Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#441 Post by Rex »


Mac moves to where the poltergeist is appearing and prepares to fire once its solid enough.
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#442 Post by Taaz »

Jason makes his way back to the southern corner of the room with an eye on his equipment, Uh excuse me, there is a ton of psychomagnatheric energy transference happening over here, I think maybe there's something over here we ought to take a look at.
Jason is looking around the south end for the energy's point of origin and/or the phylactery
Brains: [3d6]=9 Ghost:[1d6]=5 BP:[4d6]=18
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#443 Post by Urson »

Joker grabs Ecto 1's keys and heads for the door. He secures the traps inside the vehicle, then heads for the Firehouse. Lights, siren, horn, the whole deal.
Moves Roll +4 BP. [4d6]=19 ghost [1d6]=5
(to check his success safely driving)
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#444 Post by Bluehorse »

The Haunting of 601 North E Street
The Warlock's Presence.
September 10, 2018, 2:05 pm
Even Colder Inside - Windy outside - Rolling thunder

Joker's Field Device Timer:  13/18
Joker grabs up the used traps and the Ecto keys. His adrenaline spurring him on and some of those early memories of running through the streets as a child awakens inside him as she dashes down the 3 flights of stairs and out the front door into the wind. The clouds swirl overhead as Joker secures the traps in the Ecto and sees that they are indeed draining off quicker than they should.

He starts the Ecto and the Jeep roars to life no small part thanks to the dedicated tinkering with it over the past several weeks that has it running like new. Luckily, the trip is only a mile... unluckily, Joker will have to cut through Downtown during the busy traffic.
Okay, so the roll you gave me was good for getting down the stairs without falling on your face :) Now for the real challenge, you will have here. The 1 mile through residential areas and downtown will take 3 mins if everything goes well. You will have Lights and Sirens going, but that is only going to help get people to notice you and stop at intersections.... hopefully.

Enclosed below, is a map of your route. I have listed 5 places where you have to roll for Joker's moves... in other words, driving the Ecto.

Then there are two additional rolls, one is for Ecto Moves and Ecto Muscule (From here on being Suspension and Engine). This is for its own Handling and Acceleration.

Here is the link to those stats... which yall never really sorted out. viewtopic.php?p=398018#p398018, so for the sake of expedience, I will distribute them this way:

Engine: 6
Suspension: 6
Tough: 7
Tech: 6

Talents that might apply here are Brakes.
The penalty will be Old Shocks.

If something comes up for these, I will let you know. We will roll accordingly.

Talents are +5 and Penalties are -5. So if you miss a corner and need to roll to recover, I might add the old shocks penalty and hit you with a -5. On the other hand, if you are blasting through an intersection and roll a 1, I might say there is a truck pulls out in front of you and you need to brake, so that would be a +5.

25 Total damage before the Ecto is totaled and cannot be repaired. Damage is distributed according to what is primarily in use or by roll as needed. If one stat goes down to 0, it is out and needs repairs. Also, any and all damage received can be negated (at least a little) with the Tough Roll, but every time this is used, it will deplete by 1 until repaired.

Hope that is not too much to dump here. If yall would rather I can make this a separate thread like I did for Mac's Delirium earlier.

So Joker... I need a series of rolls as shown on the Map here. 5 for Joker's Moves, which will all be vs. 20. 5 for Ecto Suspension which are all v20 and make sure to include a Ghost Die. There will be 4 rolls for Engine which also need a Ghost Die v20.

I will look at the rolls and we will do the extra rolls as needed and I will narrate what happens if there are issues. IF you make all successful rolls, feel free to narrate everything as you see fit with near misses or amazing successes as the dice indicate. :) I hope this will be fun for us to watch.

Joker's Route:
JokerMap.jpg (231.39 KiB) Viewed 337 times
Roy tries to make a connections with Kelly as they move to the Attic as Lionel playfully ribs him about playing nerd games...
Capture.JPG (24.75 KiB) Viewed 337 times
Kelly moves with him into the attic area, her eyes alert. Later, hun. Something is happening...

Elizabeth elbows Lionel. Focus! and she points to a space where there is something that simply makes no logical sense...

There is a point in the middle of the air where it ripples for a moment. Then there is a visible pinprick which slowly becomes later. As it does, there is a swirl of darkness surrounded by a blueish aura that somewhat resembles water going down a drain, but it seems to suck in all the light and heat as it does, the attic getting otherworldly cold.
The darkness seems to get larger and larger until finally, it begins to morph into the shape of a man with the same glowing blue aura around him that seems to still be sucking in the energy and not giving it up. Equally blue eyes open and look around at everyone assembled in the attic. The shape becomes a distinct outline of a man with a cane but otherwise, it is devoid of features other than the almost smokey blue eyes. Oh, you have cost me a lot of work today... but it is no matter. All can be mended easily enough. The eyes settle on Mac just as he readies his proton pack. Oh, you won't be needing that...

Blue Phantasm Drain:
Blue Phantasm Drain v40: [8d6]=25 G: [1d6]=3 G: [1d6]=6

In an instant... Every proton pack sounds an alarm as something disrupts the internal workings. Usually, they are slightly warm while operating... now they feel.... cold on the ghostbusters' backs. Looking at the small readout on the wands, there is an indicator you have only ever seen in textbooks.
The cores have gone alarmingly cold and need to warm up to recover. You are operating at about 15% power! You will have to wait for the coils to warm up again as the packs recover. This......... this usually only happens with old packs, after damage, extensive use without maintenance, or other types of extreme neglect. The warlock seemed to just disable your tech with little more than a thought.

One round for them to recover. So you have time for another full round of dialogue here and can respond after the next big post or if you have other ideas for actions now, but the proton packs are in recovery mode now.
Hmmm... not the effect I would have hoped for... but close... Now... While your toys recover, let me advise you to not interfere with anything else I am doing here. You have been amusing so far, even today when you undo so much work, but stick to your little pest control matters and keep away from my greater work. I have done far too much and come too close to allow you to stop me now...

Jason sees the readings and what is before them. He is now sure there is a warlock involved. A mortal being who either has... or is looking to make a pact with a higher power to cast magic on the mortal plane. Everything points to this being a manifestation he has created to project himself here, which coincides with...

A phylactery... He would need a phylactery nearby to do this so effectively, which he must be now meaning to protect. Jason tries to block out the realization of what else a phylactery could entail for the warlock's goals...

Jessica looks on with wide eyes... the calm she has had until now broken. I... I've seen you...

Blue Phantasm turns to face her and his blue eyes twinkle a moment. Yes. I believe you have... in your dreams. Your coven can only do so much. Clearly, you cannot stand up to me... You and all the rest of the Blackwell witches would do well to join me... or stay out of the way.
Either way is fine with me. But this...
he turns addressing everyone in the attic. This Is unfortunately the only warning I am going to give you. After all... I am a gentleman, not a saint. Now, I'd advise you all to leave. I have much work to fix what you have unraveled here and doing so like this is so tedious for a man my age.

Elizabeth to Lionel: Put me down! We have to find where his Phylactery is before he does something else! It has to be hidden somewhere nearby or he wouldn't be here. He's scared we are about to find it! she hisses.

Kelly nods and shouts: Fan out! Everyone! Try to find something that looks off!

Jessica has checked out mentally as she goes pale, staring at the Phantasm of the warlock... she cannot think clearly.
. .
Everyone's PKE readouts are going wild. There is a sharp spike in energy even while it seems to get sucked up from everywhere else.

Joker would also be getting these updates on his phone. So let's add an additional Cool Roll v20 for him. If you succeed, you work past it. Staying professional and on the task at hand. If not... Add a -5 penalty for nerves on your Moves Rolls.

Blue Phantasm there is the sound of a sigh. Don't make me do this. Though I am eager to see what my growing powers could do, I would rather not expend the energy at this particular juncture. It would be most inconvenient.

Ecto: 1 PKE Extention for Phones, PKE Extention, Ecto Goggles - M, 1 Slime Blower, 1 Sniffer
Jason: Phone, Proton Pack
Lionel: Phone, Proton Pack
Roy: Phone, Proton Pack, Trap, Ecto Goggles - M
Joker: Ecto Keys, Phone, Trap - Poltergeist!,Trap - Poltergeist!, Trap - Warlock's Poltergeist!
Mac: Phone, Proton Pack, Ecto Goggle - A.
Witches: Mary Duncan's Book of Shadows, Hex Bag
Joker's Field Generator: Sandwichboarded to the Livingroom Floor. [Proton Pack, PKE - A, 2 Traps cobbled together for a Field Generating Device]
Brownie Point Spending:
Jason -4 to Rolls.
Joker -4 to Rolls.

Brownie Point Pool:
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: 175/214 @@
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 159/188 @
Roy O'Dowd: 134/157 @@
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal: 214/260
David "Mac" McAuslan: 121/191

Jessica: 41/75
Kelly: 49/75
Elizabeth: 47/75

@ = One free re-roll without ghost die.  Merry Christmas 2019 & 2020!
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#445 Post by Taaz »

Jason looks around the room quickly and decides if you cant do something smart, to do something brave. He clips his wand to his belt, takes a few steps tword the projection, And who are you? What should I call you, Blue Meanie? And folds his arms and smirks.
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#446 Post by Scott308 »

Lionel "Freight Train" Williams

Lionel very carefully sets Elizabeth down, trying to jostle her injured ankle as little as possible. He then begins frantically searching the attic for...something. If there is furniture or other large/ heavy objects, he will move them in order to check behind to make sure nothing is hidden where most people could not find it.
Last edited by Scott308 on Fri May 28, 2021 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#448 Post by Urson »

:o :o :o :shock: :shock: Hoo boy... I'll get back to you on all this.
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#449 Post by Rex »


Mac will search for the phylactery and keep an eye on where his pack is at in the recharge cycle.

Cool +4BP [6d6]=27 ghost die [1d6]=1
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#450 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Roy heads to where the commotion is and starts looking for anything out of place or "strange" "You know Lionel not everyone can be a closet nerd like you. Some of us are proud of it and own it." he ribs back.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#451 Post by Bluehorse »

GreyWolfVT wrote: Thu May 27, 2021 4:12 pm Roy heads to where the commotion is and starts looking for anything out of place or "strange" "You know Lionel not everyone can be a closet nerd like you. Some of us are proud of it and own it." he ribs back.
That will also be a Mod Cool for perception from Roy.
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#453 Post by GreyWolfVT »

“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#454 Post by Urson »

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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#456 Post by Bluehorse »

Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm Joker
cool: [6d6]=19 Ghost [1d6]=1+4 BP
Ouch. By 1 getting at least partial success.
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pmMoves: 2 ES= Ecto Suspension EE= Ecto Engine
1st leg
J:[3d6]=16 ghost [1d6]=1 +2BP 16-5=11 Fail.
ES:[5d6]=14 ghost [1d6]=4 18-5=13 Fail.
EE:[5d6]=24 ghost [1d6]=6 30 Plenty Fast!
Joker is visibly rattled by the alarms on his phone for the PKE readouts. He can only guess at what is going on, but the prevailing thought is: This is bad... Really bad...

He starts the Ecto and puts it into gear and... misses a gear. +10 secs Once he gets the Ecto moving backward and not forward towards the house, he then overcorrects with the wheel not realizing how top-heavy the Jeep is on the wobbly suspension. He hops off the curb and is jostled side to side as the Jeep bounces and straightens. +10 secs

When he smashes the gas, the engine lurches forward and Joker is finally on the move. -5 secs.

The jostling of the Jeep should not have had too bad an effect on the equipment but something is off. Joker hears a Beep! Beep! from the traps. This usually warns there is only 1 hour of energy left... but they just said 8 hours?!

Again the thought: This is bad... Really bad...

Round 1 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:15.
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm 2nd Leg
J:[5d6]=15 ghost [1d6]=6 +3BP 21-5=16 Fail.
ES:[5d6]=20 ghost [1d6]=4 24-5=19 Fail
EE:[5d6]=20 ghost [1d6]=5 25 Still Fast!
Joker moves to the corner of the street and yanks the wheel trying not to oversteer like before and cuts the corner, hobbling the curb again. +5 secs

Roll Suspension (5d6) v20 -5 for Old Shocks Penalty. Failure means you take 1d6 DMG to the Jeep, Minus the Tough Roll which is 7d6.

IF you need to roll for tough, then the following Tough roll will be -1d6 and so on until that stat is degenerative with use.

Once the corner is navigated, Joker can breathe a little relief as he sees a straightaway ahead of him and he can smash the gas again. Luckily, what few cars and people he sees seem to be heeding the lights and siren and staying out of the way as the Jeep carries him forward, proving the engine is still sound! -5secs

Round 2 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:15. Unresolved.
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm 3rd Leg
J:[5d6]=18 ghost [1d6]=6 +3BP 24-5=19 Fail.
ES:[5d6]=20 ghost [1d6]=6 26-5=21 Finally getting a handle on the steering!
EE:[5d6]=21 ghost [1d6]=6 27 Still Fast!
Joker is still rattled from the multiple alarms from his PKE and now another series of Beep, Beeps! from the traps. 45mins on the batteries?! How are they draining so fast?! This is bad... Really bad...

He comes up on the big intersection on Garrison Ave. It is busy! He has lights, sirens, a blaring horn, and a can do attitude, but it is not enough to catch the attention of a big truck passing through the intersection. Joker once more tries to steer past, but the truck is moving too quickly and Joker has to slam on the brakes. +5 secs

Roll Suspension v20 but with the +5 for Brakes. Fail means a 1d6 DMG - Tough Roll as before.

After, Joker is able to successfully weave around since everyone has stopped to see the spectical and once more the motor roars to life as he smashes the gas to take advantage of the horsepower and people in general getting out of the way. -10 secs for Suspension and Engine rolls.

Round 3 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:10. Unresolved.

Joker can see at this point that at the rate of battery decay, he needs to get the traps to containment within 2mins. If he cannot get there, he is not sure the traps will be able to hold them poltergeist inside. If they are let loose now, they likely will be able to run rampant through the city since their anchor at the house has been effectively severed, and more to the point, he would have 3 angry ghosts in the Jeep with him!
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm 4th Leg
J:[5d6]=15 ghost [1d6]=6 +3 BP 21-5=16 Fail.
ES:[5d6]=14 ghost [1d6]=5 19-5=14 Fail. Maybe not?
EE:[5d6]=19 ghost [1d6]=4 23
Joker makes it to the turn from Garrison to Towson. This is another super busy intersection and Joker's nerves get the best of him again as he tries to muscle his way in and it simply doesn't work out. He finds himself in a tangle of traffic moving in three different ways and it is all he can do to not ram into one care and not ram into another. +10 secs for each failed roll so far.

Let's make this easy... ish...

Two moves rolls v20. Fail = Damage Roll 1d6 - Tough as before. Each fail means you hit something or your jerking around on the controls has damaged something mechanically. I will resolve this in your next round like the others. I am rooting for you! Hope the Touch stat has held out this long!!!

The Traps continue to beep out their warnings! Pending how things go with these goes here, there is also the -5 sec taken off for the successful engine roll.

Round 4 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:25. Unresolved.
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm 5th Leg
J:[5d6]=23 ghost [1d6]=2 +3BP 25-5=20
ES:[5d6]=18 ghost [1d6]=3 21-5=16 Fail.
Joker is making it to the home stretch. He can see the Firehouse from here! He accelerates down the Ave and luckily the engine is holding out. It is when he enters into the parking lot behind the Firehouse, that the shocks cause the Jeep to rock and roll a little on it's way down the ramp into the basement where the Containment Unit is located. +5 secs

Roll moves v20 +5 for brakes to come to a stop before something bad happens. As before... 1d6 DMG for a failed roll - whatever Tough is left.

Round 4 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:30. Unresolved.
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm :eek: :eek: we're doomed....
So this is going to be a glorious disaster... I did not think it would be this bad! LOL!

Just for keeping things rolling, give me an additional moves roll from Joker to get the Traps from the Ecto to the Containment. Let's see how he does!
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#457 Post by Urson »

Joker is concentrating, trying to emulate the taxi drivers in the Old City portion of Istanbul: Swear loudly, insult their heritage, and take your Right of Way by force if you have to!

Leg 1: Suspension [5d6]=16-5 [7d6]=21 tough

Leg 2: Suspension [5d6]=20+5

Leg 3:Suspension [5d6]=16

Leg 4: [5d6]=19+5

Carrying traps:[4d6]=14 ghost [1d6]=3 +3 BP.

I hope I didn't skip anything.

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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#458 Post by Bluehorse »

The Haunting of 601 North E Street
The Warlock's Presence.
September 10, 2018, 2:10 pm
Even Colder Inside - Windy outside - Rolling thunder

Joker's Field Device Timer:  14/18
Bluehorse wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 6:04 pm
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm Joker
cool: [6d6]=19 Ghost [1d6]=1+4 BP
Ouch. By 1 getting at least partial success.
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pmMoves: 2 ES= Ecto Suspension EE= Ecto Engine
1st leg
J:[3d6]=16 ghost [1d6]=1 +2BP 16-5=11 Fail.
ES:[5d6]=14 ghost [1d6]=4 18-5=13 Fail.
EE:[5d6]=24 ghost [1d6]=6 30 Plenty Fast!
Joker is visibly rattled by the alarms on his phone for the PKE readouts. He can only guess at what is going on, but the prevailing thought is: This is bad... Really bad...

He starts the Ecto and puts it into gear and... misses a gear. +10 secs Once he gets the Ecto moving backward and not forward towards the house, he then overcorrects with the wheel not realizing how top-heavy the Jeep is on the wobbly suspension. He hops off the curb and is jostled side to side as the Jeep bounces and straightens. +10 secs

When he smashes the gas, the engine lurches forward and Joker is finally on the move. -5 secs.

The jostling of the Jeep should not have had too bad an effect on the equipment but something is off. Joker hears a Beep! Beep! from the traps. This usually warns there is only 1 hour of energy left... but they just said 8 hours?!

Again the thought: This is bad... Really bad...
Round 1 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:15.
Bluehorse wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 6:04 pm
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm 2nd Leg
J:[5d6]=15 ghost [1d6]=6 +3BP 21-5=16 Fail.
ES:[5d6]=20 ghost [1d6]=4 24-5=19 Fail
EE:[5d6]=20 ghost [1d6]=5 25 Still Fast!
Joker moves to the corner of the street and yanks the wheel trying not to oversteer like before and cuts the corner, hobbling the curb again. +5 secs

Roll Suspension (5d6) v20 -5 for Old Shocks Penalty. Failure means you take 1d6 DMG to the Jeep, Minus the Tough Roll which is 7d6.

IF you need to roll for tough, then the following Tough roll will be -1d6 and so on until that stat is degenerative with use.

Once the corner is navigated, Joker can breathe a little relief as he sees a straightaway ahead of him and he can smash the gas again. Luckily, what few cars and people he sees seem to be heeding the lights and siren and staying out of the way as the Jeep carries him forward, proving the engine is still sound! -5secs
Urson wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 4:30 pm Joker
Joker is concentrating, trying to emulate the taxi drivers in the Old City portion of Istanbul: Swear loudly, insult their heritage, and take your Right of Way by force if you have to!

Leg 2: Suspension [5d6]=16-5 [7d6]=21 tough
Joker is not able to keep the Jeep from suffering as he bounds off the curb. Luckily it is still based on an old tough army design that has held true for almost 80 years. The Jeep takes the rough treatment like a champ and thunders on under the guidance of the anxious Turk.

Round 2 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:15.

Tough: 6/7
Bluehorse wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 6:04 pm
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm 3rd Leg
J:[5d6]=18 ghost [1d6]=6 +3BP 24-5=19 Fail.
ES:[5d6]=20 ghost [1d6]=6 26-5=21 Finally getting a handle on the steering!
EE:[5d6]=21 ghost [1d6]=6 27 Still Fast!
Joker is still rattled from the multiple alarms from his PKE and now another series of Beep, Beeps! from the traps. 45mins on the batteries?! How are they draining so fast?! This is bad... Really bad...

He comes up on the big intersection on Garrison Ave. It is busy! He has lights, sirens, a blaring horn, and a can do attitude, but it is not enough to catch the attention of a big truck passing through the intersection. Joker once more tries to steer past, but the truck is moving too quickly and Joker has to slam on the brakes. +5 secs

Roll Suspension v20 but with the +5 for Brakes. Fail means a 1d6 DMG - Tough Roll as before.

After, Joker is able to successfully weave around since everyone has stopped to see the spectical and once more the motor roars to life as he smashes the gas to take advantage of the horsepower and people in general getting out of the way. -10 secs for Suspension and Engine rolls.
Urson wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 4:30 pmLeg 3: Suspension [5d6]=20+5
The brakes, praise be, are in great condition. And Joker is narrowly able to stop in time before the Ecto kisses the front of the heavy truck that simply cannot stop or swerve in time. The driver of the vehicle having the awareness and sense at least to just get out of the way after they miss by mere inches, and Joker can continue on!

Round 3 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:10.

Tough: 6/7
Bluehorse wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 6:04 pmJoker can see at this point that at the rate of battery decay, he needs to get the traps to containment within 2mins. If he cannot get there, he is not sure the traps will be able to hold them poltergeist inside. If they are let loose now, they likely will be able to run rampant through the city since their anchor at the house has been effectively severed, and more to the point, he would have 3 angry ghosts in the Jeep with him!
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm 4th Leg
J:[5d6]=15 ghost [1d6]=6 +3 BP 21-5=16 Fail.
ES:[5d6]=14 ghost [1d6]=5 19-5=14 Fail. Maybe not?
EE:[5d6]=19 ghost [1d6]=4 23
Bluehorse wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 6:04 pmJoker makes it to the turn from Garrison to Towson. This is another super busy intersection and Joker's nerves get the best of him again as he tries to muscle his way in and it simply doesn't work out. He finds himself in a tangle of traffic moving in three different ways and it is all he can do to not ram into one care and not ram into another. +10 secs for each failed roll so far.

Let's make this easy... ish...

Two moves rolls v20. Fail = Damage Roll 1d6 - Tough as before. Each fail means you hit something or your jerking around on the controls has damaged something mechanically. I will resolve this in your next round like the others. I am rooting for you! Hope the Touch stat has held out this long!!!

The Traps continue to beep out their warnings! Pending how things go with these goes here, there is also the -5 sec taken off for the successful engine roll.
Urson wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 4:30 pmLeg 4:Suspension [5d6]=16 Would have been -5 but failed anyway. :(

Still at 6 tough so here is the extra dice:
[1d6]=5 6 plus 18 means no damage :) Yay!
Joker manages to weave between the cars and push his way through without causing any misdemeanors (though the laws on lights and sirens make that a little hazy. At least there will be no insurance claims.) Still, the poor suspension groans and pops under the strain and Joker has to wonder what kind of wear and tear he is adding to the Jeep as he guns it for the finish line.

Round 4 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:25.

Tough: 5/7
Bluehorse wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 6:04 pm
Urson wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 2:47 pm 5th Leg
J:[5d6]=23 ghost [1d6]=2 +3BP 25-5=20
ES:[5d6]=18 ghost [1d6]=3 21-5=16 Fail.
Urson wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 4:30 pmLeg 4: [5d6]=19+5
Joker is making it to the home stretch. He can see the Firehouse from here! He accelerates down the Ave and luckily the engine is holding out. It is when he enters into the parking lot behind the Firehouse, that the shocks cause the Jeep to rock and roll a little on it's way down the ramp into the basement where the Containment Unit is located. +5 secs

Roll moves v20 +5 for brakes to come to a stop before something bad happens. As before... 1d6 DMG for a failed roll - whatever Tough is left.
The brakes save Joker from running the Ecto clear across the basement garage and causing who knows what kinds of damage to the firehouse and equipment, much less the Ecto itself. Thowing it into park, the Containment unit is in sight! The Traps are beeping! Will he make it in time?!

Round 5 Summary: DMG: 0/25. ETA: 1:30.
Urson wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 4:30 pmCarrying traps:[4d6]=14 ghost [1d6]=3 +3 BP.
Joker gets to the Containment unit, adrenaline carrying him fast! He works as fast as he can... pushing the process to it's limits... he has meer seconds as he begins putting the final one in place!!!

Open the unit...
8 seconds... The Trap reads critical failure is imminent!
Unlock the system...
7 Seconds... It is beginning to rattle in your hands!
Insert the trap...
6 seconds... You can actually feel the trap flexing and resisting going into the containment!
5 seconds... There is a loud whirl as if the Containment unit isn't quite able to pull in the last poltergeist!!!
4 seconds... Even closing the airlock seems to have unusual resistance!
3 seconds... You feel like there is an almost magnetic resistance to the locking mechanism!
Set your entry grid...
2 seconds... The Unit flutters as if there is an interruption!
Neutronize the field...
1 second... There is a roar that is all too familiar from within the unit!!!
Then... just as it gets louder it quickly fades away into nothing and...
Light is green, the trap is clean...
Urson wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 4:30 pmI hope I didn't skip anything.

Janine: "Yeah, it's a sign- 'Going out of Business'..
Your money :)

Just FYI. You have in a very short amount of time used more BPs than the average person would have total. So you are still plenty high in BPs but you are definitely feeling the strain right now. Not going to make you roll anything else for the moment, but just wanted to have you note this so you can RP accordingly. You can even treat it as being in the "zone" like a marathon runner where it will simply come crashing down on you later, treat it as you will. Like I said, no game mechanic changes yet, just flavor will be fine. Hope you enjoyed this! Now you just have to make a decision of what to do next and possibly do it all over again in reverse! :twisted:

Engine: 6
Suspension: 6
Tough: 5/7
Tech: 6

Talents that might apply here are Brakes.
The penalty will be Old Shocks.

Mac doesn't see anything that immediately jumps out and says
strange supernatural object,
but he can realize that the entity before them certainly seems to not be going out of his way to move from the spot where he is standing. Could he be there for a reason? Is that a clue?

Mac, forgetting at that moment to mind his trigger finger, he fires his proton pack prematurely and the beam fizzles out the end unable to perform the desired effect since it lacks the virility of a full charge. How embarrassing. He looks down to see he just blew the power load before it could start and he is back to square one. He has to wait for it to build again. One more turn for Mac. Sorry, the ghost die has spoken.

Blue Phantasm turns and looks to Mac. Tut, tut, Mr. MacAustin. Your technology will not work here. Please, mind your manners.
I am being very patient, but these patience have limits that we are beginning to approach.

Taaz wrote: Thu May 27, 2021 2:39 am Jason... And who are you? What should I call you, Blue Meanie? And folds his arms and smirks.
Jason tries to bluff the Phantasm before him, but it only flicks a glance his way. Please, Dr. O'Roarke, we are civilized and educated men, these sorts of nonsense do not behoove us. We should be setting the example for the rest.

Lionel looks around but other than a few oddball things here and there the space seems remarkably empty. There is an old chair over there... a cardboard box over there, but it is tumped over revealing an old set of crockery.

This time it is Roy who has the burst of inspiration. He remembers a time in his teen years when he needed to hide his Sci-Fi comics from an overprotective mother. There was a small part of his wall where it was sectioned off to keep the rooms even, creating a void inside. He cannot be sure if this is exactly the case but he looks anyway and sees that the part of the wall that the Blue Phantasm is standing in front of has a section that has been puddied over some time ago and repainted. It is well done, but still doesn't quite match the rest of the wall since the edges are a little smoother than the rest.

Jessica, Kelly, Elizabeth, and the other witches begin linking hands and begin chanting...

Blue Phantasm

Ecto: 1 PKE Extention for Phones, PKE Extention, Ecto Goggles - M, 1 Slime Blower, 1 Sniffer
Jason: Phone, Proton Pack
Lionel: Phone, Proton Pack
Roy: Phone, Proton Pack, Trap, Ecto Goggles - M
Joker: Ecto Keys, Phone, Traps x3 - no charge. Will need 2 full rounds in the Containment unit to charge each before meeting minimum requirements.
Mac: Phone, Proton Pack, Ecto Goggle - A.
Witches: Mary Duncan's Book of Shadows, Hex Bag
Joker's Field Generator: Sandwichboarded to the Livingroom Floor. [Proton Pack, PKE - A, 2 Traps cobbled together for a Field Generating Device]

Brownie Point Spending:
Mac -4 to Rolls.
Joker -21 to Rolls.
Roy -3 to Rolls.

Brownie Point Pool:
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: 175/214 @@
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 159/188 @
Roy O'Dowd: 131/157 @@
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal: 193/260
David "Mac" McAuslan: 113/191

Jessica: 41/75
Kelly: 49/75
Elizabeth: 47/75

@ = One free re-roll without ghost die.  Merry Christmas 2019 & 2020!
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#459 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Roy points out the section of wall "There is something hidden in the wall there right behind that phantom, you can't easily make it out but someone tried to cover up a void in the wall they created with putty and paint."
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Re: Investigation #5: Joker, Roy, & Mac: The Haunting of 601 North E Street

#460 Post by Rex »


Mumbles, "Son of a .." He then starts to work his way around to where Roy is pointing out, he knows he is good a breaking things and this looks like it may call for exactly that.

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