit."

After about a half hour of walking down the road, the forest trees eventually thin out, opening up to vast swaths of farmland that stretch out in front of you. You can see the outskirts or Garrotten up ahead, a small village of about 50 or so wooden houses and businesses. There is no wall around the settlement and the road you are traveling appears to run right through the center of town. A large stone castle keep constructed on a high hill to the east is easy to spot in the distance, surrounded by fields of grazing sheep. The majority of area to the west is dominated by Lake Farmin, a tributary running across the southern end of town by way of a river crested by a large stone bridge leading to the more untamed lands further south.

Any Actions before entering town?

You are just north of Garrotten on this map. Try to ignore the sea monsters and other letters. :lol: Luna lives on the lakeshore.
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Re: Garrotten

#32 Post by Rex »


"Well, nice to meet you Lizzy I am Zahra. I suppose it is possible we have met before as I am a wanderer, as in a wandering priestess of Celestian. but I honestly don't recall meeting you before, although I have been through Garrotten before so it is possible. I would very much like for you to take me to meet Luna. As far as my companions, well I just met most of them or don't know them very well and I would agree with your assessment about them based on what I have seen so far. I am wondering about staying at the inn as well, can you tell me anything about it? The last time I was here I simply passed through and didn't stay the night."
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Re: Garrotten

#33 Post by Quonundrum »


In for a penny, in for a pound, Lestadt reacts to the old woman as appropriate for the character. He assumes a shocked and indignant demeanour when his explanation and offer of assistance is rebuffed.

"Excuse me, madame. I neither insulted nor subsequently questioned you and I take offense at your insinuations as to my intentions. Interrogation? What do you take me for, a common detective?" The last word almost spit from his mouth.

He snaps to stiff attention allowing her to pass, then proceeds to casually walk south along the road, a very respectable distance from the old woman. Lestadt nods conspiratorially towards the others ...
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Re: Garrotten

#34 Post by Spearmint »

Karloff Redgrave

He doesn't have any specific thoughts. Maybe we can use the evening well. Half go to this Luna, be introduced, ask a few questions about the town. The other half check out the theatre, chat with the theatre owner. Then we meet up in the late evening in the inn, give feedback. Plan for the next day?

So, Redgrave will head firstly for the theatre. Who would like to go with him?
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Re: Garrotten

#35 Post by Quonundrum »


Lestadt converses quietly with Redgrave and agrees with his suggestion to visit the theatre. "No doubt the old woman will gossip about our arrival." He whispers. "If we split up now, we can operate more efficiently and dispel any suspicion we are working together. The assassin will certainly be expecting some manner of investigation."

Speaking up more loudly, "A theatre you say, Mr. Redgrave? Well now, that sounds to be a wonderful remedy to calm the nerves. I do hope they will be performing anon." His mood appears to remarkably improve and a smile teases the corners of his mouth.
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Re: Garrotten

#36 Post by gurusql »


"Perhaps if we ae going to split into the two groups, one should go see Luna and the other group can take the long way around the city and enter from the other road."
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Re: Garrotten

#37 Post by tarlyn »


The little gnome sighs

"She was offended by my simple Detect Magic spell. Also she doesn't seem a very hospitable person.... I'll go with the people who skirt around the town

keeping away from people."
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Re: Garrotten

#38 Post by dmw71 »

”You and me, both,” Ashley agrees. She begins to gravitate towards her fellow antisocial gnome companion, fully aware the reasons for their being ostracized are completely different. “It’s probably best for all involved if I’m not responsible for interacting with the finer, more sensitive folk.”

Then a rare grin betrays her tough exterior. “Feel free to call upon me should the situation call for it.”
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Re: Garrotten

#39 Post by Bluetongue »

Quicksilver Carling

"The theatre. Let's see this bard perform and understand what other disguises he may use. "

He will join the group going into Garrotten and the theatre.
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Re: Garrotten

#40 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Entering Garrotten; The Split
Moonday, Early Evening, Clear

As the sun sets on their travel day, the group splits into three splinter cells, each moving into town from different directions. Zahra splits off to follow Lizzy down the lakeshore road, bringing Draxon and Vorpal along with them. “Miss Luna will like your owl. She’s got a way with all critters. Oh, the tavern in town is a fine place. Too expensive for me, but Abraham does a good business. He’s a nice enough fellow, I suppose.”

The walk along the lake is cool and refreshing after the long carriage ride. Small fishing boats are seen out on the lake, oaring their daily catch back to a series of docks off in the distance before darkness sets in. A petite woman with green hair sits on a log outside the very first little cottage you pass along the lake road. She appears to be having a conversation with a tiny field mouse sitting on a nearby rock. Lizzy points her out but doesn’t approach herself, suddenly looking less comfortable with an impromptu random introduction. “That’s Luna. Don’t let her size fool you and……I wouldn’t cast any sudden spells at her. She can handle herself pretty well.”


Lestadt, Redgrave, and Carling branch off the main road next, after passing what appears to be the town’s General Store, (13) now closed for the day. They approach the theater’s main building, a quality built stone and wood affair with heavily barred and shuttered windows. A similar smaller building sits just behind the larger one. The doors are all closed and a sign above the nearby ticket booth reads “Next Show 7:00 Waterday Evening! (2 nights from now)

A middle aged woman with long dark hair exits a side door of the theater, heading towards the house. She either doesn’t notice you, or ignores your approach all together. When she darts through the doorway and out of sight, you notice she was cautiously carrying an armful of garments, one of them looking like a long white robe of some kind.


Ashley and Zap continue straight into town, passing a home with a large brick oven out back. By the unmistakably delicious smells coming from within, this could only be the local baker’s place. (14) The very next building they come to is The House Of Abraham, a fenced in complex of buildings, stables, and even an outhouse.(2) Garrotten’s pride and joy, a welcoming sign and warm light from within greets the weary traveler and thirsty farmer alike.

A pair of common men are seen entering as you approach, ignoring the lone, disheveled looking young man who sits outside, crouched on the ground near the front entrance. When the young man spots the two of you in the distance, he looks around nervously before waving you towards him. “Come! Come closer! I won’t bite you! Come talk with Priska!”

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