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Official Rules

#2 Post by dmw71 »

Official Rules
The rules taken from the following books will be considered the default and will take precedence over conflicting rules from any other source, including official-D&D rulebooks:
  1. Old-School Essentials: Basic Rules - PDF $0
    OSE-BR.jpg (153.55 KiB) Viewed 895 times
  2. Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Player's Rules Tome - PDF $10
    OSE-CF-P.jpg (153.8 KiB) Viewed 895 times
  3. Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Player's Tome - PDF $15
    OSE-AF-P.jpg (190.49 KiB) Viewed 895 times
Other Options
1. These rules also get sold as individual books (e.g. Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy: Genre Rules - PDF $7.50).

These are obviously accepted as well and considered an official source.

2. The OSE SRD is available free online and is a great reference which contains the complete reproduction of the Classic Rules.

I will be sharing links from it frequently.

If you're making a Basic D&D character, this will be all the core material you'll need as any optional material present in the Advanced Fantasy rules will be defined here in the 'House Rules' topic.

3. I discovered that a significant collection of OSE products were previously made available by another DM (who's no longer active on the forums) in an archived game: Which Rules?

These files were shared as read-only (meaning, you shouldn't be able to modify, make copies of, download, etc...), and allegedly with the publisher's permission. They contain everything you could possibly need for this game.

Regarding the publisher's permission, I will take that user at their word. I won't reshare any content myself, but I will at least point out where those resources have already been shared here on these forums (and could otherwise be found through the 'search' functionality). If, at any point, that user stops sharing, all access will be lost. But, for now, they could be useful for those that aren't invested in the official OSE products.

4. If you already own the official B|X rules, or the official 1e rules (or another retro-clone of either), those can be used as well.

Again, in the event there is ever a discrepancy between another source (whether official-D&D or not), the rule in the OSE rules will always take precedence.

This is especially important if you're using the Advanced Fantasy rules and relying on official 1e documents as there is a significant difference between the two. It turns out the Advanced Fantasy rules are not meant to be a direct clone of 1e, but a representation of the 1e character options built to work within the B|X rule framework. The biggest differences that I've noticed so far are with the requirements to qualify for a particular class, which are significantly more lenient in OSE.

If you have questions, ask.
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General Game Rules

#3 Post by dmw71 »

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Campaign ID

#4 Post by dmw71 »

Campaign ID
Please use Campaign ID 918 to associate your character sheets to the campaign created for this game in the die roller.

Link to rolls made in the game:
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Private Forums

#5 Post by dmw71 »

Private Forums
Each player will have their own private forum which only the player, DM, and site admins will have access to view.

These private forums will contain:
  1. A general 'OOC: [Username]' topic to be used for any private chatter;
  2. An 'action' topic matching the corresponding action topic in the main public forum;
  3. Plus any private character details (e.g. alignment, possessions, character notes, etc...) withheld from the public character sheet.
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Posting Rules

#6 Post by dmw71 »

Posting Rate
The expected posting rate for this game will be largely character-driven, but expect updates at least once a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

Meaningful Posts
I make every effort to leave the group with a decision to make or another situation at the end of each of my updates. Please attempt to make sure your updates reflect a specific action for your character to take that addresses that decision or situation, and is not just some vague statement that does not advance the action in some way.

Missing Posts
In order to keep up a consistent pace of play, any player not posting for their character before the DM submits their update stands to have their character NPC'd. Players can (and should) provide default actions for their characters, but the DM will always attempt to play the character intelligently and in a logical manner.

Excessive Absences
Any player consistently or frequently failing to meet the expected posting deadline risks being removed from the game. The DM will attempt to contact the missing player before taking any drastic measures.
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Character Sheets

#7 Post by dmw71 »

Character Sheets
Characters should be created and maintained using the character sheet functionality in the die roller (linked to Campaign ID 918). The 'Create a character' guide is helpful for those that are new or unfamiliar with the sheet, but, as always, feel free to ask any questions in the public forum and I (or someone) will help you out.

Private Details
Any private details about a character that a player doesn't want to share publicly can be withheld from this character sheet and shared in that player's private forum.
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Die Rolls

#8 Post by dmw71 »

Die Roller
Only rolls made in the Unseen Servant die roller and linked to the campaign created for this game (Campaign ID: 918) will be accepted.
There is a detailed user's guide on how to use the die roller:

Also, user hedgeknight created a really helpful post on using the die roller which can be found here:

But, as always, feel free to ask any questions and I (or someone) will gladly provide assistance.

Initialization Roll
Only rolls made after this initialization roll by the DM will be considered:

Extra Rolls
Please create the following macro for your character(s) and include it with each action post:
As Needed: [1d20], [1d6], [1d6]

Missing Rolls
Any required rolls not provided by the player will be generated by the DM.

Unused Rolls
Any rolls supplied but not used are considered spent and will not carry over or "bank" to the following round.
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#9 Post by dmw71 »

Occasionally the rules ask you to round a result or value (e.g. saving throws). Unless instructed otherwise, all results will be rounded down.

For example, if you are asked to take half of 7, the result would be 3.

In the case of multi-classing (link) and hit points (link), any fractions are to be tracked and may add up to a whole number later on.

For example, a Fighter/Thief character gains a Thief level and the player rolls 1d4 for hit points. The result is a 3, meaning that the character gains 1.5 hit points.

The character's maximum hit point total increases by 1 and the extra 0.5 hit point is tracked.

Upon gaining a Fighter level, the player rolls 1d8 for hit points. The result is a 5, meaning that the character gains 2.5 hit points.

The character's maximum hit point total increases by 2, and the extra 0.5 hit point is added to any previously tracked fractions.

Once the sum of any tracked fractions results in 1 (or more), the character's maximum hit point total is increased by 1, and any excess fractions continue to be tracked.
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#10 Post by dmw71 »

Map Scales
Unless specifically stated otherwise, assume the following map scales:
  1. Indoor: 5-foot square
  2. Outdoor: 6-mile hex

Encounter Maps
The only time a map is guaranteed to be supplied by the DM is during an encounter, for positioning purposes.

Overview Maps
If a complete overview map is desired, a player/s is/are more than welcome to assume the role of "The Mapper."
Related: Mapper.

Character Positioning
Players are expected to communicate the desired positioning for their character, instead of the DM arbitrarily making that decision for them. This positioning may not be meaningful in every room, but there will be times when knowing where a character is, or what route they take, will be necessary.
  1. When a map is provided and your character is present on it, please provide a general indication of where your character will be at the end of their turn, and what route they took to reach that point.
    * If no route details are provided, it will be assumed that a character takes a direct line to arrive at their destination.
  2. In the event no map is provided, these character positioning rules can be ignored.
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#11 Post by dmw71 »

One player -- The Mapper -- should create a map of the areas being explored, based on the referee’s descriptions.

Or more than one player.

This role is not a requirement, but the possibility of becoming lost becomes more significant without one.

In fact, expect maps to play a (significant) part of this game. Akin to a treasure. Possibly a currency. Something that the characters should want -- to find, and create, and protect.

Any maps created by a mapper will belong to that player's character. It will be a possession. It will be something that can get lost, or destroyed, or stolen. If lost or misplaced for any reason, that character (or the group) can no longer refer to or use that map.
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Detail Tracking

#12 Post by dmw71 »

Detail Tracking
Someone (or multiple someones) should feel free to create a new topic (or topics) in the main public forum for group accounting purposes (e.g. tracking and treasure won but not individually awarded, experience points, notes from any encounters, maps, etc...).
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Reserved I

#13 Post by dmw71 »

Reserved I
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Reserved II

#14 Post by dmw71 »

Reserved II
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Character Creation

#15 Post by dmw71 »

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Character Creation Options

#16 Post by dmw71 »

Character Creation Options
This game allows two methods of character creation, one in the style of the Basic/Expert game, and one in the style of the Advanced game.

Characters created using both methods are completely compatible and may freely adventure together.

Next Step: Choose your preferred generation method:
  1. Basic Method.
  2. Advanced Method.

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Basic Method

#17 Post by dmw71 »

Basic Method
If you choose to use the Basic Method of character generation, you will skip step 2, Choose a Race.

In step 3, Choose a Class, if you select a traditional class, you will be human; if not, the race-as-class you selected will also be your race.

Next Step: 1. Roll Ability Scores.

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Advanced Method

#18 Post by dmw71 »

Advanced Method
If you choose to use the Advanced Method of character generation, you will complete step 2, Choose a Race.

Then, in step 3, Choose a Class, you will select a class eligible to your chosen race, bearing in mind the minimum ability score requirements of some classes.

Next Step: 1. Roll Ability Scores.

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1. Roll Ability Scores

#19 Post by dmw71 »

1. Roll Ability Scores

Ability Score Order
Your ability scores will be listed in the following order:

This is only worthy of mention since, beginning with 2e, the ability scores began being listed in a different order, grouping the physical and mental skills together:
2e Player Character Ability Scores.jpg
2e Player Character Ability Scores.jpg (100.8 KiB) Viewed 804 times

Please use the following macro to generate your ability scores:

[3d6], [3d6], [3d6], [3d6], [3d6], [3d6]

Either Direction
The order of these results will not change, but the list can be applied beginning in either direction -- starting with Strength or starting with Charisma.

The following rolls --

8, 5, 14, 15, 9, 14

-- could produce either of the following sets of results:

STR: 8
INT: 5
WIS: 14
DEX: 15
CON: 9
CHA: 14


STR: 14
INT: 9
WIS: 15
DEX: 14
CON: 5
CHA: 8

  1. Sub-Par Characters
  2. Dexterity (Initiative)
  3. Prime Requisite Modifiers

Next Step, if...
  1. Advanced Method: 2. Choose a Race.
  2. Basic Method: 3. Choose a Class (Basic).

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Sub-Par Characters

#20 Post by dmw71 »

Sub-Par Characters
The expectation is that characters will have lower ability scores.

Players can feel free to request a "Sub-Par Characters" exemption, but the request will only be considered in the most extreme situations (like "an 8 or less in every ability score).

  1. Dexterity (Initiative)
  2. Prime Requisite Modifiers

Next Step, if...
  1. Advanced Method: 2. Choose a Race.
  2. Basic Method: 3. Choose a Class (Basic).

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