Blackgate and Beyond

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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#21 Post by hedgeknight »

alchemy wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:21 pm Wait, Ricky. Yes, I'm a druid. A very young one. I can befriend animals, but I cannot speak to them...yet. Old crow is a good example. It's all about the school of thought in different factions in the druid world. Much like wizards, druids have a progression they try to stick to. I know it sounds weird and ritualistic, but it really is a very interesting skillset. And I promise I'm not going to put you in danger. I just need some advice and, maybe tidge of help to get to where I'm going.

Ricky listens, frowning, occasionally looking around the tavern. "Old crow? What is that? I-I'll point you in the right direction, but..."
Unconvinced, he calls for Alstan and the warty fellow walks over. "Erm...I'd like to pay up, Alstan. I have places to be, if you don't mind."
"No dessert, Master Ricky? We have hot blackberry cobbler and cold milk. You sure I can't bring you and the lady a bowl?"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#22 Post by alchemy »

I fear, Master Alston, that I've unnerved Ricky a bit with my tale of woe. Looking at Ricky, she saidThank you for the apple. I'm sorry that you have other things to attend to. I hope to see you again sometime soon. It's just hard, though, a girl by herself. Not sure what I'm gonna do now. She begins to sniffle and her eyes water.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#23 Post by alchemy »

Oh and you should have your dessert Ricky. Its not like I'm a ravening dog set on your destruction. Actually I think you're kind of cute.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#24 Post by hedgeknight »

When Callie begins to sniffle, Ricky lays some silver on the table, gives her a slight bow and hurries out the door. Alstan, on the other hand, sits down in the still-warm chair and says, "Dear child, what is the matter? What brings you to this place? Are you lost? Looking for someone? How can I help you?"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#25 Post by alchemy »

As Alston takes Ricky's seat, he notes only dry eyes in the girl's furrowed face.

Well there goes my latest attempt to find someone to help me in this town. I figured it would take a minute, but this is bordering on ludicrous. I better look over my goods, make sure the little thief didn't take anything of value.

So tell me what can an innkeep do with an out of work novice druid, Sir?
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#26 Post by alchemy »

Talk to me, Alston! Talk to me!
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#27 Post by hedgeknight »

Alston opens his mouth and then closes it...and then opens it again. "Not much I'm afraid, my young friend. Are you looking for employment? What skills do you have? Other than being a druid, I mean. Can you cook, clean, sew or bake? I've heard there is always work for healers and persons knowing their way around medicinals and balms in the Lower City. If you have items to sell, you could rent a booth in The Wide, or perhaps find a buyer in the Lower City.
In the meantime, you're welcome to stay here. We have a corner room upstairs; only one silver a night. Are you interested?"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#28 Post by alchemy »

I guess I'll spend the night and see what tomorrow brings. Is there a lock on the door? And what about dinner, or was that dinner already?
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#29 Post by alchemy »

Callie wakes to a new day, a day of promise...she hopes.

Gathering her things, she heads downstairs and looks for Alston to seek his well as some fried potatoes and bacon. Lots of bacon. And coffee. And strawberry jam. And eggs...over medium.

Good morning, Master Alston.I hope you found some time to rest. I slept wonderfully...thank you for the lodging.

As she settles in and waits for her breakfast she looks around to see what's what in the inn.

Perception: [1d20+5]=18+5=23]
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#30 Post by hedgeknight »

alchemy wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:03 am I guess I'll spend the night and see what tomorrow brings. Is there a lock on the door? And what about dinner, or was that dinner already?
Alston smiles and nods. "All doors can be locked. My brothers are I have master keys, but I assure you no one will bother you tonight. Are you still hungry? If so, supper will be served around 7:00 pm. Gives folks time to close up their shops, freshen up a bit and come on over. Tonight we are having roast boar with mashed potatoes and cinnamon apples. Why don't you find your room," he produces a key to the room he mentioned, "freshen up a bit, and then join us for supper. Alright?"

Later, at supper, the place is more crowded, filled mostly with folks from the Upper City, and with a few guests from outside Baldur's Gate. There are several patriars dining here tonight, along with their guards. There are men and women in robes of some church or another, members of the Watch (the official police force of the Upper City), and some merchants and shopkeepers from the Wide. Alston serves Callie as his two other brothers and a couple of serving maids work the floor.
Callie feels the odd person out in here among all the well-to-do patrons. Their clothing alone could feed her for a month. She also catches several glancing her way, obviously wondering who she is and why she is here alone. One stands out in particular: a striking woman with milky pale skin and short black hair. Callie notices her looking her way and smiling at her...long before the woman actually leaves her table of four and walks over to where Callie eats alone.
"You look like you could use some company. I know I could use some lively conversation other than figures, bank accounts, and the latest fashion news from Waterdeep. I am Gena."

Genamine Kopali.jpg
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#31 Post by alchemy »

Hello back atcha. What kind of figures ya talking about. There is about Callie an air of curiosity, as if she wants to learn more.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#32 Post by hedgeknight »

"The golden and silver kind, my dear."
Gena smiles and sips a pale golden liquid from a tall fluted glass. "But, like I said, I don't wish to talk about coin tonight. No, tonight I wish to have some wine and some interesting conversation. Like...where are you from and what brings you to Baldur's Gate? I haven't seen someone quite like you in a long time."
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#33 Post by alchemy »

Oh, well, where do I start? Callie said. I guess I'll start at the beginning, though it is a sad tale. I am Callie. Maybe two weeks ago I was living a normal life. I lived in a small village with my clan. it was a modest home, but we were content. One evening, perhaps a week ago now, a mage of some skill rousted our settlement and he killed all my friends and family. It took her a minute to regain her composure, then she resumed the sad tale.

I came this way from the north hoping to find this mage, or failing that, finding someone who could help me. I thought I found one, but he was feckless. Maybe you know someone?
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#34 Post by hedgeknight »

Gena listens, her face devoid of emotion. At the end of Callie's tale, she takes a sip of wine and says, "So...a mage destroyed your village and family and you think this same mage is in Baldur's Gate? How do you know this mage even came south? You said the mage was a man; 'he' you said. Are you sure the mage is a man? Perhaps it's a woman. Or a tiefling or a tabaxi. I'm not trying to frustrate you, or disparage your story, but...I am somewhat confused by your tale. Why would a mage destroy your village...just out of the blue?"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#35 Post by alchemy »

I'm going to start with the last question first: I have no idea. That said, we had among us a few druids. Perhaps there was something this mage was looking for, an artifact of the wood elves or some such? As far as some of the other questions, I heard laughter and it sounded distinctly male. I give him credit, he didn't stay long enough to give me any further clues. I believe he used some form of magic to make his way back here. I'm certain you will next ask me why do you think he came this way? My best guess is that he had specific reason for what he did, and the destruction he left was little more than dross to his thinking. Once he found what he was looking for, I suspect he moved on. For the final question, I think he came down here because there's not really much else in the surrounds. This is big city, but beyond there's not a whole lot else.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#36 Post by hedgeknight »

Gena listens and nods her head several times. When Callie is finished, she says, "Fair enough. Wizards are odd birds aren't they? Why would he attack your village? You said he could be searching for something...and you said there were druids among your people. Perhaps it wasn't a wizard...but maybe a rival druid? Believe it or not, there are several druids in the city. There are a fair number of wizards too, but there are also druids...and..."
She pauses, thinking, sipping her wine.
"Tomorrow, I want you to come and see me. Since you are new to town, I will send someone to guide you. I think you might be interested in what I have to show you. What do you think?"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#37 Post by alchemy »

Um, well, I don't know. I want to believe you, but you just met me. Why would you do this? The last one to offer me anything walked away from me. I feel like I'm snakebit. But if you are willing to help me, I would be very much obliged, and would owe you a great deal.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#38 Post by hedgeknight »

"Why would I help you? Because ten years ago...I was just like you. Newly arrived to the city with a chip on my shoulder. Looking to prove something. Left everyone I knew and set sail, arrived and was promptly robbed, nearly raped and killed, and would have been had not someone else intervened. They got me a job and a place to stay and I worked my way up from there. I figure I owe a return of the favor the gods gave me. So, I will send a scout in the morning. Come if you want; stay if you don't. I'm here to help, but I'm not going to force you."
Gena drains her wineglass, gets up, gives Callie a nod, and returns to her table.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#39 Post by alchemy »

Golly, I'm so stupid. Why didn't just say yes to her and move on from there. After a bit of internal strife she finally goes over Gena and says shyly,Miss Gena, if you are willing, I will take your offer of assistance. Just tell me when and where.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#40 Post by hedgeknight »

Callie walks over and Gena doesn't even look up at her. "My scout will be here in the morning," is all she says, then she orders more wine.
However, the other three people at the table watch Callie in silence. One is a scruffy looking young fellow with a warm smile and white teeth.

Another is a fellow with a smirk and sly eyes.

The third is a hooded man with a hard, unfeeling glare.
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