Laws are Like Sausages

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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#81 Post by bsongy »

Gunnar said:
"I really don't know any of the other employees. I just started. I can watch them, though."

"Copy that. I intend to keep a close eye on them for the next weeks. Any help you can provide in doing that will be appreciated." replies Hiro.

The ship takes off without any stumbles, Hiro is impressed Marco has managed the task with apparent ease, despite the ship's idiosyncrasies. Hiro remembers his own difficulties when first piloting it.

You tell starport control your on the way and they tell you to take your old spot #12. Estimate 1.4 hours.
Any more interviews Hiro? Dev? Gunnar?

Hiro will spend the travel time, doing more "interviews" with the recruits.

Obtaining two pieces of lightweight plastic pipe, Hiro will assess the melee skills of the recruits. Hiro stands to one corner of the cargo area then, telling the recruits he will not move his left foot, he asks each to attack twice with a plastic pipe. Hiro will attempt to parry the attacks with his own plastic pipe, but only casually, using only the most rudimentary portion of his skill. Again Hiro is more interested how they hold the pipe, as a spear or a sword or elsewise, whether they move with some basic ability & control, showing some skill and competence.
GM, Hiro is parrying with only one point of skill, For each recruit, please make two melee rolls at 9+, and report the number of successes, and what type of melee skill used, including Brawling or Unskilled.
After the sparing, Hiro passes out uniforms to Harry, Ophelia, Naddie and Nevri. He apologizes to Dundee and Yalan for only having 4 uniforms.

The uniforms are grey jumpsuits, with black CLOTH ARMOR vest on top, cap & boots. Each vest is labeled Gendarmes in big white letters, with Military Police in smaller letters underneath. Each jumpsuit has a patch on the right shoulder, showing a mon, a logo, of three interlocked blue rings on a white background, and the words above "7th Gendarmes Company (Mercenary)". The Caps are soft grey cloth with the same Interlocked Blue Rings on the front, and a black and white checkerboard around the band; Hiro thought it best for the first outing not to break out the tactical helmets. He passes out gunbelts, but only equips the recruits with police batons; no firearms. If any have personal weapons, he will approve carrying them on a case by case basis. Hiro locks up the bags after issuing the gear.

He indicates that the recruits can take turns using the airlock as a changing room. While they finish changing, Hiro will ask questions about the interests and favorite pastimes. In particular, he asks Naddie about her proficiency with making and using knives, and he talks to Dundee and Yalan about any skills or secret passions they might have.

Once the ship lands Hiro announces to the crew that he will inspecting and taking on the cargo Octavia promised, then making purchases at the starport, and anyone that wishes to assist would be welcomed. Hiro states that he lacks experience with buying cargo, but if anyone could make purchases to fill up the cargo hold after the cargo from Octavi has been taken onboard, it would be greatly appreciated. He also reminds everyone that we will be leaving the system, upon departure, and any last minute purchases should be made now. Finally, he offers that if their are any creature comfort items for the next few weeks, such as fresh produce, this would be the best time to pick such up.

Hiro, and anyone who wishes to assist, will go deal with the cargo from Octavia, with the recruits in tow, watching how the recruits work together loading the cargo. Afterward, he will head to the trade office and pick up six medium passage vouchers.

If any crew depart the ship, Hiro will send one of the uniformed recruits with them as a bodyguard, not because he thinks the crew need protection on this world, but to encourage the crew to get to know the recruits.

Once finished his tasks, vouchers in hand, Hiro will pick up a kilo of loose tea, of better quality if possible, and a case of twelve bottles of red wine, a good table wine but nothing extraordinary. He allows the recruits to make purchases as they see fit. Then, with the recruits in tow, back to the ship.

Once everyone is back to the ship, Hiro will check and re-check that all of the crew are aboard; he does not want to make the mistake of leaving someone behind. Once he is certain the entire crew is back, Hiro makes his decision* and hands two of the recruits vouchers and bids them good luck and goodbye.
* - the decision will depend on results of the interviews and comments by other crew.
Hiro leads the remaining four recuits to the passenger common area for takeoff, makes sure the doorways are secured (he doesn't want the recruits wandering about on the ship unsupervised during takeoff), then heads to the bridge. He asks everyone to generally hold the same positions as last time except for Marco, who he asks to man the Jump drive position, and Garrett, who he asks to compute the jump coordinates from the bridge. If anyone wishes to fill some particular position, Hiro will rearrange assignments.

"If we go to general quarters, Monte report to the starboard laser turret, Marco report to the port laser turret, and everyone else man the stations you have now. Any other issues? All stations ready for departure?" Hiro will make sure everyone has an opportunity to voice whatever concerns they have. Once all stations are ready and all concerns are addressed, Hiro pilots the Train to the Stars out of the atmosphere.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#82 Post by cybersavant »

Gunnar Thunarssen accompanies Hiro at the starport, with his stunner holstered, but ready.

Once back aboard, Gunnar heads to engineering.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#83 Post by KoboldStew »

ateno wrote: Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:37 pmUnless you have any questions, the ships ownership are transferred.
The ship is transferred, and Dev hands over the login codes for the yacht.
Stirling wrote: Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:12 pm Marco Hulsebosch

Unsure of any specific role, will help in any practical way and organise his own retrieval of personal effects.
Dev sidles up beside him and introduces herself properly, offering her hand as she does so. "I hear you'll be joining us on the bridge, is that right? Welcome aboard!"
bsongy wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:34 pmAs people arrive, Hiro finds Dev and hands her the box containing 1.5MCr, and indicates the cargo already secured in the hold.
Dev takes it, and stows it. She programs the lockbox in her stateroom, and places it inside for now, conscious that there are enough hidden nooks around the ship that she should keep intruders guessing.

As she looks at the cargo manifest, she will prioritize purchases on likely profitability, but she also knows that, like Hiro, getting away from this place is important.
" Dev would you man comms on the bridge, and hold command while I am off the bridge?
"Aye, Captain," says Dev, who is impressed with the clarity of the Captain's vision for this trip. This will work.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#84 Post by Stirling »

Marco Hulsebosch
7th Gendarmes Company (Mercenary)"
During the day as he walks the craft he spots a couple of the newbies, proud in their new uniforms. He has his favourite wrench in hand, on the way to engineering. He taps them each on the shoulder lapels,

"Oh the unlucky 7th eh? Bit like Custer's men. We used to eat that lot for breakfast." he walks on whistling a tune.

During the stopover
Hiro, and anyone who wishes to assist, will go deal with the cargo from Octavia, with the recruits in tow, watching how the recruits work together loading the cargo. Afterward, he will head to the trade office and pick up six medium passage vouchers.

If any crew depart the ship, Hiro will send one of the uniformed recruits with them as a bodyguard
will take the chance to go and peruse some of the potential cargo manifests.

"Hey Harry, want to accompany me?" he calls to the uniformed. "So you handle animals you say? Great, let's go to the beast market." he walks with the man chatting as they go."Here, wear my coat and take your cap off. I don't want folk to think I'm your prisoner.

Odd job man for Mr Blue? Must have been nervous around him, seems like he would get a screw loose if he ever saw you left screw loose behind.

So, what do you think of Ophelia? Young, kinda pretty. Left a lover behind, perhaps needs a shoulder to cry on? Naddie. She give you the creeps? Bunny boiler type seems to me. What's with the blade fascination. Reckon she might stab you in the back as look in your eyes."

He is really fishing for responses. Does he agree? Does he comment, any information he drops.
Marco: Streetwise 0 skills check [2d6]=8

His idea is to check out the listing of 'live animals' and see what actual creatures they are. Native wildlife, elite racehorses, birds of prey, songbirds, 'alien' species he would not be familiar with.

"Dogs. I want a trained mastiff on the ship. Something with a better scent for trouble than either of us. Think you can find the best hound for tracing drugs and UXB/IED's?"

He remembers fondly the dogs that were attached to his sapper unit.

This is also an exercise to see how Harry responds and to figure the depth of his skills.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#85 Post by The Bindoner »

Monte takes the opportunity to stretch his legs in port. He has no skill in cargo brokerage to contribute, but he is interested in getting to know his new shipmates. He also just enjoys exploring his surroundings. He picks up whatever is available about visiting the hinterland, in case there is something interesting to see or do on a return trip. Although he prefers oceans or lakes, he's happy with any wilderness the planet has to offer. Maybe there's an industry catering to adventure tourism. Strolling along with the recruits, he asks them: You people spent long here? Know much about the planet outside the port zone? I just arrived, really, never had a chance to look the place over properly. Seems like there's some tough terrain to take on, you ever go for a trip out there?

To Hiro: Sir, does the ship have a runabout? A grav-vehicle, that is. Might be fun to take a flight, have a look-see.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#86 Post by bsongy »

Gunnar said:
Gunnar Thunarssen accompanies Hiro at the starport, with his stunner holstered, but ready.

HIro smiles, glad to have Gunnar's company. "Do you have everything you need, like a combo mask for our stopoff at Grans? Any place you want to checkout? This world is TL2 but who knows what we could find."

Dev saud:
Dev takes it, and stows it. She programs the lockbox in her stateroom, and places it inside for now, conscious that there are enough hidden nooks around the ship that she should keep intruders guessing.As she looks at the cargo manifest, she will prioritize purchases on likely profitability, but she also knows that, like Hiro, getting away from this place is important.

Hiro listens carefully to Dev, and does his best to implement her directions.

GM said:
Cargo Available for purchase:
Common Electronics90 tons 176,000 per ton
Common Industrial Goods 60 tons at 8250 per ton
Common Manufactured Goods 86 tons at 18700 per ton
Common Raw Materials 77 tons at 4125 per ton
Common Consumables 220 tons at 360 per ton
Common Ore 88 tons at 990 per tons
Bio chemicals 18 tons at 55000 per ton
Live Animals 54 tons at 9250 per ton
Luxury Consumables 21 tons at 16500 per ton
Textiles 91 tons at 1650 per ton
Uncommon Raw Materials 50 tons at 17600 per ton
Wood 25 tons at 660 per ton

Hiro shows Dev the list of cargoes available for purchase, and says "If we move the anti-shipping missiles from the passenger stateroom to the cargo hold, we have 39.65 dT free tor cargo. How about we buy 18 dT of bio-chemicals, and 21 dT of Luxury Consumables? At list price, that would be 990KCr and 346.5 KCr respectively, but perhaps you can talk the sellers down on the price. You seem pretty persuasive to me. Are you up for that?"

Whatever decision Dev makes, Hiro will make sure the cargo gets loaded properly.

Marco said:

"Oh the unlucky 7th eh? Bit like Custer's men. We used to eat that lot for breakfast." he walks on whistling a tune.

Hiro shrugs, not understanding Marco's comment.
Brian laughs. :D I did not realize I did that with the numbering of the unit, but it is too good of coincidence and I definitely think we should lean into the 'cursed designation' thing. Good observation. Stirling!

Later, hearing Marco mention animals, Hiro will mention "Dogs are a great idea! They could be very useful. Could the recruits learn to handle working dogs? Let me know what you think. Also...keep your eyes out for any useful larger animals. Remember we have a 4x sized low berth; It is big enough for an elephant."

Monte said:
To Hiro: Sir, does the ship have a runabout? A grav-vehicle, that is. Might be fun to take a flight, have a look-see.

Hiro responds "The ship has a Modular Cutter, but it was docked inverted, and until we can get to zero-g and get it turned around, we have no access to it. Next we have a militarized grav ATV. Finally, there is a grav-cycle, but it looks like it has been in an accident, the front end is bashed in, but we haven't tested it yet to see if it works. All three are in the vehicle bay, on the top deck. If you take one out, just make sure you have functioning comms and let someone know where you are headed, so if you go missing we know where to look."
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#87 Post by cybersavant »

#86 Unread post by bsongy » Oct 16th, '21, 20:57
Gunnar said:
Gunnar Thunarssen accompanies Hiro at the starport, with his stunner holstered, but ready.

HIro smiles, glad to have Gunnar's company. "Do you have everything you need, like a combo mask for our stopoff at Grans? Any place you want to checkout? This world is TL2 but who knows what we could find."
Gunnar Thunarssen "I have a TL 11 hostile vacc suit, 2 filter masks, and a stunner. Plus a few hundred creds."
Last edited by cybersavant on Mon Oct 18, 2021 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#88 Post by The Bindoner »

bsongy wrote: Sun Oct 17, 2021 2:57 am Monte said:
To Hiro: Sir, does the ship have a runabout? A grav-vehicle, that is. Might be fun to take a flight, have a look-see.

Hiro responds "The ship has a Modular Cutter, but it was docked inverted, and until we can get to zero-g and get it turned around, we have no access to it. Next we have a militarized grav ATV. Finally, there is a grav-cycle, but it looks like it has been in an accident, the front end is bashed in, but we haven't tested it yet to see if it works. All three are in the vehicle bay, on the top deck. If you take one out, just make sure you have functioning comms and let someone know where you are headed, so if you go missing we know where to look."
Monte looks uninterested in the Cutter. Can't fly those, yet.

The ATV gets a better reaction: That's more like it, a real expedition vehicle. Able to rough it, eh?

The bike elicits real enthusiasm: Perfect! That's exactly what I was hoping for, and a project too. I'll give it a look-over and see what parts I need.

Don't worry, Sir, I believe in following protocol. Engineers live by the Five-P principle. Proper preparation prevents piss-poor performance. Okay, Six-P, in that form, pardon the language Sir. Applies to expeditions just as much as work.


OOC: Monte is calling Hiro "Sir" in a habitual but sincere way, as an ex-Navy officer of Engineering addressing a member of Command. He is also reinforcing the man's authority with the recruits.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#89 Post by KoboldStew »

Dev accepts Hiro's suggestions for the cargo and begins to negotiate.

Her intention is to follow his suggestion -- at this point she wants to be gone and free of the rotten dealings here -- but she is alert enough to see if there is movement on the electronics and the uncommon raw materials as well.

So looking for a deal -- The common electronics are expensive, but should be more valuable on a low-tech planet. If she believes there is better profit to be made there, she'll commit to up to 5 tons of Electronics, and spend the remainder of the cash on biochemicals.

Otherwise, she will follow Hiro's suggestion for 18 dT of bio-chemicals, and 21 dT of Luxury Consumables.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#90 Post by ateno »

bsongy wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 1:42 am Hiro will spend the travel time, doing more "interviews" with the recruits.
Dundee One graze, one miss, it appears he learned some scuffling early in life

Yalan Though he is quick, 2 complete misses, no training to speak of

Harry 2 misses, looks like he can handle a baton

Ophelia 1 graze, one miss, Standard Army Boot training

Naddie 1 hit, one miss, uses it like a knife, defiantly knife training and use.

Nevri 1 miss, one hit, might be martial arts trained.

I rolled many bad rolls for them.
After the sparing, Hiro passes out uniforms to Harry, Ophelia, Naddie and Nevri. He apologizes to Dundee and Yalan for only having 4 uniforms.

Hiro thought it best for the first outing not to break out the tactical helmets. He passes out gunbelts, but only equips the recruits with police batons; no firearms. If any have personal weapons, he will approve carrying them on a case by case basis.
Naddie: "Can i carry my knife? I promise not to gut anyone unless they deserve it."
He indicates that the recruits can take turns using the airlock as a changing room. While they finish changing, Hiro will ask questions about the interests and favorite pastimes. In particular, he asks Naddie about her proficiency with making and using knives, and he talks to Dundee and Yalan about any skills or secret passions they might have.
Dundee: "I want to find what I am good at, with Octavia, I had little extra time between sleep, work and class. Octavia was training me to become a aviation mechanic, which I was not interested in. But with him you take what you get."

Yalan: "I want to work out among that stars, not the ground. I work out and try to kick the cough I have."

Harry: "Interested in getting out from under Octavia, even though he was straight with us, I did not like his style."

Ophelia: "I'm a chess player and I still like camping, army did not give me a bad taste for that."

Naddie: "When Octavia dropped me from his associated circle, I had to find something to do to support myself to live. I bought a smitty from a family where he had passed away and learned how to do it with the computer. I'd like to use other metals and see other makes. I learned how to use a knife when I was young."

Nevri: "I grew up on Koninkrijk, Octavia was a great opportunity when he moved in, I got in the flying program and was a major breadwinner for my family. They are set now and I feel comfortable doing what I want to do. I'm a good flyer and know I worth something more to someone else."
Once finished his tasks, vouchers in hand, Hiro will pick up a kilo of loose tea, of better quality if possible, and a case of twelve bottles of red wine, a good table wine but nothing extraordinary. He allows the recruits to make purchases as they see fit. Then, with the recruits in tow, back to the ship.
Garett will take Yalan with him to buy whatever fresh produce there is available to support the canned food that the chandler company dropped off. He also buys a beer for himself and Harry.

The cargo from locked storage at the starport have been there about 15 years, it is a one ton container marked 'Medical Equipment' the half ton with it is marked 'Medical Supplies'. Using your deception, you note there is no paperwork to sign or anything, the older warehouse workers load it up to a grav assist (first you have seen here) and take it to you ship. The senior warehouseman hands you a heavy duty heavily secure taped paper envelope marked "Use of the EMS-7UL-PAms" "Comes with it, but we had this in the safe."

Wine and tea 50 credits, Vouchers, 48k
Once everyone is back to the ship, Hiro will check and re-check that all of the crew are aboard; he does not want to make the mistake of leaving someone behind. Once he is certain the entire crew is back, Hiro makes his decision* and hands two of the recruits vouchers and bids them good luck and goodbye.
* - the decision will depend on results of the interviews and comments by other crew.
Please decide! :)
"If we go to general quarters, Monte report to the starboard laser turret, Marco report to the port laser turret, and everyone else man the stations you have now. Any other issues? All stations ready for departure?" Hiro will make sure everyone has an opportunity to voice whatever concerns they have. Once all stations are ready and all concerns are addressed, Hiro pilots the Train to the Stars out of the atmosphere.
Control gives you a trajectory and you head out.

Once you are up about 5 Kilometers you hear over the ship to ship channel. "And stay off this planet you S--t B-----d."
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#91 Post by ateno »

Stirling wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:52 am Marco Hulsebosch

During the stopover

Odd job man for Mr Blue? Must have been nervous around him, seems like he would get a screw loose if he ever saw you left screw loose behind.

So, what do you think of Ophelia? Young, kinda pretty. Left a lover behind, perhaps needs a shoulder to cry on? Naddie. She give you the creeps? Bunny boiler type seems to me. What's with the blade fascination. Reckon she might stab you in the back as look in your eyes."
Harry: "I worked in the Electronics lab for Octavia, me a 2 others kept his wiring and accessories working. I only was him when I worked on his office camera sighted laser defense system, honestly not bad work for the location, but I can do better, just needed a chance."

Harry: "I really don't know Ophelia, young and tough I think Naddie has something else, I hear she used to be one of Octavias girls that promoted herself within his group when he was a criminal.
His idea is to check out the listing of 'live animals' and see what actual creatures they are. Native wildlife, elite racehorses, birds of prey, songbirds, 'alien' species he would not be familiar with.

"Dogs. I want a trained mastiff on the ship. Something with a better scent for trouble than either of us. Think you can find the best hound for tracing drugs and UXB/IED's?"
Harry: "I learned how to handle animals on a farm growing up, but once I got older I had to work and working as a hand on a meat farm was not fun for a young kid, so I joined the Merchant Marines. These animals here are a local meat animal call the Faa. most are in decent shape but I would not breed any of them, someone's got a strain of bull somewhere and good at visual genetics. Never trained a dog beyond good manners."
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#92 Post by ateno »

The Bindoner wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:53 pm He picks up whatever is available about visiting the hinterland, in case there is something interesting to see or do on a return trip. Although he prefers oceans or lakes, he's happy with any wilderness the planet has to offer. Maybe there's an industry catering to adventure tourism.
There is no real tourism to speak of, the low tech (2) and constant filter mask usage makes this place pretty dreary for that.
Strolling along with the recruits, he asks them: You people spent long here? Know much about the planet outside the port zone? I just arrived, really, never had a chance to look the place over properly. Seems like there's some tough terrain to take on, you ever go for a trip out there?
Ophelia: "There is a few underground pools and spas that miners or others have cleaned out and set up barriers for long term soaks without masks, those are nice. I suppose you could hike, but the sights are few, unless your a volcanologist or the occasional sky colors."
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#93 Post by ateno »

bsongy wrote: Sun Oct 17, 2021 2:57 am
Hiro shows Dev the list of cargoes available for purchase, and says "If we move the anti-shipping missiles from the passenger stateroom to the cargo hold, we have 39.65 dT free tor cargo. How about we buy 18 dT of bio-chemicals, and 21 dT of Luxury Consumables? At list price, that would be 990KCr and 346.5 KCr respectively, but perhaps you can talk the sellers down on the price. You seem pretty persuasive to me. Are you up for that?"
Unfortunately you can't move your missiles until you hit zero G. But leaving cargo space for the transit is a good idea. You will have 4 helpers.

Unfortunately these are the broker prices and haggling is not effective, they seem happy to sell the full lots and have it loaded within 4 hours.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#94 Post by ateno »

cybersavant wrote: Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:09 am HIro smiles, glad to have Gunnar's company. "Do you have everything you need, like a combo mask for our stopoff at Grans? Any place you want to checkout? This world is TL2 but who knows what we could find."

Gunnar Thunarssen "I have a TL 11 hostile vacc suit and a stunner. Plus a few hundred creds."
You could have easily left with 2 filter masks from Octavia, as this world requires a mask also.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#95 Post by ateno »

KoboldStew wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:09 am Dev accepts Hiro's suggestions for the cargo and begins to negotiate.

Her intention is to follow his suggestion -- at this point she wants to be gone and free of the rotten dealings here -- but she is alert enough to see if there is movement on the electronics and the uncommon raw materials as well.

So looking for a deal -- The common electronics are expensive, but should be more valuable on a low-tech planet. If she believes there is better profit to be made there, she'll commit to up to 5 tons of Electronics, and spend the remainder of the cash on biochemicals.

Otherwise, she will follow Hiro's suggestion for 18 dT of bio-chemicals, and 21 dT of Luxury Consumables.
They will easily replace 5 tons of electronics for either the chemicals or luxury consumables. Your choice. Unfortunately, the prices are broker set here, but he does give you .5 tons of a new ore, "Maybe you have have this tested and find a market, if you do I will give you lifetime 15% on it.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#96 Post by Stirling »

Marco Hulsebosch

His observations regarding Harry while out scouting the beast market. He will share with Hiro.

"He might be okay as a stable boy cleaning out the stalls if we get domesticated livestock. But those are not the exotic wild creatures I think make most money. Conservation of near extinct creatures, capturing for zoological purposes or big game trophy animals with prize fur or tusks. Things that roar not go "moo" or "baa". I digress. I am not convinced his animal skills may be up to much and unless you want to fix spyware in the cabins, I think we have most of his skills sorted.

Nice enough fellow but if I was stuck in a trench waiting to go over, I would hope for another next to me."

If he can get information on guards dogs and any appropriate equipment for them, pod kennels and stuff he will take that back to read but not purchase a hound yet.

Back at the craft he will familiarise himself with the Jump Engineering.

Marco: Mechanic +2 (Jump drives) skills check and Edu +1 [2d6+3]=7+3=10
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#97 Post by KoboldStew »

ateno wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:05 pm They will easily replace 5 tons of electronics for either the chemicals or luxury consumables. Your choice. Unfortunately, the prices are broker set here, but he does give you .5 tons of a new ore, "Maybe you have have this tested and find a market, if you do I will give you lifetime 15% on it.
Thanks. Not knowing what the base prices are, I can't tell if it's hugely inflated or if it seems a good or at least moderate price. Let's move ahead, with Hiro's suggestion.
Dev wonders, is the new ore in a lead container? she calibrates ship alarms to go off with radiation sources inside the ship; if all is good, she says thank you. and they're done.

She washes her hands and goes to the bridge, configuring the comms station to her tastes.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#98 Post by The Bindoner »

ateno wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:51 am
Strolling along with the recruits, he asks them: You people spent long here? Know much about the planet outside the port zone? I just arrived, really, never had a chance to look the place over properly. Seems like there's some tough terrain to take on, you ever go for a trip out there?
Ophelia: "There is a few underground pools and spas that miners or others have cleaned out and set up barriers for long term soaks without masks, those are nice. I suppose you could hike, but the sights are few, unless your a volcanologist or the occasional sky colors."
Monte chats to Ophelia: Volcanoes are pretty dramatic. I'd be interested in seeing one. Underground pools sound great too. You'll have to show me them when we get back. Are there any you can swim in?

While Hiro is looking at cargo Monte sight sees. Returning to the ship he goes directly to the vehicle bay to look over the ATV and assess the condition of the grav-bike. It appears to be good machine, but it's in a sorry state. Monte grins as he contemplates the work. It will be an enjoyable project with a worthwhile result. He is already looking forward to it.
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#99 Post by cybersavant »

Gunnar Thunarssen heads to engineering for take-off.
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The Bindoner
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Re: Laws are Like Sausages

#100 Post by The Bindoner »

As the ship comes to readiness for take-off Monte joins Gunnar in Engineering.

Mr Thuunarssen, it seems we're going to be working together for the foreseeable. We'll have to have a drink about duty schedules sometime. Monitoring and maintenance, all that.

Monte settles down to add more data to his study of the drives.

Care to share data on the Power Plant performance, compare it to the M-Drive? It'll help if there's a problem.
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