Helix: Mercenary Guild.

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Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

Mercenary Guild

The guild of never-do-wells, renegade hedgeknights, veteran ex-militia and hired hands is based in Osen's house. A small faux tower doubles as an office and reception while in a courtyard beyond, several shifty characters laze under lean to thatches, preening themselves or their armour. A small arena of wooden dollies and rotating dummies for the jump / duck athletics and hitting practice is in the centre, alongside some gym equipment and straw men painted with target rings.

"You buying or selling?" says a gruff voice as you enter. 'GBH' is a large half-orc, who looks like a non-nonsence wrestler, arms bigger than your thighs and thighs bigger than, well ...he's a strapping lad.

Osen himself is short and rotund, middle aged. He has greying hair and wrinkles. He wears a broadsword, the hilt jeweled with a wolfs head and some scaled armour, possible from a gator.

"I can offer work or offer men. Whatever you need, wherever. Subject to my terms and conditions which are not negotiable. So sonny, how can I help?"

The guild can provide mercenaries of all classes, subject to availability. As a general rule:

Hirelings: will act as torchbearers, baggage carriers, trackers, pathfinders, camp watch duties; giving physical practical help but unless critically threatened in personal melee, will not usually engage in combat or take initiative in actions.

They are paid a guild employment fee, generally 2-5gp daily, usually paid in advance. Equipment, armour and weapons are all guild provided, basic uniform attire and weapon variable to their appropriate class . They receive no experience point awards but collect a half share of treasure or trove recovered. As a general rule, hirelings will be the equivalent of level one fighters or thieves.

Veterans: are more seasoned mercenaries. They will actively join in combat, explore dungeons and share risks, acting as bodyguards, using their professional skills as needed to scout, pick locks, cast spells.

They come with their own personal equipment, charge a higher fee, generally 3-8gp daily and earn a 1/2 share of any experience awards and a half share of treasure.

Osen also charges:

'An administrative tax' paid to the Duchy of 5gp.
An insurance liability, last will and testament indemnity of 5gp. (Which covers dealing with the mercenaries untimely death). This is paid per mercenary regardless of class or level.

Also you pay the Mercenary Guild fee:

10gp per level of mercenary for any 'basic class' (fighter, thief, ranger)

15gp per level of spellcasting or specialist mercenary (cleric, druid, mage, paladin)

There are no assassin, monk or bard characters to hire. Dual classed mercenaries are charged for each class.

So the way we do this is you pitch your expedition or need. Roll a 4d6 vs your charisma. Your result dictates what sort of skill level and person may be acquired from the guild. A failure may just penalise you with a higher rate of fees, as they lack confidence in your ability to lead or the success of what you present.

Your personal reputation is also factored in, as is your customer history. Do you hire folk and they due? Do they come back richly rewarded? Do you create memorials or tributes to any dead or surviving mercenary hired?

So, describe what sort of mercenary you would like to hire and any specific class features and then post your roll.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Mercenary Guild

Whistling a familiar tune about drinking as he enters, Sven approaches the man in charge to ask about available healers and guides.

"Hello good sir! I have just returned from a special mission with the squires, handed down by our lord and master Lord Krothos."

"I was wondering if you had any healer types here who would be interested in joining up with a new group intent on searching the moors."

"I would also like to learn a bit of information about your guides. Do any of them know a safe path out to the burial mounds everyone in town keeps talking about?"
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#3 Post by Spearmint »

Sven arrives at the guild, greeted by the Sgt-at-arms 'Grievious Bodily Harm'.

"We can source both depending upon your needs and wants. A torchbearer to light your paths to the Mounds or a ranger to track your way across the Moor are two different skills.

If you plan to go and come back the same day then lesser skilled but cheaper options are easier to enroll. Specialists are fewer and more expensive but will at adventure with equal risk and reward.

So, what exactly are you needing?"

4d6 vs charisma check please.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven asks about healers, but comes off a bit too needy.

CHR Check (9) [4d6]=15

"My, you are a big one aren't you? I am in need of a healer, cleric, person of the cloth, whatever you have to offer actually. They don't necessarily need to get into any fighting, but if they could hold a torch, take a watch shift, and keep us alive with their spells, that would be perfect."

Maybe I should have someone else in the party try this instead? :lol:
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#5 Post by Spearmint »

The Mercenary Guild.

GBH laughs at your inexperience. "Torchbearers and bodyguards are the neat and drink of the guild. I can find those
easy enough. Clerics are more difficult as some have faith as nominal devotees but are not ordained so not in priestly classes. We do have clerics but we don't determine what their gods divinely bless them with. Each may invoke the wrath of their God against undead and demons but not all will have healing ministries.

I guess that would be your prerogative to discuss with them. They may require for example certain sacrifices or rituals to be performed in order to gain the favour. If you understand my meaning?"

eg: you hire a cleric and wish they pray for three healing spells specifically. The cleric may agree but require a sacrificial lamb or devotional gift.

He looks through the list and then whistles at a couple of guys, one who practice some shield defence techniques and the other who is balancing on a beam over a muddy pool and taking on adversaries in quarterstaff melee.

Bro Fabian, aged 30's plus, human, average height and build. An acolyte of Cromm Cruach, "I can light your way to the Mounds. I am on a pilgrimage to restore the faith. My shield and hammer are steadfast and by grace, Cromm gifts us with a knowledge of masonry." He basic armour, a plain unadorned shield and wields a large mallet hammer.

The second is introduced as Amos. "I found faith in prison. I have made a vow not to spill more lifeblood, dangerous creatures and undead aside. My redemption is but to serve." the heavily tattooed cleric wears lighter armour and is possibly half eleven though the numerous piercings disfigure his ears.

In the office log book, Bro Fabian is listed as a '10/10' and Amos as '20/10'.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#6 Post by OGRE MAGE »

In well over his head at this point, Sven looks over Brother Fabian uncomfortably. ”We have another of your faith in the group already. Does your Cromm offer you the gift of healing, loyal brethren?”

Looking to Amos next, Sven gulps audibly. “Do you mind telling me what you did to be put in…..um…..prison? And which deity you now serve?”

Sorry, what do the numbers/numbers represent? I read through the post a few times, but couldn’t figure it out. :oops:
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#7 Post by Spearmint »

The Mercenary Guild

perhaps explained better in previous village posts.

Osen also charges:
'An administrative tax' paid to the Duchy of 5sp.
An insurance liability, last will and testament indemnity of 5sp.
And a 'non-returnable' deposit of 10gp per level of mercenary. (It is actually returned if the hireling returns. In full if unharmed or at a reduced deposit if un-armed like minus a limb or injured).

So a '10/10' would reference the 10gp and 10sp admin fees for a 1st level hireling. A 20/10 would be 20gp and 10sp for a 2nd level character or one with dual classes so a fighter/mage or cleric/thief.

Brother Fabian "Cromm Cruach will bless me with the ministry of healing and the wisdom to use that gift wisely. I would not intentionally withhold healing from any I venture with though my ask certain ablutions or reciprocal acts." He explains his desire to rebuild a Cromm shrine using bricks or stones taken from the mounds and would hope that each brings a rock back to support the construction.

Each cleric knows all the spells and can pray for several to be memorized. Generally they will choose a balance of defensive and offensive spells, but always have a Cure spell stored. If you as the 'boss' want the cleric to 'only prepare cure lights wounds times x amount', then that might be a point of discussion with the cleric.

Amos "I would like to think my former crimes have been paid for and need no regurgitation. But they did not involve any dishonouring of women, kidnapping of children or taking advantage of the elderly.

Present company in the mercenary guild places me in the brotherhood of men who get paid to kill. I saw the Light. Literally from Arcantryl and my paths were set."

You have a little discussion with the two cleric classed mercenaries. Both would act as retainers to the trip, earning a half share of xp and equal share of treasure recovered. You can hire both or one or even turn them down in favour of basic hirelings (any spell casters are usually treated as retainers not hirelings as they can do more than just wield a sword).
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#8 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven nods his approval at Brother Fabian. “If you can heal, and keep the mistwalkers away, you can come. And hopefully we will be carrying more than just bricks with us when we return.”

Nodding in understanding at Amos, he asks. “I do not pass judgment, but can I ask if you still have some tools of your old trade? Someone who can spring locks and disarm traps would be especially helpful where we are going.”

So that would cost 40gp for both? They have their own gear and provisions?”
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#9 Post by Spearmint »

The Mercenary Guild

Bro' Fabian 10gp (returnable). +10sp admin fees, +3gp daily rate (paid two days in advance). Comes with basic kit of pack, bedroll, days rations and wineskin, hammer, shield and chainmail. He will have three spells, CLW, CLW & Bless

Hp 6, AC 4. C1

Amos 20gp (returnable) +10sp admin fees, +4gp daily rate (you pay two days worth). Comes with basic kit, leather armour, quarterstaff, short sword. He will have Two spells, CLW and Sanctuary. He also carries a thieves toolkit and a scroll (unidentified).

Hp 8, AC 8, Leather.

Total upfront cost: 45gp.

They will be ready to go when you are.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#10 Post by OGRE MAGE »

“Welcome to the party, fellas!”

45gp deducted from sheet.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#11 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Revisits the Mercenary Guild and the guildmaster Osen. After his first introduction here, he doesn't expect the grandest if welcomes but decided to man up and let the guy know his hireling tracker is not coming back.

From before.
"Look sonny. We don't mean to demean your intent but you are obviously new around here and have no reputation. You ask us to trust you with our most trusted but demonstrate little knowledge of what it means to lead others with regards to their well-being.

But I understand you want to help. Create a name, be esteemed. The only folk wanting to tour the delta are numbskulls following in the footsteps of that missing poacher fellow. But I am not going to dismiss you entirely. We have some young'uns in need of experience. Ex-borstal lads needing to learn a trade. Tell you what. We'll send you on your way with Dawg Dann. Meet him here tomorrow."
"Aah, Mr Osen Sir, Mr Grievous.

I am sorry to report that your ex-borstal lad, Dawg Dann sadly passed away. During my excursion to search for the missing village rangers we found nothing but trouble. Lizardmen and Bullywugs chased us and we barely escaped with our lives. Sadly Dawg Dann was slain by a wicked barbed arrow that punctured his lungs. He died in my arms peaceably like, suffering no pain.

During our expedition we found some nugget crystals. I would not take his share from any next if kin and have arranged with Vicar Othar a committal with honour in the graveyard."

He shuffles his feet uncomfortably and passes over a couple of the uncut quartz stones. It is less a token to pass on to any next of kin of course and more like greasing the wheels for any future hiring of mercenaries. He is hoping the gemstones cover any losses incurred by the guild in respect of not having the guide return and keeps Vann Hector in the guild good books.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#12 Post by Spearmint »

Osen receives you in the reception. He is dismayed but not surprised at your report.

"Strike another one from the list GBH. Damn it." As you push the two stones over, the guild heavy and the guildmaster look at each other then to you.

"You do learn very fast Hector. No doubt these 'shinies' will smooth away any tears shed for Dawg's passing.

GBH, strike the ledger and the bell if you will."
The half-orc scratches out the details of Dawg Dann's name and skills from the availability list. The ledger is put back in a drawer, the two quartz pocketed. He then leaves to the rear courtyard and pulls a rope fixed to a little tower a few times, the dull thuds resonating in the yard. The assembled mercenaries stop their practice routines and gather formally, doffing helmets in respect to mark one of their own passing. Then after a minute's silence they go back to what activity they pursued.

"If we can be of service again, please don't hesitate to call Though as an insurance against a repeat travesty, I should expect a doubling of fees to be in order.

Good day."

The guildmaster dismisses you. It seems the quartz comforts any distress he may feel at losing Dawg.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#13 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin whom follows Vann quietly to the Mercenary Guild bows his head "Aye well is there way to get Dann's pay to his family? It's the least I feel I could offer."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#14 Post by Spearmint »

Osen, "Dawg's family will be well informed. I am sure they will want to attend his funeral of course. Pay their respects, grieve for a lost son, brother. Sure one of these stones can pay for a nice memorial stone. Carved nice, proper epitaph."

The guildmaster responds to Dalin's concerns.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#15 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin hands the Osen one more uncut rosy gem "Here take this it's just my way of paying my respects for the man." the dwarf then leaves.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#16 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven makes the lonely trip to the mercenary guild to confront Osen. He enters with a sad look on his face.

“We lost Brother Fabian and one of our fighters to a pack of ravenous ghouls. It was pretty horrifying, actually. He was paralyzed, so I don’t know that he felt much pain, but……” his voice cracks.

Sven takes a moment to collect himself, wiping a real tear from his dirty face.

“We had a service for them and brother Amos said some words. We buried the bodies in the moors, but we did bring back his possessions.” He sets the bag of 50sp on the counter.

“Do you know if he had family nearby? I would like them to have this and to pay my respects, if possible.”
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#17 Post by Spearmint »


Sven is received in the reception based in the squat tower serving as the main office for the guildmaster. You share regarding the death of the hireling.

"A fine man. Fabian came to Helix to erect a monument to Cromm Cruach. Now the stones testify to his memory." he pauses for a moment then fetches a leather ledger from a file cabinet, opening the leaf and scratching out the details of Brother Fabian with a stroke.

"The ten gold levied upon him shall be sent to his next of kin along with your pouch of silvers. I believe his 'nearest and dearest' live beyond Ironguard in the Duchy plain lands. I will lodge the tribute with his chapel in Ironguard and they will inform relatives. He drifted westwards like so many others to seek death or glory. Let us hope that in finding one he received entrance to the other."

He opens a little safe, documents are piled inside. He withdraws one to fill out a report of the death to send to the Manse, taking a brief statement from you and stamping it with a wax seal. He also retrieves the file on Amos, ticking his safe return (physically and mentally intact) and hands back the +20gp set aside for 'eventualities'.

"Perhaps you would do the final honour of tolling his bell?"

He gestures you through to the rear courtyard and there Sven pulls a rope fixed to a little tower a few times, the dull thuds resonating in the yard. The assembled mercenaries stop their practice routines and gather formally, doffing helmets in respect to mark one of their own passing. Then after a minute's silence they go back to what activity they pursued.

"Amos is on furlough a few days. He will return by the week's end. Should you require his or any other aid, you know where to come.

Just don't make a habit of leaving one behind. Bad for business and morale and your own reputation. "
he bids you 'good day' unless you want to plan ahead for the next expedition now.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#18 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven remains respectful throughout the proceedings, glad it didn’t go any worse.

“Though I take full responsibility for the accident, it was the good brother himself who decided to leave the safety of the group for the sake of one man, despite my warnings against it. Anyway, Amos can give you the details if you like. I am still pretty shook up about the whole thing. He was indeed a good man.”

“I’d like to keep Amos on the crew. I’d also like to replace Brother Fabian with another willing member. And if you have a good sword man to go along with him, we could use another fighter type as well.”
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#19 Post by Spearmint »

post a 4d6 vs charisma here too. Your success or failure dictates type of fighter offered.
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Re: Helix: Mercenary Guild.

#20 Post by OGRE MAGE »

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