Into The Long Wet Darkness

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Into The Long Wet Darkness

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Crashing Into The Cave
Early Morning, Dark, Cold

As the ship roars towards the rocky shore, headed straight for the small opening in the cliff wall that the vessel certainly wont fit into, those remaining on board start to panic. Many take Mikhail's advice, staying in the ship and seeing where this goes, though Drest gets ready to leap out it the ship should start to crash upon the rocks.

In full on panic mode himself by now, Mikhail looks towards the unfriendly Pict and starts to second guess his earlier statement. Then the steer board catches on some underwater snag, sundering half of it and ripping the lower portion from the ship with a loud crash. That noise is enough to get the anxious Pict to leap into the water, followed immediately by the screaming Mikhail. See private thread, please.

With no sight of Euripides and two of the crew suddenly leaping into the water, the others can only wince when the ship hits the opening in the rock wall in front of them. Miraculously however, there is no sound of crunching timbers or screams of dying crewmates. The ship simply lurches into the small opening and passes right through it without incident.

Darkness envelops the craft as it continues rushing through a narrow underground tunnel cut into the rocky island before eventually slowing down when it enters a wider chamber beyond the tunnel. This place is very dark, only illuminated by a purple lichen that grows around the high ceiling of this massive chamber. The craft noticeably slows its progression and softly floats into what appears to be some kind of creepy underground lagoon. There are more soft greenish lights ahead, possibly indicating a shore of some kind. The chamber is not only dark but oddly quiet as well, with sounds of dripping water and the splashing of the crew members who abandoned ship, swimming frantically to catch up to the vessel.


Everyone can include a [4d6] Wisdom check with your next actions.

Akhilleus AC:4 11/11
Valkrina AC:6 8/8 1/1
Apollonius AC:8 5/5 2/2
Xenos AC:5 9/9 2/2
Hakon AC:4 9/9

Drest AC:7 7/7
Euripides AC:5 7/7 2/2
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#2 Post by Karaunios »


Akhilleus straps his shield on his back and lights a torch. He starts looking around to see if all his comrades are safe and sound, but also looks at the wall and ceiling of the cave, looking for any potential dangers.

Hard Skill Check [4d6]=10 vs 7
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#3 Post by Paladin »

Apollonius Triton

[4d6]=11 Vs. WIS 13

The wizard smiles his appreciation at the masterful illusion, his body unclenching slightly as they pass through without incident. New terrors await, though, and he unties his rope and seeks a suitable place to hide, should the need arise.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#4 Post by shaidar »


Unsure as to how they survived, the Ixian mutters a quiet prayer to Mordezzan for looking the other way. He looks around the cavern and listens, alert for any immediate threats.

[4d6]=16 vs 12
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#5 Post by Bluetongue »


Valkrina wisdom check vs 15 [4d6]=13

She studied the surrounds. Very strange. "Are we getting a welcoming committee?" she asks to whoever listens but does not expect an answer.

"Hello, yoo-hoo!" she tests the acoustics of the cave. If no one of the chanting natives show up, she will prepare to leave the ship.

"Let's take down the sail. I think we are just drifting to shore."
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#6 Post by subaltari »


The Viking gives a soft grunt of relief at their (still unnamed) ship's safe passage into the weird skull-cave.
He picks up one of the oars and trails it over the side for Drest and/or Mikhail to grab onto.

Hard attribute check [4d6]=18 vs. WS 12 fail
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Green Grotto
Early Morning, Dark, Cold

Akhilleus lights a torch, but the normal aura of light it gives off seems almost stifled in this gloomy darkness. He can’t see anything on the ceilings above, but the walls of this huge chamber are beyond the feint light source.

Hakon grabs one of the long oars and reaches it out in the direction of the splashing noises behind the craft. From the eerie phosphorescent glow coming from the ceiling he spots Mikhail trying to keep the head of Drest up above the water while he swims towards the boat.

Valkrina shouts out into the silence, her voice echoing all around the dim chamber. She hears no response to her calls, despite their amplified volume. As she suggests stowing the sail, the ship hits what sounds like a gravely bottom before slowly coming to a stop a few yards from a rocky ledge of land straight ahead. The only thing that can be seen in that direction are the patches and globes of dull green glowing vegetation in the distance.

After admiring the masterful illusion that hides this cave before looking for a place to hide, Apollonius notices something strange along the shoreline ahead. Some of the shimmering green orbs of light in the distance seem to be moving of their own accord. Valkrina notices this oddity as well.

Once the struggling Mikhail and the nearly unconscious Drest are pulled back aboard the beached vessel, the rest of the crew realizes that the Atlantean Euripides is still nowhere to be seen.


Akhilleus AC:4 11/11
Valkrina AC:6 8/8 1/1
Apollonius AC:8 5/5 2/2
Xenos AC:5 9/9 2/2
Hakon AC:4 9/9
Drest AC:7 7/7

Euripides AC:5 7/7 2/2
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#8 Post by Bluetongue »


"Faerie lights?" she can't distinguish much in the unfamiliar terrain. Maybe the lights are a natural product of luminescent fungi or nests of glow-wing fireflies?

She doesn't trust the vegetation not to have some kind of sentience. "Where is Euripides?"

She asks and remembers the fateful of Kazeffron at the Viking courtyard which eulogised over his aquatic elven heritage.

"Come on, let's go and find him." she says and striking a flaming firebrand if we have one to light, she will exit the boat to the rocky ledge.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#9 Post by Rex »


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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#10 Post by Paladin »

Apollonius Triton

"Those lights move as if given life of their own," Apollonius remarks. "I wonder if they're carried by someone, or animated by magic, or..." He trails off and shrugs. Either way, the whole place faacinates him and he strains his eyes to see into the gloom.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#11 Post by Karaunios »


"This is strange." The warrior swims the torch from right to left, as if that would make it work properly. "The torch seems to work, but the light doesn't." Nonetheless, his attention switches to the dancing lights once Valkrina and Apollonius start talking about them.

Since Euripides is nowhere to be seen, he starts walking in circles on the ship and trying to see if the Atlantean is swimming at some spot close to the ship.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#12 Post by shaidar »


The Ixian seems unsettled by something "I fear we are in as much, if not more danger, than we were before we entered this place. The gods are entertained by our peril."

Despite the odd gloom, he decides to light another torch.

"Let's find Euripides, at least he can't drown. Then we should leave this place, together, this is not a time for dividing the group"

He joins the others in looking for the Atlantean.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#13 Post by subaltari »


Comprehending little of this unnatural grotto, and just as baffled by the comments of Akhilleus and Apollonius about it, Hakon decides once again he agrees with the dark wit of the Ixian Xenos.

He has no light source of his own to offer (were it even to make a difference). He searches for a line to secure the ship to shore, lest it somehow float loose from the gravelly bottom. Having found such a rope (but no idea what to tie it to), he calls out to Valkrina and tosses it to her. Then shouldering pack and shield, and weapons in hand, the Viking grunts as he hoists himself onto the ledge next to her.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#14 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Green Grotto
Early Morning, Dark, Cold

The continuious dripping noises reverberate around the vast dark chamber, sending an eerie tune throughout the strange emptiness surrounding the group.

As Drest catches his breath in the boat, the others look around for Euripides, the first who leaped from the craft. They of course see nothing beyond a few yards, until suddenly a pale blue-green skinned figure crests the surface nearby, his yellow eyes shining brightly in your torchlight from beneath his dark mask. It is Euripides, and he looks like he has something to report.

Valkrina jumps from the bow onto the rocky ledge at the shore. Hakon tosses her a length of rope before joining her, but the songstress sees nothing at all nearby to tie it off. Moving slowly inland, the duo sees that the ground here turns from rock to a gravely black dirt that heads in the direction of the green glowing vegitation waving back and forth in the stillness.

Seeing folks moving towards the glowing green plants in the distance, Mikhail exclaims that he will stay and guard the boat while the others have a look around.


9B5D4C24-ED89-455B-8197-CBA978DB7540.jpeg (13.55 KiB) Viewed 1086 times
Akhilleus AC:4 11/11 [Torch]
Valkrina AC:6 8/8 1/1 [Torch]
Apollonius AC:8 5/5 2/2
Xenos AC:5 9/9 2/2 [Torch]
Hakon AC:4 9/9
Drest AC:7 7/7
Euripides AC:5 7/7 2/2
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#15 Post by Bluetongue »


"Why don't you just toss the anchor overboard?" she says to Hakon.

She bends to run some of the gravelly black dirt through her fingers. Is it ashened or sooty, maybe seeds? Or worse, ground up bones?

She doesn't trust the strange place.

"Hey, Euripides. What have you found?" she calls but waits for him to arrive rather than get near the glowing plants.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#16 Post by shaidar »

Xenos disembarks onto the ledge.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#17 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

The Atlantean climbs out of the water. Hey, there is a skeleton down there with a necklace like ours, but it's different. Ours is this black figure, that one is a white skull. I tried to swim down to get it, but the current was too strong and I couldn't get there. I think there's a spring or something that drains into this as well. I felt a second current. He looks around. Everybody make it ok?
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#18 Post by Rex »


"I made it, not sure about OK yet."

Drest will make sure his lungs are clear and then check out what he can see.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#19 Post by Karaunios »


Akhilleus will join his companions on the ledge. He doesn't feel comfortable at sea. "Will anyone without a shield and without a penchant for fighting carry my torch? I'll be at the front if trouble breaks and prefer to be as battle ready as possible."
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#20 Post by subaltari »


"Och, good idea." Whether the ship's anchor drops through a hole in the side, or is simply tossed overboard, Hakon deploys it.

He also greets the resurfaced Atlantean, while musing over his report.
Hvalreki's Repo Men (CT): Gabe Garcia, 7A8772 age 22 (1 term Marines); Autorifle-1, Cutlass-2, Tactics-1, Vacc-1.
OM's Wandering Windswept Wastelands (Hyperborea 3e): Magda thugatêr Erebos, 2nd level Ixian Witch
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