Assault on the Great Hall

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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#41 Post by Zhym »

I'm willing to keep looking, but although the forces in the great hall have been routed, it's a fair bet that anyone in the rest of the steading is on alert and possibly waiting in ambush. I doubt we have the time or resources (HP, healing) to search the rest of the steading or deal with any hostiles we meet on the way. And if we were, Gary's "good" part of his NG alignment would make him insist on trying to rescue the slaves or prisoners in the NE building across the courtyard.

That said, if everyone decides to do something different, I'll change Gaerys's action for the round.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#42 Post by drpete »

Alright. If it's fine with Antheris to leave the treats fighting, let's go. Maybe go back the way we came and get the shields and the treasure chest as spoils of war? That way should be relatively clear, no?
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#43 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris the Sabre-Tooted (37/37) and Blue the Polar Bear (23/48)

Antheris pause and using the cat's auditory and olfactory senses searches for the stench and sound of Nosra, focusing on the fog cloud.
If he senses Nosra, or any presence in the fog cloud, he will direct the flying swarm of insects to converge on it, and will leap to the attack.
Bite, THAC0 16: [1d20] = 3, hits AC 11 :-) (smilodon +2 on bite)
Claw, THAC0 16: [1d20] = 5, hits AC 11
Claw, THAC0 16: [1d20] = 17, hits AC -1
(I suppose if the giant in the fog cloud had a bonus to hit them, that there's a wee chance the bite and first claw hit . . .)

Damage, bite: Bite (smilodon): [2d6] = 3
Damage, claw: Claw (smilodon): [1d8] = 7
Damage, claw: Claw (smilodon): [1d8] = 1

Blue attacks any giant threatening Antheris, and if none, follows Antheris to the attack.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#44 Post by Magnus »

Round 5

The fog of war sets over the party. They call back and forth to each other trying to coordinate a plan, but the pace of the battle keeps them from executing it this round, leaving the party members to their own initiative.

Gaerys moves forward in a blur, aided by the potion of speed. The ranger quickly surmises that anything that Garl may have had of value was incinerated. He moves to the mysterious cloud giant, a creature the likes of which the party had only heard of in legend. The ranger cuts a satchel from its waist, realizes that it contains several heavy rocks (which would slow him down), dumps the cumbersome load, and then cuts a ring from the ivory finger of the goliath. It dawns on the crafty ranger that the finger is a worthwhile take in itself. Even with his increased speed, the time that this search takes leaves the ranger in the middle of the room, though under no immediate threat. He can easily join the party, however an escape is made.

Antheris and Blue sniff the air and realize that nothing is hiding in the fog. They continue to attack the giant with which they are engaged, leaving it badly wounded but still standing. The giant, though gravely wounded, desperately strikes back at Blue. The strike lands with a sickening crunch, leaving the bear with several broken ribs. The fearsome animal whimpers in pain.

[Blue -14 Damage!]

The other giant who had left the darkness escapes through the southern doors.

The giants and treants continue their mortal duel. The meat cleaver again finds its mark in a treant, causing a stream of sap to flow steadily from the woodland creature. The other giant in that fray cannot match the efforts of its cousin, as its strike misses. Another giant emerges from the darkness...scooping up a burning table leg to use as a weapon [next round].

The treants strike back. The wounded one misses horribly, leaving itself exposed to a return attack*, which the meat cleaver-wielder is happy to oblige. A thick branch thuds to the floor, which, combined with prior wounds, leaves one of the treants on the verge of death. The second treant lands a woody fist in the face of the giant that it is fighting.

[Natural 1!]

Two giants remain trapped in the darkness. The cloud of green-black biting flies continue to swarm a giant, again leaving it paralyzed.

Ethan, Kjelti, Vorisyn and Luna continue to hold their position at the doorway. The mage, being the most intelligent of the group, encourages the party not to press their luck. The sounds of a few direwolves come into focus with the passage of time. The scratching, sniffing, and growling is coming from the OUTSIDE of the northern doors of the hallway. The wolves certainly smell the party, but cannot get through the door for the time being...whether that is a round, a turn, or at all remains to be seen!!!


G: 26/56
L: 8/34
V: 41/48
E: 27/71
K: 25/56
Blue: 9/48
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#45 Post by Zhym »

Magnus: Could we get an updated map? I've lost track of the count of giants and where they are.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#46 Post by Zhym »

Tomorrow's going to be busy; I may not be able to check in by the next round resolution. So here's a move that I think hits most of the contingencies:

Gaerys will either gather up with the party if the party decides to proceed south (or exit some other way). If the party (or even just Antheris) decides to engage the giants battling the treants, Gaerys will join them. If the party does something else, Gaerys will join them.

Attack rolls in case we attack the giants on the treants or run into giants on the way out:
Giantbane (vs. true giant): [1d20+3] = 15+3 = 18 Damage: [1d12x2] = 6x2 = 12+10
Giantbane (vs. true giant): [1d20+3] = 9+3 = 12 Damage: [1d12x2] = 10x2 = 20+10
(Second to-hit roll hits AC 2)
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#47 Post by Magnus »

G1 clean (2).jpg
G1 clean (2).jpg (685 KiB) Viewed 1061 times
G in the black box = Gaerys

green circles = treants

big black circle = darkness spell

black/green square = paralyzed giants

red "spraypaint" = fire

The heat of the flames has burned off the fog cloud. A splintered door and a north-south hallway can be seen behind it.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#48 Post by Oddfellow »

Kjelti HP: 25/56
She steps forward and mercilessly butchers a helpless giant before her.
Assuming I can auto-kill them? And would that be her full turn? If not, she will begin a guarded escape to the south with the rest of the party behind her-- for now. When they join with Antheris and Gaerys she will form up at the rear of the party's rank, as per the proposed marching order by Zhym.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#49 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris (37/37) and Blue (9/48)

Antheris covers the badly wounded Weirwood and Blue's fighting retreat from the melee, if possible launching a rear attack on the hill giant facing the treant.
Bite, THAC0 16: [1d20] = 16, hits AC -2 (smilodon +2 on bite)
Claw, THAC0 16: [1d20] = 11, hits AC 5 (AC 3 if rear attack at +2)
Claw, THAC0 16: [1d20] = 17, hits AC -1

Damage, bite: Bite (smilodon): [2d6] = 5
Damage, claw: Claw (smilodon): [1d8] = 7
Damage, claw: Claw (smilodon): [1d8] = 5

If both claws hit, two additional rear claw attacks at +4 to hit:
rear claw, THAC0 16 (+4): [1d20] = 20
rear claw, THAC0 16 (+4): [1d20] = 17
rear claw damage: [2d4] = 2
rear claw damage: [2d4] = 7
Blue will make a fighting retreat, but will attack the giant chopping down the Weirwood if an opportunity presents itself. ooc: I think Blue might be subject to NPC'ing at this point, although polar bears do fight to -13 HP. Also, does Gaerys get a third strike this round due to potion of speed?
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#50 Post by drpete »

Ethan Blacktyde (27/71)

Far from the center of action, Ethan springs to life when he sees his allies struggling. He bounds quickly across the battlefield, closing on the giants in an attempt to aid his friends.
Ethan will try to get around the darkness, and approach the fighting giants from the south. It looks like it's a trip of about 120 feet, the limits of his movement. If he can charge in a squiggly path like that, he will.

So given either that he can charge or move that far then attack (not sure) here are his rolls:

To Hit giant (ThAC0 11) [1d20+4] = 15+4 = 19 damage [1d12+4] = 10+4 = 14

To Hit giant (ThAC0 11) [1d20+4] = 12+4 = 16 damage [1d12+4] = 1+4 = 5

If he can't attack this round, he'll just approach to combat range.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#51 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorsyin knows that it is time to go. He also knows that if they run into a group of giants unexpectedly that they may be overwhelmed. He decides to cast Detect Evil on himself in the hopes that they may get some warning if a giant, or something worse, is in their path.

He speaks the arcane words and cast his spell.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#52 Post by Magnus »

Round 6

The party's plan begins to come together, as they move quickly to execute their "mop up" action.

Kjelti first steps forward and mercilessly butchers the helpless giant before her.

[I normally require an attack roll to hit AC 10 to kill a helpless opponent in combat. (You guys want that rule, believe me.) But I will allow an auto-kill here because the HG has been tied up for a few rounds and Kjelti is not rushed.]

Antheris pounces forward to protect his ursine companion, as Blue instinctively retreats. Fueled by concern for his animal friend, Antheris bites and claws a giant to within an inch of its pitiful life. Gaerys sprints forward and finishes the job with a thrust through the heart of that giant, then, with Giantbane whirling like a buzzsaw, the ranger spins around and swipes the head cleanly off of the giant left weakened by Blue's savage attacks.

Ethan springs back into the fray, hopping a circuitous route around the darkness spell. He lands within next round’s striking range of what remains of the melee.

Vorisyn casts Detect Evil on himself to smartly scout out hidden dangers to the party as they contemplate their exit. The mage gasps with horror as he becomes aware of an ancient, persistent evil infesting the underneath of the Steading. The mage is taken for a moment by its cold, inky blackness, and feels it begin to stare back at him. This mystery remains to be solved, however, as the mage realizes that his companions may face more imminent danger. Fortunately, the spell does not reveal anything else other than a reminder that an ogre in the northwest corner of the Hall remains alive, though seemingly unconscious.

Luna remains quiet, suffering from his injuries and possessing few spells that could be of use to the party.

The treants take the initiative against the meat cleaver-wielding giant, who is the only one remaining in that fight. The filthy giant smiles through its porky cheeks and grimy lips as he easily eludes the attacks of the treants. The cruel behemoth then plants his cleaver deep into the treant’s sap-filled heart. It crumbles into a pile of scrap as sticky, crimson sap pools on the floor.

[Oddly, one treant is untouched and the other is dead.]

The remaining two giants tumble out of the darkness. The first ends up about 15’ southeast of Ethan. He looks at the party slaughtering his cousins. Seeing only one of his kinsmen still fighting, it is obvious that the giant wants no part of it.

The other giant (making 3 total still standing) stumbles out of the dark cloud directly east of its center. It takes one look at the mage and injured cleric guarding his nearest exit and starts coming their way!!!

[DM Notes: I rolled for the direction that each of the giants would go when they left the darkness.

The last giant described did not notice KJ based on his tunnel vision and stupidity. She can cut him off if she wins initiative next round.]
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#53 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris (37/37) and Blue (8/48)

Antheris snarls at the loss of the Weirwood treant and casts about for more hill giants to appease his fury. While the cleaver wielding treant killer sorely tempts him, he sees an unscathed treant who deserves the killer's blood more than he. At the same time he senses the hill giant heading for the exit where his companions are gathered, and turns and leaps to attack it from behind and directs the insect swarm to engulf it as well.
If threatened, or the opportunity for a safe attack presents itself, Blue will attack:
Last edited by NJWilliam on Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#54 Post by Zhym »

A quick giant inventory:
  • Mr. Cleaver, in the main remaining melee—engaged by one treant. Ethan and Gaerys in range.
  • Fleeing giant (which way?)
  • Giant heading for L & V (east, I presume, not west?)—engaged this round by Antheris.

Is that right?

Reckoning that Antheris and Ethan have the cleaver-wielding giant and the giant heading for Vorsyin and Luna, Gaerys goes after the fleeing giant.

Giantbane (vs. true giant): [1d20+3] = 16+3 = 19 Damage: [1d12x2] = 5x2 = 10+10
Giantbane (vs. true giant): [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23 Damage: [1d12x2] = 3x2 = 6+10

Natural 20 on the second hit! 42 pts combined damage.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#55 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorysin's heart skips a beat when he senses the ancient evil under the steading. His spirits shrivels when he feels its awareness notice him back. Only the threat of the approaching giant pulls his mind from the greater evil below.

He isn't sure if help from the others will arrive quickly enough and although he knows he can take a hit or two he is afraid that Luna, already injured, cannot. He takes a step forward and casts Interposing Hand in an attempt to slow, block and annoy the giant while the others come to his and Luna's aid.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#56 Post by Oddfellow »

Kjelti HP 25/56
As the snarling smilodon engages the lumbering prey from behind, Kjelti attempts to move to intercept it further, stepping in front and lashing out with Valyrian steel. If only she can react in time...
If she makes the initiative, she will block the creature's path and attack.
Claymore, 1st attack (THACO 9) [1d20] = 1, Damage vs. Large [2d8+6] = 5+6 = 11
Claymore, 2nd attack (THACO 9) [1d20] = 7, Damage vs Large [2d8+6] = 4+6 = 10

Oh man, awful....

EDIT: Even if she doesn't make the initiative, she will still attack the monster anyway.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#57 Post by drpete »

Ethan Blacktyde (27/71)

Ethan wipes some blood from his smashed nose, and addresses the giant with the cleaver, "I told you to SURRENDER!"

He then lays into him with his sword.

To Hit giant (ThAC0 11) [1d20+4] = 20+4 = 24 damage [1d12+4] = 4+4 = 8

To Hit giant (ThAC0 11) [1d20+4] = 11+4 = 15 damage [1d12+4] = 4+4 = 8

(critical, total 20 damage, yes?)
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#58 Post by Magnus »

Round 7

The battle lingers in the Great Hall. The remainder of the Steading has clearly taken notice, as an alarm bell begins to sound from the south. The party also hears a great crack of wood to the west and the rumble of a collapse. The smoke and flames in the Great Hall are also building.

The party and remaining giants act simultaneously in trying to put an end to the encounter in their own way.

Gaerys darts across the room under the influence of the potion of speed. He catches the fleeing giant, cutting its legs off the knees as he runs his retreating foe, then spins around and slices its head clean off!

Ethan and the treant continue to battle the cocky, meat-cleaver wielding giant. Ethan flanks the giant and lands a pair of brutal slashes, receiving a chop back in return. The treant, striking last, pounds the giant over the head with a pair of wooden fists. Though the blows are heavy, the giant remains standing.

[Ethan: 5 damage]
[Yes, 20 damage]

The giant who had escaped to the EAST sprints towards the exit. Kjelti manages to reach the giant in time to intercept. She slashes at his shins in an attempt to bring it down. Unfortunately, her swing is slow – the giant simply hurdles her claymore and keeps running.

[Critical fumble!]

Antheris, in smilidon form, bounds after the fleeing giant. However, the giant, with its long legs, is just as fast as the sabre-tooth cat with a good ~50’ head start, so the druid does not catch the giant. The druid also directs his swarm of summoned insects to the fleeing giant. The swarm reorients itself toward the new target.

[This takes 1 round per spell description.]

Vorisyn rushes an incantation but cannot complete it before the giant reaches him. The giant is more interested in escape than combat, luckily for the mage. The giant runs past him and (just) rounds the corner in the eastern hallway. Luna cowers behind his shield as this all transpires. Antheris lags about 30’ behind the giant in the eastern hallway.

[Interposting hand takes 5 segments to cast and parties tied in initiative, so he did not have a chance to quite get it off. Note also the weight limit in the spell description!]


Would this be the time that the party finally made its escape?
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#59 Post by Oddfellow »

Kjelti spits after the giant, while cursing herself at her mistake.
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Re: Assault on the Great Hall

#60 Post by Computer +1 »

I knew the interposing hand would be nothing more than an irritant to a giant but Vorsyin is a bit limited at the moment!

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