Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#601 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Although still in need of a bath, Jaxsen is glad that he took an opportunity to wash off the worst of what he has crawled through when Daisy hugs him. "I am well, Mayor. No new wounds, although there are some old ones still in need of tending." Jax sits down, crosslegged, so to give the Mayor the height advantage. As the girls bring him food he bows his head and thanks them. "I am hungry, so if you do not mind, I will tell you what I learned while I eat?"

I can't see Daisy standing on this formality, so...

"It was not what I feared, but in some ways, it was worse. I saw no indication that the Dwarves are victim of the parasite that took over the Constable. They spoke their own language and lived as we would expect. They set proper watches, and seem to be very dedicated to their security. And they eat normal food and celebrate as we would expect."

Jaxsen picks up a stick and begins to lay out the parts of the mining compound he saw.

"But, as a group, they are very Un-Dwarf-like. They are using slave labor in their mine ... men, women and children. And they are keeping them on the very edge of starvation and under armed guard. I did not get a very good look at them, but the slaves seemed to be mostly human. If we have any missing members of our community that are not known to be dead, I would suspect they might be there. And when we make contact with the natives, we need to find out who they have missing, as well."

As he continues to draw the area of the compound, he continues, "As for the mine itself, it is an open pit mine. Very simple. As you can see from my drawing, it is very large and I didn't get to see the other side. So the far side must contain a very considerable amount of removed earth. They have habitations here.. and here.. and here. And perhaps on the other side of the trail here."

"They are also making improvements to the trail to their mine. Just before I left, I saw detachments being sent out to widen their trail. As of the time I left, they were working down to this point." Jaxsen shows the last place he heard the chopping and clearing sounds. "And mind you, I am only assuming they are widening the trail. It could be that they are waylaying it up to there."

"They also seem to have increased their patrols on the trails. Not a lot, but I saw two different patrols on the way back." Jaxsen reddens just a bit. "I am not sure, but that last bit might be because of me. I was seen, just barely, by a single Dwarf, who later could not prove he saw me. They looked, but they never got a second glimpse. But it may be that they increased their patrols because of it."

Jax looks at what he has drawn in the sand. "If you'll get me some paper and a stylus, I'll make you a better map."
"There is no spoon."
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#602 Post by Urson »

Daisy flutters around Jax while he tells his story- until he gets to the part with the slave labor. She grows very quiet, her face pale and tight. We cain't allow this. We have to stop them.

She fetches paper and a charcoal stick, and lets him draw out the map. Ah'll want you to tell your story for the Council. They'll have questions Ah wouldn't think of, Ah'm sure. For now, ya'll just rest and relax. You're safe.

Moving to "Everyday Life" to call a meeting.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#603 Post by Paladin »

Sir William Narramore

I can't recall if he's conscious at this point or not, but I think so. :lol:

Attracted by the commotion, the haggard knight trudges closer to hear his comrade's report. His expression darkens at the mention of malnourished slaves and the muscles in his jaw clench. "Faithless swine," he whispers sharply. "Let me regain my strength and I will cut a red swathe through their savage hides." Narramore's blood is up, but his body is not yet in a state to act on his anger. He sighs and designs himself to waiting...resting. Healing while he dreams of converting or killing the heathen. Mostly killing.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#604 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen notes the reactions from Daisy and Sir William. He nods at the offer of the paper and charcoal stick and draws a very detailed map of what he saw, careful to indicate the areas he did NOT see, as well. "Of course, I'll tell the council everything I know. But now, I need to clean myself, make thanks to my Queen, and rest and heal." With a bow, Jax excuses himself and returns to the beach. He carefully cleans himself, both physically and with the spiritual cleansing rituals of his order. "Thank You, O Queen of hives and swarms. Your faithful grub has accomplished his tasks and aided his hive only through your graces. I clean myself so as to be ready for the next task You see fit to send me. Strengthen me, O Queen and smile upon my endeavors, that I may, in turn, bring strength and prosperity to my own hive. Thank You." He then returns to the House of Healing, turns himself over to their care, and gets some rest.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#606 Post by OGRE MAGE »

That's no problem.

We can move all of this discussion over there now.
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